Friday, May 16, 2008

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 5 Ways to Drop the Pounds and Keep Them Off

I bet you're sick and tired of carrying around those extra pounds, that's understandable. Just ten pounds of extra fat on the body can affect the way you feel physically and mentally. While losing weight fast is possible, you want to make sure that you are following a good plan that will keep you healthy.

Shedding more than one or two pounds a week can lead to health problems. While TV programs like The Biggest Loser regularly show their overweight contestants losing huge amounts of weight each week, keep in mind that those people are closely supervised by medical professionals, plus the show is heavily edited, so you don't know if it took longer for them to lose all that weight.

I'm sure it's tempting to try and copy that type of rapid weight loss, but you're much better off focusing on one or two pounds per week. That way, you won't put yourself under a lot of pressure to lose xx amount of pounds rapidly. The reality is that if you don't reach those big numbers, you'll probably just give up and think that you're a failure.

Here's some sensible ways that you can safely drop those pounds:

Eat Breakfast

A lot of people trying to lose weight assume that if they skip breakfast that means that they are going to drop weight more quickly. Actually, this is false, because when you eat breakfast in the morning, your body will burn more calories at a higher rate.

Go Low-Cal with Fast Food

Sometimes you're in a rush and simply have to stop by the fast food place for a bite to eat. This can be your worst temptation. The eating habits you have followed for so long can lure you into going the old burgers and fries route.

However, you can still eat healthy in this situation. Go ahead and order a salad, or grilled chicken sandwich, a healthy sub, fruit, yogurt, etc.

Eating a healthier lunch will make you feel energized instead of sluggish.

Go for a Walk

Studies show that 90% of people who lose weight and gain it back do not exercise regularly. Walking is an easy, low-impact exercise that you can do in the morning, during break, at lunchtime or in the evening.

Keep an extra pair of sneakers with you in the car or in your workplace so you can quickly go out for a brisk, refreshing walk. You'll not only keep the pounds off, but you'll be amazed at how exhilarated you feel afterwards.

Don't Munch While Watching TV

Put away those snacks when you go to watch your TV shows. You're way more likely to gain extra pounds by sitting in front of the TV set munching on a bowl of ice cream or bag of cookies. Don't try to convince yourself that you'll just have a little bit, because you know that by the time your shows end, one cookie will have turned into a whole bag.

Instead, try doing something else with your hands like doodling, sketching, coloring, knitting, folding socks, writing in your journal, petting your dog or cat, etc.

Drink Water

Carry around a water bottle with you. If you do feel the urge to snack or eat something fattening, you can grab your water and take a nice long drink. Water fills you up and curbs your appetite. Plus, it's good for you too.

I hope these tips are helpful and I wish you much success in reaching your weight loss goals.

Melt away the pounds while you watch TV! You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll lose weight by spending just 15 minutes a day on the Tony Little Gazelle Elliptical Trainer. It's fast, easy and fun - so get pumped!

Weight Loss Without the Workout Routine

If you are like most people you probably want to get back in shape, but just don't have the "time" to do so. The truth is that it does not require much time at all. Maybe you don't have the money to join a gym. This is also something that can be overcome with ease.

All you have to do is start doing is more than you already do now.You can start off just doing stretches everyday. This will have a tremendous impact on the way you feel on a daily basis. Just start the day out with some basic stretches (simple warm up stretches you learned in school) and you will see what I mean.

You probably don't think about it but you lose weight simply participating in your favorite activities like dancing, basketball, soccer, bike riding, catch etc.

You don't have to so much cut back on the 'amounts' of food you take in, but more so the 'kinds' of foods you take in. For example, you can have a subway sandwich instead of a burger with fries. Mainly you want to stay away from foods that are fried as well as sodas. Go with the cleaner choices, and make sure you're getting fruits and vegetables in there also. It may be hard to change over at first, but speaking from experience, after a week or so of eating cleaner foods you will have NO desire for those unhealthy choices. If you're an energy drinker, go with the sugar free versions. If you follow the 90/10 Rule, you will see results.

With that said, you should make sure you're drinking your 8 glasses of water each day. This is essential in order for the body to function correctly, which helps the body burn more calories.

Last but not least, START TODAY! Do not wait for a set date in the future to start making smart choices about your health. Procrastination is the number one cause of failure. Be persistent and be successful!

Kevin Smith writes about health and fitness. For more info visit

7-Minute Bodyweight Circuit for Weight Loss

One thing we have to lose from our workout mindsets is the idea of this "60-minute workout". Forget about spending that much time in the gym. Instead, choose better exercises that are more efficient. This will allow you to get your workout done faster, eliminating the "no time" workout excuse.

To do so, you need to eliminate irrelevant exercises. I know you want to do an exercise for shoulders, and one for arms, and one for abs, and one for this and that. But before you do, ask yourself, will these really get me to my goal, or have I just been convinced by bodybuilding magazines that I need 40 sets per workout to get results?

Now, taking those lessons, we can then create some pretty incredible bodyweight workouts as well. And these bodyweight workouts can get finished fast!

In fact, here is a 7-minute bodyweight circuit that can help you lose weight, burn calories, and blast your metabolism. You don't need machines or weights. You can do this anywhere!

Bodyweight squat (10-20 reps)
Pushup (10-20 reps) - do it on your knees if you must
Reverse Lunge (10 reps per leg)
Plank (30 second hold)
Close-grip Pushup (10-20 reps)
Side Plank (20 second hold per side)
Mountain Climber (10 reps per side)

Do this with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the 7-minute circuit and repeat up to 3 times.

If you are a beginner, do fewer reps and take longer rests.

It's a tough, tough bodyweight circuit, especially the combination of two exercises late in the circuit. This combo literally exhausted me to my knees...twice...before I was able to finish the exercise. And that was on round. You can do the circuit up to 3 times.

Another weapon in your fat loss arsenal. Now you'll know how to train efficiently and eat effectively for fat loss.

Don't wait any longer to get started,

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #44

We are definitely meant for greatness, arent we? We have the ability to transcend any thoughts we choose to experience greatness..its actually a choice. Do we choose to be happy or not--live in lower vibration (unhappiness) or higher vibration (happiness)?

When we believe that things are not going well, then the lower vibration (our EGO) of thought kicks in: Oh, its time to be scared. Nothing good will come to you. Then we choose to be unhappy because of our circumstances.

We actually need to shift our thoughts when we experience our EGO talking to us. We need to do something that gets us to realign our thinking to be connected to God, not our EGO.

The intention of these newsletters is to help you with specific tools to clean your connection to God. These same tools are used in my weight loss program and Im excited to share one of them with you.belly laughing.

Heres some information on laughing. There is an entire industry built around laughter - and not just comedians either! There is a hybrid branch of psychology called "laughter therapy", a new exercise movement called Laughtercising, social laughter clubs, "Laughing rooms" in high-tech workplaces, Laughter workshops, Laughter Institutes, even a World Laughter Tour!

Look at this accomplishment. Katie Namrevo was a "stress eater" who had tried everything with no permanent success. One day after watching a TV program on laughter therapy, she decided to try laughing instead. Giving a new meaning to the phrase "belly laugh," Namrevo says she found that by laughing as often as 10 times a day, she no longer craved food. She began losing weight, she gained more energy and a found desire to exercise. She eventually lost 35 pounds. WOW!

Okay, ready to belly laugh. Take 30 seconds right nowwherever you are and laugh. Drop down on the floor uncontrollably and let go. Even if youre at work, do it and see how contagious it is. You will cause an uncontrollable wave of laughter. Feels great, doesnt it?

One caution though: Accidents can occur as a result of belly laughing. Always have a towel or change of clothing close by.

My intentions are to help you and I wont stop until I succeed in helping as many people as I can. Why am I unstoppable? Because I made a commitment to God that I would do His work and deliver His message, and I intend to honor that commitment.

With this said, I know my weight loss program has long term value in that the results are felt in all aspects of your life with improved relationships with yourself, your significant other, your family, your friends, your co-workers. You see the world differently when you experience the components in my program. I deliver results!

Visit my website at and click on the butterfly. Questions help us reach decisions so please ask away and e-mail me at

One final comment. I do whatever my Rice Krispies tell me to do.

Laugh often and watch amazing things happen in your life.

Love and hugs,

Helping people fall in love...with themselves
Tami Close
Weight Loss Consultant
2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291
Silverdale, WA 98383

Tami Close helps people fall in lovewith themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight balancing program. She is certified in healing modalities (Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques) to assist people in releasing their negative emotions to help them change their behavior. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. She has also written an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss, along with other e-books.

How To Melt Belly Fat Away Forever

The best way to get rid of belly fat is not a pill, or some plan to restrictive to maintain. If you are looking for some pill or restrictive diet plan, you will not experience the forever part. Research has shown maintaining weight loss long term requires that you develop the proper diet and exercise habits.

Have you ever heard the saying, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you have fed him for a life time.' Pills and restrictive diets are like giving you a fish. If you want to keep the fat off you must learn the habits it takes to do it.

Every person is different and will require a different combination of foods and exercise to achieve results. That being said there are some basic truths that will work for everyone.

The first is plain old calorie restriction. However do not exceed a restriction of 20% below your maintenance level. What is that level? That is the point at which you do not gain or lose weight. It is different for everyone. the American College of Sports

Medicine (ACSM) has suggested 1200 calories as the minimal daily calorie level for women and 1800 as the minimum for men.

Why do you not want to go below that for any length of time? Your body will go into starvation mode. That means your metabolism slows down, you feel tired and you burn muscle as well as fat. Some studies have shown that resting metabolism can become depressed by as much as 45%, during severe calorie restriction.

So now we know about the diet side, what about the exercise side? You can not spot remove fat from the body. I wish it were not so, but it is. The only way to lose the belly is to lose fat in general. Some people it will com off the stomach faster then others. If you need some reasons to exercise and not just diet:

1. Exercise - aerobic and weight training - raises your metabolic rate.

2. Exercise creates a caloric deficit without triggering the starvation response.

3. Exercise is good for your health. Dieting is harmful to your health.

4. Exercise, especially weight training, signals your body to keep your muscle and not burn it for energy. Dieting without exercise can result in up to 50% of the weight loss to come from lean body mass.

5. Exercise increases fat-burning enzymes and hormones.

6. Exercise increases the cells sensitivity to insulin so that carbohydrates are burned for energy and stored as glycogen rather then being stored as fat.

Exercise can be anything that gets you up off that couch and keeps you moving. DO NOT work your abs every day, though. They need time to recover just like any other muscle. For you in a hurray I would suggest high intensity interval training, known as HIIT for short. You use this with running, jogging, tread mill, any aerobic work out. An example routine I would be:

Level 3: 5 minutes (warm-up)

Level 4: 1 minute (rest interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval)

Level 7: 1 minute (work interval)

Level 3: 5 minutes (cool down)

Why HIIT? Your metabolic rate stays elevated longer after the workout is over than steady state cardio. Yep you keep burning at a high rate longer that with normal cardio and therefore burn more calories!

There you have it some basic truths that should help anyone melt away that belly fat away and keep it gone.

Alton Morris has struggled with weight problems his whole life. I have been actively researching an answer for several years now. Interested in reading more? Come to my web page Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss

You Will Never Lose Weight - Are You Making These Deadly Mistakes Already?

Have you ever tried to wonder why some people simply never lose weight? They try all sorts of exercises, diet and plans but nothing seems to work. Does this mean that they have reached their limit and their body would not respond anymore to any sort of exercises or diets? Well the answer is no. Most people don't even know the real mistakes they are making which prevents weight loss in their body. Read on to discover what these mistakes are as lack of knowledge can prove to be deadly and might prevent you from losing the weight you want to...

Your bad habits- Yes this is the major reason why there are so many people who are overweight these days. We have become used to lousy lifestyles where people wake up with junk food in their mouth as breakfast. We are so used to tasty foods which contain empty calories that we have become addicted to such stuff and can't help it even when we want to.

Your lack of will power- Some people just tend to give up too early or too easily. They are not patient enough to keep going and want overnight results but guess what? Your body is not designed to give you overnight results and that's the reason why your body takes time to adapt to different changes around you. People try something for a week or two and when they don't see results they just think it doest work.

Your lack of knowledge or information- This is something which can prove to be deadly in the long term. You see people take any and every sort of weight loss drug out there in the market just to see overnight results and end up harming themselves therefore it is extremely important to inform and educate yourself about different things.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

High Protein Diets And Weight Loss!

The reason why most diets do not work is due to the body's conservation capacity. During a diet, the body protects itself against what it perceives as starvation. It does this by cannibalizing the lean muscle tissue that uses up calories.

Diets that take off more than two pounds in a week primarily remove the water and lean tissue from the body. Diets that are based on water pills (diuretics) do this directly, but the same effects are felt by most low-carbohydrate diets.

Many high protein diets usually produce weight loss for some time. This is because the body only uses as much protein as needed and the rest is changed to ammonia, which must be cleared from the body. The liver produces the amino acids required to convert this ammonia into urea, which is then passed out in the urine. Urea and ammonia are toxic to the body and are said to be hard on the kidneys and liver.

People lose weight rapidly because of loss of water as the kidneys draw moisture from the tissues in order to flush these protein waste products from the body. This means, the body chooses the lesser of the evils and forfeits necessary hydration to get rid of the toxins.

The reason we put on weight once the diet ends is because the desiccated tissues are quickly rehydrated and the lost weight regained.

The result of a high protein diet is that it makes the dieter feel tired and the burning of calories reduces. Since the body is trying to prevent starvation, it starts to use up tissues that burn calories, which are the lean muscle tissues - instead of the fat that the dieter actually wants to lose.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn
fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Idiot Proof Diet Handbook Review

The Idiot Proof Diet, also known as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, has become one of the most popular and successful diet plans today. It has been successfully used by tens of thousands of people around the world. But what is the Idiot Proof Diet? What is it based on and how does it work?

The Idiot Proof Diet was given the name it has, because it's supposed to be so simple that even an idiot can do it. But don't let the name turn you off, it may be simple to use, but the science behind it isn't simple at all.

The Idiot Proof Diet is based on the Shifting Calories Method.

The Shifting Calories Method was created when it was discovered that, over a period of time, your metabolism grows accustomed to the type and quantity of food that you eat. This is the main reason why low carb, low fat, low protein, and low calorie diets may provide an initial weight loss, but not a long termed one. You see, your metabolism adjusts to the new quantity of food that you eat or to the lack of the food group (carbs, proteins, fat) that you deprive yourself of, and slows down.

That's why over 95% of diets fail, because they don't keep the metabolism running at a high level. A slow metabolism means a slow rate of fat burn and it also means that once you get off your diet and go back to eating normally, your metabolism is so slow that you end up gaining all the weight you lost and even more, much faster than you can imagine.

The Shifting Calories method is about keeping the metabolism off balance, never letting it get used to any eating routine so that it remains at a high level of fat burn. You do that by constantly rotating your food. Sounds difficult? That's why the Idiot Proof Diet comes with a unique menu software which tells you what to eat and when. You get to eat 4 meals every day but the type of food is always shifted around, so you continue to burn fat at a high rate for a long time.

The Idiot Proof Diet doesn't involve exercise, so anyone who is interested in developing muscles should try something else. The Idiot Proof Diet is strictly a weight loss diet.

The Idiot Proof Diet states that you can lose 9 lbs. every 11 days you're on this diet. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here, but that's ambitious and not all users of this diet manage to lose so much. But losing 6 lbs. every 11 days is pretty common on this diet. Sure, there are many users who lose 9 lbs. every 11 days, some even more, but not all of them.

The important thing to remember that it does take commitment. You have to follow the menu you get. It's not hard but it has to be done in order for you to succede.

Overall, the Idiot Proof Diet is what it says it is: a simple to use, reasonable diet that doens't starve you and gets you great results. I'd say that it's a great diet for people who want to lose fat fast and keep it off for a long long time.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
Idiot Proof Diet Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an advocate of safe dieting and fitness. To read more about safe diets that just plain work visit this webpage:

New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again, when many people in the United States start making New Year's resolutions. Many times, these are related to weight and health or fitness. There is always a tendency to overeat and eat things that aren't necessarily good for you during the holidays.

What happens this year will be the same thing that invariably happens every year: lots of people will join gyms. Many will also start new diets. Unfortunately for most, by February, the new exercise routines and diets will already be history, and all of the old habits will have crept back into their lives.

The biggest problem is that the new routines are such a radical change from the old ones that each person has trouble keeping up. Change is better when it is gradual, or done in a way that doesn't interfere too much with the old routine. If you want the results, you have to make the changes.

There are lots of little ways to adjust your eating and exercise habits. Subtle ways of change that you barely notice, but add up to more fitness and pounds lost over time. In my new e-book, Simple Weight Loss ( I discuss many easy to implement ways to lose weight and get fit, while barely noticing the changes to your lifestyle.

The biggest hurdle to overcome is your perception of yourself. You have probably gotten used to what you look like, and whether you like it or not, that's what you see in your mind. You have to visualize constantly what you will look like after the changes. Professional athletes have been using visualization for years to improve themselves. In a less-extreme way, you can do that for yourself. Once you have changes your view of what you should look like, then the weight loss and fitness goals will come much easier.

Michael Mallory is a photographer and fitness enthusiast located in Richmond Virginia. His work can be seen at His e-book can be found at

How to Lose Weight Naturally - 5 Tips

I hear you ask - "How to lose weight naturally?"

For one, a combination of good nutrition and high intensity exercise is the best way to lose weight.

However, in order to get on track, your nutrition is a priority.

So the plan of attack is - eat 6 healthy mini meals a day and in controlled portions to control your cravings. Get your healthy carbohydrates, lean meal, protein and fiber from meat, fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits. These are the best sources of nutrition to fuel your body into action.

Below are 5 more tips on how to lose weight naturally -

1. Reduce Your body fat by avoiding white flour - which has been stripped of minerals and vitamins, and will not nourish the body . Instead go for brown rice flour or organic wheat free flour - which is far better

2. If you have to eat out, tell your friends you're on a diet and let people know what you can eat. Opt for mineral water, grilled fish or chicken when you are dining out - and skip dessert.

3. How to lose weight naturally with snacks - bad snacks can wreck a diet. Here are a few healthy snack ideas - fruits like black grapes, berries, apples and oranges; celery sticks and raw carrot sticks, handful of Brazil nuts/sunflower seeds/almonds/cashew nuts; unsalted dry roasted peanuts; oatcakes with nut butter or sugar free jam; bowl of hot vegetable soup with oatcakes. And on a periodical basis give yourself a treat, and eat your favorite snack to break the boredom.

4. Best grocery list - Plan a weeks shopping list before your next grocery shop and look to include the following these healthy foods - wholegrain bread, blueberries, eggs, wholemeal pasta, almonds, sweet potato, low fat milk,bananas, yogurt, lean red meat, salmon, olive oil, tofu, and spinach. And never go shopping hungry - or you'll be buying foods with regrets.

5. Stop fixating on food labels and go back to nature - eat 5 to 6 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, then focus the rest of your intake on lean proteins, such as fish and poultry, and unprocessed foods, such as wholegrain carbohydrates. This is a healthy eating plan.

Once you get your nutrition right - start working out using interval training and resistance training to tone your body!

This is how to lose weight naturally.

For Great Fat Blasting Results, Visit Turbulence Training at And Discover How to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time Using The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss All From The Comfort At Your Own Home

Lipitrex Weight Loss Supplement Reviewed

Lipitrex is an all natural appetite suppressant, and fat burner, with no side affects, according to the manufacturer Progressive Health. This is definitely a plus, because side affects have always been a concern when taking weight loss pills. Problems like rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and becoming dizzy have kept many people from trying these types of supplements.

One of the primary functions of Lipitrex is to raise your metabolism. Raising your metabolism is very important to losing weight. People with a fast metabolism tend to have more energy, and their system burns calories instead of storing them, even when they are resting. People with a slow metabolism store their calories in the form of excess weight.

Lipitrex raises your metabolism with an all natural ingredient called Citrus Aurantium Extract (bitter orange). This natural fruit has been extensively studied for its ability to provide increases in the body's metabolic rate, and its potential for increasing the rate at which fat is released from the body.

Another primary function of Lipitrex is to suppress the users appetite. One of the hardest parts of losing weight is resisting the constant nagging urge to eat. If you can remove that problem, a dieter has a much better chance for success.

Lipitrex takes care of this problem with an all natural ingredient called Pinno Thin. PinnoThin is a pine tree extract, which encourages secretion of hunger depressants, greatly reducing the constant urge to eat.

Another benefit of Lipitrex is to control your blood glucose. When you eat, everything eventually turns to sugar, or glucose, and enters the blood stream. Lipitrex has an all natural ingredient called Chromium which helps control the glucose level in your blood and also helps reduce fat in the body. Controlling your blood glucose or sugar, is very good for your health, and makes you feel better, and more energetic.

Some of the other all natural ingredients in Lipitrex are Vitamin B-5, which is a healthy supplement that helps the body burn carbohydrates and fat resources at optimum levels. Vitamin B-6 which helps in improving homocysteine levels in the body and helps in the assimilation of protein into the body.

Caffeine which is considered a good supplement, helps burn fatty acids and improves energy levels if taken in proper concentration levels, and Magnesium, an important mineral, which helps in energizing the body.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is an amazing fat-reducing acid that works on fat deposits and targets regions that store large amounts of fat, such as the stomach area, and also helps in developing lean muscles.

Losing weight is not only good for your appearance, but is a major boost to your health. Everyday I read a new article about research linking another health problem to being over weight. Being overweight for too many years can cause damage that may become permanent.

Losing weight is never easy, and is usually something everyone dreads, but with a positive attitude, some health eating habits, a little mild exercise like walking, and a good weight loss supplement like Lipitrex to help you along, you can succeed.

Bio: Glenn Downer is a writer on weight loss supplements and runs an informational web site on the all natural supplement Lipitrex

For more information please see

Turn Fat Into Muscle

Fitness myths are a real pain in the butt. They waste your time by leading you to use ineffective and inefficient exercise and nutrition techniques. Here's one of my myth busters from Men's Fitness magazine. That column gives you the truth on how to lose fat and gain muscle.

Myth: You can turn fat into muscle

The Truth:

You have a better chance of turning straw into gold than converting fat cells to muscle-the two are completely different kinds of tissue. For one thing, fat can't be flexed, whereas muscles control all your body's movement. Nevertheless, when people see a guy who's made a successful body transformation, they tend to assume he actually swapped one for the other. At first thought, it seems to make sense-the muscle he built is exactly where the fat used to be.

In reality, though, the only way anybody ever turned flab into abs is by losing fat and building up the muscle that was lying beneath it. Your best strategy for doing that: a high-protein diet; regular, intense strength training; and cardio-especially fat- and calorie-incinerating intervals.

Here's another popular myth:

Myth: 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day

The Truth:

This is another of the biggest misconceptions and most often quoted myths in fitness articles.

Unfortunately, it is just not possible for each pound of new muscle to burn 50 extra calories per day. Just think about this number in the big picture. If I put on 10 pounds of muscle, it is wishful thinking to believe that my metabolic rate will go up 500 calories. That would be a huge jump, and would make it difficult to keep the new muscle on my body if my metabolism jumped up that much.

I'm the first person to recommend strength training to people, but we can't use this myth any more as justification. But not to worry, there are plenty of other reasons to strength train when your goal is a better body (increased bone mineral density, increased real-life strength, and improved bodysculpting are just three reasons to use strength training).

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning, muscle building workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. His new bodyweight, muscle building, and fat loss workouts each month help you get more results in less time. Craig is using the Muscle Gaining Secrets Workouts from Jay Ferruggia to gain 25 pounds of muscle without supplements.

Fat Burning Bodyweight Workouts

The body weight challenge exercises are something I came up back in the late summer 2007.

It's similar to the 300 Workout which was featured in Men's Health magazine. Now I didn't invent the 300 Workout, all I did was film the video, but it was a lot of fun and got a lot of feedback from people reading the magazine and I thought hey, maybe these guys are on to something, so I'll put together a body weight version and I did what is called a Bodyweight 500.

The workout is just a challenge, it's not something you're supposed to do everyday because there are other workouts that you do during the week and then you do a bodyweight challenge on the weekends or on the Friday, your final workout of the week.

So you might do a workout on Monday and Wednesday, and then in your first week of the program you'll do the Body Weight 100 and this is the program that's featured in that Belly Off Program that I mentioned at the start of the interview that guys are using to lose 20 pounds or 25 pounds of fat in 8 weeks.

They do two regular workouts and then they do they Body Weight Challenge and then the next week they do two regular fat loss workouts and then they do a harder Body Weight Challenge and so on and so on it goes until they've done either the 4 week version of it and an 8 week version of it and they work up to the 500 repetition challenge, so that's what I mean when I say Body Weight 100, in that workout there's 100 repetitions of body weight exercises.

Some are done for 10 repetitions, some are done for 15, you know, there's chin-ups, body weight squats, and some other exercises in there.

Eventually, like I said, working up to the Body Weight 500 Workout, which is generally done in about a half an hour to 40 minutes for guys that are a little bit more beginnerish and they get the workout done.

It's all body weight exercises like I said and it's a lot of fun, it's a good challenge and that's what some people need in their programs to keep the motivation up, is a challenge each week, especially those people that are competitive, a former athlete. They really like something that they can do that is going to challenge them week in and week out, so it's just not the regular routine they're going to the gym for.

They know they have a new challenge this week and they have to get the workout done in X amount of time sort of thing.

I did that initial Body Weight 500 and then I went and made an even harder workout called the Bodyweight 1000 and in that one, it's the same thing, Monday and Wednesday you do regular workouts and then on the Friday or on the weekend, you'll do a body weight challenge.

So it starts off the first week you do 250, in the second week you do 250 by 2, in the third week you do the 501, in the fourth week you do maybe 501 and the 250, in the fifth week you do the 750, and then finally at the end of week six, you do the Body Weight 1000 Challenge.

Now in this one, it's not really that much more difficult than the 500 because I added a lot of calisthenic-type exercises like jumping jacks just to get the repetition number up because you can't do 1000 push-ups in a workout. It's a whole bunch of exercises, there's probably 15 different exercises that makeup the challenges and you can do them, you know, a couple include the ball, a couple include nothing, and a couple include some type of pull-up bar.

Discover the shocking top 5 fat loss myths at Turbulence Training and uncover all of the Turbulence Training Transformations in the Fat Loss Forum. Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and fat loss expert who writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. Ballantyne shows you how you never have to do slow boring cardio again!

Motivation to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, you must find enough motivation to help you stay focused on your goal. Your motivation might be where you do not want to descend to in your life or where you want to take your life to. You might discover that the thought of your weight problems getting worse prompts you to take action to change it. At other times, the desire to look and actually be slim, sexy and self-confident can propel you to want to lose excess fat and feel healthy. In some cases, it might be what happened to another person that will force you on the path to weight loss.

Whatever be the case, you must find enough reasons for yourself to want to lose weight and banish excess fat forever. In the first instance, you know well enough that you are not very healthy on account of the unwanted fat that is gradually choking you to stroke and untimely death. Diabetes, high cholesterol levels, stroke, high blood pressure and lack of energy and zest are some of the effects of overweight. You know that this is the truth and that you are leading a sedentary life which makes the matter worse.

You must decide to lose weight starting today whatever it may cost you. When you consider the effects of not losing weight and the benefits of fat loss, you ought to do something about your overweight situation immediately. You must start with binge eating. Stop compulsive eating so you can last longer. If you resort to eating to cure anger, annoyance, depression or any other situation, decide today to stop it. Keep away from pies and cookies. Avoid chocolates and ice creams. Learn to eat salad without the toppings. Do away with mayo and such toppings.

You must begin to exercise at this moment for your desire to be trim to materialize. Start small but be consistent with your exercise routines. You will help yourself better if you avoid alcohol and cigarettes. They shorten your life span and add no benefits to your life.

There is one important thing you have to do to motivate you further. Get a picture of anybody who has a body you look forward to having. Paste the picture wherever you will see it all the time and start working towards getting there.

You will speed up this process by looking for an organic weight loss supplement that contains hoodia gordonii appetite suppressant to assist you. Such supplement will help you overcome hunger pangs and bind up to 28% of dietary fat intake in your diet. This assertion has been clinically proven. This weight loss supplement is Proactol weight loss device Take control of your weight now and avoid untimely death.

Order Proactol Natural Weight Loss Product for easy not fast weight loss immediately and enjoy life at

Moms & Fitness - Tips for the Busy Mom

Some moms have a busy lifestyle. They cook, they clean, and they drive their children to classes. They teach, they referee, and the list goes on.

If you're a mom, you know how to get things done for everyone else, but chances are, you don't take time to take care of your self. While busy schedules keep moms on the go, moms find themselves without much time for fitness.

School schedules and car pools combined with household tasks and a full-time job don't leave mom much time for moms to get the full benefits of exercise.

Moms manage to squeeze in dentist appointments for their children and can make time to show up, without a moment to spare, at a class play, mentioned at the last minute. Super mom can somehow manage to find time to do the things she needs to do to successfully manage her schedule, keeping everyone happy.

The "I don't have time to exercise" isn't a good excuse. If you really want to find time for fitness and exercise, there are many things you can do.

Finding time to take care of your self, with plenty of rest and exercise, should be one of those things you do for yourself without hesitation. Schedule the time in your day planner or make a note on the dry-erase board your "me-time." Procrastination is a word that has no meaning for moms when it comes to taking care of your children. The same should apply for making time for fitness.

Diversify your fitness schedule to include solo walks, a quick round of tennis, or horseback riding with the one you love. Be creative in planning your schedule.

If you know on Monday you have to pick up one child at 2:00, but you have to pick the other one up thirty minutes later, make good use of the time between pickups. You could toss your walking shoes in the car, having them ready to slip on when you pick up the child at 2:00. Both of you could take a short walk while you wait for the second child. If your daughter has a practice 25 minutes across town at the high school, you could take your swimsuit and use the school's swimming pool to swim a few laps. Most schools don't mind you using the pool if you call ahead. Some offer free swims on certain days of the week. If your son's football practice is held over 45 minutes, continue walking around the track until you hear him tell you, "Mom, I'm ready to go now."

The important thing to remember is, because you are a mom, you may have to jump in and take advantage of a thirty-minute window to have time for fitness. Be prepared for those opportunities and learn to expect the unexpected, taking care to use those extra few minutes wisely. The results will amaze you.

Thanks for reading. If you found this article helpful you can read more of my health tips, information, and more articles on my website:

Weight Loss with Slim Fast

Slim fast has been around for several years and now has a new look. They have added food items to there product list. They now have snack bars to help you make it through the day. Probably the most significant thing they are marketing is a new dieting concept

Slim fast is moving from a diet plan that was primarily to help lose a few vanity pounds. They have introduced an aggressive diet plan to help those who need to lose more than a few vanity pound. After reviewing there revised diet plan, I like the new plan much better. I have been fairly active all my life and the thought of going though a half a day on a souped up milk shake didn't set to well with me. Their new dieting philosophy appears to recognize that problem. The slim fast shake is not a stand alone meal any more although they call their shake a meal on the run. They also seem to be suggesting several small meals during the day. This several small meals concept has been around for quite some time and has gained acceptance with some dietitians. In between their low calorie meals they recommend snacking on the specially formulated snack bars to suppress any hunger.

Their shake mixes and snack bars are formulated to provide many necessary nutrients and vitamins. I was encouraged to see their recommended food suggestion to be eaten along with the shake. Slim Fast has available suggested diet plans that take into consideration your height, weight and the number of pounds that need to be shed. There is also a planning and tracking system to plan out your meals and record what you have done.

If you are dieting or plan to diet, Slim Fast has a system that could be a big benefit. This is no longer a crash diet as I once thought Slim Fast was. Slim Fast has stood the test of time and it looks as though they are expanding. The test of time means they are still getting results. They have a interesting and very informative website. Check it out at

When dieting or considering a diet, pay close attention to the amount of dietary fiber available. Select those foods that are high in dietary fiber. Green vegetables and grains are a good source as they contain varying amounts of dietary fiber.

Dieting with Slim Fast has improved. They are also suggesting that you alter your life style to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. They have a good plan.

For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site

Worried About Holiday Weight Gains? Five Key Ways For Fat Loss

This is the time of the year when everyone is looking for and can use good tips to prevent those dreaded holiday fat and weight gains...

So I am writing five ways to lose those "love handles" for you.

1) Avoid all fluids that have calories with the exception of the after workout drinks of course.

That means chuck all sodas, fruit juices, and sugary sports drinks in the garbage cans. All of those drinks just mentioned have lots of sugar, which can ONLY make cause your body to store fat..., which is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do. So throw all that junk in the trashcan...

But what about alcohol? Are you joking? Most mixed alcoholic drinks have sugar in them! Limit your drinks or avoid them altogether. The real question here is do you want to lose or prevent weight gain or do you want to enjoy your holiday with wild abandon and then hate yourself come January? Yeah right, just junk those liquids, you'll thank yourself later.

2) No more runs to Taco Bell, McDonalds or any of the other fast food joints in town. Enormous corporations that are only concerned with the bottom line usually run those loosely called restaurants. They make foods that you crave and willing to pay for. Notice that I didn't say these fast food places put any consideration whether or not the food is actually healthy for you!

The quality of the grub is really, really horrible. No joking here. You are NOT going to get lean and slim if you eat one of those fat burgers. And forget about those feel-good menus. It is a bunch of bull that you can find healthy choices at the fast food joints. It is still fast food and still is a very poor choice for you.

Bottom line, take the time to go to the grocery store and get the fresh produce and learn how to cook it yourself. Sure you are busy but does that mean your body has to suffer? Heck no! Start small and work your way through the whole day and make a life long commitment to learning how to prepare and cook your own food. Just say no to the instant crappy food culture that is so prevalent in our modern world and face it, pretty soon, over 75% of adults are going to be overweight or obese. Don't be one of them! Start today and just make it part of your lifestyle.

3) Mom is right. Eat more of those fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are eating some, try to eat more because not only these are healthy choices, they "fill" you up so you won't be craving junk foods later on at night.

Another benefit from eating healthy is you become more alert and awake during the day and your boss won't be "catching" you nodding off at the department meetings anymore. :)

4) Eat nuts. Dry roasted Almonds and Walnuts are excellent sources of proteins and "good fats." Try to eat one ounce in the morning and one ounce during the afternoon. Another benefit is that they are appetite suppressors.

5) Develop a steady and easy to follow exercise or workout program. Try to make it fun and make sure it does what it is supposed to do -- exercise your major body muscles to burn calories and exercise the heart.

I am going to leave the training times to you. It really isn't important when you train but that you DO train periodically.

6) And here is an extra special tip for you...

Studies have shown that when you regularly go for a walk after big meals, it help your body regulate its internal mechanism and control weight gains which is exactly what you want!

So do this every single day when you can and I'm sure you will notice the results...

Matt Taylor is a recognized authority on the subject of health fat-loss and fitness. His web site at provides a wealth of informative articles, fat-loss book review and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about Turbulence Training Program

How To Lose Weight Fast With A Few Simple Steps

When most people make a resolution to lose weight they all go through the same phases; at first you are incredibly motivated, you sign up at your local gym, pay hundreds of dollars on diet supplements and weight loss pills. After a week or two you fail to see any results and the motivation begins to dwindle. By the end of the month you're back on the couch eating chips and watching TV. Sounds familiar doesn't it? So what's the best way to lose weight?

The secret to fast weight loss is to not rush into it, but rather to take moderately progressive steps. The first step should always be your diet. We tend to neglect the positive effects of food but it has been scientifically proven that the types of food we consume and also when we consume them will have a tremendous impact on how your body will burn fat.

Here are a few tips you can try to ease the process of changing your diet:

For breakfast instead of using white bread for your toasts, switch to whole wheat. Once it's toasted you will barely notice the difference in taste. Instead of sugary cereal have a bowl of oatmeal. You will feel more energized for the entire morning until lunch.

If you bring your lunch to school or work, you may be limited as to what you can eat. At the least try to include a vegetable and a fruit for the vitamins and proteins.

For dinner always have a green vegetable, whether it's a salad, broccoli, asparagus, it will help the digestion and is full of proteins to help you lose weight fast. If you are used to having dessert after dinner start by cutting back, having it only once every 2 days and eventually eliminate it completely.

By changing your diet habits gradually not only will you begin to notice results fast but you will also become motivated to make the full switch to a healthier diet.

If you would like to lose weight fast click here to learn about the calorie shifting diet that is taking America by storm.

Does Turbulence Training Really Work? Here is the Answer

Turbulence Training is a renowned diet and fitness program which was created by expert trainer, Craig Ballantyne. This program is intended to help you lose fat and build lean muscle tissue at the same time. It does so by focusing on short and highly intensive workouts which include both cardiovascular and strength exercises. It is considered one of the most effective fitness based weight loss programs for men and women which exists today.

But does Turbulence Training really work? The answer isn't objective, but entirely up to you, the individual user. This program is just a collection of guidelines. It is up to you to follow these guidelines or to not follow them. What you do is entirely within your hands. There is no doubt that the information contained within Turbulence Training is sound and can be used to become leaner and fitter, but it requires you to make a solid effort.

Doing the Turbulence Training workouts isn't the easiest thing in the world. In fact, some of these workouts will leave you gasping for air and sweating profusely. However, they are also highly effective. They take a lot out of you but also provide results.

Doing this program isn't for everyone. If you have knee troubles, or back issues, you will need to start the workouts very carefully and slowly build your endurance. Either that or use another weight loss plan completely. What you can expect from using Turbulence Training is to lose fat and become fitter at the same time. If it is your dream to not only lose weight but also tone up and improve your strength and fitness, this program is for you.

To read more about this program, click here: Turbulence Training Reviews - Scam Or Does It Work?

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: The Top Plans To Lose Weight Fast

Weight Loss Principles To Lose Weight - Fat Storage and Fat Burning!

It is common knowledge that a moderate and sustainable eating and exercise pattern has to be established to remain healthy and achieve the desired weight loss.

Our primary fat storage mechanism is Lipoprotein Lipase.) The foods consumed in the form of carbohydrates, starches and sugars stimulate LPL and allow fat storage.

It is possible to adjust this mechanism, by adhering to a few weight loss principles.

Turn off the body's fat storage mechanism - This can be done by food coupling, which means avoiding foods that are dangerous when taken in combination with each other. Fat and carbohydrate couplings, such as found in fried foods, cookies, cakes, candy bars etc., lack bulk and they make it easy to consume hundreds of calories without feeling full.

When fat is eaten at the same time as carbohydrates, both the fat and carbohydrates are pushed into storage. The result is, increased blood fat levels and increase in stored fat. Not only that, the body's basic blood sugar control mechanism gets damaged and slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.

Turn on the body's fat burning mechanism - Some foods burn "hotter" than others; that is, they cause the body to expend more calories for heat, encourage activity and are not as readily stored. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are "hot" burners, such as whole grains, whole-grain products and nearly all vegetables. They are not stored as fat easily and they tell the body that it has enough fuel, so it is alright to expend energy. This heat producing effect after a meal turns on the metabolism.

Exceptionally good and energizing meals are those that couple lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, lamb, lean beef and tofu with various non-starchy vegetables.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

How To Choose A Perfect Diet - Achieve Earth Shattering Results Using These Tips

So are you think about getting on a diet? Stop and stop right now. Do you know that most people out there choose diets which don't even suit their bodies? Do you know that if something works on one of your friends there is no guarantee that it's going to work on you too? You see we all have different bodies and this is the reason why results always vary from individual to individual therefore it's always recommended to choose the diet which is best for your body. Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing ways on how to choose a perfect diet and achieve the desired results within no time...

How much do you want to lose? - This is the first question you need to answer. How much weight do you want to lose and how fast? You see some people want to lose a lot of weight but they get on a light diet which does not help them lose any substantial amounts therefore it's best recommended to see how much you want to lose and choose a diet which helps you lose the appropriate amounts.

Would you have to stretch? - Another question you need to ask yourself is how much would you have to stretch with this diet and would this be comfortable for you? You see people first start off with a diet with great enthusiasm but with time find it extremely hard to keep up with it and give up before they get the desired results. This wouldn't work if you are really trying to lose weight therefore your best bet would be to choose a diet you are comfortable with.

Does it have your favorite foods- Do you know that if the diet you choose have some of your favorite foods and something which you enjoy eating you would be able to see better results with such diets? You see when you enjoy something you are completely devoted to it therefore you should always choose such a diet.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Need to Lose Weight? Try These Easy Diet Tips

- Forget what you know about eating three standard meals each day. When trying to lose weight, it is much more beneficial to eat smaller portions throughout the day instead of three large meals. Have a snack in the early afternoon and at night (if necessary) to curb hunger. This will be enough to curb hunger while still eating less than you normally would.

- Try eating slower; the faster you eat, the more food you will consume before you begin to digest it. Eating slower will allow you to feel full without overeating.

- Cut back on the sugar. Those sodas and energy drinks you have every day really add up. Try drinking a juice such as V8 or flavored water such as Propel. Or better yet, stock up on bottled water.

- Something that really works for me is brushing my teeth early. I hate eating while my teeth feel really clean, so if I brush, floss, and swish with Listerine (for a super clean feeling) long before bed, it will reduce my tendency to eat before bed.

- In conjunction with the previous tip, dont eat before going to bed. Labeled as a myth, this actually does contribute to weight loss. Try not to eat any less than two hours before bed.

- Keep calories in mind when you go shopping. I know it can be a pain, but learn how to read nutrition labels and spend a little extra time doing so. You will be surprised to learn just what you have been eating, and it may just help modify your eating habits for the better.

- Make sure you get your minimum of eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water when you start to feel hungry can help you feel full and keep hunger at bay.

- You may want to consider taking a weight loss supplement coupled with your diet and proper exercise. Do your homework before you decide on one; there are numerous different diet pills that are designed to function in different ways. Pick one that helps curb hunger. This will enable you to eat less and assist in your long term weight loss.

Muscle Soreness: Can You Prevent Muscle Soreness From Exercise

Q: My trainer told me that the uncomfortable feeling I get in my muscles after strength training is caused by lactic acid. What is this? Does this cause the muscle soreness I get the next day? Answer:

The uncomfortable sensation in your muscles during a workout is caused by metabolic waste products that build up during exercise. Lactic acid is one waste product that has long been labeled the culprit of this burning sensation.

Lactic acid is also given a bad rap when trainers state that lactic acid causes the next-day soreness that sometimes occurs in the days after strength training. This is untrue. Lactic acid does not cause soreness. The soreness is likely caused by muscle damage and inflammation.

In fact, lactic acid is cleared from your muscles in minutes after exercise (and it is almost completely cleared within an hour at the most). After all, we know through experience that the burning sensation does not last beyond the post-workout shower. And if you spend a little extra time in your cool-down, you can even help remove the lactic acid faster.

Unfortunately there really is no way around the muscle soreness that will show up tomorrow or two days later (as is often the case for lower-body muscle soreness). If your training caused muscle damage (as strength workouts tend to do - but in a safe, strategic and effective manner), then you will probably have a little bit of muscle soreness tomorrow.

You just have to cut down the volume to avoid getting so sore. So don't jump back into the weight room by doing 3 sets per exercise. Do 1 easy set, and you won't be too sore.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

How To Lose 2 Stones Fast

If you wish to lose 2 stones fast, this is the article for you. There is more than 1 way to lose 2 stones, but in this article I wish to present to you 2 of the most popular diets on the market today, so you can make an informed choice about which one to choose.

The diets I wish to review for you are Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Both of these diets produce fast weight loss results for many users, but choosing the best one for you requires you to know a little more about each of them. Here are the basic facts about each diet so you can choose with which to lose 2 stones.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

This is one of the most used diets in the world. Here are some basic facts about this diet:

  • You don't starve with this diet since you get to eat 4 meals a day
  • The diet is based on nutrition alone (apart from recommended walking) which means that if you dislike the gym it's a good bet
  • The diet's menu is made up of regular food only so it's easy to get all the ingredients
  • The average weight loss with this diet is around 7 pounds in 11 days, so you can lose 2 stones very fast.
  • The diet is based on a unique method which ensures that your metabolism remains high throughout the diet so it's easy to maintain your weight loss into the future.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

This is a diet created by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, a weight loss expert. This diet is a detox type diet which can be exceptionally good if you've tried many diets in the past and failed with them. What this diet does is to help you flush out of your body a lot of undigested weight and help you cleanse yourself of internal parasites which may be clogging your system, disrupting your internal processes, and causing you to get fat. If you are infested with this parasites, you will likely fail with all other diets and may also be facing other health issues.

Weight loss with the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret can be exceptionally fast, but you should know that detox diets are harder than regular diets like Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

The choice is yours. I urge you to use one of these 2 diets so you can lose 2 stones as fast as possible.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

What Makes Mediterranean Diet Recipes Unique?

The Mediterranean Diet is a healthy way of eating that was adopted by people who wanted to mimic the basic elements of the way that people in the Mediterranean countries eat. It follows the dietary patterns in such countries as Greece and Italy. But it is more than a diet. The Mediterranean Diet is a nutritional model.

So what is included in this diet? The most basic of Mediterranean diet recipes include things grown naturally from the earth: Fruits and vegetables, rice, cereals, and bread make up the basic components. Wheat is a staple in the Mediterranean Diet, as grain is imperative in any healthy diet. In this nutritional model, red wine and olive oil are also important staples. Different kinds of fish are as well.

Although this diet was introduced in the mid 1940s, it was not until the early 1990s that it really became noticed and began to pick up any speed. This is because people who live in that area of the world have been known to have significantly lower cholesterol levels. People who eat according to the various Mediterranean diet recipes also love it due to the fact that it has been rumored to have some cancer-fighting properties as well.

Is the Mediterranean Diet right for you? Is it time for you to jump on the bandwagon? Whether or not it's the right choice for you remains to be seen. It is, after all, just another way of eating. But there is certainly no denying that it is a much healthier way of eating. You can find green vegetables, calcium, and other important minerals and vitamins in the foods used in the preparation of many your more basic Mediterranean diet recipes.

If you are interested in a new way of eating, check out some of the ideas and Mediterranean diet recipes that are out there.

Get a Mediterranean body! Visit Mediterranean Diet for all the Mediterranean Diet resources, recipes and diet advice you will ever need.