The low carbohydrate style diet, and there are many variations, are popular for two main reasons; firstly, the initial weight loss is dramatic and secondly, those following such a diet have permission to eat brie, bacon, steaks and other foods usually forbidden when on a 'diet'.
If you are considering a low carbohydrate diet you need to know the facts, and the possible damage you can do to yourself. While it's unlikely you'll drop dead on the spot, the detrimental effects on your health are real, long lasting and can be experienced virtually from day one.
1. A low carb diet depletes the healthy storage of glucose (glycogen) in your muscles and liver. When you deplete this store, you become dehydrated and this is what causes the dramatic weight loss in the first week or two. The loss on the scales is due to dehydration and muscle loss, not fat loss.
2. This depletion of muscle glycogen causes you to feel tired easily, and makes exercising difficult. A reluctance to exercise means your caloric expenditure is low and your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn the energy in your food) declines.
3.When the body does not have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, it burns muscle and fat. Loss of muscle causes a decrease in your metabolic rate. Less muscle and muscle tone means a slower metabolism, which means fewer calories are burned each day. Aesthetically, this means your muscles and skin lack tone, and you will soon lose your look of vibrancy, however little you had to begin with!
4.Not all carbohydrates are the enemies in the weight loss war. While, everyone knows that lollies, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks are unhealthy and add extra kilos, some carbohydrates are very healthy and give us the energy we need to get through our day and do some extra exercising. Examples of good carbohydrates include: wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta, brown rice, fruit, vegetables and legumes.
Just like with proteins and fats, these carbohydrates should be eaten in moderation. Large volumes of any proteins, fats or carbohydrates are not conducive to weight loss and health. This is why watching your portion size is an essential part of switching to a new, healthy way of eating.
5.Many people regain the weight they've lost with most methods of weight loss, but the rate is even higher with low carb, high protein diets. This occurs for four main reasons;
a) Muscle loss. With that comes a slower metabolism which means fewer calories burned each 24 hour period. A loss of muscle during the process of losing weight will almost guarantee you regain the lost weight and sometimes a bit more!
b) Re-hydration. You regain the healthy fluid lost because of glycogen depletion.
c) Lack of maintenance. It's difficult to maintain that type of diet long-term.
d) Lack of positive change. You have not made a change to a long-term healthy lifestyle.
6.Eating too much fat, especially saturated fat, is very unhealthy. There is a plethora of research which shows that an increase in the consumption of animal products and/or saturated fat leads to increased heart disease, strokes, gallstones, kidney stones, arthritic symptoms, certain cancers and more.
7.Low carbohydrate diets are low in fibre and we know what that means! No animal foods have fibre. A lack of fibre increases your risk of cancers of the digestive tract and cardiovascular disease. It also obviously puts you at a higher risk for constipation and other bowel disorders, which can throw out your whole body rhythm.
8.Some people feel that the high protein diets must work because it seems everyone loses weight on them. This is because they are usually eating fewer calories. The same can be achieved on a well balanced, healthy, low fat diet.
9.Our western diets often contain far more protein than we really need as it is. If we look at some of the healthiest people in the world, for example the Okinawans in Japan, you'll see they often have very little dairy in their diet, and use meat more as a garnish to dishes, rather than the main ingredient.
10.These diets also lack sufficient quantities of the many nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains necessary to aid in the prevention of cancer and heart diseases. Ironically, you actually need these nutrients more when you're on a low carb diet because you're consuming so much saturated fat.
11.The aim of every person on a low carb diet is 'ketosis'. This is an unhealthy physiological state, a type of metabolic acidosis. For fat to burn efficiently and without producing excess toxic ketones, there must be sufficient carbohydrate present. Ketosis can lead to many health problems and can be very serious at its extreme.
12.This brings us to the delightful side effect known as 'keto breath'. People on a low carb, high protein diet often develop terribly bad breath, caused by the production of acetones in the state of ketosis. The key to long term weight loss is choosing a healthy, well balanced diet rich in quality carbohydrates, plant foods and lean meats. This will ensure you don't just start one diet after another, but you adjust your eating habits to guarantee you lead a long, happy and healthy life.
Yours in health,
Leisa St Ledger