Thursday, May 15, 2008

Green Tea Diets - The Benefits of Green Tea

The Chinese have used green tea to treat ailments for several centuries. Nowadays, Western culture is beginning to understand the benefits of green tea. Recent research has revealed some of the health benefits of using green tea including the possible prevention of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cataracts and also cancer.

Besides the disease-fighting benefits, Diet green tea also aids weight loss programs. Studies have shown that drinking green tea helps you burn more calories. So what makes green tea so beneficial?

Green tea is the most popular types of Chinese tea. Many people, consider it as the best drink for hot summers. The main reason for this claim is the fact that green tea is cool and fights off irritation. Many have even claimed that it relieves fever.

The health benefits of Diet green tea have been known throughout the world, and are appreciated a lot more these days. The Chinese have known about these medicinal benefits since ancient times, as they have been using green tea to treat everything from headaches to depression, and a long list of other ailments.

Today there are numerous scientific researches conducted both in Asia and the West is providing hard evidences for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. A good example is the Journal of the National Cancer Institute which published the results of an epidemiological study in 1994, indicating that drinking Diet green tea lowers the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly 60%. The University of Purdue just recently reported its findings that a compound in green tea can help fight cancer.

Diet green tea is also reported to be beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular disease, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function, and even high cholesterol levels; thus keeping the body healthy.

Why is Diet green tea so special? Diet green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly the said epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is basically an anti-oxidant that has the power to fight and kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue in the body.

Studies also revealed that this anti-oxidant has been effective in lowering cholesterol levels, and hampering the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter benefit takes on added importance for the fact that the formation of abnormal blood clots, medically known as thrombosis, is the main factor that causes stroke and heart attacks, thus making Diet green tea very beneficial for one's health and well being.

In recent years, some studies have revealed new evidences about other benefits of Diet green tea. It is claimed that Diet green tea can help dieters. Diet green tea is also said to prevent tooth decay. Now, several skin preparations containing green tea, from deodorants to creams, are also starting to appear on the market. This is for the reason that Diet green tea is found out to be powerful in fighting bacteria that cause skin problems.

Considering the many benefits which Diet green tea has, it is recommended that you drink not only for the purposes of losing weight but also keeping healthy.

Do you want to learn more about a proven, natural green tea weight loss product? My review of Avatrim can answer some questions.

How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

The very first thing is to adopt a healthier diet. Notice that I did not say dieting. If you are to succeed in your weight loss efforts it is important to make lifestyle changes. Decide what you are going to eat. Plan ahead and stick with it.

Whatever you do, don't give up. You fail only when you quit. Most of us do no succeed the first time. Persistence alone is omnipotent. Nothing else comes close including talent and intelligence.

Keep in mind that diet and exercise a two halves of one coin. If either one is missing from the equation you lessen your chances for success. You can exercise until the cows come home, but if you are consuming the wrong foods it is likely that you will not experience any dramatic changes. Likewise, without exercise you will burn muscle instead of fat. Keep in mind that aerobic exercise burns fat. If you starve yourself you will be burning muscle.

The most important factor for healthy weight loss is consistency. Skipping your meals or missing your physical activity will slow down your progress. You have to ask yourself how much do you want this? Create a good, solid program and stick with it. Keep in mind that you will get out of it only what you put into it.

The most important thing that we can do is to eat a health diet. Almost no one comes close to eating a healthy diet. When you concentrate on eating healthy, natural foods and have a regular physical activity routine, weight loss will be effortless.

Before you begin you should know that there are certain diet myths that should be dispelled.

Many fad diets suggest that certain food groups should be eliminated. The truth is that you need a balance diet that supplies you with all the nutrients that keeps you healthy. The core of your diet should be built around whole grains, vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts and seeds. This type of diet will strengthen your body, create health and vitality.

Another myth is that you have to eat meat to get your protein. Grains, nuts, oil, legumes and fermented soy products contain complete proteins. The protein in meat is actually incomplete. Both meat and dairy products are high in sodium and fat. This makes weight loss difficult.

If you have any doubts, consider for example the cow. A cow weighs anywhere from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds. It is made up of protein and fat. Yet a cow eats only grass, which is a complex carbohydrate. Somehow it is able to manufacture everything that it needs from this simple food.

Another popular myth is that you have to eliminate fat from your diet in order to lose weight. The truth is that you need good quality fat in your diet. It is perfectly okay to cook with good quality oil, but avoid deep fried foods.

Finally the biggest misconception of all, you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The truth is that if you eat natural foods there is no need to go hungry. There is a transition period in the beginning and it will take a little while for your body to adjust. You will discover that natural foods taste better and are more fulfilling than commercial, processed foods.

So there you have it, some very practical pointer on how to reach your weight goal. Just focus and take action. Before you know it you will be healthier, feel better and of course, you will have lost weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Weight Loss in Women Over 40

Weight loss for women over 40 is a different story than when they were 20 and needs to be dealt with as such. Middle-aged women are not just dealing with slower metabolisms, they are often dealing with hormonal imbalances which have side effects such as poor thyroid function, bloating, fluid retention and weight gain. Furthermore, by the time women get to their forties, many are chronically sleep deprived which is another factor that affects weight gain and loss. Most of them are also shopping and cooking for family members who can often effectively metabolize foods that they cannot.

Diets or dieting for women over 40 do not achieve the best weight loss results. The best approach to losing weight for middle-aged women is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Give your body what it needs to function optimally and avoid foods that are nutritionally deficient as well as loaded with chemicals that overburden the liver. Given the eating, sleeping and exercise habits of modern women this change can be quite radical. It means avoiding packaged, processed foods that are high in sugars, fats, and chemicals and low in fiber and nutrients. This includes so-called diet products including diet sodas. Artificial sweeteners are much worse than natural sugars and can in fact be addictive.

A healthy diet for women over 40 will differ slightly to a good diet for a younger person. As we age, the body becomes less efficient in processing carbohydrates. Therefore, in order to lose body fat middle-aged women need to eat fewer carbohydrates. A diet that is high in protein, fruits and vegetables with plenty of pure water is the key to regaining health and fitness. It is also important to eat breakfast to kick start the metabolism for the day.

A number of smaller meals throughout the day are better for weight loss than three big meals. This is because larger meals release a lot of insulin into the blood which can interfere with metabolism. You will burn more fat with lower blood insulin levels. Some women may think that cutting their food right back will mean even lower insulin levels, lower calories and greater weight loss. However, if you cut back on your food intake too much you will lower your metabolic rate substantially and retain body fat. They key to losing weight is to eat only life giving, nutritious foods that your body can easily metabolize.

However, eating healthily is only the first step towards weight loss for women over 40. It is necessary to engage in regular aerobic exercise and strength training in order to increase their metabolic rate, burn fat and build lean muscle which uses more energy than fat.

Sleep is also important. Women who do not get eight hours of regular sleep a night are more likely to be overweight than those who do. If you make these lifestyle changes, yet you are finding losing weight is still difficult, you may be dealing with a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen dominance can cause weight gain which is difficult to shift. If this is the case, a natural low-dose progesterone cream may be helpful in restoring balance.

Weight loss for women over 40 does not have to be complicated. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight easily.

Recipes, downloadable nutrition logs and weight loss plans can be found on a variety of places on the web at sites such as

How a Cardio Fanatic Got Her 6-Pack Abs

CB: CJ, let's start with a little background info on yourself and what you were looking to achieve when you found strength training and interval training.

CJ: Let's see, I'm a female in my mid 30's and a typical office professional who spends looong hours sitting in front of a computer.

Fitness and nutrition-wise, I grew up understanding the importance of being active and staying healthy. So while I've stayed active most of my life, I recently discovered I still had a lot to learn both about fitness and nutrition.

When I found the strength & interval training I was looking for body comp improvements. I had been introduced to weight training about a year earlier and had made great progress, but had gotten past that 'newbie' effect and really needed something different to jump start my progress again.

CB: How were you doing before?

CJ: During grad school and working full-time I put aside the active part of my lifestyle for the days and evenings tied to a chair, and the delights of eating at restaurants for 1-2 meals a day. I gained about 20lbs and was at my heaviest ever at 160lbs. Once I completed night school, I put exercise and nutrition back on my priority list and lost those 20lbs, mainly from running 5days/wk.

My second stage started when I discovered weight training. I was about 142lbs and probably 28% BF. After about 6months I lost another 8-10lbs and 7% body fat.

So, when I started strength and interval training, I had already made good progress, I was probably 133lbs and 21-22% BF.

CB: What were your workouts before strength and intervals? Why did they not work as well? How have you improved upon those workouts?

CJ: Before this I was a steady state cardio fanatic, so I ran 3-5 miles 3x week and strength trained using a 4 day upper/lower body split. This plan did work for about 6-9 months, but then I just stalled. Not sure what the culprit was, just that I knew I needed something different.

When I first started strength and interval workouts I was skeptical that such a short workout only 3x/wk would be enough. I soon discovered that strength and intervals kept the intensity levels up at EACH workout, so the three days and two supersets were actually more efficient than my 4day split and 3 days of running. I also got on an HIIT (interval) program and reduced my slower steady state runs to about once a week.

CB: How have the strength and intervals workouts helped you? What benefits & results have you achieved? What are your gains and improvements and how do they compare to your before stats?

CJ: I'm stronger, leaner, and faster than before.

On the strength side, my proudest achievements are chin-ups and pull-ups, something I've always wanted to be able to do. I've also improved my 5k times by 2mins. I finally have the muscle definition/athletic shape I've always wanted.

When comparing to my before stats, I've had to throw the scales out the door and use the mirror/compliments as my guide since I have gained a few lbs and BIA hasn't seemed to move, but my clothes have gotten looser and smaller and I'm also making strength and speed gains.

CB: How do you feel in terms of strength and energy?

CJ: I think my strength gains surprise me most, since I typically have high energy/endurance. I particularly enjoy how my strength gains have transferred to running and bike riding.

What I can lift in the gym just sort of evolves, but when I can climb hills on my bike that I used to walk up, and finish 5ks in times that were once out of my reach, it feels pretty good. J

CB: What features do you like about strength and intervals?

CJ: It's fun, efficient, and intense. And it works!! When I'm in the gym, I know that I'm making the best use of my time.

CB: Did you change your eating with the guidelines?

CJ: Not much. I was on a pretty solid eating plan when I started strength and intervals, but am consistently learning about making the right food choices and looking to tweak things here and there. Incorporating a post-workout recovery drink and getting as much variety as possible have been the biggest change in my eating habits since I started.

CB: What would you say to people that ask you about your workouts? Do you get a lot of comments from others?

CJ: When people ask me about my workouts, I try to hold back some enthusiasm so I don't come across as a crazy fanatic and overwhelm them.

I've had quite a few comments from other people in the gym, either noticing how hard and smart I'm working, or complimenting my progress. One lady even pointed me out and said "I want thighs like that!"

It's always fun to see friends and family or even co-workers that I haven't seen in a while because they remind me of the progress I've made.

The best compliment I get now is a form of imitation. People want to know exactly what I do and ask me for tips. They see it works, and want to know how I've done it, and try to apply it for themselves.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

5 Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss

Are you ready to stop yo-yo dieting? We have all read countless studies and know from experience that often, keeping the weight off is as much of a challenge as losing it. Here are 5 secrets to shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off.

1. Individualize - Find what works for you, this may take some trial and error but in the long run it pays off. Lets face it all diets work when you follow them.... but can you live your life with the eating plan? Find a plan that you can not only live with but enjoy. You can do this by assessing what has and hasn't worked in the past, what your food preferences are, and looking for healthy ways to incorporate them into an eating plan.

2. Choose - We all have a choice about what we eat. Choose smart calories - healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, fruit,& vegetables, - low fat proteins like chicken breast, fish, & low fat yogurt, - healthy fats like omega 3 (salmon,nuts,flax seed). You can enjoy your food and feel full.

3. Carbohydrates - The thing is carbohydrates are good for you, if you choose the right ones. Sugar and highly refined flour wreak havoc on your blood sugar causing you to be hungry again very quickly. Studies have shown choosing the good carbohydrates (fruit, veggies, whole grains) over the refined ones (soda, cookies, white bread) can help you to lose up to 10 pounds in a year even if you don't cut calories.

4. Move It - Exercise is important to weight loss and maintaining weight. Every bit counts, if you can't find 30 - 45 minutes in one chunk break it down into 15 minute segments. Be sure to include strength training in your exercise regime to get the double benefit of toned muscle and increased resting metabolism. Start where you are and appreciate all that you body does each and every day. Honor your body by taking care of it.

5. Haunting Habits - Be on the alert for habit creep, the insidious slide back to the habits that helped you gain the weight. Be alert and keep the good habits you've developed from being consumed by the old ones. Schedule regular maintenance check ups with yourself... whats working , whats not, do the clothes still fit the same, are your goals still reflective of what you really want?

Cathy Brennan is a Registered Nurse and Life Coach who helps frustrated dieters lose weight and keep it off.She has helped many clients end their weight loss struggle. Visit for your free e-recipe book.

How an Overweight Man Changed His Life

How a 50-Year Old, Former 2-Sport College Athlete got in the Best Shape of His Life

Todd Thompson emailed me 4 years ago with the goal of getting back into shape by losing a lot of body fat. Since then, Todd's been a great client, using the right workouts (Strength training plus interval training) with great success. Todd made such a triumphant return to healthy living that he even developed a website dedicated to men's health.

In this interview Todd shares his tips and tricks to getting the most out of your fat loss efforts and lifestyle changes. These will come in handy on those days that you don't have the motivation or direction to train. Todd's the true definition of a "Fat Loss Success Story" and I'm proud to have worked with him.

CB: What impact does Turbulence Training have on your energy levels?

Todd Thompson: I find I have a lot more energy when I'm in full training mode, and I use heavy weights and supersets almost exclusively in my weight training. My energy levels seem to be directly associated with how much excess fat weight I carry around, and this keeps it off better than anything I've tried.

Of course, I follow proper eating guidelines as well, and this goes a long way toward keeping me filled with the right foods. It's basically hard work plus clean eating. It's the efficiency of strength and interval workouts that makes it more appealing to me than any other routine I've followed for any length of time.

CB: What time of day do you train and how do you structure your meals around this training time?

TT: Craig, as you may recall, when I started getting into shape last year, after a 25 year layoff, I made the commitment to work out the first thing every morning so that nothing would get in the way of my training.

After reaching my weight loss goals last year, and working it into my schedule differently, I moved my workout time to early evenings, right after I get home from work. I eat my regular noon meal, something like cottage cheese or tuna with some good carbs, and then I have an afternoon snack of high protein content. Then, when I get home from work, the first thing I do is drink a half serving of a protein shake, or eat some cottage cheese. This gives me about a 30 minute time period before I get my clothes changed and head off to the gym, which is perfect for digesting it.

I hit the weights hard, which takes about 40 minutes, and then I get on the elliptical or bike for my HIIT (interval training). As soon as I get off the machine, I drink a protein shake. I'm usually finished with the whole thing around 6:30 p.m. At that time, my wife and I usually have dinner. On workout days especially, I make sure my evening meal has some excellent protein choices, low fat, and good carbohydrates.

CB: What nutrition tips work best for you?

TT: I'm no expert on nutrition, but my experience this past year is that I need a little more carbohydrates than what a lot of the newer nutrition programs are recommended. When I drop carbohydrates to a minimal level, it does seem to have an effect on my energy levels. I think of carbohydrates as an energy provider, and on workout days, I make sure I get enough carbohydrates to get my energy level where it needs to be for my workout.

CB: So overall, what is your impression of strength training and interval training?

TT: It keeps it from getting boring, and I have a bit of a creative streak in me. This seems to keep things interesting. No matter what workout I'm doing, the strength and interval program is the design I use.

There are three basic things I do, no matter whether or not the exact exercises are called for:

1. Do 18-22 sets, emphasizing full body. Sometimes, I may emphasize certain muscle groups for an entire workout, but that's rare. I usually make sure there is some impact on every muscle group at each workout.

2. Do "superset" style without a rest period between sets within each superset. Each superset is designed as a push-pull superset, or sometimes just the use of opposing muscle groups. I like push-pull supersets best.

(CB note: Here's a tough push-pull superset that you can do in a crowded gym or at home - DB Presses & DB Rows)

3. Every workout ends in an hour or less and is capped off with a very intense HIIT session. I don't let myself feel guilty if I only have time to do a 12 to 15 minute HIIT. The intensity is so great that I don't have to worry about whether I'm working hard enough or not.

CB: Do you have a favorite part of the workout?

TT: It's basically a flurry of non-stop activity, so I don't really think about favorite parts. However, I think I enjoy the various forms of rows that I employ. Your program calls for Seated Cable Rows and DB Rows, and I have gotten so much stronger in these that I probably have to say I enjoy these most of all.

Truly, though, getting finished each day is what I like best. I always do a full body assessment of how I feel after each workout.

Seldom do I walk away from a workout thinking I could have worked a little harder on any one muscle group. When it's done, I'm spent. Maybe, it's just because I turn 50 years old this year, but I've talked to a lot of younger guys who are doing strength and intervals as well, and they say the same thing.

CB: How do these workouts compare to others that you have done in the past?

TT: The intensity is awesome. From the time I drink my pre-workout shake until I finish HIIT an hour or so later, it's like I'm heading down the field on a long run, and I'm not going to let anyone keep me from scoring. I don't stop for anything. If an area is being used, I just go to the next superset and pick the other one later in the workout. I think the benefit is that it is very time-efficient and manageable, and it's really hard to get bored with it.

CB: What are the health benefits you have achieved in your return to training?

TT: In short, I have better health, stronger muscle (and more of it), great cardio endurance for my every day life, and I'm looking good.

Altogether, these benefits have helped me enjoy my life a lot more, and that's the ultimate benefit as far as I'm concerned. My life is much better disciplined now, and even when I cheat on my eating, I don't worry about it any more. I know the commitment is strong, and I'll get back. This has caused me to enjoy life to the fullest. Recently, I got into an elite musical performing group, and I find that I have much better stamina than before, and a whole lot more motivation to succeed and to live a better life.

Recently, you were made aware that I had given my body a break for a month or so. That went on a lot longer than I intended, and consequently, I put on about 10 pounds. I must say, however, that I knew all I had to do was start back on my workouts, and it would all come back to me.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Weight Loss Will Kill You!

Many people get robbed when using online weight loss programs or guides. Not only are they losing money, they are losing their life as well. People don't realize that weight loss is lethal.

Weight loss products involve using drugs that your body doesn't need and eventually deteriorates it. You don't need these drug pills in your body. Some people actually lose about 5 pounds with this method only to pay huge health consequences later that sometimes leads to death. Is 5 pounds worth your life?

There's this great idea of "if I don't eat at all, I can't gain weight!" Huge mistake. It is a disastrous idea to starve your body simply because your metabolism slows down so much that the next time you eat, your body will store that fat because it thinks that you might not eat for a while. This was a popular idea and i saw for myself that people gained more weight weeks after they started eating regularly. Of coarse there are those situations where people starve themselves to death.

Diet food is relatively fake food that doesn't fill anyone up and leaves you hungry. Not only do you starve from hunger, but also starve for nutrients and minerals that was taken out by this diet food.

My friend recently tried this so called "proven diet". I gave her my overwhelming negative opinion, but she did it anyways. To make a long story short she lost 10 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks.

Now it was judgment time as I tried this diet plan myself. I definitely learned a ton of these "fat facts" that i never knew made me fat! It is safe which was a must for me. Also it is results driven because it has many years of success. I found rave reviews about it which is important. It's nothing that takes up the whole day and easy to use. If anything went wrong or if it didn't work, there was always a money back guarantee.

I followed all the instructions and weighed myself everyday which is probably over doing it because i wanted to see results! I lost 15 pounds in a month which isn't a staggering amount but I was shocked as how simple it was to do so. I gave up a while ago and my friend saved me! I went to a review website of people that have tried this diet and gave their reviews and personal thoughts on.

Here's the blog:

Good Luck and shed those pesky pounds!

Contact: Jane Mazo
Occupation: Dietitian

Weight Loss Through Diet and Hypnosis

Over the years you tend to put on a few pounds, and its only later on that you may realize you've become a little overweight. So then begins the battle of fighting the bulge and trying to lose weight, the visits to the doctor and gym. For a person to be successful at weight loss, they need to condition their mind as well as work on their body.

A good place to begin is by keeping track of your eating habits, thereby cutting down on food that adds calories and have a high fat content. Many people assume that if they eat less or starve they will lose weight, in fact it is quite the opposite. And there are some who eat when they are going through extreme emotions and have difficulty following a diet routine between their busy work schedules. There are some who have tried but been unsuccessful, and so have resorted to visiting a psychologist to help them tune their mind into losing weight.

An alternative that the counselors suggest is hypnosis for weight loss, which will not involve any dieting but sheer pre conditioning of the mind. Hypnosis is where a person's subconscious state is trained to aid them in reaching their goals and this is done after the person has listed down their specific goals. This could be through auto response or using certain words that trigger a kind of reaction, and help them rid of all the stress that is bogging them down. The person who has been through hypnosis will be asked to make a commitment to work out or stick to a diet regime. Hypnosis has been found to be a very effective way to build positive thoughts and motivational traits in the person and helps them get rid off any weight gaining habit they might have.

Weight loss through hypnosis helps the person change their outlook on life and become more focused, be it to do with exercise or diet in order to accomplish their goals. Using the commands given at the time of hypnosis, the person battling with weight issues will be pushed towards following them with no side effects.

Thera-diet weight loss program
Download Information

Getting High From Exercise, Naturally

Why is it that so many of us are always tired, lethargic and really don't have any energy at the end of our day of work. The last thing we want to do is head down to the gym, or pull on our jogging sweats and do a workout!

It seems a complete contradiction when you hear about people doing a workout GIVES them more energy, when all you are actually doing is burning lots of calories (ie. ENERGY!!!)

Having once been a desk jockey, spending 8+ hours a day sat in front of a screen, it is as if that computer monitor, telephone and my boss was sucking all that precious energy out of me.

I was not alone!

You could see it in the faces of the men and women working around me, by the time 6 O'clock came by they would wearily pull on their coats and jackets, trudge down to the car park and set off home ready for the sofa and TV remote.

The problem with this energy drain is we would always be looking for the quick "pick-me-up". Normally this comes in the form of snack machine fare, soda drinks packed with sugar, the post work alcoholic drinks and a visit to the curry house or fast food outlet on your journey home.

Coupled with your levels of inactivity this causes the inevitable weight gain, lowering of self esteem, energy and enthusiasm, in a horrible vicious circle...

Thankfully there is a solution, but it does require your first step, luckily we do have a naturally occurring chemical on our side to help us on the way once we do get going, beta-endorphin.

This chemical gives us a natural high after doing a workout, that kind of feel good glow. What's more it is possible to become addicted to this feeling, making the decision to pack a bag for the gym easier and easier!

It is important to understand under what conditions you need to invoke a flood of beta-endorphin, there is an easy way and a hard way...

It may seem strange to learn that the hardest way to get the rush is the most common method of workout that is adopted. When you jump on to your favorite cardio machine in the gym, or pull on your trainers for a jog it can take in excess of 50 minutes, according to clinical studies, in the "fat-burning zone" to get a decent kick of endorphin. The problem is it takes an awful lot of motivation to stick out a long and slow workout for a bit of a high.

Now I suppose you don't really want to know about the hard way!!

The easy way comes in the form of short-sharp bursts of physical activity, the studies show that this style of workout normally brings about a bigger endorphin hit in less time than the long, slow, steady state cardio workouts.

The workouts can take the form of quick 25 minute cardio interval routines, where the most tedious part is the warm up and cool down.

Another option is your traditional circuits style routines, a series of exercises done intensively, each one for 30 seconds, then taking a short rest as you move on to the next exercise. Not only are these workouts fun, you'll burn plenty of calories during and after just a 30 minute workout.

The third option comes in the form of bodyweight, multi-muscle, multi-dimensional exercises done at an intensity and tempo that will exhaust the muscles in your body quickly. Exercises like squats, lunges, step ups, push ups, bodyweight rows and pull ups (Notice I didn't say crunches or sit ups, avoid wasting your precious workout time on exercises that really don't help that much. The reasons... OK that's for another article)

You can set yourself a great workout that is done in 40 minutes with these exercises, all giving you the endorphin rush to boot too!

Many of our clients report a rush of energy and actual enthusiasm when they come to do their workouts! One such client, a particularly stressed and sedentary IT contractor, who really despised the thought of working out at the end of the day, started appearing in the Gym more and more frequently, until I started seeing him there EVERY evening! I questioned him on his new found enthusiasm, he said "I still don't relish the thought of coming to do my workouts, but I get one hell of a kick out of finishing it!!"

So you see there is a solution to your lack of energy and motivation, there truly is a "natural" high from getting short-intensive workouts done. Yes it is tough making the first step, but get yourself in your local gym from tomorrow and get a safe and legal chemical high from a quick and hard workout.

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body fat. Visit to get a free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

Can A 30 Minute Workout Really Work?

If you talk to almost anyone who goes to the gym to workout and ask them how long a good workout usually takes, they will often answer with; it takes a good hour to get in a good workout, or even; if I dont spend 1 to 2 hours in the gym, I just dont get enough from my workout.

Based on these kinds of typical responses, you can imagine how surprised many of these same people appear to be when I tell them that I only workout for 30 minutes a day, yet still get the kind of results that they do! Many of them will say, no way you only workout for 30 minutes a day! How can you ever get results doing that?

The plain fact is there are a lot of people who have such busy schedules that finding more than 30 minutes to dedicate to a workout is just impossible. Its not that they dont want to do it; there just arent enough hours in the day to be in the gym for 1 to 2 hours at a time.

If there was a way to get an effective workout in 30 minutes however, then perhaps they could spend half of their lunch hour in the gym, and the other half eating their lunch. That would be perfect, wouldnt it? But is it really possible to do a workout in 30 minutes that will bring real results? The answer is a definite yes, but you will need a few simple strategies to make it happen.

Here are some tips on how to make your workouts really work in only 30 minutes a day.

To start with, make sure you have a plan for each day. Write down all of the exercises you will be doing for that day and write down all of the weights you will be using for each exercise. Write down how many sets you will be doing for each exercise and how many repetitions you will be doing during each set.

Do split body part routines. For example, on Monday and Thursday, do legs, arms and abs. On Tuesday and Friday, do chest, back and shoulders. This way you only have half of your body parts to work on each day cutting down significantly on time spent in the gym.

Upon arriving at the gym, set up as many things as you can in advance so that when you get started, you can keep moving from one exercise to the other without wasting time getting the next piece of equipment set up. This way, you can go strait through each exercise without stopping, take 1-2 minutes rest, and then simply repeat until you finish all of your sets.

Avoid socializing. While being friendly is ok, dont let yourself get distracted by having a conversation with others in the gym. Remember, you only have so much time and 5 minutes spent talking rather than exercising is 5 minutes wasted. Explain to people wishing to talk to you that you are on limited time and you just cant stop what you are doing at the moment or better yet, put on a pair of headphones before you begin your workout; theyll get the clue.

Always do your weight training and cardio training separately. On days you are not doing weight training, you can spend 30 minutes on the treadmill or on the stair climber. This way you are still only working out for 30 minutes. Combining the two only means you will have to spend more time in the gym and time spent in the gym is what you are trying to cut down on.

In summary, just remember to write out a plan for each day, split those body parts on different days, keep moving during your routine, dont socialize, and dont do weights and cardio on the same day and you will see excellent results in only 30 minutes a day.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Manipulating Fat Burning Hormones Leads to Weight Loss

Diets often fail or leave you flabby because most diet plans are designed to burn either protein or carbohydrate calories, while ignoring fat tissue. By simply consuming foods that manipulate the production of insulin, your body can double the number of fat burning calories it gets rid of, leaving you with much more lean muscle mass.

Insulin is a hormone released into the bloodstream after every meal. Its job is to transport newly eaten calories into the muscle cells, so that these calories are converted into energy. However, when too much insulin is released into the bloodstream and too many calories are transported into the muscle cells, the body begins to transport these extra calories into the fat cells. They are now stored as fat tissue. This results in flab. The more insulin that gets released after each mean, the fatter you will be. Likewise, the less insulin, the more fat you will burn and the thinner you become.

The secret is in adopting a diet that contains food which will minimize the release of insulin into the blood stream after each meal so that insulin levels stay low and do not become stored as fat tissue. If you are careful to do this, then you will find losing weight and weight maintenance much more effective.

To learn more about the connection between insulin and weight loss find more information at The Insulin and Weight Loss Connection Website For free diet tips, check out the very popular website,

Experience Dynamite Weight Loss Results Without Giving Up Your Favorites

In an attempt to eat healthier and lose weight many people have given up there sweet tooth...

Perhaps you're one of the many who have adopted a diet void of all the things you love...Cookies, cake, pudding and all other favorite foods all for the sake of dropping a few pounds.

But is all of this completely necessary?

Do you really have to suffer through a "boring diet" to shed that extra weight?

You will be happy to know that the answer is no. The problem with the sweets we eat is not the sugar in them unless the sugar is refined.

Walk into any grocery store and the shelves are lined with processed foods, most of which contain sugar in its refined form. Read any food label and you're likely to find ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, another name for refined sugar. Heck, it's even found in items that you would never expect...Items such as Whole wheat bread, salad dressing, canned fruit and many others.

But what is it about refined sugar that is contributing to those extra pounds?

The answer lies in the way it affects your metabolism.

Your body runs off of energy from the food you eat. Every time your heart beats, you blink an eye or take a step your body uses energy. Your body obtains that energy from the food you eat through a process called metabolism. Simply defined, metabolism is the process of breaking down food into energy to be used to carry out body processes.

Forgive me for being scientific, but do you remember your high school chemistry class? What happens when you burn something? A series of chemical reactions takes place. It's no different with your body. When food is broken down by your body (metabolized) a serious of chemical reactions occurs. If the food you eat is in its natural state the reactions are positive. However, if the food you eat is not in its natural state (refined) the reactions are not positive.

So what does refined sugar have to do with all of this?

Refined sugar is not in its natural state. Therefore, the chemical reactions that occur when refined sugar is being broken down by your body are not positive. In fact, the process of breaking down refined sugar produces poisons! These poisons move throughout your body and have an extremely negative impact on your metabolism. Over time, the continuous consumption of refined sugar creates an extremely inefficient metabolism making it harder for your body to convert the food you eat into energy.

What's the solution?

If you are looking to shed some extra pounds, the elimination of refined sugar will work wonders. Purchase desserts that have organic, non-altered sugar. This is not a license to over-indulge yourself, but there is no need to suffer through a boring diet.

Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
"Learn how you can lose 20 pounds this month
without giving up your sweet tooth?"

Weight Loss Program

Over weight is an over growing problem that we are facing today. According to latest polls obesity is a common problem among all the nations of this world. Every country is trying to find solutions to this ever growing problem. It has even plagued the world of our children today. One in every 10 kids is obese according to a poll taken recently in Britain. That is an alarming number and it is high time we treat this problem with great attention. We need to get slim and fast. Over weight not only leads to obesity but also to various life threatening disease like diabetes, heart problems etc. we need to take care of our self. Everyone is soon becoming conscious of what a threat overweight poses. Weight loss is definitely the need of the hour today.

Slimming down:

If we need to be healthy, we need to be within our weight bracket and not exceed it. We need to visit our doctors and find out what our ideal weight is and obviously anything more than that needs to be knocked off. Thanks to scientists and common people around the world, we have several diets available to us that can help us lose weight. We can knock off our extra pounds if we follow the diets religiously. Exercise will also help. You do not necessarily have to go to a gym. Just a 30 minute walk a day should help the slimming down process. You can even try playing games with your kids or hiking on weekends, they are fun ways of exercising. You get to have fun and knock off your excess pounds, what more can you ask for? If you find none of this is helping or you are unable to do it, try hypnosis.


You do not require to visit any doctor or therapist to help you slim down. You do not need to visit a hypnotist either. You can just go on line and find MP3s that can help you lose weight. There are plenty on line. All of them are designed to help you lose weight. Hypnotherapy is definitely the new mantra for all those who are looking at slimming down or losing weight. Hypnotherapy not only helps you shed the extra pounds but also gives offers you a new way of life that ensures you remain fit and trim always. In order to lose weight you need to have a strong will power. You need to want it bad. "Slim is in" and hence to fit into the crowd you need to be slim and fit. Hypnotherapy helps you do just that. After your hypnosis sessions you will be able to fit into that dress you've been waiting to wear fro goodness knows how many months or years. Our minds are reservoirs of strength and we can do anything if our mind is confident and willing. Hypnosis targets our mind, it works in it to want and will to be slim. This is turn causes our body to act in a manner that will help us lose weight and become slim.

For more information on Weight Loss and Slimming check the links.

Weight Loss Pills - Facts About Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressant are one of the solutions for people are having problems maintaining there diet. Trying to control the feeling of hunger and the urge to eat have been the downfall of many people trying to lose weight. This article will explain about prescription and over the counter suppressants and how they could help you to keep on track with your diet.

Appetite suppressing pills are available with or without prescription. Prescription suppressants are generally only prescribed to people who are classed as obese. There use requires being monitored by your doctor and are used in conjunction with a strict diet and exercise program.

Modern society puts a high value on the way people look today. From models to movie stars, we are constantly being shown that being lean and thin is the excepted way to look. That is why there has been increase on over the counter appetite suppressants, these are aimed at people who want to lose a few pounds and are mainly targeting users for cosmetic rather than health reasons. They are generally made from natural or herbal ingredients.

Appetite suppressants are designed to trick the body into thinking that your stomach is full. The more powerful prescription drugs change the chemicals in the brain to increase the levels of seratonin that make you feel full.

Over the counter appetite suppressants generally work in the same way. Some pills like Proactol work by producing a fibre complex that slows down your digestion making you feel fuller for longer.

There are side effects of using suppressants, which can be unpleasant, these can be nausea, insomnia and increase in the heart rate.

In conclusion, if you are looking at using an appetite suppressant to help you lose weight then make sure you consult your doctor and follow the manufacturer recommendations when using the product. Appetite suppressants have, and are being used by thousands of people world wide to help them achieve their weight loss goals.

If you want to find out more about weight loss pills or want to read articles about weight loss and dieting then you can visit

Fast Weight Loss - Miracle or Science?

If you want to loose weight then as per my experience, you do not need a miracle. You just need a plan which should be based on a science.

I am using the calorie shifting method from last 5 years for me and my clients to reduce weight and being healthy. So can you.

What is this calorie shifting method?

Before explaining this method I want to give you a brief idea about a calorie.

A calorie is the unit of energy which is equal to the heat given to raise th temperature of 1 kilogram of water to 1 degree.

your body needs certain amount of calorie to run your body for your day to day activity. If you are a doing a sitting job then you need much lesser calorie than an athlete.

In this method you need not to starve yourself as people usually suggest. In fact you will be taking proper diet as per your liking. The only difference in taking your diet is that you will take different foods in your diet to fulfill your calorie requirements. For your personalized food schedule, you need to take advice of your nutritionist who will make different food plans for different days of an week. You can even opt from one of several online programs by which you can make your food plan by yourself.

The only important factor for your success in this method is that you should follow your plan religiously. Some of my clients have even achieved the loss of 9lbs in just 11 days. So, plan and act now.

Wishing you success,

Urwashi Gupta is an author with 10 years of experience in fitness training, a nutritionist, and online fitness coach for weight loss. She has written a review of the most famous online fat loss program at

Fasting & Exercise To Control Your Weight

Fasting and Exercise have been a simple way for me to keep my weight in control. I am 5 3 and I keep my weight around 110 lbs. I am healthy and strong at age 67.

The program:

You choose when you want to fast

1. Once a week or

2. When you have over eaten and feel stuffed.

3. When you dont like how you feel or look.

4. When you are planning on eating out and want to be able to eat and enjoy without feeling guilty.

How do you fast?

Go without breakfast and lunch try to go from dinner to dinner a 24 hours period. If you do this regularly you shouldnt have to fast more than one day at a time. I have fasted for 3 days and the most a 5-day fast but that was only when I felt I was desperate and sometimes for health cleanses. Normally I fast only one day a week or when ever I feel I need to fast. Mostly I fast just once a month for one day.

Be Careful: When you break your fast dont start making up for all of the food you didnt eat by eating more than normal and making the fast a waste.

To help you fast:

1. Drink lots of water whenever you are hungry
2. Get use to the feeling of being hungry you can get to live with it and even like it because you are in control.
3. Dont get carried away with fasting. Do it in moderation and with reason. It is not necessary to have long fasts.
4. Have the right attitude. Feel excited about how you will feel when you get to where you want to be. Dont think of fasting as denying yourself but rather being good to you.

What are the benefits of fasting along with exercise?
1. You do feel free from the control food can have on you.
2. Your mind feels clear, you think better.
3. You like yourself better.
4. You stomach shrinks so youre not as hungry after fasting.
5. Fasting takes away your craving.
6. You loose weight!
7. You look good!


My exercise has been running two miles every second day (about 1/2 hour) and on the other days do about 10 to 15 minutes of weight training with 5lb weights and stretching exercises.

1. Choose whatever exercise you enjoy.
2. Try to do it first thing in the morning.
3. Do it regularly at least 3-4 times a day for at least hour.
5. If you can try to do some kind of exercise each day.
6. Dont let weather stop you. If its raining, exercise in the house or wherever you are. Create an exercise program that allows you to do some kind of exercise no matter what your circumstances are.
7. Exercise until you can feel it. Get your heart rate up and perspire.

Of course, controlling your food intake is important but with this program I seem not to get out of control with my eating. I eat normally and very seldom over indulge. It seems this program helps me be in control and not to have any food addictions.

I am 67 years old and have been able to keep my weight in control with this program. It is simple. It allows you to stop weight gain before it gets a hold of you. As with all weight and exercise programs they must be done with wisdom and approval from your Doctor.

Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books - "YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors, "BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents. "LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives) She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges. She has produced 7 Music CD's

Remember (new music for seniors), Oh What Joy Christmas The Little Things (inspirational country), I Love Living The Teachings of The Lord (Gospel/Christian) Savior of Mine (Christian) God Gave You Intelligence (for children)

Classical Style (instrumental)

Her music and books can be purchased at Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.

Her articles have been published, all over the world.

The Best and Cheapest Exercise Program on the Market - Bar None!

Katy and I wandered through the Op Shop always on the look out for a surprise.

We both enjoy old books and so it was with joy when Katy picked up a 1960s edition of an old elementary school book on physical education.

It seems only yesterday the 60s have come and gone and it is perhaps with the passing of time that there has been a downward slide in the quality of structure and function within our society especially with our children.

Obesity, with its associated symptoms is fast becoming the norm perhaps the word fast with its tendencies toward the over-eating of food-less foods is a major cause.

The increase in chemicals in our food industry is also a major causative factor - are you aware that the FDA allows over 5,000 chemicals to be added to the foods we purchase and ingest?

Then there is the old law that if one puts in more than is eliminated, there will be a build up of poor quality tissues ergo an abnormal increase in weight gain.

And this brings us back to exercise.

When asked for my opinion regarding the best form of exercise I immediately picture a park full of children.

The children are:

- Running, jumping and hopping

- rolling

- climbing

- swinging

- twisting, flexing, stretching, bending and torquing.

In other words, they are putting their bodies through a full range of movements movements that are designed by the structure of the mechanism.

A couple of addendums to this line of thinking are:

1. We very rarely see children in our practise that need an exercise program put into place.

2. If we are seriously looking for an exercise program for ourselves, we could do no better than to become more child-like.

All the best in working on all angles of structure in order to improve function.

Kevin Hinton is a renowned Natural Health Educator & Advocator who has assisted a broad range of people to reinvigorate their lives through common-sense Natural Health practices. He is a trusted advisor to many in the corporate world in Australia and North America who recognize the life-improving value of Natural Health habits. His experience in the field reveals that adopting practical Natural Health habits usually helps drive success in other areas of life.

Visit kevin @:

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Or 4 Weeks And Get Fit In The Process

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks, know that they way you do it will also affect how you look and feel at the end of that time period. While it is possible to lose 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks with little exercise, provided that you follow a fast paced weight loss diet, many people wish to use that time period to develop their fitness as well. This article is basically for those people (even though I'll write a few words on nutrition as well).

Getting fit has many benefits: it improves your health, increases your metabolism and energy levels, makes you look leaner, harder, and younger, and can also improve your overall mood due to the release of certain chemicals inside our body which make us feel happier.

So, it's no wonder that many people wish to combine their goal of losing 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks with their ambition to become fitter.

To do both things: lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks and get fitter, you need to follow a diet and fitness program which can get you results. In order to minimize disruption to your regular lifestyle, you should choose a program which utilizes short cardiovascular routines and fitness workouts, preferably those you can do in the privacy of your own home (to save the time driving to the gym). If such a program sound like something you'd like to pursue, I recommend using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. It's one of the most popular fitness programs on the internet and produces proven results. With this program you can lose 10 pounds in 3 to 4 weeks and get fit as well.

To read more about Turbulence Training and other methods to lose 10 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Weeks or Less

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose as much as 10 lbs. in 3 Weeks and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 10 pounds And Never Gain It Back.

6 Pack Abs - Will Abdominal Exercises Reduce That Fat Around My Stomach?

To get rid of belly fat and get 6 pack abs, you must exercise. There's no secrets. However, there is something that most people don't get when it comes to getting in shape and most importantly get a superb flat stomach.

Exercises are not the only factor to get abdominals. In fact, everybody has abdominal muscles. The only thing is that most of people can't see them.

How to see your 6 pack abs like famous cinema celebrities or other bodybuilders professional?

1. Understanding Calories

There's nothing complicated about calories. All you need to do is to burn more calories than the amount you consume.

2. Drinking a lot of water

You need to build at least one liter of water every single day. I will enter in the details of this later, but for now, make an habit to drink even when you are not thirsty.

In fact, your body needs a lot of water, and you don't have to wait for it to send you a signal. When you are thirsty, that means that you are not supplying your body with enough water.

3. Dieting

You need to be aware that most diets don't work on the long term. Sometimes it's the diet itself, but most of the time, the problem comes from the individual who don't follow through.

4. Build muscle

You are not only going to work on your abs, but every single muscle of your body. This will help you to burn belly fat as well.

As you can see, having a powerful six pack abs is not only about spending hours doing crunches and sit ups. There's a whole science behind this.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

HS Foods From The Beyond Calories Diet - How Do They Work?

The new 10 day diet plan from the creators of the famous Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is called Beyond Calories. This diet is based on H. S. foods.

What are H. S. foods and how can they help you lose weight?

H. S. foods are High Satiety foods, that is foods which naturally make you feel full after you eat a small portion of them.

You see, one of the reasons so many people become overweight is that they eat a lot of low satiety foods. These are foods which make you crave more and more foods both physically and mentally when you eat them. This leads you to eat more and more food, much more than you need, and you end up gaining fat and excess pounds.

There's more to creating a High Satiety menu than simply sticking a bunch of H. S. foods into it. That's where the Beyond Calories diet comes into play in a most effective way. This is a 10 day diet based on H. S. foods and the correct combination of them. By combining

H. S. foods in an optimal way, which is what the Beyond Calories diet does, you create a high satiety menu. In this way, you eat nutritionally rich food which keeps you full throughout the day.

By eating a high satiety menu, you naturally consume less empty calories. H.S. foods diet makes it easier to avoid food cravings and binging. It also makes your weight loss much more easy to attain.

Beyond Calories can only be gotten by ordering the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. These 2 diets are highly effective either together or by themselves. They both produce a fast and continuous weight loss.

To read user testimonials of these 2 diets, click here: Beyond Calories and FatLoss4Idiots Testimonials

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Weight Loss And Setting Up A Weight Loss Plan

When you are looking to loose weight there are a few ways you can do it. I here in this article am going to give you some key vital tips to success when trying to loose weight.

Ok, rule number one. You must create a diet and exercise plan that you can stay focused on and keep up with. This is very important, many times people are looking to loose weight but then they feel or become distracted. There can be many reasons why a person becomes distracted.

Other personal arrangements.

What ever the case may be people become distracted it happens. Many time a person will say or set out a diet and exercise plan but then there is no follow through. There must be a call to action.

Now if you are overweight or if you are looking to loose a few pounds before this coming summer, you must get into a routine and stick to it.

Some things that you will need to keep track of when you are looking to loose weight and create a weight loss plan would be:

Daily calorie intake
Est. amount of time exercised
Food consumption chart (this chart will tally all of your food intake *all the specifics*)

These would be some of the things you will need to target and keep up with. Loosing weight is simple and 79% is all mental. There are some situations where loosing weight is not mental but for the most part loosing weight has to do with your state of mind.

Please see my resource box and visit the site below.

Access a step by step informational weight loss system that will have you shedding the pounds overnight (this report is free)

Fat Loss Wars - Machines Versus Bodyweight Exercises

Here's why you don't need machines. They are expensive, take up a lot of space, and are no better than the cheap ol' bodyweight you are carrying around. Just use your bodyweight for fat loss and cardio exercise. You'll get more fat loss results in less time and with less cost.

Let's talk about bodyweight exercise alternatives--can people really
get a good fat burning workout just using their bodyweight and a
set of dumbbells?

The answer is yes.

They don't need fancy machines or expensive gym memberships?


There's nothing magical about machines. And to be honest with you,
machines are only designed for the "average sized" person. So if
you are short or tall, you are really out of luck.

If you train at home, or on the road while traveling for business,
you're not going to have access to fancy equipment. You might have
to "get by" with only dumbbells and your bodyweight.

But since you only have a short amount of time to workout, say 3
sessions of 45 minutes per workout per week, it is a big help if we
can pair dumbbell and bodyweight exercises together in our

(Hey, I've tried training a client on a Bowflex...and we spent more
time trying to set-up the machine for different exercises than he
did using it. Eventually we got him to get a set of powerblocks to
avoid the hassle.)

On the other hand, there are dozens of bodyweight exercises we can
use for bodysculpting for the lower body, abs, and upper body that
require no set-up at all.

Some of my favorite bodyweight exercises are...

a) Spiderman Pushups

b) Any single leg exercise (from single-leg squats, to split
squats, to the many types of step-ups I use, to all the lunges you
can think of)

c) Total body ab exercises (I try to avoid crunching motions -
bodyweight crunches are limited in effectiveness, so I prefer to
use total body ab exercises like mountain climbers)

d) Close-grip Pushups (these work arms better than any
triceps kickback ever will)

e) Single-leg Squats & lying 1-leg hip extensions for legs

f) Chin-ups for arms (and there's even a really cool way for men
and women to do assisted chin-ups if they are just starting out on
this exercise, and I'm not talking about those expensive, gigantic
assisted pull-up machines)

One of the best uses of bodyweight exercises are in fat burning
bodyweight circuits. These circuits are a great replacement for
regular cardio and even for intervals.

Take 3 upper body bodyweight exercises and alternate them with 3
lower body bodyweight exercises. Rest 1 minute and repeat 3-5 times
for a 20 minute bodyweight workout. Bodyweight exercises are great
for all us desk jockeys, because it improves our mobility and
reduces upper body tension.

Bodyweight training gives you fast fat loss, at no cost, and
without the need for a 2nd garage in your house to store all the
equipment. You can take your bodyweight workouts outside in the
summer, on the road when you travel, and even on holidays so that
you don't miss a workout.

Don't waste a single second in the gym,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Or 4 Weeks And Get Fit In The Process

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks, know that they way you do it will also affect how you look and feel at the end of that time period. While it is possible to lose 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks with little exercise, provided that you follow a fast paced weight loss diet, many people wish to use that time period to develop their fitness as well. This article is basically for those people (even though I'll write a few words on nutrition as well).

Getting fit has many benefits: it improves your health, increases your metabolism and energy levels, makes you look leaner, harder, and younger, and can also improve your overall mood due to the release of certain chemicals inside our body which make us feel happier.

So, it's no wonder that many people wish to combine their goal of losing 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks with their ambition to become fitter.

To do both things: lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks and get fitter, you need to follow a diet and fitness program which can get you results. In order to minimize disruption to your regular lifestyle, you should choose a program which utilizes short cardiovascular routines and fitness workouts, preferably those you can do in the privacy of your own home (to save the time driving to the gym). If such a program sound like something you'd like to pursue, I recommend using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. It's one of the most popular fitness programs on the internet and produces proven results. With this program you can lose 10 pounds in 3 to 4 weeks and get fit as well.

To read more about Turbulence Training and other methods to lose 10 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Weeks or Less

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose as much as 10 lbs. in 3 Weeks and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 10 pounds And Never Gain It Back.