Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Workout Plan For Beginners

What kind of program you start with depends on your specific goals. This article will help you shed some light on myth that there is no perfect method in fitness. For example if you want to lose weight, running or cardio might not be the best thing. So let's start with understanding fitness in general.

Cardio for Weight loss?

If your goal is weight loss, then spending 1 hr on treadmill or running early in the morning(before breakfast) might give you OK results but it also has lot of drawbacks. In these kind of workouts you burn out your muscles as well as fat. In reality, fat is the last thing you'll burn in any workouts. You'll be burning glycogen stored in your body first and then muscles...

You see every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 calories a day. If you burn these muscles, your metabolism will slow down. You'll lose weight, no doubt about that but you'll also lose very important muscles.

Building body or strength?

If you check out with your local gym, there is very good chance that your coach or instructor in the gym will make you do High number of reps (around 15-20) every set. According to them this build body and strength and what not... Again this is ok but would you like to get access to better way of building strength & body?

Here's better way : If you use low reps with more sets (3 reps X 6 Sets) with heavy weights, not only you are making your muscles stronger but also you'll be shaping them.

A Beginners Workout plan

From my experience I had great results with strength training and working with cardio (High intensity training). Beginners on this workout gain strength in leaps and bounds and make great progress. If you check out most of the programs I have shared, you'll see I use many types of workouts which includes free weights, bodyweight calisthenics, odd objects like sandbag and other equipments like kettlebell. I always believe in "the chain is as stronger as its weakest link".

You workout every weakness of yours. You find out where your weakness likes and improve it. Not only gym rats who either work on their chest or biceps daily basis but forgets about the big gut hanging in front of them.

Heres another Workout plan for beginners which was featured on Men's Health magazine in January 2008.

Secrets to Finding Free Stomach Exercises

You feel the pressure every time you see a beauty magazine. The model with great waistline and well defined abs, you may think this is only for a few people, but the reality is that anyone can have a perfect set of abs. All these many magazine promise to show you how to do it, but they charge. You go to the internet, the same, TV - have to buy those DVDs. But well, you can start using your current resources to find frees stomach exercises that you can incorporate to your everyday routine!

The internet is THE source for free info. Just put "free stomach exercises" on the search engine of your choice, and a list of thousands of sites will come up. Many of these sites will give you step by step instructions, pics and some even videos to show you how to properly do your workout. You can then print the page and have a collection of stomach exercises.

Libraries are also great places to find free stomach exercises, on a "real" format. Some libraries have at your disposal fitness magazines they collect and that you can easily browse, take notes and copy. Print material most of the time is more reliable than the Internet where you can find all kind of information and disinformation.

The TV. Who hasn't seen a free workout show? I've even traveled to Peru where the Peruvian TV has an early show where you can work your body. Check your cable channels where you can find all about health and exercises. Even fitness reality shows give you workouts to try. It's just a matter of having your eyes open to the information. If you can't do the workout at the same time the show is airing, you can tape it and then repeat it everyday!

If you are seeing a doctor, ask them too about stomach exercises. Although it is not that free, they will give you the best advice to reduce the size of your stomach in the same appointment!

The point here is that you don't need to buy a magazine who will give you the same tips every two months. You can find really good information on these paces I've shown you. If you are planning to buy something, save your money for a book that will truly be complete and give you the solution for a perfect six pack I your stomach.

Learn how to get the stomach you want and more free stomach exercises. While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

Weight Loss Supplements Part 1, How Effective They Truly Are

People who suffer from overweight are always looking for new and innovative ways to lose some pounds, mostly because they have already tried working out, following different diets, etcetera; but nothing seems to truly work. Some people might follow a few diets and exercise regularly, but the results can always be improved, the amount of time it takes to lose weight can always be reduced. One great way that people believe in when trying to accomplish this goal, is by ingesting different weight loss supplements, and in the next few lines youll learn about their actual efficiency.

There is a wide variety of substances which are supposed to be very useful for people trying to lose some weight, these substances include: caffeine, green tea, ephedrine, linoleic acid, and others; whether they work or not is about to be revealed.

Let us begin with caffeine; for years people have believe that caffeine is probably one of the best weight loss supplements, and the reason why people believe this is because caffeine speeds up the metabolism of those that consume it regularly. It is a fact that people who consume caffeine will lose weight faster than those who never consume it. The only problem with weight loss supplements that are based on caffeine relies on the fact that most people are already used to ingest caffeine on a frequent basis, and will gain little benefits from increasing the amount of this weight loss supplement in their diet.

Now, about green tea; there are really few drinks out there that have more miraculous properties than green tea, its seems that green tea is the cure for every single problem possibly suffered by mankind, and now we are going to discuss its efficiency within the weight loss supplements family. First of all green tea will quicken your metabolism, it will also reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood, it will get rid of the fat you already have and it will allow you not to absorb further fat in the future. So, overall we can say that green tea is, from every single weight loss supplement, the best; not only because it provides plenty of different weight losing characteristics, but also because it has no side effects.

Stay tuned for the next part of this article when well discuss other weight loss supplements and make an overall synthesis of what works and what doesnt work when trying to lose weight.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

4 Aerobics For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle Secrets

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

What's The Deal With Omega 3 And Weight Loss?

This article will talk about a popular topic these days: omega 3 and weight loss.

Before I go into briefly what omega 3 is, I would like to forewarn you that you should not depend on one particular supplement to lose weight. This instead comes from a variety of factors - surprisingly easy to apply, but still a multitude of factors to consider.

OK, so that being said, omega 3 is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Many health practitioners suggest to their patients to help with a variety of circulatory diseases or other physiologic or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In general, the greater the ratio of omega 3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids, the healthier it is for you.

Since losing weight is directly proportional to (but not exclusively dependent on) circulation, it is sometimes suggested by word of mouth to lose weight.

Here are some important things you should know about omega 3 and weight loss:

1) Omega 3 is essential if you want to have a healthy diet or lose weight.

2) Be careful when relying just on omega 3 supplements to lose weight. There is no evidence that omega 3 will help you lose weight by itself.

3) Although not many and far less than medical methods, there are some unwanted side effects if consumed in great amounts (and unfortunately the brainwashing attached with omega 3 helping to lose weight gets them to consume these large amounts). These range from a risk of a hemorrhage to high LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol), to reduced ability to heal and combat infections.

4) Losing weight is a holistic process. The exact method is beyond the scope of this article. You can access a very safe, fast, healthy method here. This type of method doesn't involve surgical methods (such as liposuction) or even exercise to lose weight. And they can help you lose 8-15 pounds in the first week, and keep helping you lose weight thereafter.

Ideally the answer towards losing weight is not a supplement or a gimmick or one fad method (or a reliable method for that matter) over another. The answer lies in a healthy process. Commonly this process is obtained with certain foods and not others. These are not "secret" foods, these are foods that we have all eaten at one time or another.

So, to summarize, omega 3 is essential if you want to keep healthy. However, don't rely solely on omega 3 to lose weight. The best news is, you can still lose 8-15 pounds in the first two weeks safely without using any "hocus pocus" formula or medical procedure.

Good luck!

By Patrick C. Martinez

Have you been searching for a proven method to easily lose weight quickly and safely online? If you are looking for a system which will work for the ordinary person no matter what level of condition, check out http://www.iweightpro.com

5 Fat Loss Myths That You Must Not Ignore!

I recently gave a presentation to about 70 females on the subject of fat loss and the common methods we use to attempt to rid ourselves of excess body fat. During my research for the talk, I unearthed a large amount of material that supports my belief that most of the world's population are being misled in their quest for a slim, but healthy body, that so many of us crave!

Does it feel like the whole idea of fat loss is only possible for the genetically gifted...

Are you searching for the quick fix that will trim away body fat overnight?

Or are you still waiting for our "trusted" pharmaceutical companies to produce the ultimate weight loss pill that will solve worldwide obesity problems...

Sharing some of the following facts and myths with you is not going to be easy for you to stomach, I suspect that you'll be shocked, dismayed or maybe you'll feel that none of what I tell you is true.

In fact I am fairly sure you'll dispute much of what I report, so I ask you to check my sources, read for yourself the studies that I cite. You'll be as shocked as my audience when you really do discover the truth about fat loss!

Myth 1 - Skipping meals and snacks is OK if I want to lose fat! Do you skip breakfast, the odd lunch, or maybe you don't eat at all for a whole day, because you "don't feel hungry"?


There is nothing worse for your metabolism than irregular feedings.

Eating 6 meals a day compared to just 2 meals a day of the SAME caloric value total for the day, will result in more fat loss!

Check out study no.1 to discover why eating every few hours is ESSENTIAL for fat loss!

Myth 2 - A calorie is a calorie

Unfortunately NOT.

Eating a diet of refined carbs and low fat will actually make you fatter, than a diet of low carb, high fat of the same caloric value!

If you think about it we have been told by the FDA in the US to reduce the amount of Fat in our diet and replace it with carbs like bread and pasta. The food pyramid clearly showed this!

Sadly it is all those refined carbs that have been adding to our waist line and not the fats.

Study no.2, proves that a diet high in fat actually resulted in MORE fat loss!

Myth 3 - You must only train in the "fat burning zone" to lose fat!

Probably the biggest myth in the world of health and fitness today, and one that drew the most gasps and head shaking in my audience!

The fat burning zone DOES exist BUT, it is NOT an effective workout strategy for overall fat loss.

How can that be?

To be honest you don't need to read the studies to prove this, you can see for yourself in the gym. How many people do you see going to the gym week after week for months on end, doing their fat-burning zone workouts, BUT never actually changing shape?

The nail in the coffin of your fat burning zone workouts is crystal clear study no.3 comparing a 'diet only' group to a 'diet and exercise' group. The exercise consisting of a 45 minute "fat burning zone" routine, 5 days a week for 12 weeks.

The abstract from this study states: Results indicate that moderate aerobic exercise training during a 12-week period has no discernible effects on body composition.

i.e. fat burning zone workouts do nothing for losing body fat!!


Myth 4 - Calorie counters on machines are useful for fat loss...

We've all done it, waiting for the calorie counter on the treadmill or cross trainer to tick by 400 or 500 calories burnt during your workout. We can then feel all virtuous as we tuck into our post workout coffee and chocolate muffin, safe in the knowledge we have "earned" it.

Unfortunately, calories burned during your workouts are not significant when you want to lose fat!

Study no.4 compared endurance style workouts to higher intensity interval training where the number of total calories burned during the workout, was over twice as much for the endurance group than the intervals group.

You would think that the endurance group would logically lose more fat given that they have burned more calories in total? However the intervals group lost NINE times more fat than the endurance group!

Those calorie counters on your exercise bike are really worthless, my advice, cover them up!

Myth 5 - Crunches will get rid of your belly fat!

How many crunches do you do each day? 10, 20... maybe 50, 100... or maybe more?

Any self respecting fitness professional will tell you that "spot reduction" doesn't work! If it did, all the people doing 100 crunches a day would be walking around with a perfect SIX PACK, but flabby butt and thighs! It just doesn't work like that!

So quit wasting your time and effort on this ineffective exercise and have a go at doing some of the more effective methods instead...

THREE truly effective ways of getting rid of body fat

1. Drop the refined carbs from your diet. Eat more high quality proteins and unrefined carbs in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables. 2. Do some short, sharp and very effective interval workouts. 3. Get your trainer to show you some intensive ALL BODY resistance workouts, utilising large muscle groups as much as possible!

Each of these methods will achieve the necessary result of boosting your "basal metabolic rate", this is your 24/7 fat burning system in your body.

Utilise all 3 methods and fat will literally melt away!

12 weeks is a relatively short time period in your lifetime, and this is all it took for Claire to drop over 5% in body fat, and drop 2 dress sizes utilising the same three methods of fat loss. With renewed confidence in her body and her structural health too, she is now embarking on a new sporting passion of rock climbing....

So what would you do with your new body?

Whilst you may not want to believe that these 5 myths really ARE myths, I urge you to follow up on the studies I cite and see for yourself!

Better still, would be to get down to your gym, adjust your nutritional habits, and try out the EFFECTIVE methods for yourself.


Study 1. Iwao, S., Mori, K., Sato, Y. Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control in boxers. Scan J Med Sci Sports 6:265-272, 1996

Study 2. Effects of a low-fat versus a low-carbohydrate diet on adipocytokines in obese adults. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola O, Gonzalez Sagrado M, Bellioo D, Conde R.

Study 3. Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Utter AC, Nieman DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN.

Study 4. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body fat. Visit http://www.getfit.lu/success.html to get a free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

The Exercise That Reduces or Reverses the Effects of Aging

One of the easiest and most convenient forms of exercise is walking. Different studies have shown that walking for thirty minutes, three times a week, has a host of beneficial side effects. Reduction of blood pressure, a reduction in anxiety levels, retaining bone mass and weight management are a few of the rewards we reap from walking.

New studies show that walking can also reduce the risk of Dementia and Alzheimers disease. Starting in our forties and fifties, people who stay active by getting up and walking are at less risk for developing these conditions. These studies have shown that walking may even reverse the mental aging process, which allows senior citizens to continue to be mentally alert at a later age.

The latest study from the University of Colorado at Boulder has shown that leisurely walking has the same weight loss effects as walking at a normal rate. Slower walking also reduces the risk of injury. It can be done anywhere at anytime. Slower walking however does not necessarily improve cardiovascular fitness so an aerobic activity such as bicycling or working on ellipticals, two to three times a week, is suggested for maximum effect.

These new studies have basically shown us that it is easier than ever to find ways to stay fit. Taking our dogs for a walk can be one of the healthiest activities we have for both ourselves and our pets. Taking our children for a walk with us can be a bonding experience that benefits our mental as well as physical health. Parking further away at the mall for a marathon afternoon of window shopping with friends can be great fun. These are all activities that can be easily incorporated into our lives. Using our creativity, we can find little ways every day to have fun while becoming fit. So, lets get outside and stroll our way to a better life.

Constance Weygandt is a balance mentor who specializes in finding answers for those individuals who are seeking an alternative to conventional weight management. For more information or to sign up for Constance's newsletter, visit her website at http://www.balancedwellnessonline.com

How Can Men Lose Weight Fast?

95% of men diet the wrong way. They starve themselves, they work out too hard, and they don't rest. Find out how men can lose weight fast. Do you have a big reunion coming up? Do you need to get ready for the summer months? Either way you are a man and you need to lose weight fast, so what do you do?

Most Importantly, Remember to Eat!

This is the most important item to remember. Your body needs fuel. The difference is your body needs lean, effective fuel, so it can burn fat, and build muscle. So, you have to remember to eat first thing in the morning, and 5 other times during the day - in small portions.

ip #1: Lots of Water

Water is your metabolism's life juice. Your body thrives on having the proper hydration to metabolize food into energy. Moreover, if you're drinking water, that means there is a good chance you're not drinking soda or other highly caloric drinks. Drink lots of water and stay away from empty calories, if you want any shot in losing weight fast.

Tip #2: No Bad Fat

Sounds kind of paradoxical doesn't it? Not really. There are good fats and there are bad fats. If our question is, "Can Men Lose Weight Fast?" we have to be prepared to cut out our most favorite food: red meat! Instead of red meat we need to concentrate on good fats which are available in kalamata olives, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and avocados. These good fats have been scientifically proven to reduce body fat, particularly in the stomach!

Tip #3: More Fiber

Your diet must consist of at least 100% of the daily recommended allowance if you have serious hopes of shedding any pounds soon. Fiber in your diet has an incredible ability to detoxify your system and rid your digestive tract of any unwanted matter. Did you know John Wayne is believed to have had over 50 pounds of matter in his colon upon his death? As men, looking to lose weight fast, step one should be ensuring that we get a good dose of fiber at breakfast time.

In my personal experience, detoxification is of the utmost importance when attempting to lose inches fast. In detoxifying your system, you liver has a better shot at metabolizing food, and your confidence is often boosted immediately from the drastic inch and/or weight loss.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living. He is dedicated to educating future generations to live healthy, and feel great. If you are looking to learn more about healthy living and would like to subscribe to his free, extremely popular newsletter, check out: healthy dieting.

7 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots Tips' To Turbo-Charge Fat Loss

Fat Loss 4 idiots tailors a 11 day diet program to help you lose weight fast. The meals are varied daily to keep you motivated but more importantly keep your body satisfied.

However it is recommended that you look at the following 7 tips to further improve your results with Fat Loss 4 Idiots-

1) Exercise in the morning before breakfast - Research has proven that you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.

Perform both resistance and cardio training at the gym, brisk walk, jog at the park to keep fit and burn more calories.

With exercise, you will burn body fat during a workout session, and will continue to burn more after the workout.

2) Drink plenty of water - A minimum of 16 Glasses of filtered or boiled water per day.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes out the harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which makes it difficult for the body to accumulate any body fat.

3) Light resistance training before cardio workout

Research has shown that during the first 20 minutes of any exercise ,the body will not lose any body fat.

Therefore, during the first 20 minutes of a workout, look at lifting light weights to get your muscles going. This will increase your metabolism rate by 100% and help you burn more fat quickly

4) Eat Breakfast - Not only will breakfast boost your metabolism, but it will give you the energy to burn more fat quickly. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will have a daily breakfast meal you should adhere to.

Breakfast will help you stop the cravings during the day.

5) Do not compare yourself to others - people are different and will lose weight differently.

Stick to your own desired weight loss goal, and follow the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

It is not a race, but a race to reach your objective, weight loss!

6) Change your lifestyle - Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the first step to assist you in improving the dietary requirements. By improving your eating habits and exercising more, you're putting yourself on track for long-term and continued success of Fat loss.

7) Take before and after photos - It is not pretty to look at yourself too overweight.

However, there is no easier way to illustrate your progress, but the "after" photos are far more fun to share with after you succeed.

In addition, it is great character building as it serves a good reminder how much you have achieved and can achieve if you put your mind to it.

The above tips are recommended to compliment the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

Need more information on Fat Loss 4 Idiots, visit http://www.squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsreviews for an extensive review.

Beyonce Weight Loss - Beyonce's Lemonade Diet

Looking for information about the Beyonce weight loss? Well the miraculous weight loss is all thanks to Beyonce's lemonade diet.

The Beyonce Knowles Diet

The well known lemon detox program, also known as the "Master Cleanse Diet"", was first introduced as a way to flush out impurities from the body. As years have progressed, people, especially celebrities, have taken on the diet as a weight loss program.

One of Hollywood's well known divas, Beyonce Knowles, is one of the many popular singers and actresses to try the Master Cleanse diet. Beyonce's lemonade diet is the best way to lose a large amount of weight in a short time period. Beyonce went on the program in order to get in shape for her role in the film, 'Dreamgirls'. Her character needed to be portrayed as a slim girl.

During the promotion period after the film, she went on the Oprah Winfrey Show to tell her experiences with the Beyonce Knowles diet. She then revealed to the audience that her reason for trying the successful detox program was to prepare for the movie.

Beyonce weight loss was totaled at over 20 pounds after finishing the diet schedule. Beyonce said that even though it was difficult to be on such a strict diet, mostly liquids, the ending results were well worth it.

The Beyonce Knowles diet (also known as The Master Cleanse Secrets diet) consists of drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, tea, and other laxative products to detoxify the system. In the mornings, the user drinks a sea salt mixture to get the bowel moving, followed by the lemon mixture during the day, and then a laxative tea at night.

The recommended time limit for the weight loss program is 10 days. The lemon diet has been around for a very long time, however, Beyonce's weight loss with it has increased the popularity of the diet program.

All Those Toxins

Much of the food that we eat has chemicals and other preservatives in it. Even the homegrown vegetables that we can purchase at the grocery stores are fertilized with specific ingredients that are harmful to our bodies.

Due to the fact that the toxins and the metals are unnatural for our system and other organs, the lemon diet will flush out the harmful chemicals. Many people report that their aches and pains are gone, as well as cravings for fast food. Once the Beyonce's lemonade diet (The Master Cleanse Secrets diet) program is finished, the user can return to their normal food schedule.

If you are in a hurry to shed a few pounds before the summer, then this Beyonce weight loss diet is certainly worth trying. Just keep in mind that it is not meant primarily for weight loss, and it is more specialized towards detoxifying the system.

Make sure to read helpful advice about how to use the Beyonce's lemonade diet at home. The first two days is the hardest part due to the lack of solid foods. If you can pass this roadblock, then the end results will be very gratifying.

Blake Allen is an online medical researcher and webmaster of The Master Cleanse Blog. Visit the blog to learn how to cleanse your entire system safely and naturally with the most effective, safe, and natural cleansing systems available. Learn how to regain your energy, boost your immune system, lose weight rapidly, cure constipation, and cleanse your overall system in only 10 DAYS. This is also the diet superstars like Beyonce use to rapidly cleanse their system and quickly shed excess pounds. Visit The Master Cleanse Blog to cleanse your system of parasites and illness causing toxins today

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat - 5 Easy Tips

The best way to lose belly fat is - eat better and be active. Full stop.

Fact is, if you want the best way to lose belly fat - you need to change your lifestyle habits like the way you eat and exercising more.

And to change all that, you need to know what you're doing - and do it right - by eating well with the right kind of foods and not wasting hours at the gym.

Below are 5 tips on the best way to lose belly fat for good-

  1. Don't be obsessed with your weight. Your health should be measured by assessing how well you look after yourself - like your eating behaviors, lifestyle habits, such as stress levels, smoking, drug use and physical activity. Studies have proven that fitness is the key, not the level of fatness.
  2. Forget low carbohydrate diet, we need carbs. Get some complex carbs into your body - that is carbs that are in high in fiber or have a low glycemic index (GI) value. Low GI foods tend to be complex carbohydrates, rather than simple or more refined carbs, and will keep your glucose level stable and provide a steady supply of energy. So that means things like grainy breads, wholegrain cereals, brown rice and pasta.
  3. The best way to lose belly fat is with regular intensive exercise - Big or small, apple or pear shape, one thing remains certain - regular exercise is a must for keeping in peak shape, both inside and out. Look at a minimum of 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week. For beginners, more overall daily movement, such as walking is a good start. Schedule time in your diary for yourself, just like a meeting, and stick to it to improve your fitness.
  4. Variety Is Crucial. If you don't vary your diet or workout, you will get bored and lose motivation fast. Furthermore, our bodies are smart and adapt very quickly to the environment exposed. Repeating the same diet and workout will no longer have the desired impact. Reduce the risk of plateaus, by mixing up the meals and workout on a monthly basis. Changes include, increasing the intensity level or mixing up the meals - which can make a huge difference to your fat loss.
  5. Eating less is not the solution - eating more is. That is, get into the habit of 5 to 6 healthy mini meals a day (in controlled portions) to stop the cravings. It's a great way to feed your body - and avoid over-eating.

At the end of the day, the best way to lose belly fat is change your lifestyle. You will not change overnight, but if you are progressive with the changes - and consistent - you'll lose the belly fat.

For More on The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat, Visit http://burnfatloseweight.info/ And Get FREE Chapters to Turbulence Training Where You Will Find The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss and The Best Diets to Lose Stomach Fat

Gut Flora and Weight Loss

The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity.There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intestinal flora.

Do you get a tummy bloat after eating carbs?

Is your fat relatively low but you still have a protruding stomach?

Do you not seem to recover well after exercise?

All of these can be manifestations of a problem with your internal flora. The old adage 'you are what you eat' gives way to our modern understanding that 'you are wh at you absorb'.

In this series, we will look at the role of intestinal flora. Our aim here is to education you on the nature of the vital role intestinal flora play in our health, weight loss, and longevity.

First, let's understand what we mean by the term 'gut flora'. The term gut flora refers to the delicate balance of microbes and other 'germs,' both good and bad, that live in the human gut (the stomach,small and large intestines and colon). The gut flora balance is the perfect scientific example of a commensal relationshipan otherwise symbiotic relationship where only one side benefits (in this case, the human).

There are billions of gut flora bacterial cells in the human body,compromising over 400 different strains. In fact, the bacteria in your stomach can comprise up to 22lbs of your total body weight! Though many of types of bacteria living in our stomach have been identified, there are still several types of gut flora that have yet to be explored, mainly because many are resistant to the latest culturing techniques, making them nearly impossible to study. The problem is that many types of intestinal flora can't survive outside of the warm, incubating human body and therefore can't be studied alive.

So what do the flora in our stomach and intestines do? How does what they do relate to losing weight and being lean and fit? Consider the following

Many of the flora in our gut work symbiotically within the human body. A partial list of the physiological processes that are influenced by our composition of intestinal bacteria would include our immune system, digesting carbohydrates, preventing irritable bowels, maximizing the absorption of nutrients, energy production and more.

For the purposes of weight loss and fitness we must consider that proper nutrition is essential to be lean and fit. Our intestinal flora have a very large influence over the assimilation and absorption of what we eat. Conversely, an equally important consideration that is usually overlooked is that what we eat can influence our composition of intestinal flora.

One example is the excess consumption of sugar. Certain types of flora that live within our gut thrive on a high sugar diet, most notably Candida Albicans. If you get a bloat in your lower tummy after eating sugar, this is a good indication of a candida bloom. These flora produce what are known as endotoxins. Endotoxins are poisonous substances that live within the bacteria themselves. When these bacteria die, the poisons within them flood into your body causing an immune response. If you have ever consumed sugar and felt nauseated,the endotoxins released into your system from bad gut flora are the culprit.This is just one example illustrating that if you want to lose weight and be fit and lean for life, you can't ignore the influence wielded by the little bugs living in your gut.

Learn more about weight loss at http://www.LookCut.com - Weight Loss Longevity Fitness.

Best Cellulite Reduction Treatments - Should I Try an Anti-Cellulite Diet?

Cellulite is a rapidly growing problem for women, and it is even becoming a concern for men as well. Truth is, cellulite can be found in anyone, whether they are a man or a woman. This increase in celulite accumulation has led to a rise in questions regarding cellulite reduction treatments and whether or not cellulite diets can actually work. Hopefully, this article will be able to clear up a few common misconceptions about anti-cellulite diets.

Let's get one thing straight -- cellulite diets can significantly help to reduce cellulite; however, they are not built to take on cellulite removal all by their lonesome. Truth be told, cellulite diets are more "preventative" than they are "assault" based -- meaning the diet's main function is defensive as opposed to offensive. For a more offensive based fight, you may need to look into adding cellulite exercises in addition to dieting.

It is important to approach cellulite diets slowly and to change eating habits gradually. Radical changes in eating habits is not at all helpful, even if it is a change to fruits & vegetables. In fact, these instantaneous changes often do more harm then good. Not only do they play hell with a person's metabolic rates, but they also tend to cause a wide variety of side effects; which commonly include skin rashes.

"So, I should combine my cellulite diet with another cellulite remedy and I should not alter my eating habits too quickly, right?" Yes -- If you can do both those things, then you should actually try an anti-cellulite diet. "Am I guaranteed to see results from an anti-cellulite diet?" Nothing in life is guaranteed, but if you stick to the diet and throw in a bit of exercise from time to time, then yes, you will achieve natural cellulite reduction in time.

For More Specific Information On Food Diets That Get Rid Of Cellulite and Other Natural Cellulite Remedy, Try Visiting http://www.CelluliteRemovalMethods.com, One Of The Most Popular & Informative Cellulite Reduction Websites On The Web.

How To Lower Your Body Fat Percentage Fast

Lowering your body fat percentage is not difficult at all you just need to know the most effective methods. How low your body fat percentage should be depends on your own personal goals. If your goal is to show off your six pack abs then a body fat percentage of 10% or lower is recommended. For males the essential body fat to survive is between 3 or 5% for women this number must be higher. In the next paragraphs you will discover three ways for a lower body fat percentage. Please note if you a dramatically change in your eating habits then contact your doctor first.

Eat more and smaller

Professional athletes and bodybuilders are boosting their metabolism by eating six healthy meals in a twenty-four hour period. If you have a fast metabolism you're burning calories all the time even if you are at rest. Of course you can lower your body fat percentage with proper nutrition and eating only breakfast, dinner and lunch. But if your goal bodybuilding or fitness then eating six meals per day is an absolute requirement. By eating every three hours that you are awake you won't have food cravings. Another tip is to eat much in the morning and less in the evening. The reason why is that you are burning fewer calories at night.

Drink more water

Most people don't drink enough water and perhaps sometimes you wake up with a hangover. The reason for this is that you don't drink enough water a good starting point is drink at least eight or ten glasses of water every day. Water is very essential for the fat burning process. If you are working out drink water before, during and after your workout to prevent dehydration.

Avoid saturated fats

Saturated fats are the most harmful and they are increasing the levels of cholesterols in your blood. Some professional bodybuilders don't consume dairy products for the reason that they contain to much saturated fats. Avoid saturated fats as much as possible is the message but surely there is nothing wrong with eating a chicken breast or red lean meat from time to time. But be careful peanuts for example contains good fats but they are very high in calories. If you want to lower your body fat percentage you must be aware what you eat and what ingredients your food contain. Make it a habit to read food labels as much as possible.

Lowering your body fat percentage with these three tips should not be difficult at all. No matter what your goal is it will takes work and effort from your side. Having the right information and a good motivation are essential factors for your future success.

Fat loss secrets of fitness models and bodybuilders finally revealed. Outlaw bodybuilder reveals to you the the simple proven science of fat loss no one else will tell you about.

For a limited time only you can legally "steal" a free copy of his work. Isn't it time to invest in your own health now? Get free proven ways to lose fat fast without wrecking your metabolism...

Running on the Right Path

Career changes always require a painful transition period. A few years back I lost my job as a stage manager for live television shows, and I was feeling the heat. As I sat in my tiny little apartment staring at a huge pile of overdue bills, I could feel the pain coursing through my soul. I suddenly had the uncontrollable urge to just run.

I am an avid runner who loves running in the wilderness. The feeling of breaking a sweat with a good stride in the great outdoors is like no other for me. Your heart is pumping blood through your body like a turbo-charger, your lungs are sucking in precious oxygen as fast as you can breathe it in, your pores are excreting sweat and toxins like crazy, and all of your senses are at their peak of performance. You can feel the world around you and you know you are part of it. It is a wonderful feeling; a healthy addiction if you will. My drug of choice is endorphins.

I hurried down the stairs to the parking garage. The woman who lived below me was just getting out of her car when I entered the garage. She was a cigarette-totin Maggie with ashen-grey skin and a raspy voice that sounded like it was the product of damaged vocal cords due to years of yelling too loud at parties and breathing tobacco smoke relentlessly. She was tall, rotund and barrel-chested, with bleached white hair that she wore way too long for her age, which I guessed was somewhere around forty. She wore black clothing everyday that made her look like an albino witch. She was also a single mother of a teenage daughter that was seemingly out of control. I often saw this daughter coming home at four in the morning as I was just leaving for work. She was only thirteen, but she seemed to be in a big hurry to become an adult. Her mother didnt seem to care about her too much.

I drove to a nearby street and parked my car next to a couple of other cars at the entrance to a fire trail. I stretched for about five minutes, and then I was on my way up my favorite wilderness trail that led into the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains (California).

I grew up playing and exercising in those hills. It is my favorite place to go when I need to get away from it all. There are fire trails everywhere that accommodate anyone who is looking for exercise in a wilderness area that includes rolling hills, bush-covered chaparral, and majestic mountains.

About a mile into my run I began to work up a sweat. A group of dark clouds passed overhead and it started to rain. It was winter. I was only wearing a tee-shirt and shorts, and the rain was cold, but it felt good. The rain drops splashed over my face and body like a fire sprinkler from heaven that was released right on cue.

The sun burst through the clouds and I was soon bathed in warm sunlight again. I entered a rocky area filled with caves that were formed by millions of years of wind and water erosion. The Chumash Indians once lived in those caves before the Europeans came. I looked up to the right and saw a group of teenagers hanging out in a big cave that was about fifty feet up on the face of a cliff. One of them noticed me running down below and threw an empty beer bottle in my direction. The bottle hit a rock about twenty feet away from me and exploded into a million pieces. This explosion was immediately followed by an eruption of laughter from the group. I was thinking about stopping to say something, but I did not want to ruin my good mood.

I made a couple of left and right turns on trails that I originally explored when I was about eight years old. I ran deeper into the hills. Soon I was running up a series of steep switchbacks trails.

I eventually arrived at the top of the highest hill in that area. I stopped for a rest, and to take in the beautiful three hundred and sixty degree view all around me. I had mountains in front of me, hills all around me and the San Fernando Valley off in the distance behind me. I watched the sunset over the mountains and meditated for a moment at my favorite spot on earth. When I turned around I could see the lights of The Valley glistening like a million fire flies. I was about five miles away from the nearest civilization, but it felt like it was five hundred.

A half hour later I started my run back towards civilization. It was now dark, but I was not worried about getting lost, for I knew those trails like the back of my hand. Rattlesnakes were all hibernating, coyotes arent much to worry about, but mountain lions were a different story. Although attacks on humans were rare, there had been a couple of people killed in California in recent years. I did not want to be the next rare event, so I made sure to announce my presence by singing loudly (and slightly off-key).

Suddenly, I saw a shadowy figure of a person up ahead on the trail in front of me. I was not used to seeing other people that far back in the hills. I approached with caution. As I got closer and closer to this dark silhouette, I noticed that this person was just standing still at a fork in the dirt road. When I was about to pass this person I noticed that it was a young teenage guy. He was wearing brown nylon shorts and a yellow tee-shirt that said Calabasas Cross Country Team on the front. He looked very worried, and seemed to be lost.

The thin young man politely asked me if I knew which one of the trails he was standing in front of was the one out of there. He explained that he was training for an up coming cross-country competition and did not realize how far he had run, or how quickly it got dark now that daylight savings was over. I told him that I knew that area quite well, and that he could follow me out of there.

I made a right turn at the fork in the road, and the kid followed behind me. As we were running down the switchback trails it started to rain again. We ran out into a large valley with tall grass, and then the kid began to fall behind a bit. I slowed my pace down a little until I could see him again slowly running behind me on the trail.

As we were passing through the rocky area with all the caves we suddenly came upon the group of kids that were partying earlier. They were slowly walking on the trail and passing around a bottle of whiskey. A young girl noticed us approaching and broke off from the group with the whiskey bottle in her hand. As we were passing by the girl she held the whiskey bottle out towards us and with a sarcastic and drunken voice she said you guys must be thirsty! A full moon was now shining down on the area and it illuminated me to the fact that this girl was the thirteen year old daughter of the albino witch lady that lived in the apartment below me. She was too drunk to recognize me. We then jogged past the chuckling group of inebriated teenagers and continued on with our run through the wilderness.

We finally reached the end of the trail and we both stopped running. While trying to catch his breath, the kid thanked me for giving him directions. He then disappeared into the neighborhood. I walked over to my car and stood next to it for a moment. I thought to myself; I may not have much money, but I have my health. I am thankful for having parents who cared, and that I chose to run on the right path in life.

Copyright 2006. Michael P. Connelly

Michael P. Connelly is an author and filmmaker who writes about a variety of adventures he has experienced in his life. To publish this article contact Michael at: (818) 887-9108 measeburl@aol.com Photos available. For his latest book visit: http://www.makealowbudgetmovie.com

Proper Weight Loss Can Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant

Not many people are aware that being obese and overweight actually decreases a woman's chance of getting pregnant. According to a study conducted by Amsterdam's Academic Medical Center, women who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above are less likely to bear children than those whose BMI are 21-29, which is considered the normal BMI levels. In short, the higher your BMI is, the more difficult it will be for you to get pregnant.

More precisely, the statistics show that individuals who have a BMI of over 40 have 43% lesser chance of bearing a child than women who have normal body mass. Moreover, women who have a BMI between 35 and 40 are also 26% less likely to get pregnant using natural methods.

Underlying Reasons

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for several years without any success, you may want to have your BMI analyzed and your weight checked. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the hormonal imbalance found in women who are overweight or obese. The link is found in Leptin, which is a hormone that controls appetite and the use of energy. This hormone is deficient in people who have high body mass index. Unfortunately, according to some studies, it plays a very important role in increasing women's fertility.

Excess body fat can also affect ovulation, which is crucial in getting pregnant; in fact, it is one of the first stages in child-bearing. If your ovaries are not releasing egg cells because of abnormalities caused by your widening girth, then it would really be quite difficult, if not impossible to conceive the natural way.

Lastly, the human body has a tendency for self-preservation. Thus, if you are still on the heavy side, your body will naturally keep you from getting pregnant in order to protect you, as well as your baby, from complications and dangers brought about by being overweight or obese.

Complications Of Pregnancy During Obesity

As obesity becomes common among Americans, the number of pregnancies among obese women will also rise. Overweight women who are pregnant face potential risks during gestation and other complications during delivery.

Obesity will definitely cause damages during pregnancy and even during conception. Worse, the impacts of this kind of pregnancy will affect your child even when they are older. Babies born to obese moms have twice the risk of having congenital heart problems and obesity as well. A condition known as omphalocele is also prevalent, this is a condition where the organs like the intestines are sticking out of the child's navel.

Diabetes and hypertension are also foremost among the health hazards that an obese pregnant woman can experience. Plus, there is a high possibility of delivery through cesarean section as well as increased likelihood of infection.

Attaining Healthy Weight Before Pregnancy

The health of your new born child will greatly depend on your well-being. And the best expression of love that you can present to your new baby is having a healthy body yourself. In other words, before you embark into the most important experience of your life as a woman, you need to be in tiptop shape.

Attaining healthy weight prior to pregnancy can be a little bit tricky because whatever happens to your body will definitely affect your baby. In short, weight loss methods in this stage should not be all about exercise and reducing the food that you eat. In fact, there are some types of food that you need to eat in abundance; for instance, you need to beef up Omega 3 levels in your body without having to increase too much calories in your body.

If you find it difficult to lose weight prior to your pregnancy, you can opt to use weight loss products that are made from natural ingredients which can help you burn off more calories; supplements like Zylorin can help you get back in shape safely. Visit http://www.zylorin.com/ for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Get Your Vitamins!

Gastric bypass patients face a great task in the following months and years after surgery, most of which includes monumental lifestyle changes in comparison to their old habits and methods. The most important of all, given that gastric bypass patients have a new, tiny stomach to fill is diet. Similar to how those on a diet of any kind, the body will be taking in less food then usual and so its crucial to ensure that the food and nutrients youre feeding your body are packed with goodness.

This can be a difficult task for the gastric bypass patient, but help is always at hand from the dedicated nutritionists and physicians after surgery. The Internet is also jam-packed with information for healthy diets specifically for patients.

Most of all, as the general gastric bypass diet lacks minerals and vitamins, patients must take extra vitamins to supplement their diet and ensure their body gets all thats required. Among the vitamins recommended are multi-vitamins (chewy if possible!), then calcium, iron and patients may be advised you also take vitamin B-12.

Its important gastric bypass patients dont slip up on taking their vitamins certain conditions can develop soon after surgery if the body isnt getting the required vitamins and minerals. Patients should always keep in touch with their doctor and follow the guidelines set out post-surgery.

Article by Beverley Brooke, visit the section on the gastric bypass at her website to learn more about the procedure and what's involved post-surgery http://www.healthandfinesse.com/gastric-bypass.html

How To Lose Weight After Christmas And New Years Holidays

Just imagine how much you would like to fulfill your New Years resolution: to start losing weight as soon as possible. Let's face it: during Christmas and New Years you probably ate more than usual. And there's nothing wrong with that! I mean we all tend to eat more than usual during holidays, because we meet with our friends and family, we talk, we eat, we laugh... It's life!

Now, after the Christmas and New Years are over, it's time for you to start shedding those unwanted pounds. How are you going to do that? Here are few quick tips for you:

  • Drink lots of water - as you might already know, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Do I need to mention that water is good filler? If you want to eat less food, then drink a TALL glass of water half an hour before every meal. This water will not only fill a large part of your stomach, but your body will feel like your stomach is not empty

  • Start doing exercises - This is really a no brainer and I bet you already knew this, but it doesn't do any harm to be reminded once again: you will need to put your body into use by walking or doing some form of physical exercise. I suggest you start with walking, or you can try running on a treadmill. Start slow and small.

  • Avoid snacks and fast food - Fast food is highly powered food that tricks the stomach into calling for more despite the fact that one big burger is the caloric equivalent of an entire meal. Instead of eating snacks and fast food, I suggest you eat some fruit; it's much healthier for you.

  • Eat more often but smaller portions of food - I know that during New Years Holidays you probably had large meals, and that's why people usually gain weight during these holidays. Now I want you to do the exact opposite thing: start eating smaller portions of food and eat more often. By all means, do not starve yourself.

  • Consider using natural weight loss supplements - If you haven't considered using them, now is the right time! Natural weight loss supplements can really help you a lot to shed those unwanted pounds that you gained during Christmas and New Years!

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, those tips are no rocket science, they are all practical methods that you probably knew about, but you just didn't develop a habit of doing them. Happy weight loss!

Gabriel Hudson is independent reviewer of natural weight loss supplements. To find out more about fast weight loss or to discover top weight loss pills, visit http://www.proweightlossguide.com/

Three Day Diet

You will find a huge cross section of fast weight loss diets doing the rounds at the moment. All of these weight busting plans have one aim, to make you slimmer. Providing you are sensible and you stick to only one diet at a time, you should succeed and notice some visible results quite quickly. The types of food you are allowed on theses fat busting diets vary from plan to plan. With any fast process there is always sacrifice, this is no exception. All these rapid weight loss plans predominantly use starving techniques.

There are a few lose weight fast plans out there that claim you can lose up to 10 pounds in three days. These plans will more than likely involve no food at all and rely on you just drinking liquid.

Using a three day diet you will be told you can expect to see a weight loss in the region of 5 to 10 pounds. Three day diets have two big problems in my opinion. One, You will probably put the weight straight back on again after your three days. Two, they can cause some health that you will want to take into consideration.

These diets are created to achieve a very rapid weight loss; the weight has to come of your body somewhere. Three day diets target your water retention as water is easily gotten rid of and weight quite a bit. All you would lose after your three days is your body water and no fat lose would occur.

Visit my Site now at http://www.womensweightloss.org to read anything you ever wanted to know about Weight loss.

Fast Weight Loss For Lifelong Health

In an age when weight loss has become a primary focus of most media outlets you can tune in to any television broadcast or open the pages of the most current magazine to find the latest tips for fast weight loss more and more people are motivated to seek the help they need to lose weight.

Weight loss can be achieved in a variety of fashions but none is more sought after than fast weight loss. For those for whom instant gratification is an absolute necessity, they will actively seek out those methods that will help them achieve fast weight loss.

Weight loss isnt complex; its just difficult. Eating less and exercising more can be easier said then done; ask anyone whos embarked on more than one weight loss program. It can be difficult to find the means to achieve fast weight loss, especially when you are someone for whom weight has always been a battle.

To begin the journey to fast weight loss you must take very simple steps. Immediately eliminate fatty, high caloric foods from your diet. Instead, focus on whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Carbohydrates derived from white flour can more easily be stored as fat if you are not adequately active. However, complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grains will give you energy to achieve your exercise goals.

Fast weight loss does not mean unhealthy weight loss. You can not achieve fast weight loss by simply not eating. This will quickly backfire on you because this is temporary weight loss. Once you begin eating normally again, youll quickly regain the weight.

Exercise also plays a significant role in fast weight loss. Cutting calories is only half the battle. The other half includes the addition of consistent daily activity in order to successfully increase your metabolic rate and burn calories. Exercise also benefits your cardiovascular system and tremendously benefits every system of your body.

To help support your fast weight loss, it may benefit you to participate in the experiences of a person who is in a similar situation. The Internet offers tremendous opportunities to seek out and converse with people who are also attempting to achieve fast weight loss. The companionship and support may be priceless in helping you to achieve your goals.

Fast weight loss done with the blessing of your doctor and within the boundaries of nutritious eating can be very achievable. But you must be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to attain fast weight loss and a healthy, active lifestyle.

For easy to understand, in depth information about dieting visit our ezGuide 2 Weight Loss.

Improve Your Partner's Health and Fitness in 5 Steps

WARNING: This article is designed to be slightly 'tongue in cheek', but informative anyway...

Toy boys seem to be the latest 'hot accessory' for a whole host of Celebrity A-Listers in Hollywood right now. Demi Moore and Halle Berry seem to be leading the way in the 'toy boy' stakes, and many others are set to follow, but let's forget about tinseltown!

Who needs a toy boy when your current partner could be just as buff for their own age? I'm not talking six packs, bulging biceps and tree trunk thighs, but a lean, trim and stronger frame would surely hot things up in your current relationship, without a shadow of a doubt!

So, for those of you whose men have seen better days. And those of you men that think your partners might go looking for a younger model if you don't buck your ideas up, here are 5 good pointers on how to look 10 years younger (without going through that midlife crisis of wearing a biker jacket and highlighting your hair!)

1. Cut down on the booze.

Waistline results are almost guaranteed with a dip in alcohol intake. You might be able to get away with a heavy tipple when you're really 10 years younger, but let's be realistic here. You're not! Stop thinking you have to empty that wine bottle every evening with your dinner.

2. Drink enough water to float a boat.

Regain elasticity in your skin and lose that third chin by drinking enough water every day. Your breath won't stink, your energy levels will rise and you won't be caught taking afternoon naps, snoring the house down!

3. Avoid processed foods!

Sugar and white flour can cause reactions in the molecules of your skin, which can leave your skin thinner and weaker over time, leading to excess wrinkles and 'bagginess'. If you want your skin to be smooth as baby's bum, cut out the junk and start eating more sensibly...

4. Keep up your energy by staying active!

If you like the gym, stick with it. If you prefer the great outdoors, find an active hobby; triathlon, cycling, hiking, chopping down trees, fixing fences or chasing after the dog. Watching sport on telly doesn't count! It may look tiring but it won't do you any favours.

5. If you're thinning on top, do NOT go for a comb-over at the barbers!

42 percent of women say that bald is beautiful, so be a man and accept nature! Keep your hair closely cropped once your hair starts waving goodbye to your forehead...

Stick to those 5 rules and you'll look and feel a whole 10 years younger in no time at all. What these actions won't solve though are excess nasal hair, a fondness for cardigans and comfy shoes or a need to moan about everything in sight!

Simon Dainton is a Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Fitstreet Personal Training in the UK. His Programs of Lifestyle change guarantee clients results, combining effective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. For more information and to learn more about getting healthier, go to http://www.fitstreet.co.uk

Can Hoodia Gordonii Works Wonders?

Are you suffering with weight problems? What have you done to solve this kind of problem? There are no magic pills that can cure the entire persons grief but there is a supplement that can be seen in the market that has great impact in losing weight.

Hoodia gordonii is near to magic in terms of dealing with weight problems and it doesnt have chemicals and drugs in it. It is certainly known to be safe and useful.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant which was located in South Africa. It is actually one of the thirteen varieties of the cactus-like plant. For a lot of years now, all the different types of hoodia plants have their own use by South Africans. It can be helpful with digestive ailments to minor infections. And this particular plant is certainly known with very remarkable weight loss recommended agents.

The extract of the plant works greatly as an appetite suppressant. It can make someone to feel like he or she is full while making the metabolism work appropriately and proficiently.

Hoodia gordonii can be an efficient and helpful addition to some weight loss programs. Lot of users of these supplements says that it is certainly helpful, because they tend to eat less because they feel they are already full. It certainly allowed test subjects to eat an average of 1,500 calories less per day without actually trying to diet. They just stopped eating since they feel they were satisfied.

Indeed, hoodia gordonii is known to be effective in weight loss. But to have a better result and a great health, a lot of things should be made and done. For a great result with hoodia gordonii, someone who really wanted to lose weight, one should maintain a balanced diet with exercise of course. Having hoodia gordonii, exercise, balanced diet, all combined, best results will occur soon.

Hoodia gordonii can be seen in different forms. Diet pill form is the most popular type of hoodia gordonii. But you can also found hoodia in juices, shakes and food products.

It really works well, it is already proven and there is no known side effect. It works by tricking the brain by telling it that it is already full and satisfied.

And whatever form you wanted, whether in pill, juice, shake, hoodia gordonii can be a help in losing weight. So for those you wanted to lose weight and to look good, hoodia gordonii can be helpful. You can add it to your weight program, in order to see a great result.

And as you can see in TV and magazines, hoodi gordonii is affordable. There are heaps of companies on the Internet that offers hoodia gordonii, and you can even find some that offers a reasonable price. Hoodia gordonii is actually has a valuable price compare to other weight loss programs.

Honestly, Hoodia gordonii is the latest craze in the diet world today. It is really true that Hoodia gordonii can works wonders in losing weight. But, take note, you have to work hard for it, dont just expect the pill to do it all for you.

So if you really wanted to lose those extra fats of yours start taking hoodia gordonii, exercise and eat healthy and soon you will witness that good looks you wanted.

Article Author Eliza Maledevic from http://www.Jump2top.com, a SEO Company.Know more about Hoodia Gordinii at http://www.primeherbal.com/hoodia