Friday, May 23, 2008

Fastest and Healthiest Weight Loss Program - What You've Never Been Told

What is a factor in how to lose weight fast that isn't directly related to a diet or exercise program? Did you know that a combination of non-diet, and non-exercise related factors can actually increase your fast weight loss goal successes up to four times? If you're looking to lose 10 pounds in a week or just lose 15 pounds fast, these factors can make all the difference!

According to studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), there are definitely slower and faster ways to lose weight.

Following are some little-known tips that can help you evaluate whether a program will promote fast weight loss while still being healthy. These factors were found in a variety of studies showing significant differences than their counterparts in promoting faster and/or better long-term results.

The fastest and healthiest weight loss program should:

  • Be a commercial directed program rather than self-study

    • A detailed food plan
    • An activity plan
    • A behaviormodification plan focused primarily on cognitive restructuring

  • Reduce calories as well as fat in the diet plan

  • Offer a prepared meal plan (31% more weight loss on average with this factor alone)

    • Pre-cooked meals designed to meet strict diet plan guidelines
    • Prepared snacks are available to meet energy requirements

  • Encourage regular physical exercise more than 200 minutes per week

  • Be web-based or a well-supported group therapy program

    • Participant logs onto the website frequently or attends regular meetings
    • Participation in support modalities is encouraged regularly and followed up on by interventionists.

  • Engage the participant in behavior therapy

    • Regular online submission of self-monitoring diaries with individualized therapist feedback
    • Online forum
    • Regularly emailed behavioral lessons

  • Have counseling done by a human via email rather than computer-automated counseling

Whether you want to lose 15 pounds fast, or just lose 10 pounds in a week, these factors are important. Finding a fast and healthy weight loss program that offers several of these factors could be a significant enhancement towards reaching your weight goals. Probably the best point would be to look for a program that offers prepared meals. Just prepared meals alone can up your weight loss an average of 31 percent-and it also greatly enhances quality of life, ease of participation, and longevity in the program.

Sofia Taylor specializes in weight-loss oriented research. Stop trying diets destined for failure. Sign up for a diet food delivery service today. Let them take the stress and hassle out of managing your diet. Check it out at


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