Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weight Training With A Weight Loss Goal

In a weight loss, or fat loss phase as I prefer to call it, weight training is considered a very important ingredient to the equation. The main emphasis of weight training in the fat loss phase is maintenance of muscle tissue.

Muscle tissue shapes and forms the contours of the body. I'm not saying you can change the shape of a muscle because that's physically impossible. It does, however, have a discernable shape that is reflected on the male or female body. So, if all emphasis were placed on cardiovascular or energy system development (ESD), as I call it, there would definitely be some muscle wasting going on.

This causes a loss in shape or lack of shape improvement when in a weight loss phase. Muscle is considered the primary indicator of metabolism. Basically, it single handedly determines how many calories the body burns. So if you lose muscle through exercise or dieting, you burn fewer calories through daily processes.

So, in a weight loss training program, we want to maintain or even add muscle to our frame through proper exercise prescription. The use of compound movements needs to be emphasized. This includes, but is not limited to, various forms of: squats ,deadlifts , pulls and pushes. Specific examples would be barbell squats, barbell bench press, chin ups, etc.

The frequency of weight training can vary, but keep in mind that maintenance of muscle tissue is the goal. The majority of training should be based on ESD. Weight workouts should include circuit training, supersets, tri sets, etc. to burn up energy and/or stimulate growth hormone which has been linked to fat mobilization and usage. Still, one session of the week should be devoted to lifting as heavy a weight as possible in good form. This is the most important lifting session of the week as far as muscle is concerned in a weight loss phase. By placing an overload on the system, the body has little choice but to hold onto that energy consuming tissue called muscle.

Repetitions for all lifts during each training session are going to be highly individual to the trainee. Beginners and women need to use a higher repetition range due to having less neurologically efficient central nervous systems. Basically, this means they aren't able to use as much muscle per repetition as someone with more experience. Both populations obviously improve with training. Intermediate and advanced trainees, on the other hand, need to use lower ranges. The one exception is when growth hormone or lactate producing workouts are to be performed. For this type of workout the range needs to be from 12-20.

One quick side note. Women shouldn't be afraid to lift heavy weights. I see it all the time at every gym I've ever been to. Lots of cardio and very little weight training. Most women need to get stronger. The concern of getting "big, bulky muscles" is so outdated it makes me sick. If you sit and worry about getting these "big, bulky muscles", consider all the men out there who are doing everything they know to get "big, bulky muscles" and are having a hard time achieving that. Men have a distinct advantage, with few exceptions from the female population, in stimulating muscle growth. The hormone, testosterone, is one of the main factors in this process. Women produce much less of it and therefore have a harder time adding muscle mass. I'm not saying women can't add muscle, it just might take a little longer or be a little harder to accomplish. Now make the necessary changes in your program and get started!

Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Training Systems, a personal training company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at:

Taking a Weight Loss Dietary Supplement

A weight loss dietary supplement has different functions in helping aid weight loss. Some act as appetite suppressants to help users eat less, therefore have lesser calories to burn. Some act as thermogenics, increasing the body's metabolism, which means increasing its calorie-burning abilities, while some, on most occasions, support a combination of functions for speedier weight loss.

More doesn't mean more

Some people make the mistake of taking a weight loss dietary supplement above its recommended dosages. This not only futile because studies have shown that increasing dosages have very little effect on its efficacy, but more importantly can be very dangerous. While most weight loss dietary supplements have natural ingredients, that doesn't mean that more of it in your body is good. Dosages are given for that reason. Because the ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplement have undergone testing and have yielded to be most effective in particular potencies, anything less or in excess will negate the benefits that a particular weight loss dietary supplement has in general. You know that anything in excess is bad for you and that also applies even if you're taking more of the good stuff.

Buy safely

Apart from taking proper dosages, safeguard your health by buying only from licensed manufacturers and distributors. The weight loss industry is home to a lot of amazing products, and consequently, to those who want to cash in on the many who are eager to use these products. As such, counterfeit products might be circulating in your locality. To be sure, buy only from respectable drug stores and health food stores. Be wary also of weight loss dietary supplements that are extremely inexpensive. You may be tempted to buy them because of the savings you'll get but there's always a catch. And your health isn't something so easy to get back once you get caught.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Cori Weight Loss - An Effective Burger

I must say that one should be creative if you are trying to reduce your weight through my burger, what I call cori weight loss item.

If you can eat frozen cori weight loss burgers for a quick and easy meal. It is like a regular hamburger but you could be a bit experimental while making it.

You can make these cori weight loss Berger by purchasing friezed salmon burgers or you can make it by your own. It is your own choice.

I personally do not like the frozen one. And if you are making by yourself, you can use vegetables or you can replace it by your own logical choices.

So note down the required ingredients:

Sliced onion

Sliced long thin pieces of half a red pepper

Sliced long thin pieces of half a yellow pepper

cup of broccoli

Grated Parmesan cheese

Shredded mozzarella

Olive oil

And last but not the least

1 Salmon burger

You can use a small pan to cook the salmon burger and take off the heat and sprinkle some shredded Cheese on top of it. Now cover the pan so that cheese melts on on of it.

In the second part of its preparation, take a second pan and heat some olive oil on medium heat and put some sliced onions, peppers, broccoli and saute. Now add some salts as per your own taste. You can use any other stuff in place of salt if you do not wish to have salt. Here you can mix vegetables and cook for approximately 10 min. Cooking for 10 min. will make your vegetables crunchy.

Serve this with putting cheese and olive oil. Now put your salmon burger and press into your mixture.

This is my stuff which is healthy and easy to make.

Wishing you success,

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Need to Lose Some Weight?

Losing weight does not have to be a difficult, overwhelming task and surely should not be a process that can be a risk to your health. Follow these simple guidelines to ensure your weight loss is safe and successful!

Enlist friends and family - Individuals who have the support and encouragement of friends and families are more likely to achieve their weight loss goals. They will also provide a level of accountability for you; if you make your goals known, you will be more likely to stick with them.

What are you drinking? - You may be surprised to find out just how many calories may be hiding in the sodas, energy drinks, juices, and sports drink you gulp down each day. Replacing just one those drinks with water can reduce your caloric intake by nearly 150 calories. Drinking more water is not only essential for a healthy diet, but can help curb hunger when you start to get cravings during the day.

Think baby steps - You should start with small and simple lifestyle and dietary changes; trying to implement big and drastic changes will never work. If you gradually introduce diet changes and exercise into your daily life, you will be more likely to stick to your goals, thus resulting in successful, lasting weight loss.

Energy supplement - Taking an energy supplement while putting into practice healthier eating and daily physical activity can really boost your energy level and metabolism. As a stipulation, you should always read the labels before you start taking any supplement and always take as directed and never more than instructed.

Listen to your stomach - An easy way to start losing the weight is to stop eating when you're full! Overeating due to over-sized portions is one of the biggest factors when it comes to being overweight. Eat slowly and savor your food; doing so will allow your stomach to register with your brain that you are full. Eating too fast will only lead to overeating and possibly feeling sick as a result.

Start moving - Try out different physical activities until you find one that your really enjoy. No one ever said that exercise had to be tedious or dreadful. Dancing, hiking, biking, even brisk walking are all great ways to get exercise. Don't get stuck in the mindset that you have to be on a treadmill or in the gym to get proper and regular exercise.

How Building Lean Muscle Can Burn Fat & Help You Lose Weight Fast

The first thing most people think about when trying to lose weight is some form of aerobic exercise. This could be running, walking, treadmills, bicycling, swimming, etc. While aerobic exercise is important, weight training is absolutely vital to losing weight and burning off fat.

Weight training is important for anyone, man, woman, boy, girl, young & old. How much maximum weight you train up to is in direct reflection of your age, your health, your goals, and after consultation from your doctor.

How is weight training important for losing weight?

Muscle is much more dense than body fat. In order to truly lose weight, and burn off fat, it is very important to build lean muscle.

Muscle building increases your metabolism. In no time, you can build enough muscle to burn several hundred calories daily while you sleep! The growing phase of your muscles burns a huge amount calories. Also, during the "repairing" process after your workouts also burns tons of calories and body fat. This process lasts for up to 24 hours! You won't get that from aerobic exercising!

For every pound of muscle you put on, you will burn 40-50 calories daily. Consequently, the more muscle you put on, the more your body will become a fat burning machine.

One major point to remember is, when you start weight training, pay particular attention to your large muscle groups (i.e.,legs). Proper weight training within the large muscle group burns the most fat. Obviously, still work your entire body to achieve optimal results.

As always, consult your physician first before you start any type of exercising/weight training program.

Are you ready to start losing weight and getting lean muscle now? Click Here to ignite your fat burning furnace and start your on your path to weight loss, better health, and a better body. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles and his site. If you're looking for more free valuable tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, then be sure to visit Conquer Weight Loss , and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Stunning Ways To Boost Metabolism - Achieve Earth Shattering Results And Lose Weight Like Crazy

So what exactly causes weight gain? Well there are several reasons responsible for weight gain in a person which might be lack of physical work or exercise, wrong eating habits, too much junk food, wrong selection of foods etc. But why is it that some people never gain weight no matter what they eat? Well in those cases those people seem to have a fast rate of body metabolism due to which they never gain much. Weight gain occurs the most to people who have a slow rate of body metabolism. But there are tricks you can use to boost your metabolism. Read on to discover how you can do it and achieve stunning results...

Do a lot of cardio- Cardio is one of those exercises which can really do wonders with your body metabolism. If you stick to cardio make sure you do it on a daily regular basis. It helps to increase your heart rate which makes you breathe deeper. There are several cardio exercises you can choose from the best of which are running, brisk walking, cycling, dancing etc.

Have as much water as possible- Water is the main element of weight loss therefore it is extremely important to drink as much water as possible. Not only does it help with weight loss it also detoxifies your body which helps your overall health and fitness levels.

Make your meals small- Most people out there have a habit of having heavy meals which loads their system and gives their body a hard time to digest food which in turn stored as fat in your body. Therefore instead of having heavy meals learn to have small frequent meals as that would give your body more time to digest.

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #52

Investing in ourselveswhy dont we do it?

We will put everything else first before we decide to make the investment in ourselves. When we do this, we say, I am last. What happens as a result? We keep this pattern of behavior alive in every area of our life. Then we wonder why things keep happening to us.

I have a client who routinely has accidents. Finally, with this last accident she is getting it. She understands that success is a system. In order to be successful, one must keep doing the daily activities that set up a regimen, a system.

When my client is on track, a system of investing in herself, she feels great. When she is off track and not doing her daily work, then all sorts of things befall her, including her accident-prone nature.

Recently, she called me and NOW gets it. She knows she must set the intention that her life is important, and schedule the time to instill this in her consciousness. She is saying, I am important, therefore, I devote time to ensuring I am important.

This has taken some time for her to learn this. Together we have cleared a lot of her negative thought patterns, but the daily work, the practice, is just as important to keep reinforcing the positives. She is ready to embark on cleansing her body as well and going to start using the cleansing and fat burning products from Isagenix. This powerful, two-pronged approach (cleansing the body and cleansing the thoughts) will be the system that will be her life force. Sometimes it takes a coach to help us though as self-sabotage (our EGO) can be right there waiting for us to fail.

Recently, I was listening to a teleseminar where the person was talking about Michael Jordan. Michael said he constantly practiced (doing his daily work) to be a successful athlete. He could not just shoot a few baskets and then go out and be a top athlete. He had to exercise, eat right.all those components to help him be at the top of his game. He also mentioned that he believed it was very important to have a coach to guide him in his success.

Michael Jordan isnt the only one who benefits from a coach. Everyone I know who is successful in their business has a coach. How would you benefit from having a coach?

Are you at the top of your game?

Daily work is merely practice in how to be a better person. Using stress release techniques, exercising, eating nutritiously, cleansing the body, meditation, laughing, forgivenessall these daily components can help us be at the top of our game.

If you find you get off track easily, perhaps you could benefit from a coach. I can help coach you to be successful and have abundance in all areas. Maybe you need to lose some weight, maybe you need a better relationship with your significant other and/or with your children, maybe you want more energy or less stress. Whatever the need is, I can be the means to help you get those things.

Who do you know who is successful who doesnt invest in himself or herself? Be at the top of your game, and invest in yourself.

Love and hugs,


Helping people fall in love...with themselves
Tami Close
Weight Loss Consultant
2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291
Silverdale, WA 98383

Tami Close helps people fall in lovewith themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight balancing program. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer, Wake UpLive the Life You Love.

Psst, Want to Burn Fat Fast?

Hey you. Yeah you. Do you want to burn fat fast? I bet you've like to do it without having to exercise or having to change your diet. Well let me let you in on a well kept secret. Are you ready?

It ain't gonna happen. You can hope all you want, but unless you change what you're doing that got you over weight to begin with, you'll be "wishing on a star".

Why am I being so harsh? Actually, I prefer to call it tough love. Whatever you decide to call it, you need to realize that to lose those pounds, it's all up to you to make the necessary changes in your life.

But you say it's so hard!

I'm not going to tell you that it's easy to break old habits and start new ones. If it were easy, there wouldn't be a billion dollar industry built around just weight loss. That figure alone should suggest to you that something is afoot. (What can I say? I like Sherlock Holmes.)

What I am going to suggest to you is that you stop taking losing weight so seriously. I'm sure that it's a safe bet that if you look back at most of the changes you made in your life, you'll see that you didn't make a big deal out of them.

The change could have been something as simple as choosing another route to go to work or maybe changing your brand of toothpaste. Nothing life changing about those decisions. And even though the benefits from losing that extra weight may be life changing, the decision to make the change doesn't have to be.

Truth be told, everything in life is simple. It's when we try to live life that we make it hard.

So what should you do about trying to lose weight? The answer to that is simple. Simply keep it simple. The harder you try, the harder it becomes. When you stop stressing over every little aspect of losing weight you are going to find that something marvelous starts to happen.

Bit by bit, you'll actually find yourself doing the things necessary for you to lose weight. You may start out by just drinking more water. You may decide to go for a long walk. You may decide to go with a salad instead of a burger for lunch. You may even find yourself following that diet and exercise plan you laid out your hard earned cash for.

Whenever it happens, it is going to be because the fate of the world no longer rest on you following every minute aspect of your weight loss plan. Just like a seed sprouting from the soil, you'll gradually grow into doing all the things that stressed you out before. And when that happens, you'll wonder what the whole fuss was about anyway.

To learn more about how to burn fat and keep it off, go to It's your one-stop source for fat burning information. Check out information on some of the hottest selling weight loss plans and learn the right way to set fitness goals.

Exercise Cellulite Away

A simply analogy that describes cellulite is skin that appears to have a cottage cheese appearance. The lumpy appearance of the skin is actually deposits of fat and/or water that are trapped in the connective tissue beneath the skin. The most common areas for cellulite to develop are on the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite develops from a number of reasons. The main causes though are circulation problems, water retention, and dietary factors that include food additives, chemical preservatives, & hormones. In addition, lack of exercise, excess ingestion of saturated fats and sugar and poor hydration are other factors in developing cellulite.

Reducing or Eliminating the Appearance of Cellulite

There are ways in which you can reduce or even eliminate cellulite. However, to rid your body of this condition will take discipline to exercise. Below is a fitness program to get you on your way to better looking skin.

As with any exercise program, a warm-up is required to reduce the threat of strain or injury on your muscles. A good warm-up exercise could be 15 minutes of aerobic dance, and some general stretching.

After you have done your warm up, you are ready to begin your exercise regiment. The first exercise should be strength exercises or weight training. Start out with lightweights and then as your program progresses, raise the weights to a higher level.

Recommendations for exercise are to do at least 15 minutes of strength exercises. In addition, you should do 10 repetitions of each exercise for the targeted area. After completion of 10 repetitions, you should do a few stretching exercise for about 20 seconds. Stretching out the targeted muscle will increase flexibility and increase strength. Increasing strength will build muscle thus eliminating cellulite.

For example, if your thighs are the problem area, use exercises that are designed for the thighs. These could be leg lefts or side leg lifts. In addition, there is exercise equipment exclusively made for thighs.

If cellulite is on the buttocks, there are a number of ways to eliminate it. Doing lunges or squat exercises would be one way. Moreover, to increase the effects of your exercises, consider adding weights to you ankles or holding weights at your side. Exercise machines are another possibility to get you on your way to reducing or eliminating cellulite.

There is no easy cure for cellulite. Reducing its appearance or eliminating it altogether takes some work and dedication. A good exercise regimen will not only improve your cellulite, it will promote a sense of well being and improved health all around.

For more information about cellulite, visit Cellulite.

How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

The very first thing is to adopt a healthier diet. Notice that I did not say dieting. If you are to succeed in your weight loss efforts it is important to make lifestyle changes. Decide what you are going to eat. Plan ahead and stick with it.

Whatever you do, don't give up. You fail only when you quit. Most of us do no succeed the first time. Persistence alone is omnipotent. Nothing else comes close including talent and intelligence.

Keep in mind that diet and exercise a two halves of one coin. If either one is missing from the equation you lessen your chances for success. You can exercise until the cows come home, but if you are consuming the wrong foods it is likely that you will not experience any dramatic changes. Likewise, without exercise you will burn muscle instead of fat. Keep in mind that aerobic exercise burns fat. If you starve yourself you will be burning muscle.

The most important factor for healthy weight loss is consistency. Skipping your meals or missing your physical activity will slow down your progress. You have to ask yourself how much do you want this? Create a good, solid program and stick with it. Keep in mind that you will get out of it only what you put into it.

The most important thing that we can do is to eat a health diet. Almost no one comes close to eating a healthy diet. When you concentrate on eating healthy, natural foods and have a regular physical activity routine, weight loss will be effortless.

Before you begin you should know that there are certain diet myths that should be dispelled.

Many fad diets suggest that certain food groups should be eliminated. The truth is that you need a balance diet that supplies you with all the nutrients that keeps you healthy. The core of your diet should be built around whole grains, vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts and seeds. This type of diet will strengthen your body, create health and vitality.

Another myth is that you have to eat meat to get your protein. Grains, nuts, oil, legumes and fermented soy products contain complete proteins. The protein in meat is actually incomplete. Both meat and dairy products are high in sodium and fat. This makes weight loss difficult.

If you have any doubts, consider for example the cow. A cow weighs anywhere from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds. It is made up of protein and fat. Yet a cow eats only grass, which is a complex carbohydrate. Somehow it is able to manufacture everything that it needs from this simple food.

Another popular myth is that you have to eliminate fat from your diet in order to lose weight. The truth is that you need good quality fat in your diet. It is perfectly okay to cook with good quality oil, but avoid deep fried foods.

Finally the biggest misconception of all, you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The truth is that if you eat natural foods there is no need to go hungry. There is a transition period in the beginning and it will take a little while for your body to adjust. You will discover that natural foods taste better and are more fulfilling than commercial, processed foods.

So there you have it, some very practical pointer on how to reach your weight goal. Just focus and take action. Before you know it you will be healthier, feel better and of course, you will have lost weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Weight Loss Diet Programs

Obesity or over weight badly affects the health of a person. To retain the health, it is important to reduce the over weight. A weight loss diet program is the best solution to being overweight. A person can make a research on these programs through the Internet, books or friends. The choice, to consult a dietitian, is another way to find the proper meal plan. A dietitian gives information about the proper nutritional plans, as per the physical requirements of the person.

Some people take diet pills to cut down the weight. Studies have shown that, in the year 2007, more than 50 billion people had taken weight loss pills. Accordingly, the health professionals stated that, these pills offer great success but can be harmful to the human body.

A simple weight loss program such as a low carbohydrate, low fat and low sugar can bring out miracles in a person's life. A person can improve their health and reduce the overweight with the introduction of fruits and vegetables, daily in their daily nutritional program.

List of Diet programs:

The list of weight loss programs include:

1. Protein programs: The protein diet programs or Dr. Atkin's diet is a weight loss program that focuses on muscle mass increase. Dr. Atkin principle states that, if there are more muscles, the body supplies the additional nutrients to muscles to perform their work. The additional nutrients in normal case are stored as fats. This weight loss program includes only protein food.

2. Balanced weight loss diet program: This one focuses on a balanced chart of a diet plan. This diet sheet involves fruits, vegetables and unique soup. The plan divides the eatables evenly on weekly basis. A person on balanced diet program has to avoid high cholesterol food such as dairy product, oils and noodles.

3. Milk and Banana program: This program includes only milk and banana intake. A person on this diet program has to avoid all other food supplements.

4. Detox weight loss diet program: An initial diet program removes toxic waste to keep the body healthy. The plan concentrates on easily digestible food and a plenty of water intake. This diet program increases the bowel movements, which helps to remove the waste easily from the body. A person on detox has to avoid chemicals, coffee and processed food.

5. Liquid diet plan: This plan includes food in the liquid form. A person can take water, coffee, soups, milk and fresh juices. The health experts state that liquid food supplies minimum calories and has low fat and carbohydrate content. People with liquid weight loss diet program have to avoid solid food.


It is very easy to reduce the weight of a person with regular exercise and a proper diet plan. Apart from the above discussed plans, natural diet plan is another weight loss program practiced by the ancestors. Researches show that, our ancestors had good health. This is because, they were on naturally obtained food such as fruits, vegetable and water. The food from nature increases the body's metabolism and reduces the excess body weight. The diet plan comprises of uncooked organic food only and is the best of all weight loss diet programs.

Darren O Connell: Health Fitness Diet Exercise & Fat loss

How Can Men Lose Weight Fast?

95% of men diet the wrong way. They starve themselves, they work out too hard, and they don't rest. Find out how men can lose weight fast. Do you have a big reunion coming up? Do you need to get ready for the summer months? Either way you are a man and you need to lose weight fast, so what do you do?

Most Importantly, Remember to Eat!

This is the most important item to remember. Your body needs fuel. The difference is your body needs lean, effective fuel, so it can burn fat, and build muscle. So, you have to remember to eat first thing in the morning, and 5 other times during the day - in small portions.

ip #1: Lots of Water

Water is your metabolism's life juice. Your body thrives on having the proper hydration to metabolize food into energy. Moreover, if you're drinking water, that means there is a good chance you're not drinking soda or other highly caloric drinks. Drink lots of water and stay away from empty calories, if you want any shot in losing weight fast.

Tip #2: No Bad Fat

Sounds kind of paradoxical doesn't it? Not really. There are good fats and there are bad fats. If our question is, "Can Men Lose Weight Fast?" we have to be prepared to cut out our most favorite food: red meat! Instead of red meat we need to concentrate on good fats which are available in kalamata olives, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and avocados. These good fats have been scientifically proven to reduce body fat, particularly in the stomach!

Tip #3: More Fiber

Your diet must consist of at least 100% of the daily recommended allowance if you have serious hopes of shedding any pounds soon. Fiber in your diet has an incredible ability to detoxify your system and rid your digestive tract of any unwanted matter. Did you know John Wayne is believed to have had over 50 pounds of matter in his colon upon his death? As men, looking to lose weight fast, step one should be ensuring that we get a good dose of fiber at breakfast time.

In my personal experience, detoxification is of the utmost importance when attempting to lose inches fast. In detoxifying your system, you liver has a better shot at metabolizing food, and your confidence is often boosted immediately from the drastic inch and/or weight loss.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living. He is dedicated to educating future generations to live healthy, and feel great. If you are looking to learn more about healthy living and would like to subscribe to his free, extremely popular newsletter, check out: healthy dieting.

Green Tea Weight Loss Patch

The frenzy towards low carb diets has brought the start of a number of dieting products that are based on low carb approaches. One of the latest products to strike the dieting marketplace are weight loss patches.

Inspired by the success of nicotine patches marketers struck on the concept that weight loss patches may perform the same way. Weight loss patches are mainly intended for people who fail to remember to take their usual dosage of weight loss supplements or capsules. With weight loss patches, an individual will no longer have to to take pills as he will have a 24-hour source of weight loss material stuck to his skin.

Weight loss patches are generally made from such ingredients as algae and seaweed which are recognized appetite-suppressants. Later studies on weight loss and diets led to the use of green tea as a weight loss patch.

Green Tea as Weight Loss Patches

As far back as the Ming dynasty and maybe even before than that, green tea has been used as herbal therapy and as a health drink in China. In current times, speculations on the use of green tea as a potential therapy for cancer have arisen due to the finding that the polyphenol substance found in green tea can prevent cancer cells from growing.

The polyphenols in green tea weight loss patches also have other uses. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that green tea polyphenols can speed up the metabolic rate of the body. With this new finding, quite a few companies specializing in pharmaceutical products have started introducing green tea into the market as a supplement either in the form of diet pills or weight loss patches.

Green tea weight loss patches are an improved option to other products because they have no unpleasant side-effects. Other substances that bring about weight loss like ephedra may raise heart rates which could lead to cardiovascular complications.

Green tea weight loss patches are good for people with high LDL, the bad cholesterol found in the body. Since the antioxidants in green tea weight loss patches break up LDL cholesterols, while at the same time enhancing the good cholesterol levels in the body, a balance in the body is achieved which could only lead to overall good health and well-being.

Green tea weight loss patches work in two ways. First, they quell hunger organically and safely. A review at the University of Chicago showed that rats when injected with green tea can lose up to 21% of their bodyweight. This is due to the fact that a substance present in green tea acts as a natural appetite-suppressant that staves off hunger.

Green tea weight loss patches also increase metabolism. With their high-level epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) content, green tea weight loss patches have a distinctive advantage over stimulant diet drugs which can be dangerous to individuals with hypertension and heart complications.

If you want to read more about green tea diet patches, Visit Danny Brown's site at

Finding a Weight Loss Partner

When you first begin to diet it is hard to break old habits and begin forming new habits. This is where a weight loss partner comes in. Your diet partner will help keep you on track and hold you accountable for your food intake and your exercise plan.

Your diet partner will help you to stay motivated. You can plan to exercise together at a set time each day. This will keep you accountable and motivated. It is harder to give your weight loss partner a week excuse as to why you can not exercise than it is to convince yourself that you should just skip a day.

Diet partners also offer a great support system when it comes to sticking to a diet. It is easy to cheat on a diet especially if you feel you are going it alone. Your weight loss partner will help you to stay on track and listen when you do fall off the wagon.

You may also find that you end up with just a bit of competition when it comes to dieting with a partner. If you have a week where your partner has lost more weight than you or exercised more than you, you may just have to get moving and try and win next week.

Your partner will also add a bit of fun to dieting. You can work together to find fun new recipes and laugh when you goof up that new recipe. It is also a lot of fun to take a walk and tell silly jokes on the way. Set up one day each week where it is joke day and your entire exercise time is spent telling silly jokes while walking.

Friendships are built around common experience. You will find that your weight loss partner may just become your new best friend. As your lifestyle choices change so will your diet partners. It is always easier to do it with a friend.

Just remember to keep up the good work and have fun with your diet partner.

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and overweight? Now is the time to take action. Click on and get started today with the new you. Look for great diet tips and ways to make dieting easier and more fun at

The Evolution of Cardio

Today I'm going to give you the story of how I solved the problem of getting an efficient and effective fat loss program finished in 45 minutes. Essentially, how I determined that cardio is not the best way to lose fat...and why the perfect fat loss program needs strength training and interval training.

Let's take a trip down memory lane to the winter of 98-99. I was but a lowly grad student, studying the effects of androstenedione (the supplement taken by the might Mark McGwire during his record-breaking home run quest in '98).

In my study, we had subjects use Andro and go through a couple of weight training sessions. After the workouts we collected blood samples, and by February of '99 I was stuck in the lab, analyzing these blood samples using some fancy radio-active isotopes.

And when I say stuck in the lab, I mean STUCK. I'd get there at 7am, and record my last data point at 11pm. Sixteen hours of labby-goodness. And if I wasn't there, I was downstairs in the medical library, studying papers on testosterone and training.

Now coming from a very athletic background, this sedentary lifestyle didn't sit well with me. But there I was, studing for a degree in Exercise Physiology and left with no time for exercise. Or so I thought. I was actually left with a 50 minute window once per day of "down-time" while the lab's gamma-counter analyzed my study's blood samples.

That left me 50 minutes to get to the gym (5 minutes across campus) and get a workout in the remaining 40 or so minutes. I knew that if I applied my studies to the workout, I could get maximum results in minimum time.

As a former athlete, I knew that I had to find a way to stay fit and to avoid the fat gain that comes with working long hours in a sedentary environment. And I also had to stay true to the high-school bodybuilder I once was, so there was no way I was willing to sacrifice my muscle to one of those long-cardio, low protein fat loss plans that were popular at the time.

Instead, I had to draw on my academic studies and my experiences working with athletes as the school's Strength & Conditioning Coach.

I knew that sprint intervals were associated with more fat loss than slow cardio, and I knew that you could also increase aerobic fitness by doing sprints (but you can't increase sprint performance by doing aerobic training).

I had seen the incredible results of sprint interval first hand in the summer and fall, as the athletes made huge fitness improvements in a short time using my interval programs. I knew that intervals had to be the next step in the evolution of cardio.

And the biggest benefit of intervals? A lot of results in a short amount of time. I knew that I only had 40 minutes to train, and therefore I could only spend 15-20 minutes doing intervals.

Now onto the strength training portion of the workouts. I knew that a high-volume bodybuilding program wasn't going to cut it. But in the past year I had read so many lifting studies, that I knew exactly what exercises I needed to do to maximize my lifting time in the gym.

Those exercises were standing, multi-muscle, movements such as squats, presses, rows, cleans, and plenty of other standing single-leg exercises. I knew that those exercises would bring me far more results than those people sitting on machines would ever achieve.

And I also knew that I had to lift heavier than the average Joe or Jane Gym-goer lifts. I just knew that doing lighter weights and high-reps wasn't going to cut it. And a research study from 2001 later showed that I was right - when women did 8 reps per set, they had a significantly greater increase in post-workout metabolism than if they did 15 reps per set.

So I had my plan. Bust my tail over to the gym, through the cold, dreary Canadian winter afternoon, and do a quick but thorough warmup (specific to my lifts - none of that 5 minutes on the treadmill waste of time).

Once I got through the warm-up, I did as many sets as I could in the remainder of the 20 minutes alotted to strength training.

At that point, I knew that supersets were the only way to go if I wanted to maximize the number of sets I could the non-competing superset of an intense training program was put in place.

And then I followed up the strength training with intervals, as I knew these had to follow the lifting, otherwise it would not be the correct exercise order. Remember, intervals first leads to premature fatigue. Lift first, cardio later. Forget that old wives tale about doing cardio first to burn more fat. That's junk.

You know, I remember the exact day and exact workout that this all came together into an intense fat loss workout program. It hit me as I was finishing my intervals. I knew I had found something that was like fat loss magic.

And from that point in time, I've tried to share it with as many men and women as possible. The same men and women that I would see day-in and day-out performing the same ineffective slow-cardio fat loss programs, and not making a darn change month after month.

And every day they would see me, soaked in sweat, feeling great and looking lean, and finishing another intense workout. Eventually I'd notice that they weren't around as consistently as before, and then soon enough they would drop out.

So when you see someone frustrated with their ineffective fat loss program, tell them there is a better way. It's research-based, efficient, and most of all, effective. And yes, it goes against the crowd. But it works. It doesn't use traditional boring cardio, but instead it gets a lot more fat loss results in less workout time by using strength training and interval training.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

3 Weight Loss Mistakes

There are literally tons of information and articles about losing weight. Believe it or not, people still make the same dieting mistakes over and over again. I am not referring to little slip ups. What I am talking about are big mistakes that become real problems in your weight loss attempts. If we can define these mistakes it may make it possible for healthy, permanent weight loss.

The first mistake is the all or nothing attitude. People who approach their dieting in this manner will often select a diet that practically impossible for them to maintain. When they first begin, they remove anything from the kitchen that does not fit in with their new diet. What they are thinking is that they wish to be perfect. They probably will be. Maybe for a day or two, or perhaps ever a couple of weeks. But something always happens. For some reason they are not able to continue with their diet. When this happens the entire process is ruined and the diet is over. So what they do is go to the store and replace all the things that they threw out in the first place.

If this is your approach to dieting then it is necessary to ask yourself some difficult questions. What exactly is the purpose of your diet? Do you want to lose this weight permanently? Perhaps you just wish to lose a few pounds. The secret here is to make lifestyle changes in your diet. This way you create a slow and regular means of losing weight.

The second mistake is the attitude of sacrifice. Many people see their diet as some sort of sacrifice. It is easy to see why. You are not allowing yourself to eat the foods that you enjoy the most while attempting to achieve your target weight. This is what happens. You have done your research. You have come up with well thought out diet that you can do. You can successfully lose that weight and achieve your target weight. Okay! Now what? You have reached your goal. Have you really changed your eating habits? Did you learn to eat those so called bad foods in moderation? Are you likely to end up out of control? Can you broaden your diet in moderation and maintain your target weight?

The third mistake is goal failure. Defining your goals is essential with your weight loss program. Your goals should be crystal clear. They must be realistic. You should write them down. You probably have an ideal weight in mind when you begin. If you are more than a few pounds overweight, this goal is probably too far away to be helpful. A more practical goal is to lose 2 pounds per week for the first several weeks. After that, 1 pound per week. Of course, this will vary from week to week. However, when you track your progress you will observe that you are consistently moving toward your goal.

Do not worry if you have been making any of these mistakes. Just like everything else in life, it important to learn your lesson and to move on. The truth is that we learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. Do not let your mistakes to be an excuse for giving up. Success comes from making a commitment and by being persistent.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Herbal Fat Burners

High-Speed Blenders And Weight Loss

Designer smoothie bars are almost as common as coffee shops these days. It's little wonder too. Where else can you get a healthy snack that contains so many nutrients all in one glass? The answer is: at home. With a high speed blender, it's easy to re-create those fancy, nutrition filled fruit smoothies at home. Chances are, you'll save a lot of money too.

In addition to paying much less, there are several compelling reasons for making your own smoothies with a high speed blender. Consider the following benefits:

* You can give your dieting efforts a healthy boost. Mixing fruits, vegetables, yogurt, soy milk, or other ingredients in a high-speed blender releases the vitamins, minerals, and fibers which they contain. This allows for much quicker processing by the body. The result is a fuller feeling in a shorter time, meaning you are less likely to overeat. It also means more of those nutrients are able to be absorbed by your body. Plus, you have control over the amount of fat and sugar that goes into your recipe.

* It's easier to get your RDA. It can be tough to eat your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrients. Using a high speed mixer makes it simple to get many of your nutrients all in one tasty go. A smoothie is also much easier to consume on the run than a handful of blueberries. Plus, you can add boosters like wheat-grass, flaxseed, bran, wheat germ, protein powder, ginseng, and many other nutritional supplements.

* Good nutrition is linked to better mental health. If you are struggling with obesity, you may also be experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression has been linked to being overweight. Doctors encourage people who are seeking treatment for mood disorders to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This is because physicians know that good nutrition can help improve mood by restoring chemical balance to the brain. What better natural depression treatment than a home-made smoothie? There are few easier ways to increase ones intake of fruits and vegetables, plus healthy staples like yogurt, milk, soy milk, and fresh cheese, than to mix them in a delicious smoothie.

* You can experiment with your own ingredients. Whatever fruits and vegetables you like can be combined for a tailor-made snack or meal. You can choose from either fresh or frozen. Fresh fruits and vegetables tend to be slightly higher in vitamins. However, frozen are also healthy, and will add a hearty texture to your concoction.

Sometimes people get discouraged with their efforts to make smoothies at home. Often this is because they are using an ordinary food processor rather than a high speed blender. While food processors may do an adequate job of mixing, they are not made for pureeing and grinding as blenders are. The results from blenders are more appetizing. They also tend to release the vitamins and minerals more quickly.

So forget about those expensive juice bars. Creating your own delicious masterpieces at home may lead to better mental health and put you on the fast-track to weight loss.

Thomas Fox researches fast speed high performance blenders in respect to weight loss and depression and if there is one, what the relationship is between food, allergies, asthma, depression, obesity, stop-smoking and workplace productivity. More information can be obtained at

Calcium - A Catalyst For Fast-Paced Weight Loss

Calcium is an important nutrient for proper growth and development of various systems of our body. It is essential for strong bones and teeth in growing children. However, calcium is also associated with weight loss.

A proper diet contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A person eating three meals a day is healthier because minerals and vitamins in food help in absorption and breakdown of large proteins and fat molecules.

However, calcium, which is a catalyst for fast paced weight loss, helps in proper digestion. It has been found that individuals, who drink milk regularly and have calcium rich diet, are bound to have less body fat than those undergoing a healthy diet. Calcium also has the ability to lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in an individual.

Studies on rats and mice suggest that intake of calcium alters the metabolism of fat cells. Henceforth, it causes less fat to be stored and more to be released. Calcium certainly helps in controlling the body weight by increasing the amount of fat that is used as a fuel in our body. You will often observe that numerous doctors advised their patients, who wish to loss weight for incorporating calcium supplements in their diet. Again, calcium from dairy products provides you with excellent results.

Calcium burns fat naturally with the help of certain nutrients and elements that are active inside the body. It is also known to be an active element in the breakdown of fats. Henceforth, it is preferred by most over weight individuals.

Tom Chuong works as an Health Consultant for Clay Media Group, LLC. Currently, he's writing health articles on topics related to Hoodia Diet Pills, Hoodia, and Herbal Remedies. If you need an experienced SEO expert to work on your commercial website, please contact him.

Healthy Weight Loss - The Way Weight Loss Should Be Achieved

Magic diets do not exist. Crash diets or bursts of exercise are not the healthiest way to lose weight. For a successful, healthy weight loss, just follow basic mindful eating and smart nutrition suggestions. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. If you set sensible goals for yourself, you are more likely to meet them.

Your weight is the result of several factors like how much you eat and what you eat, your age and health, your genetic and psychological makeup etc. All of these factors should be addressed for a successful weight management.

There are many health benefits of weight loss. Losing excess weight considerably reduces the risk of developing diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Keeping your weight in the healthy range now, means you are less likely to be troubled by illnesses in later.

Make your lifestyle healthy. Here are a few tips:

Start with a realistic goal, which is easier to keep.

Think of weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits.

Always stock the house with healthy foods. Keep the fatty foods and sweets to a minimum and fill the fridge with fruits and vegetables.

Avoid second helpings, especially at dinner. Fill up with soups, salads, raw vegetables and fruits instead.

Drink lots of water instead of high calorie soft drinks.

Minimize the use of sugar in tea and coffee.

Use skimmed milk instead of whole milk.

Avoid eating processed food

Do not snack on sweets, fries etc in between meals.

Never skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. Eat lesser portions at lunch.

Avoid beer and alcohol.

Don't burst into a frenzy of exercise. Those who haven't walked for years should not tread miles on a treadmill or do a 100 push ups right at the start. Its more likely to cause you injury apart from leaving you tired and disheartened.

Start slowly. Set a realistic goal like walking 30 minutes a day and slowly increase the distance and time as and when your body gets used to it.

Consult your doctor before you start your exercise regime.

All these things will influence your physical and psychological health positively.

What you should not do while on a diet is to starve yourself. It may help you shed some weight, but chances are you will regain that weight as soon as you start eating again. Your body does not get enough nutrients. It can cause numerous negative health effects like gallstones, fainting, malnutrition etc. Also, rapid loss of weight usually means you're losing muscle and water rather than fat.

There are a lot of quick fix diets and supplements promising you a stick thin body. Diet supplements do not really help lose weight if it is not accompanied by healthy eating habits and exercise. The bottom line is that you need to burn more calories than you consume.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to

Discovering An Effective Fitness Training Program

It's incredible if you really thought about it but most people treat their prized sports car better then there own bodies. They shop around for the best deal possible and then fork over a lot of hard earned cash for the sports car of their dreams. The car goes into the shop for the slightest concern. These same people won't do the same for their own bodies. Shouldn't you give the same focus to your own health?

Some Facts About Physical Appearance and Lifespan

In this country the average life span of men and women is right around 80 years, give or take a few years. The painful truth is, a significant number of men and women look and feel this age long before they get there. The signs are there in their physical appearance:

- Sagging dry skin

- Posture is unsightly

- Unsteady walk (i.e. overweight)

- Joints that ache

Can you just imagine what a person's inside is like if they have all of those outer appearances? Chances are it's even worse:

- Conditions such as diabetes, nervous tension

- Inefficient heart


There you have it! Some of the positive reasons for engaging in a fitness training program now. It has been said that an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". If you understand that last statement then you will get started on your fitness training program today. All it takes is a decision on your part and then the requisite follow through. If you need any ideas on where to get started then check this article's resource box.

James Redder is a advocate of an effective Fitness Training Program. If you liked the fitness exercise tips mentioned in this article, why not get the digital dynamite that will assist you now? Click here to grab this guide now: Turbulence Training.

Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat - Is Targeted Training The Answer?

A lot of people want to know if there are certain exercises that burn belly fat. Is cardio, interval or weight lifting the answer? I assume that you know that you have to go on a diet to lose the fat and then combine it with some type of exercising to get that great six-pack abs.

First of all, choosing a diet isn't that hard these days. The number one fat burning diet is without a doubt the calorie shifting diet (also known as calorie cycling). With this diet you fool your body into burning more fat and it will burn lots of fat if you follow it.

The cool thing is that this diet gives you enough proteins and energy to build muscles and you also have the stamina to train a lot if you want to.

When it comes to training things are not as obvious. One thing we know is that just cardio won't get you those abs. A long and slow cardio exercise could as a matter of fact be hazardous to your health with overuse injuries and along with the fact that this type of exercise gives suboptimal results you should be combining it with other types of exercising.

There is a new type of exercising that combines training your strength with stamina exercises, this program is called Turbulence Training and it is the only of its kind that will help you burn fat and build muscles at the same time. The program combines intense warm-ups with fast interval training. A complete exercise takes about 45 minutes to complete. There goes that excuse...

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!

Weight Loss By Visualization

Many overweight people believe they cannot lose weight. In truth, weight can be very difficult to shed. Weight loss by visualization is really a mind game. We need to stop telling our friends we have have tried everything and that it is impossible to lose weight. We need to stop telling ourselves that. We cannot loose weight by constantly reminding our selves that we cannot or how terribly difficult it is to loss weight. All these negative thoughts and comments are stored in our sub conscience and can be very difficult to remove.

Our mind needs a clear picture of what we want to accomplish. A clear picture of a slim and trim you. This will take a conscious effort especially in the beginning. Visualization is essentially that we present our mind a clear picture of what we want. Hold that picture in you mind for a few seconds or as long as you can. Do this several times a day.

Visualization is not a new concept. History tells that Michelangelo had a clear picture of his famous " The David" in his mind before he started the sculpture. He was able to visualize the out come he wanted and move in that direction. I used that comment on history to not only emphasize what has been done by others using visualization, but, also to show the importance of holding a clear picture of what we want to accomplish in our minds.

Like so many things in our lives practice and persistence is important. We have all heard at one time of another about that strong willed person that could accomplish anything they set there minds to accomplish. If we use visualization and affirmations we find that we do not need to be strong willed. Once our mind understands what we want(in this case weight loss), it leads us in that direction.

To succeed in weight loss by visualization you will need to counter the negative self talk and the less than helpful comments of family and friends. There is a story about a well known motivational speaker using this technique. He told his audience that he cut out pictures from magazines of slim and fit young men men modeling Jockey shorts. He then placed these magazine pictures in his bedroom and on his bathroom mirror. In this way he was reminded morning and night of his goal of weight loss by visualization. For this person visualization and weight loss became real and it can become real for you.

For more interesting articles on weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site

How To Lose 20 Pounds In Less Than 3 Weeks

Many people want to lose some weight fast for events, such as wedding, party or a reunion. If you find yourself wondering if you could lose 20 pounds of that stubborn fat but don't have a lot of time in which to pull off, read the rest of this article to find the solution to lose 20 pounds in less than 3 weeks.

There are 3 ways for losing 20 pounds of your weight in less than 3 weeks, let's discuss one-by-one:

1. You should consider a juice based detox diet to clean your body from harmful toxins and undigested food while they provide you with carbohydrates and sugars. However, this kind of diet is not suitable for you in the long run, but it should help you lose a lot of your weight in a short period of time and it can be extremely effective.

2. If you like exercise and can spare a little bit of your time, you can lose 20 pounds by performing some cardiovascular exercises over three weeks. I recommend you doing one hour of aerobic exercise for 5 days on each of the three weeks. Not just aerobics, you can also jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like for other alternatives. However, if you are playing tennis, basketball or taking some aerobic classes, they would tremendously help you lose those 20 pounds of your weight.

3. If you want to get rid of those unwanted weight fast, you should consider some fat binder pills. Fat binder will help you binds the fats and perfectly make them insoluble to pass into small intestine and absorbed by your body. Instead, they just pass through your digestive systems, and carry on as waste. It will tremendously help you in the long run.

I know that losing 20 pounds in less than three weeks is a hard task. However, if you believe in yourself and dedicating your self to put in a little effort, I'm pretty much positive that you can do it.

If you are looking for a fat binder pills, proactol is your answer. Proactol is an organic fat binder that clinically proven and endorsed by doctors for the treatment of obesity and overweight but also suitable for everyone who want to lose weight permanently. Visit for more information.

Fad Diets - What's Wrong With Them?

If you go on a fad diet and it helps you lose weight fast and get results, what's wrong with that?

I'm sure you've seen many ads on the internet and in magazines promising you huge weight loss in only a few days time.

Is this type of weight loss really possible? Yes - but ... in almost every case the weight loss from a fad diet is temporary and usually due to loss of water weight. Our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water so as soon as your body rehydrates itself you'll put that quick weight loss right back on.

What are some of the reasons a fad diet is bad for you?

#1 A fad diet usually tells you to focus on a single food type and avoid all others. This means you miss out on the nutrition you really need and can get from a more balanced diet approach. Quite often these fad diets will even tell you to take vitamins and supplements to make up for all the nutritional deficiencies you experience while on that fad diet. However, your body will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the recommended supplements unless you take them with food. And many of the foods that help you absorb nutrients are banned on fad diets.

#2 Fad diets are usually so restrictive and unappetizing that, after as little as one day, you'll begin having overwhelming cravings for other foods and most likely you'll give up. This can also wreak havoc on your self esteem if you beat yourself up for not having enough willpower to stick it out with the diet.

#3 Fad diets are temporary solutions to your weight problems. Even if you do follow through to the end with a fad diet you have not made permanent, healthy changes to the way you handle food in your life. So fad dieters tend to be yo-yo dieters that go back and forth between extreme low-calorie fad diets to periods of bingeing on food groups that were missing from the fad diet. So fad dieters will inevitably end up on a roller coaster of gaining and losing the same pounds, over and over.

No matter what you see in the media about quick weight loss fad diets, realize that these diets will never work long term.

The best way to lose weight and sustain that weight loss (so you never have to diet again) is to eat a variety of healthy foods, avoid overeating, and do regular exercise. This simple formula works every time.

Keira Adams is publisher of The Internet Spa at

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