Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Detox Diet: Harmful or Helpful?

What, exactly, is a detox diet? As described by several sources, a detox diet is a nutritional regimen that involves changing bad eating and drinking habits in order to cleanse the body of toxins and other contaminants. A detox has become quite the thing to do these days, and many claim that completing a detox can improve overall health and digestion as well as to heighten resistance to illness and help in weight control. All of the above can be accomplished with good, nutritious eating habits and healthy living styles, but we seem to want to do everything the hard way; hence a detox diet becomes necessary to bring us back to the point where we should have been anyway.

A detox diet can be comprised of many different methodologies. Some people prefer to fast, and only drink water or juice for a certain period of time. Others prefer to increase the amount of fish they eat. Others restrict the amount of calories they consume while others resort to bottled methods like an herbal detox diet. Some even go on a lemonade diet that is more commonly known as the Master Cleanse detox diet.

It stands to reason that any detox diet must be carefully monitored to ensure proper ingestion of nutritious foods, and many merely suggest that a person add more fruits and vegetables to their diet. Of course, staying away from fast food and soda, cigarettes and alcohol is a given. A detox diet is all about changing eating habits and adopting healthy and nutritiously balanced diets and foregoing McDonald's and Taco Bell offerings. It has become a fad to call anything that offers such a drastic change in eating or drinking habits a detox diet.

Still, some argue that the body is already more than capable of ridding itself of toxic wastes and that a detox diet is not only unnecessary but can also be dangerous. Our bodies are meant to contain a certain amount of fats and sugars, and to try to rid the body of these items with a detox diet can cause medical problems such as anemia, low blood sugar and lethargy and weakness. The balance of electrolytes, fats, enzymes, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body are finely tuned and shouldn't be tampered with. A detox diet that allows only liquid is not to be considered a safe alternative to exercise and a normal, well balanced diet. Studies have shown that the lack of protein in most of the more common types of detox diet decreases muscle mass in individuals. With less muscle mass, the metabolism automatically slows down, which will threaten most well-intentioned weight loss diets regardless of what you do.

Call it what you will. While a detox diet can help people learn new and better eating habits, as with everything, a detox diet should be done using caution and good judgment. Perhaps we could avoid all this unnecessary detox diet stuff by just eating better and exercising more in the first place.

Are you ready for a detox diet? Discover more about the detox diet at

How To Lose Belly Fat

No one has ever been lured into a relationship by a flabby pot belly. Nor has anyone extended their life with a big tummy. That belly fat doesn't enhance the fit of your clothes. With all the tempting fast foods and a busy life, what are you to do? If you want to lose belly fat, you can. With a careful diet and consistent moderate exercise, you can lose belly fat, and keep it off!

The most common mistake people make when trying to lose belly fat is thinking that starving themselves will work. If you don't eat but exercise strenuously, you'll find yourself drained, hungry and still not losing weight. Another common strategy is to eat very little but fail to exercise. This approach won't lose that belly fat either.

The body doesn't operate that way. With inadequate food, your metabolism slows to compensate for the lack of food. So fat will be burned, but much less than with a combination of diet and exercise.

The secret to losing that fat is to reduce food portions, and get daily exercise. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's nutritious and portions are smaller. Smaller portions allow you all the tastes you already enjoy, but because you're eating less, your body will be a fat burning machine without the awful side effects and dangers of starvation.

If you're going to consume 1500 calories per day, then a half-hour of belly exercise will be enough to slowly burn weight. If you want to ramp it up, then increase the amount of exercise as you see fit (pun intended). But half an hour of belly exercises are usually hard enough for a person to do.

Why is this? Why does it seem harder to lose belly fat than anywhere else on your body? It's not that you aren't burning fat, it's just that the stomach naturally has more padding. Also, when people try to lose belly fat, they usually aren't making the most of their exercise program. They stop between sit-ups, which slows down the fat burning process. Instead, when you exercise, go all the way through the routine, stopping only when absolutely necessary. Another effective way to lose belly fat is to do twists. Standing with legs apart, twist the upper half of your body from side to side, with arms stretched out to the sides. Toe-touches are also a good exercise. These all promote a smaller waist and flatter tummy.

When you start your diet and exercise program, remember not to slack off. Missing just one day will lead to missing "just" two days, and soon you're eating burger after burger while breaking that couch in a little more. After you lose fat, don't stop your exercise program. Now you're fit, so keep yourself that way!

To request your Free Fat Loss Report 12 Biggest Fat Loss Scams, click here: Burn Fat Fast Learn how you can burn fat fast and not have to suffer through another diet. Find out how to lose weight and do it within 30 days.

Would Smoking and Drinking Affect My Gym Training?

Dear dailymuscle,

I'm 21 years old and trying to quit doing the unhealthy things I do to my body and here's my problem. I started smoking and drinking a couple of months ago (vodka), and last night was one of the nights I went overboard and drank way too much. I hate the terrible, worthless feeling I get the next day as I don't feel like training at the gym today due to this feeling. I just feel like staying in bed all day..

I know this is a stupid question but would smoking and drinking affect my gym training (I know it affects cardio cause it screws up your lungs)?

~the thirsty trainer

Dear thirsty trainer,

Thanks for writing in.

Drinking and smoking while trying to achieve practically any fitness goal are the exact opposites and dont mix. Drinking can compromise your goals especially if fatloss is one of them. I've read that the liver can take days to get rid of the alcohol in ones body and so one of its main jobs of filtering fat comes to a standstill and it packs it away for processing later (which never comes of course).

Still not convinced? Okay try this - have a can of beer (or any other alcoholic beverage) just before your workout and let me know if you have a productive workout.

It's a matter of priorities, especially at your young age of which path you want to choose. Many people think that they can counteract their smoking and drinking habits by doing enough exercise, not realising that they are only fooling themselves of the harm they are doing to themselves.

There is research out there that says alcohol in moderation has benefits, but I would not recommend anyone that doesn't drink to start solely for these benefits. Hey, Schwarzenegger smokes cigars too, however, I believe that they are the exceptions. I'd rather stay away from it if I were you.

You know what the right decision is - otherwise you wouldnt be asking about it here ;)

Good luck!

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

Losing Weight - Are Low Carb Diets The Best Way To Lose Fat

If the number of obese adults has increased in America over the recent years, there has also been a parallel growth in the number of people who diet. Some people say that dieting is probably the worst thing you can do to your body.

Some diet programs recommend foods that are low on carbs. While this may sound good at start and you may be able to lose a few pounds in the beginning, be warned that these are the foods that are low on nutrition as well. By living on a low-carb diet, you are depriving your body of the essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that it needs in order to function properly.

On another level, when you deprive yourself of foods, you start to crave for them after a certain period of time. Food cravings lead to cheating and binge eating. You may fool yourself into believing that you won't ever eat the 'forbidden foods' except once, but slowly and surely, binge eating will turn into a habit and you will find that over time you have gained more weight than what you started with!

A better formula is to concentrate on raw foods and vegetables. Not only they are low on fat and carbohydrates, they also provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Plus they are easy to digest. Also don't forget to drink a sufficient amount of water everyday. Water will fill your stomach and prevent you from over eating. An adult should drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and don't forget to drink a glass of water before and after your dinner!

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Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Almost everyone you meet will tell you they're having some type of weight problem. People are always looking for ways to lose weight fast. The truth of the matter is, there is no safe way to lose weight fast except for the tried and true methods of cutting calories, eating healthy and exercise daily. There are ways that you can drop some excess water weight very fast which will shed as much as 10 pounds in a few days. While these are very fast ways to lose weight, they are not by no means a long-term method for weight loss.

If you're looking to lose a few pounds fast because you have an event or social gathering to go to, then you may want to look into some of the short-term detox diets. These are the diet and put you on a straight juicing diet or you are on a particular type of food restriction that allows you to drop excess water weight very fast. People may even see results as soon as the first day. Keep in mind once you stop diets such as these, the weight will most likely come back on and rather fast. These are very good way s to jumpstart a diet but you need to have a plan that you'll stick with to keep the weight off.

The low-carb diets are also good ways to drop weight fast and are on the more healthy side then the detox diets. These can be done for longer periods of time with great results. If done correctly you can use this as a regular way of eating as you are able to incorporate carbohydrates back into your diet after your induction period. You don't want to totally cut out all carbs from your diet as this can cause serious health problems but you do want to limit the amount of carbs, especially the bad carbs, that you take in. People also see results as soon as the first day one on this type of diet and can generally average a pound a day of weight loss while doing the low-carb diets.

If you are going to go on an extreme diet to lose weight fast you want to be sure that you'll take the necessary vitamins and nutrients to help your body to keep working at its best. When you kut out certain foods from your diet you're cutting out much needed nutrients which can also do much damage to your body. Before starting any type of diet you want to be sure to talk with your doctor to make sure you're not doing something that will harm your body. Together you and your doctor can come up with a good diet plan that will have long-term effects rather than just immediate results.

There are many fad diets out on the market today that promise to have fast weight loss results. Be sure to do some research before starting any of these types of diets as you want to be sure you're not doing any harm to your body.

To learn more about Ways To Lose Weight Fast to tone and tighten your abs along with diet and nutrition tips to help achieve your weight loss goals try visiting

What If The Weight Loss Product You're Buying is Poison?

These days, obese people suffer less from obesity related problems and more from the side effects of weight loss products that they use. If you don't exercise caution when buying a weight loss product, it can be harmful for your health. Doing your due diligence and arming yourself with the correct knowledge is very much essential, especially when it comes to weight loss. Before buying any weight loss product, make sure that you have researched it thoroughly. During your search, you should try to get as much information as possible about the product, its good and bad effects, the ingredients that it is made up of, etc., as these things can seriously affect your health, either positively or negatively! In this article I will tell you how to know a good weight loss product from the bad ones.

To start with, you shouldn't accept everything at face value. The internet is littered with both good and bad information, and more often than not, the bad information overshadows the good one. There is a lot of misleading information regarding several weight loss products doing the rounds of the World Wide Web, and in case you don't know, the perpetrators of this misleading information are either the product manufacturers themselves or their partners who promote the products on their behalf. You may come across websites offering you what seems to be 'honest reviews' regarding your product, but is that really so? Most of these reviews are filled up with dishonest, misleading and fraudulent information, and if you rely on this information when purchasing a weight loss product, you are doomed!

I will give an example to clarify my point. You maybe aware of the fact that there are several websites out there claiming to offer natural weight loss products. Well, at one point of time, some experts of the Johns Hopkins University surveyed those sites in order to find out whether the outrageous claims made by these sites are true or not. Not surprisingly, many websites failed the test; some failed to give information regarding the correct dosage of the supplement, others failed to reveal about the harmful side effects of the products, and yet others failed to offer information regarding the ingredients of the products. Believe it or not, lack of such vital pieces of information can harm the consumer more than anyone else.

So, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? As a rule of thumb, you should avoid products whose claims seem to be outrageous or impossible. An old saying goes that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! If you find a website that claims that their product can do miracles for you, chances are that reality is exactly the opposite - that is, it will harm your body in a 'miraculous' way.

Your best bet is to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before you even decide to buy any weight loss pill. Your doctor should be able to clarify what side effects the consumption of a particular medicine may have, and this piece of information alone will save you from a lot of troubles down the road!

Sick and tired of your weight problem? Want to finally lose weight? Then go to my site and get your FREE report on weight loss. Start losing weight today!

What's The Best Exercise For You?

There are many types of exercise programs to include: building muscle, losing weight, increasing stamina, improving heart or lung problems, etc. But there is only one unique exercise that stimulates every cell in your body.

The exercise is rebounding!

While being easy and fun to do, it has a tremendously favorable impact on your immune system. This in turn can lead to many far reaching benefits such as an increase in stamina, mental clarity, better vision and balance, decrease in back or joint pain, and a host of other health improvements.

Rebounding data collected and presented by leading health experts has been confirmed by NASA and the United States Air Force, among other reliable organizations.

With the advent of the mini trampoline in recent years, you now can easily place this simple piece of equipment in your home or office. People who exercised on a mini trampoline for 15-30 daily have discovered the far reaching benefits of rebounding.

Even if you bounce up and down without your feet leaving the trampoline, you can enjoy the benefits of this exercise. It can be used by children, senior citizens, pregnant women, and even people recovering from an injury or illness. Professional athletes can also do this exercise at a higher level of intensity.

You can join a health club that provides all kinds of equipment to include stationary bikes, treadmills, indoor tracks, bar bells, etc. at a monthly cost in the neighborhood of $20-30 a month, or with a modest investment in a mini trampoline, you could achieve some significant health benefits in the comfort of your home or office.

The author of this article has a free report that includes a personal story of how an asthmatic senior citizen has benefited from this amazing exercise! Click on the link below to get your free report.

The Secret Of How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

Everyone goes on a diet sometime. Whether it's for a day, a week, a month, or a year, odds are that at one time or other you will need to shift a few stubborn kilos in order to feel better about yourself. That's where knowing the secret of how to lose weight fast and easy comes in.

Dieting is an industry that makes millions. Actually no, it makes hundreds of millions of pounds every year. Why? Because no-one wants to follow the age-old equation that hard work and exercise plus a good diet equals weight loss. Everyone wants to know the secret. Who wants to work for it if there is a way to shift the weight quicker and more easily?

So, fad diets, packaged foods, vitamin drinks, specially-designed clothing, weight reduction pills, and home exercise equipment (usually easily stored away) are sold on a massive scale. If there's a trick or a knack that will help shed those kilos, the masses want to know. That's where the money lies, in people's desperation to know how to do this.

However, you need not spend millions to learn the secret of how to lose weight fast and easy. In fact, it's no so much a secret as a change in attitude. It comprises five different aspects, each as important as the other and needless to say, that if you follow it rigidly, you will have learnt how to do it.

Firstly, you have to change your way of thinking. By thinking or saying "I'm on a diet" automatically you place yourself under stress and temptation to break it. It's like someone saying "Don't look down" when you're up high - as soon as the words have been said you have an overwhelming urge to look down.

Instead, you should be thinking, "I'm changing my eating habits" which is a lot less daunting and much easier to actually do. Changing your eating habits can take place immediately and provide instant results.

For example, replace salad cream with a little olive oil and lemon juice; white bread with brown; boiled vegetables with raw ones; fruit juice and soft drink with water; fried food with grilled food; and sugar with honey.

In this way, you have not deprived yourself of anything, nor cut down the amounts of food you are eating, but with very little effort, you have reduced major sources of fat and calories.

Secondly, you need to change the way you spend your energy. The idea of replacing taking a lift with walking up the stairs is unbearable if you have to go to the 30th floor, however, if it's just one floor, then chances are it's no more than 25 steps, which is not so bad.

By improving your food intake, and increasing your energy output - even by just a little - it's logical that you will lose weight. How much weight you lose and over how long a period of time will just depend on how rigidly you stick to these two criteria, neither of which is particularly difficult in its own right.

In reality, no-one wants to work really hard for a very long time, however if you know that it's going to be for less than 15 minutes, it can seem a lot more bearable. E-books such as "12 Minutes to Fit and Fabulous" available from are a cheap way to learn how to lose weight fast and easy.

How to Reduce Body Fat - Gym Mistakes

Below are 5 gym mistakes that keep you from losing weight:

1. Always Doing The Same Workout

People often fall into the trap of hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes every time they workout.

No point - it works at first, but then your body starts to adjust to the

routine, and you burn fewer calories. To keep seeing the results, mix it up by varying the intensity or duration of your rest period. And look at changing your entire routine on a monthly period. You must mix it up.

2. Distractions

If you're watching TV during a workout, you're not working hard enough! Instead of relaxing while working out, use interval training. It's short but effective.

Start off with a 5 minute warm up, followed by 1 minute of working out as hard as you can and then reduce the intensity for 2 minutes. Repeat the back and forth the intensity 5 times to get the optimal fat loss results. As your fitness improves, increase the duration of your hard intensity.

3. Holding onto the Handlebars

When your arms take your body weight off your legs, you will burn fewer calories. Therefore, use your whole body weight - that way you can get a better core workout and burn more calories.

4. Not Using The Incline

Set the treadmill on an incline up. That way it will be more

challenging - and creates more activity for your glutes and hamstring

making them stronger and burning more calories.

5.Over Fueling

Forget the sports drinks or energy bars. Limit yourself to about 300 calories - this is the same amount of calories you'll burn during a 30 minute workout. Anymore than 300 calories and you will not reduce body fat - better still cut it off completely and stick to water.

This is how not to reduce body fat.

Discover How to Get Rid of Belly Fat With Turbulence Training at And Discover The 5 Fat Loss Myths: Why Long, Slow Boring Cardio is not the Best Fat Loss Program to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Belly Fat...

Weight Loss the Natural Way

Almost everybody struggles with their weight at some point in their lives. For most of us, this turns into an ongoing struggle that only gets more difficult as we get older. Unless we are able to get a handle on our weight, it may become more and more difficult for us to lose it. Even though all of us would enjoy having some kind of pill that would magically melt the weight off of us, it just isn't that easy. That isn't to say, however, that we can't help our weight loss along through the use of herbal supplements.

Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. If we take in more calories than we are burning off during the day we will gain weight. On the other hand, if we keep ourselves at a deficit, as far as calories are concerned, we will lose weight on a daily basis. Many of us have several things that are working against this weight loss, such as poor dietary habits, a slow metabolism and lack of physical activity. If you have a strong desire to lose weight but do not have the time or motivation to do so, these herbal supplements may be able to help you overcome your problems.

The first type of herbal supplements that you can take actually helps to curb your appetite. I don't know about you, but I often find myself eating when I'm not really hungry. At times, especially when I'm stressed out, it seems like I could eat all day long. By taking an herbal supplement to help control your appetite, you take this compulsive eating away from yourself. You might find that this is all you really need in order to begin losing weight. Once you see the weight start to come off, you would be surprised at how motivating it can be.

Another problem that we have to deal with is slow metabolism. This can be as a result of a glandular problem, such as low thyroid or a simple matter of lack of physical exercise. There are herbal supplements that will be able to help you to pick up your metabolism and balance your body out. This will have the effect of helping you to burn additional calories throughout the day and even while you are sleeping. If you are at a slight calorie surplus now, these supplements may put you at a deficit without changing your eating habits at all.

Of course, the best way to combat weight loss through the use of supplements is by combining these two. By taking a multi-supplement that helps to curb your appetite and build up your metabolism at the same time, you're giving weight loss efforts the 1-2 punch. Not only will you be eating fewer calories, you will be burning them at a faster rate. It's one of the easiest ways to kick start your waist loss program and get yourself on the road to that trim body you have been dreaming about.

Inform yourself about natural weight loss Rice N Shine

Dieting and Weight Loss - A New Programme For Achieving Your New Year Resolution

A world of food abundance; that's the reality we live in on this part of our planet. So after all the over indulgences of the festive season, the New Years resolution for most of us is yet again to lose weight. How many years has this been your resolution? Now be honest with yourself, how long does the resolution last?

How would you like the ability to sustain your motivation all year and find the weight you were born to be? Believe it or not you have that ability right now. The problem is you have probably been looking in the wrong direction and with the wrong mindset. Sustainable motivation is fed by positive thoughts, feelings and actions and not by shame, guilt and self-loathing.

So here we are at the start of 2008 with a great opportunity to change the way you think and live. Change first comes from recognising the starting point from which you want to make the changes. To do this I invite you to answer the following question...

"If you were going to build a machine that produced comfort eating and weight gain, what would the machine need to do?"

Interesting question? I sat down some time ago and made a list of what my machine would be programmed to do. Yours may well be quite different so have a go at this yourself. I decided that my machine would need to be programmed to...

Focus obsessively on food;

Make some food 'Good' and others 'Bad';

Fear the 'Bad' food, restrict its intake and then crave it;

Believe that its present size, shape and weight is never 'Good Enough';

Pick up all the negative messages (viruses) that come into contact with it;

Have an already full memory of 'viruses' of negative messages and beliefs;

Be rebellious sometimes and give out lots of messages as to why the 'Bad' food is deserved;

Quickly bring the emotions of guilt, shame and self-loathing into play when not in rebellious


Hate its body no matter what size or shape it is;

See exercise or increased physical activity as a painful or boring process;

Make sure its mind is never in tune with its bodily feelings and needs;

Make sure that happiness is a fleeting experience;

Make sure that a 'not enough time' programme deletes thoughts of self-loving actions.

Can you see the pattern of negativity? I realised that nothing programmed in this way can ever sustain motivation for permanent weight loss. The programme needed to be changed. The wonderful thing is that we CAN reprogramme our minds. After all, we ourselves programmed it to comply with the dieting game so we can certainly change the programme again.

Why not make your 2008 New Years resolution to be one of reprogramming, support and self-loving actions. The amazing thing is the results will be the permanent weight loss you have wanted year after year. Isn't it time to make this year the one where you discover the weight you were born to be?

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

Fat Burning Exercises Are the Key to Looking Toned

Although most people talk a lot about losing weight, what they really mean is that they want to lose fat, right? I've never heard anyone say they want to lose the lean muscle they have on their body. That means that the key to looking toned is to burn off fat without losing the muscle. In order to accomplish this you should focus your fat loss efforts on doing fat burning exercises while eating the right foods that provide energy to your muscles while still allowing you to lose fat. Here are some tips on the types of fat burning exercises that will give you the best results and give you a sleek, toned physique.

When you start looking for fat burning exercises you are going to run across a lot of people who say doing cardio is the answer to fat loss. I won't argue that cardio exercises are a great way to burn a lot of calories. However, to burn fat more quickly you should focus your workout efforts on strength training and adding lean muscle mass to your body. Let me explain why.

Our metabolisms run faster or slower based on the amount of muscle that we have in our bodies. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism is going to run. That means that not only will losing fat be easier if you have more muscle, but it will also be easier to keep the fat off for good.

Focusing solely on cardio exercises will get the job done over time, however, you will see faster fat loss results if you focus your main efforts on strength training than cardio, although ideally you will do both for the fastest results. A lot of women get turned off by the idea of building muscle because they are afraid that they are going to bulk up and get bigger. In fact, though, that won't happen unless you want it to since it takes a lot of effort for women to build large muscles. Instead, what will happen is that when a woman adds lean muscle to her body the fat will melt away and her body will become sleek and toned.

To make the most of your workouts start with your strength training before you do your cardio. Try focusing your workouts on the large muscle groups in your body like your legs and glutes by doing lunges and squats since these larger muscles will boost your metabolism the fastest. Follow your strength training with some cardio and before you know it your body will be looking great.

Want to jump start your fat burning? Try the Fat Loss for Idiots diet and lose up to 9 lbs. in 11 days without starving yourself or losing muscle. Check out to learn more about the diet and see if it might be right for you.


How Can I Lose Weight Fast

Fast weight loss is possible but doing it safely is another matter altogether. This article hopes to give you some information about how to increase the rate of your weight loss.


This is what many diets are based and although they do give results initially they tend not to last. The main reason for this is that your by taking in less calories than your body is used to it senses you are starving yourself and so it decides to make it harder for you to lose weight.

It does this in two ways, firstly it slows down the rate at which your metabolism works resulting in you burning foods slower. Secondly it starts to store your fat for reserves and future usage and instead starts to burn your muscle for energy.

You can lose weight using low calorie diets but to do it quickly would require too big a drop in calorie intake and result in the problems I have just mentioned above.


You can burn more calories by exercising so a simple logic should tell you that doing a more rigorous program will result in speedier results. This is fine in theory but more than likely isn't a realistic option.

People looking to diet usually aren't the fittest and this is where the problem is. If you aren't used to exercise and you try over doing things then there is a huge risk of serious injury. This obviously isn't going to help in any way with weight loss.

The only fast weight loss method I know that brings results works by fooling the metabolism into working at a higher rate. You can find out more about that diet at the links below but apart from this diet weight loss and fast aren't words that go together successfully and patience will be required.

To find out more about the one quick weight loss program I've found that has been proven to work take a look at this blog:

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

How To Get Brady Quinn's Body

Brady Quinn's workout was recently featured in Men's Health magazine, and showed how he built his muscle mass and strength for football. Brady has the all-American physique, and you can have it too by using the same weight lifting methods.

One of my jobs for Men's Health is to film exercise videos. And recently, I filmed the exercises from Brady Quinn's workout that was featured in the magazine.

The weightlifting exercises in Brady's workout include the front squat, the bench press, some dumbell rows and deadlifts, pullups, and even stability ball leg curls. These exercises are perfect for building a great, muscular physique as well as improving performance. You really have to see them performed properly to understand the benefits.

According to Men's Health, "Brady Quinn's workout centers on exercises that build strength, stability, speed, and power in the least amount of time. Quinn trains his upper body and lower body in every workout, with basic, muscle-building exercises that keep his metabolism elevated."

The front squat is a tough version of the regular squat exercise and works almost every muscle in the body. Your abs get a heck of a workout, even though its a leg exercise. Brady will get bigger, faster, and stronger with this type of exercise.

The workout was designed by one of the experts at the Athlete's Performance Gym in Arizona, and I think that's where Brady trained and did his workouts in preparation for playing football in the NFL next year.

And many people might be surprised that Brady's workout included the bench press. But the experts at Athlete's Performance know how to do the bench press right and reduce the stress on his shoulders. In fact, Brady did 24 reps of the 225 bench press test at the NFL combines. That is unheard of for a quarterback!

I also like the Close-grip Bench Press as a variation of the normal bench press. And that was one of the exercises in my recent workout designed by Strength Coach, Jason Ferruggia.

To do this exercise, make sure you tuck your elbows into your sides to get maximum triceps effort, and focus on pushing yourself away from the bar. That protects your shoulder, and works your triceps more than your chest. A great variation for your arm day training.

So if you want to build mass and get strong, stick to the basics like Brady Quinn and Jay Ferruggia. Squat, bench, row, and pull your way to strength, power, and a better body.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked muscle building, fat burning workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig's fat burning secrets help you lose fat and gain muscle without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. And Craig's bodyweight-only workouts help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Deadly Mistakes People Make With Weight Loss Diets - You Must Be Aware Of This Before It's Too Late

So are you trying to lose weight and thinking about getting on a certain diet? Well you might be already on a diet or maybe thinking about getting on one but do you know that there are some silly mistakes people make which never get them results? You see either people are not aware of these or they just think they are doing all the right things but when they don't get any results that's when they realize that they were making a mistake all this time. Read on to discover some of the most deadly mistakes people make with weight loss diets...

Starving yourself- Some people feel that starving themselves all together would make them lose weight like crazy but this plan normally tends to backfire. You see instead of getting the results you are looking for your body only loses water weight which is gained by faster than you ever lost it therefore starving yourself isn't a solution.

Eating too quickly- There are several diets out there which only tell you what you need to do and what you need to eat but you are never told how. You see some people just eat too quickly and tend to stuff their bodies up with a lot of food too soon. Under this situation the body finds it hard to digest all that food all together therefore it gets stored as fat so the trick here is to eat slowly.

Eating large meals- This is another mistake most people make with their weight loss diets. You see eating large meals will not get you any results at all what you truly need is 8 small meals instead of 3 large meals throughout the day.

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Natural Healthy Weight Loss

The secret to achieving healthy weight loss is changing your diet and walking.

That simple statement is basically all you need to know for a successful weight loss program. One would think that this simple guideline would be easy enough to follow. Unfortunately, this is not true for about 35% of all Americans who are incapable of losing weight and keeping it off.

It is true that once we are overweight that we wish to lose it for a couple of reasons. Some are interested in improved health and others wish to look better.

An important point to consider is that it is never too late to lose weight. It is a known fact that the majority of those attempting to lose weight usually stray. The tendency is to return to old eating patterns and to return to sedentary ways.

Despite all that it is possible to lose weight in a healthy manner and to keep it off permanently. The significance of extra weight is much more than cosmetic. It takes a significant toll on your health.

The Way To Lose Weight Is Naturally

The basics of maintaining your proper weight is not complicated. Truth be told, much of it is common sense. That which you don't know can be easily learned. Losing weight in a natural manner, in reality, should not be difficult at all.

A reasonable approach to losing weight is to transform your diet. This is quite different from dieting. What you wish to accomplish is a lifestyle change that you can implement for the rest of your life.

The most practical diet for losing weight and maintaining your health should consist of complex carbohydrates (whole grains), high in fiber (whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruit), moderate in protein and low in fat.

As for activity, I'm not fond of exercise programs for most people. It is true that for a segment of the population that they can join a gym and dedicate themselves to a regular fitness program. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to most of us. However, walking on a regular basis is something that is available to most people. It is low impact, has great benefits and is easy to incorporate into our daily routine.

Another misconception is eating several, smaller meals is an effective means to starve off hunger. In reality, this doesn't work and is harmful to our digestive system.

The healthy approach is to eat three, wholesome meals per day. While you're at it, eat as much as you wish. The caveat here is to chew your food extremely well. When you chew your food extremely well you gain these benefits. 90% of your food will be pre-digested in your mouth. It will eliminate some of the burden on your stomach and digestive tract. You will absorb the nutrition from your food much easier and be satisfied sooner.

Natural weight loss is a lifestyle process, not a fad. It requires setting goals, but not the goals that you may think. The goal is to alter your habits. Once this is accomplished your weight loss will be effortless. Just as important, you will be healthier and will feel better.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Weight Loss: The Key to Discipline

Recently, two co-workers of mine were discussing their weight loss efforts and part of that conversation stuck with me. One of them said, "It sure is a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain it." The other one answered, "Yeah, thats because gaining weight is fun." I laughed with them, because there is some truth to that statement.

Yes, it can be fun to eat with abandonment and not think about whether what you are eating is healthy or not; it is only the consequences that are painful. Examples of shorter term consequences are pain in your stomach, indigestion, and sluggishness. The longer term consequences are high blood pressure, heart disease, and shortness of breath. Seeing your appearance change for the worse is painful too. Focusing on these consequences is key to developing self-discipline.

Discipline is necessary to achieve your weight loss goals and any goal that you want to achieve in life. After all, you dont have to employ discipline to do those things that you enjoy. For example, I wouldnt have to discipline myself to eat chocolate bars because I enjoy them, however I do have to discipline myself to limit them in my life. How do I do it? Discipline requires two skills: Desire and diversion.

Desire means that you have to want the goal that your discipline will help you achieve more than anything. For example, I wanted to lose weight and get healthy more than I wanted the chocolate bars. Each time I desired the chocolate bar, I had to remind myself of the alternate goal and make it real and vivid. I had to see myself with that goal already achieved and experience the pleasure of it. I had to make that pleasure more intense than the pleasure I imagined I would receive from eating the chocolate bar.

The second skill is diversion, which is simply engaging in an activity that diverted my attention away from the undesirable activity. In the chocolate bar example, I had to either give myself something that I would enjoy eating that was healthier for me or perform an alternate activity that would help me better meet my needs. For example, if I was angry, eating a chocolate bar would not help me, but taking a long walk to cool off likely would.

My co-worker was right: For many of us, losing weight is harder than gaining it. But we need to remind ourselves that, although it is harder to lose weight, it is not impossible. It is also worth the effort. Then we use our key of discipline to help us achieve what we want. It is the only way to get the body that we deserve.

A Registered Nurse for many years, Kimberly Floyd battled obesity for much of her adult life. She achieved her ideal weight and has written a new book entitled 'Moneywise Weight Loss' which teaches others how to lose weight and save money--at the same time.

Kim has written articles for the Georgia Nurses Association publication and Nursing Spectrum Online. Now a technical writer, she has written training programs for corporate clients, including IBM, U.S. Bank, and Cingular.

Kim also teaches an online course called 'Goodbye to Shy'. This course is distributed to over 1100 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Australia through Thomson Learning. An accomplished speaker and trainer, she delivers presentations on health-related topics to enthusiastic audiences.

Alkaline Diet - How Does It Help?


Alkaline Diet, also known as Alkaline Acid Diet, is a diet based on consumption of food such as fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts, and legumes but avoid dairy, meat, grains and salts. Recently, this diet has gained popularity among diet and nutrition specialists and authors. It is still in debate on the efficiency of alkaline diet because there is no concrete evidence that alkaline diet can reduce certain diseases.

As aforementioned, fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts, and legumes are part of alkaline diet. This is because these food released alkaline after being digested, absorbed, and metabolised. On the other hand, dairy, meat, grains and salts produce acid after the processes. Food is categorized as acid-producing or alkaline-producing based on their pH (power of Hydrogen) values, where pH 0 - 6 is acidic, pH 8 - 14 is alkaline and pH 7 is neutral (water). Hence, alkaline diet refers to the diet of having more of alkaline-producing food.

Alkaline Diet

Our blood has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. Alkaline diet is based on this pH level of our blood and any diet that is high in acid-producing food will disorganise the balance. When the body tries to revitalize the equilibrium of pH in the blood, the acidity of the food will contribute to the loss of vital minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium. The imbalance will make people susceptible to illness.

Unfortunately, Western diets are more acid-producing and they consume little fresh fruits and vegetables. Due to the advent of alkaline diet, the standard of Western diet has changed considerably.

Some diet and nutrition practitioners believe that acid-producing diet may cause some chronic illness and following symptoms such as:

~ headache

~ lethargic

~ frequent flu and cold, and excess mucous production

~ anxiety, nervousness

~ polycystic ovaries, ovarian cysts, benign breast cysts

Although some believe the above conditions are the result of acid-producing diet, and consumption of fruits and vegetables is beneficial to health, some doctors think that acid-producing diet does not cause chronic disease. Other than that, there are proofs shown that alkaline diets helps to prevent the formation of calcium kidney stones, osteoporosis, and age-related muscle wasting.

Balance diet

Although alkaline diet is preferred, it is not recommended to have extreme diet (eat all alkaline-producing food). It is healthier to strive for a balanced middle ground of both types of food. Just remember to take note of the pointers above and consult a practitioner/doctor before you want try a new diet.

If you find the above tips useful, visit weight loss, diet & fitness guide for more information. To your dieting success!

Ron Lin is a full time writer about weight loss, diet, nutrition and fitness. He serves to help people to lose weight and maintain healthy lifestyles in many different ways though his web: "Ultimate Diet Solutions --> the Diet Solution Pilot, your guide to weight loss & diet". Through the web, you will be looking at solutions to these problems.

Easy Weight Loss - How To Shed Pounds Fast

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? While you cannot get rid of excess pounds THAT easily you definitely can get rid of those extra pounds quickly and safely by following these simple tips:

1. Eliminate all sugared drinks - This means ALL sugared drinks, including sugar in your coffee or tea. If you cannot stand to drink it without sugar, don't drink it at all. If you have to drown out the taste with sugar and cream, you obviously do not like the taste of tea anyway. Avoid drinking any kind of soda, juice, sweetened iced tea, and alcohol; they all have sugar in them. Drink water instead.

2. Eliminate all fast foods from your diet - Skip the hamburger and fries. If you eat at McDonalds even a few times a week, you can expect to keep gaining weight. Hamburgers, fries and soft drinks offer just about all the empty calories you don't need for the day, without the nutrition. And they do not fill you up. Cook at home. Make some foods for the week and heat them up when you come home from work. Yes, it is a bit extra work, but it's worth it.

3. Avoid all fried foods - These are loaded with fat and pack on the pounds. Replace them with broiled foods.

4. Exercise - Dieting without exercising can be a colossal waste of time. If you shudder at the thought of aerobics then settle for a daily walk instead. The routine will do you good and raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories. Any physical activity is good, so go on and get off that couch today.

Follow just these 4 simple and easy-to-do tips and you'll find yourself losing those extra pounds faster than you ever thought possible.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at

4 Belly Fat Loss Weight Reducing Secrets

This 4 belly fat loss weight reducing secrets will blow your mind. Fatty tissue around the stomach and abdomen carries a greater health risk than fat stored on other places of the body.

Here are 4 things to remember concerning belly fat:

  1. Men tend to store more fat in the middle while women store fat more on the hips. This makes men more prone to health risks. Women tend to develop fat around the middle after menopause and this also gives them a greater risk for heart attacks than their younger female friends.
  2. Stress release cortisol and cortisol appear to stimulate fat storage around the abdomen. Research has shown that men and women under stress has a bigger chance of storing fat on the abdomen. Watch your stress levels.
  3. The best way to fight belly fat is to get to your normal weight and then control your calorie intake. When you take in more calories than your body burn, it will be stored as fat and most likely on the belly.
  4. To reduce belly fat if you already burned with a load of fat is actually very easy. Just follow the following instructions and your belly will go away. You need to start aerobic types of exercise that will burn calories. You must make sure you don't take in more calories than you're burning. You must be patient. You must do some resistance training to firm up the abdomen muscles. Your belly will go away if you keep this up.

Belly fat loss for weight reduction takes time. Tell yourself constantly that this method works as long as you do it so that your mind can believe it.

Download the free report Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

Calorie Shifting - What Is It Exactly?

Calorie Shifting has become one of the hottest topics of debate in the weight loss industry. But what is Calorie Shifting and how does it work?

Calorie Shifting was developed as a solution to the barrage of what I call "Low Something Diets". You know what I mean: every where you turn is another low this and low that diet. Once it's a low fat diet, another time it's low carb or even NO carb. There are diets which proclaim that they hold the solution to your weight problems because they are low calorie diets. You get the picture.

For a while, some of these diets seemed to work. People reported an early fat loss at a good rate. It was what happened a few weeks or months down the line that was troubling: those same people who lost weight in the beginning, ended up gaining it all back and then some. It didn't happen to all of them, but the statistics state that 95% of diets fail and people end up fatter than they started.

Wondering why this happened? The reason is simple: when you deprive your body of a certain food group like carbs or drastically cut down on the amount of calories you eat, your metabolism slows down. You see, your metabolism thinks you're starving, as if you were in the wild nature, and in order to make sure that your energy deposits last as long as possible, it slows down. It's a protective mechanism which is biologically active in all of us.

The challenge was to create a system in which your metabolism will remain running high but in which you'll still lose fat fast. That's how Calorie Shifting came to be. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat.

Calorie Shifting works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by roatating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine. The good thing is that because your metabolism keeps on running high, you don't have to dperive your body of any food groups or eat an absurdly low amount of calories. Becuase your metabolism is high all the time, you don't gain all the weight back the moment you stop being on a diet.

It is hard to get yourself to carry out the Calorie Shifting method by yourself because you need to create an expert menu which is based on this system. It is usually done by a special software. As far as I know, the only diet that uses Calorie Shifting is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

How is Liposuction Performed?

The process of performing a liposuction is not simple by any means, and that is why having a licensed and certified plastic surgeon do the procedure is very important. In general, all liposuctions will follow the same patterns as for as the procedure goes. First off you will need to receive anesthesia. This may be a local or general anesthesia and will be determined based on a number of factors. The amount and type of anesthesia used during a liposuction depends on the liposuction techniques that you and your surgeon decided on as well as the amount of fat that needs to be removed from your abdominal region and your personal tolerance for pain.

In the event that it has been decided to go with a local anesthesia, the anesthesia will be applied to the areas that will see pain and in return those areas are made numb. When you are given a local anesthetic you may also be given a sedative to make you sleep as well. You may have decided to go with a regional anesthetic in which an epidural block is used to cause the entire lower half of your body to go numb. If the surgeon has decided to go with a general anesthetic you will be completely asleep and fed via an intravenous needle.

The surgeon will then inject a saline solution in order to loosen up the fat cells making them easier to be removed. Generally, this will have an anesthesia and adrenaline in this injection as well in order to numb the nerves that may be contacted surgeon the procedure as well as contract the blood vessels to lower the chance of bleeding.

After making the incision and injecting the fluids, the surgeon will use a vacuum to suck the unwanted fat cells from the area. This procedure generally uses small incisions which can easily be closed with only a few stitches. After the surgeon feels that he or she has gotten all of the fat cells they can remove safely, they will then stitch up the incisions through the underlying muscle tissue in order to pull the skin and muscle tissue together so that connective tissue will form between the two. In some cases depending on the amount of fat being removes, there may be some sagging of the skin at the lower abdominal region.

Dr. Jim Greene would like to invite you to learn more about different liposuction procedures that you should learn about if you are interested in having liposuction.

Liposuction Find out about the liposuction risks, recovery time of liposuction, costs of liposuction and more.

Pubic liposuction Learn about all of your options when it comes to pubic liposuction such as recovery time, financing options and more.

Plastic surgery Learn more about various plastic surgery procedures and their recovery time, financing options, view videos and pictures and more.

Alternatives To Weight Loss Surgery

Losing weight via surgery has become quite common these days even before exploring all of the other options out there. If we cut through the hype and salesmanship on the subject, it sure would make things a lot easier. But the truth is there are always alternatives to a weight loss surgery, that will help you lose excess weight fast, without under going painful and costly surgery.

To melt off the unwanted weight without any hard work or surgery, all you need to do is to change your eating habits or routine. Most people stuck in overweight bodies, considering surgeries, don't realize that the cure lies at the base of the problem i.e. the reason why many of us gain weight is the consumption of undesired food products. We have very little real knowledge about what we put in our bodies. In this area knowledge is truly king!

Getting rid of unhealthy eating habits also cleanses your body system supporting weight loss protocol. Consuming fruits and vegetables along with lean protein does not just provide you with the essential ingredients, but also supports your body functions without adding any undesired weight. But if you don't know what well marketed processed foods are doing to clog your system, fill you with parasites, yes, parasites, and prevent you from losing and keeping weight off. You will never stop the yo-yo weight gain/lose cycle.

So, if you are someone looking for alternatives to weight loss surgery, begin by doing some research on the truth about your diet. I have found a excellent source of this information in a easy to read (only-39 pages) and understand ebook by Dr. Susan Gudakunst. Before you let anyone do surgery on you, know all of your options. This Dr. is going against the grain with the information she is revealing. I found it very refreshing, I hope this article was helpful in your search for alternatives to weight loss surgery.

If the content in this article somehow does not apply to you, I know that it does apply to someone you love. Check the site out yourself and then enlighten that person in your life that you know needs to make a change. We can all be more healthy to experience a better life with the ones we love. Thanks for reading this.

Weight Loss For Children

Childhood obesity has become a major concern in the United States. It has been said that one out of four children of this generation will end up with Type II diabetes. Weight loss for children has become a huge topic amongst health professionals and parents alike. In order to help these children, there are some important aspects of children and weight loss to understand.

Primarily, these kids live sedentary lifestyles. Beyond food choices, a major step in helping these kids with weight loss is to get them away from the computers, video games and television. Kids today have so many options for being sedentary and in front of a screen that it is sometimes difficult to convince them otherwise. Its more challenging for parents today to get their kids active because of all these options and also because it's no longer safe to send our children out to play in the neighborhood. Increased traffic and traffic speed is an issue as well as the obvious fear of kidnappers. Our world just isn't safe enough anymore to let our kids run about outside without a parent watching. So what do we do to encourage our kids to be more active in an effort to achieve weight loss?

We have to be creative. Organized sports are a great choice if parents can afford this, but even organized sports only offer a few classes per week which is just not enough activity to promote weight loss. Exercise needs to become part of the daily routine in a household. This exercise needs to be something the child enjoys and not seen as a task. Making a daily family walk, perhaps with the family dog, is a great idea to get your kids moving. Perhaps every other day, an evening at the neighborhood park playing tag will do the trick.

Weight loss for kids also involves helping them make better food choices. So many kids today are accustomed to eating fast food at least two or three times a week because of our schedules. Unfortunately, these meals are loaded with fat and calories. In addition, when children are used to eating these highly flavorful salty foods, their taste buds are likely to reject a lean piece of grilled chicken or bland vegetables. Taper back your fast food per week and work towards limiting these "treats" to once or twice a month.

Begin introducing more healthful meals for dinner. Truly, "good for you" doesn't have to mean bland, boring dinners. We all grew up with meat being the main focal point of a meal, but a small piece of meat is really quite sufficient. Now that calories have been saved by offering smaller amounts of meat, you can dress up those veggies and make them more exciting and palatable.

Carbohydrates are not the enemy in weight loss that some would have you believe; however, as Americans we certainly don't need to strive to get the appropriate amount either. Offering a small amount of whole grain couscous with meals as opposed to a heaping amount of macaroni and cheese is a great alternative to the side dish.

Above all, be patient. For the most part, your children will not have a significant amount of weight loss. Rather, they will maintain their weight as they gain height and grow into their weight.

There are lots of ways to lose weight, so don't get discouraged, get help. For weight loss tips for real people go to and get reliable information for achieving weight loss. For additional information about a weight loss program that really works, please go to Healthy Weight Loss Review.

Vitamins To Aid In Weight Loss!

We cannot pick out vitamins specifically for weight loss but we can certainly look at certain vitamins that may help you. For weight loss to take place we need a number of vitamins to act in synergy with each other for the effect of weight loss to take place.

Some of the vitamins to aid in weight loss are: The B Group of vitamins such as B2, B3, B6, Choline and Inositol ( part of the B-complex ) and finally Vitamin C. It is important to pick a vitamin that has the required dosage in the right amounts.

Do You Sweat More Because Of Lack Of Vitamins?

The main reason why some people sweat more than others is due to genetics. Genetics controls the activity of your sweat glands and this is why you will see some people sweat or literally drip with perspiration while others may seem they have not done anything after an hour of exercise.

Besides genetics the level of physical activity also plays an important part. A person who is less fit will not sweat as much as a person who exercises regularly. The body uses the process of sweating to reduce body heat. Similar to an animal which may hang its tongue out on a hot afternoon. Fitter people respond quicker to changes in temperatures than their less fit counter parts.

So do vitamins help you sweat more? The answer is they help you to maintain your body functions at the optimum levels. Remember that sweating is mainly genetic and depends on your level of fitness. Remember to take a lot of liquids as you will need to replace what you have lost in sweat.

Chart Of Vitamins In Fruit And Vegetables

There are a number of websites on the internet where you can access charts with details on vitamins. When you are looking at a certain vitamin to take it is prudent you look at five crucial factors: completeness, balance, potency, purity and safety. These five points are very important if you wish to get the most from your vitamin.

Vitamins and Nutrients Of Red Meat

Lean red meat is rich in nutrients that help with optimum health. Lean red meats contribute to the haem iron in our diet. This source of iron is higher than that of plants. Zinc and omega 3 is also present in lean meat. In fact the next biggest source of omega 3 besides fish is from lean meat. All the essential amino proteins come from red meat. Selenium, Vitamin D and the B-Complex group of vitamins are also present in red meat.

Claude Fullinfaw is a successful publisher of nutritional secrets at where he provides more information on health and nurition for men, women and children and how you can benefits from his work at My Healthy Supplement