Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weight-Loss in the 21st Century

Now that the New Year is behind us, it seems that everyone is looking for a way to shed those unwanted pounds.

There are 100's of choices, low fat, no fat, low carb, no carb, liquid diets, and of course all the groups you can join, just to name a few. All of them come with guarantees of your excess pounds just melting away as we starve, diet, and exercise.

Nothing can take the place of a healthy diet and regular exercise, no matter what we do, if we don't change the existing habits that we developed to become overweight in the first place. Chances are good that we will gain the weight back. The yo-yo effect is not healthy and can send our metabolism into a state of panic. Don't go looking for the drop 20 pounds in a week deal, it is not healthy and not sustainable. Be honest with yourself, look at your diet and weekly menu. Where can you start introducing healthy, fresh food that will jump start your system and feed your body the vitamins and minerals that your system needs to build a foundation for the lean and mean you!

Breakfast is a great time to introduce fresh fruit, grapefruit, oranges, and many others. Don't be afraid to try new things, star fruit, passion fruit, and pamelos are all great exotic fruits.

Start walking and don't use the weather as an excuse, mall walking has become very popular and many malls open their doors early just to accommodate the growing trend of mall walkers in areas where the weather can be too harsh to venture outside. You will find friendly, like minded individuals like yourself that are trying to get that dose of regular exercise and trim the excess pounds from their frames.

Farmer's markets are good for two things, first, you can get great deals on really fresh produce and second, you have to walk around to check out all the great deals. The smells, the colors, and selection can be invigorating and will get you to come back again and again. Make friends with a few of the vendors and I am sure you will walk away with some great deals and tips from your new friends.

Start a recipe swap club, if you are like my wife and love to cook, the internet offers many thousands of recipes and variations on old favorites. While you are gathering all those mouth-watering recipes, swap them with friends that you know will enjoy the great pasta salad or fresh bread recipe that you found.

All in all, losing those extra pounds can be seen as a new adventure that you have begun. Remember to have fun, remember that it is a new adventure and most of all look forward to fitting into the great new outfits you will be buying soon!

Jim W.
I am a Technical Writer by trade and a webmaster in my free time.
My current home page is:


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