Saturday, May 17, 2008

Medifast Program - An Overview From Someone Who's Had Success

I've been on the medifast diet plan for about six months am approaching a 60 pound weight loss. I know from my own experience the kinds of questions someone researching the program may have. Here is my overview which will hopefully give you a glimpse of what to expect on this plan.

Medifast is a prepackaged diet plan. There are a wide variety of different safe foods from which you can choose. The program offers women's, men's, and diabetic programs. However, most people (myself included) are on the five plus one plan. Because this is both the plan with which I have personal experience and the most popular, this is the plan I'll be discussing.

One attractive thing about medifast is that you eat quite often. This helps me with cravings and hunger. You chose five safe medifast meals per day and you prepare one larger, main "lean and green" meal on your own. This main meal is typically lean protein with vegetables, fruits and whole grains. I make this process easier with a George Foreman grill and bagged salads, fruits and veggies.

The program does offer a lot of variety in the prepackaged meals. There are eggs, oatmeals, soups, stews, chilis, crackers, bars, puddings, shakes, lattes, cappuccinos, and fruit drinks, etc. Most of these foods are pretty good as offered. I often add even more variety by adding sugar and fat free syrups (I like caramel and cherry) to many of the products. I also like to add fat free cheese, sour cream and salsa to the eggs, chilis and stews. There are also many recipes readily available that allow you to take the medifast meal ingredients and make them into something else entirely like cookies, muffins, cakes, etc.

Most people typically will purchase the four week package which contains over 140 meals. This gives you everything you need to get started. You'll only need groceries for your lean and green meals. In my opinion, this program is very convenient in that there are no points to tally or calories to count. You just chose from the safe choices that you're given and prepare your main meal. Many of the products are pretty much grab and go.

Price wise, medifast runs about $8-$10 per day which is less than I was spending on groceries and occasional lunches out. There are usually coupons and specials available as well.

The company states that typical weight loss is about 2-3 pounds per week. My typical weight loss has averaged about four pounds per week but it has varied. Plus, after I started to see results, I began to add regular power walking and exercise into my plan and this has no doubt contributed to my success.

I have tried and failed at many diet plans previously. I feel that I have had success this time because I was able to eat carbs and snacks, the program was convenient and I was given many safe choices from which to choose. Thankfully, I can now focus more attention on healing my body, my daughter, my upcoming wedding and adding exercise and toning into my life.

Lindsey Price has lost almost 60 pounds on Medifast. She is also the author of the ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast" which includes tips, recipies and coupons. To get a free copy (immediate download / no information required), click here You can also visit her diet review website at


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