Saturday, June 21, 2008

9 Things I Noticed About Weight Loss Failure

As an expert and someone that has been in the community of fitness and bodybuilding for many years, I've seen people start diets and fail after 3 weeks even when they did lose 5 pounds the first week on their diet. Here are some facts about weight loss that you should know if you dare attempt to start a diet on your own.

  • If done incorrectly can cause serious rebound effects.
  • First week of initial Weight Loss is all water and glycogen -- Not Fat.
  • Second week of Weight Loss is water glycogen and muscle -- Not Fat.
  • Diets are a temporary solution to weight loss.
  • Your body adapts to your diet within 3-4 weeks.
  • There are different types of metabolisms and the diet that you are currently on might work against your metabolism. This is VERY common.
  • Healthy Fat Loss on diet alone does NOT work.
  • Beware of Diet pills, if it's not a drug it will NOT work. If it is a drug, it will NOT work without proper nutrition and exercise, however caution must be used as the fat loss will only be temporary once you come off the drug.
  • Losing 15 pounds does not mean you lost 15 pounds of fat (adipose tissue).
Fat burning should be part of the weight loss process if done correctly. A nutrition plan and exercise work best for ultimate fat loss. Losing fat greatly improves life expectancy, physical and mental well-being. The true goal behind weight loss is FAT LOSS. You want to lose weight from FAT which is mainly adipose tissue. Weight Loss is a generic term for losing unwanted scale weight. If your not losing fat, your losing water, glycogen and muscle. These are three of the most important things your body needs to stay healthy and function. No wonder people that go on so called diets feel like worse than when they started, see no beneficial results and don't meet their long term goals.

This can easily be solved by hiring an expert. With an expert, your obstacles and goals will be concretely defined on paper and you are guaranteed a success plan to losing fat for good.

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How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

The very first thing is to adopt a healthier diet. Notice that I did not say dieting. If you are to succeed in your weight loss efforts it is important to make lifestyle changes. Decide what you are going to eat. Plan ahead and stick with it.

Whatever you do, don't give up. You fail only when you quit. Most of us do no succeed the first time. Persistence alone is omnipotent. Nothing else comes close including talent and intelligence.

Keep in mind that diet and exercise a two halves of one coin. If either one is missing from the equation you lessen your chances for success. You can exercise until the cows come home, but if you are consuming the wrong foods it is likely that you will not experience any dramatic changes. Likewise, without exercise you will burn muscle instead of fat. Keep in mind that aerobic exercise burns fat. If you starve yourself you will be burning muscle.

The most important factor for healthy weight loss is consistency. Skipping your meals or missing your physical activity will slow down your progress. You have to ask yourself how much do you want this? Create a good, solid program and stick with it. Keep in mind that you will get out of it only what you put into it.

The most important thing that we can do is to eat a health diet. Almost no one comes close to eating a healthy diet. When you concentrate on eating healthy, natural foods and have a regular physical activity routine, weight loss will be effortless.

Before you begin you should know that there are certain diet myths that should be dispelled.

Many fad diets suggest that certain food groups should be eliminated. The truth is that you need a balance diet that supplies you with all the nutrients that keeps you healthy. The core of your diet should be built around whole grains, vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts and seeds. This type of diet will strengthen your body, create health and vitality.

Another myth is that you have to eat meat to get your protein. Grains, nuts, oil, legumes and fermented soy products contain complete proteins. The protein in meat is actually incomplete. Both meat and dairy products are high in sodium and fat. This makes weight loss difficult.

If you have any doubts, consider for example the cow. A cow weighs anywhere from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds. It is made up of protein and fat. Yet a cow eats only grass, which is a complex carbohydrate. Somehow it is able to manufacture everything that it needs from this simple food.

Another popular myth is that you have to eliminate fat from your diet in order to lose weight. The truth is that you need good quality fat in your diet. It is perfectly okay to cook with good quality oil, but avoid deep fried foods.

Finally the biggest misconception of all, you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The truth is that if you eat natural foods there is no need to go hungry. There is a transition period in the beginning and it will take a little while for your body to adjust. You will discover that natural foods taste better and are more fulfilling than commercial, processed foods.

So there you have it, some very practical pointer on how to reach your weight goal. Just focus and take action. Before you know it you will be healthier, feel better and of course, you will have lost weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

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Life After Weight Loss Surgery - Don't Let Shame and Self-Blame Weigh You Down

A huge mistake that people make as they work to lose weight and/or maintain weight loss after weight loss surgery involves getting stuck in self-blame. Self-blame and self-criticism can seriously undermine weight loss efforts. Here are some of the reasons why they can create a trap that you want to avoid:

1. Self-blame breeds shame.

Shame is the most isolating emotion that there is. When we feel shame, we feel bad and we want to be invisible. We don't want anyone to see either our shame or ourselves and we start to feel incapable of connecting with others. We want to disappear. Solid support is one of the most important tools for success whenever we are making any major change and shame causes people to isolate, avoid others, and miss out on the support they can provide.

2. Self-blame and shame cause us to lose perspective.

When we blame ourselves and get lost in shame we also tend to lose perspective. If we believe that the problem is us then it becomes easier to believe that we are alone in our struggles and that no one else will understand. One of the biggest mistakes a weight loss surgery patient can make is assuming they are alone in struggling or having questions or difficulties after bariatric surgery. When we struggle alone and blame ourselves, a problem that was originally small can quickly become much larger.

I have worked with too many bariatric surgery patients who have avoided support groups because they are afraid of being judged or are embarrassed to admit they are struggling. Because they are stuck in shame and self-blame, these individuals miss out on learning that they are not alone. They miss out on learning about the strategies and resources that others have discovered or developed. Connecting with others is an incredibly powerful tool and shame can keep us from using it.

3. The heaviness of shame and the weight of self blame interfere with successful weight loss.

In fact, getting stuck in the self blame trap might be the biggest mistake that bariatric surgery patients can make. When people hit a rough patch with their eating or their weight loss surgery lifestyle and they are trapped in shame and self-blame, they get stuck. Instead of taking a step back, evaluating why the plan failed, and looking compassionately at what they need to tweak in order to be successful, people stuck in self-blame beat themselves up emotionally for their past failures and commit to being tougher or harder on themselves, or more rigid and strict the next go-round. This is a big mistake. When we stay stuck in self-blame and shame we limit our ability to be curious and to think creatively. We become less able to look at a situation objectively, identify what didn't work or how we got into the trap that we did. When we are stuck in shame and self-blame, our minds are less likely to work to create some new options, modify our plan for next time, or generate ideas about how we can be more successful. Self blame tends to leave us with only one option--"just try harder." Unfortunately that's not often a very helpful approach.

Learning how self-judgment and shame can get in your way isn't always enough to change it. Have you ever tried to stop being hard on yourself? It's really not so easy. It takes practice, persistence, and the right tools. So many weight loss programs don't address shame and self-blame at all, and even fewer provide the necessary tools and skills to help you move past it. Moving past self-blame and shame is crucial for creating enduring success after weight loss surgery and it is challenging work. But once you start to develop the right tools and you are able to step outside of that self-blame, it's absolutely amazing how much easier some of the other steps towards success can be.

Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. is a Psychologist and Life and Wellness Coach who helps her clients create and live the life they crave. She is also the creator of the Emotional Eating Toolbox (TM), Tools for Taking Control and Moving Beyond Dieting. Sign up for a free 5 part Self-care Package and learn more at:

Copyright 2008 - Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms of service for Publishers.

How Can Water Help You Lose Pounds?

So you have got the diet clean and healthy and you have been following your exercise program for a month now but you are getting discouraged with the results of your weight loss so far. The fact is you may not be consuming enough water. It sounds stupid really because all you ever read about to maximise your weight loss is to follow a good calorie controlled clean diet and exercise but not many people mention water. Water is in fact one of the most important aspects of any weight loss plan and its vital fuel for your bodies vital organs to not only to work but recover quickly.

The hard part is sticking to your new diet plan and exercise program and you may have achieved this already but by not consuming enough water you could actually be hindering the process and your results. Let me explain. You may of heard of the process and system that takes place inside of your body called "metabolism". Well there is in fact many forms of metabolism inside of your body but in this case the most important one when it comes down to weight loss is your metabolism of fat. Now one of the vital organs within your body known as the liver is the main component in metabolising the fat within your body by taking your stored fat and making it available as energy to be burned away. Now with this process that the liver carries out it allows you to effectively burn away all that excess fat on your body producing weight loss.

Now you might be thinking what water has to do with this. Well another vital job for your liver is to help out the kidneys within your body and effectively help do there job when they are not doing there job properly. Your kidneys actually thrive on water and when they are deprived of the fluid they slack off and your liver is left to pick up where they left off which effectively pulls the liver from the job of metabolising your stored fat. So by keeping your body well watered providing your vital organs including your kidneys with the water they thrive, it then assists each and every organ to focus on there own jobs keeping your body ticking over nicely. Deprive it and the organs within your body will not work to there maximum potential which in this case is to assist you with weight loss.

You should be aiming to get 8 glasses of water a day into your body which isn't a lot when you think about it but as with anything the more the better. If you are currently overweight a further 8 glasses per extra 25 pounds worth of body weight is advisable.

Not only for your weight loss endeavours drinking water daily will have huge benefits to your well being and is great for the skin and a clear mind. Sacrifice that cup of coffee in the morning for a cold glass of water and see if you can feel the difference. The main point to remember is that water is your friend and is there to help your body, deprive it and you will hinder the process of weight loss but by applying this simple rule it just adds more armoury to your arsenal in the fight against fat.

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Recovering from Your Weight Loss Surgery

When you are recovering from your weight loss surgery you will most likely be on a strict diet. Your diet will consist of three to four phases designed to get your new stomach working and back to digesting solid food.

The first phase is right after surgery and for up to four days. This is the clear liquid foods phase. On liquids you will drink water, Gatorade, clear drink mixes, broth, Jell-O and any other clear fluids you can think of. Its important to sip something almost constantly during this time in order to help your body get enough liquids to heal and stay healthy.

After this phase you can move onto a full liquids diet. Some may be very excited to be able to start on something more filling or some may find that their new stomach makes odd squelches at the thought. Everyone is different and will start on the next phase at a different point. The full liquids are shakes, and breakfast drinks and any other non-clear liquids that you can think of. You may be on the full liquids diet for a couple of weeks.

The next two phases are often thought of in one group but really its the pureed foods phase and the soft foods phase. In pureed foods your doctor or nutritionist may suggest that you try eating baby food to see if you like it. Also you can puree things to make drinks with a shake like consistency. The important thing is to introduce your stomach to more foods but still work to make it as easy as possible for you to digest. In soft foods phase your prescription will be for foods that are easy to mush up in your mouth. This things can be mashed potatoes, oatmeal, scrambled eggs and so on.

Read more weight loss surgery articles and weight loss surgery news or visit our weight loss surgery site.

How To Lose Weight Fast

The reason why many of us are frantically looking for solutions to lose weight fast is because we want ourselves to appear to other people as being more confident, attractive, and also to reduce the risks that comes along with being over-weight, such as suffering from heart attacks, strokes, etc.

If you want to lose weight fast, and effectively, you'll have to change the following 4 aspects in your life, and they are - what you eat, how you eat, your behavior and your activity level.

Here are some fast weight loss tips you can apply right away:

1. Before you start any weight loss regimes, remember that the whole process composes of a multi-faceted technique consisting of mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Commence your weight loss regime by having a diet food plan that you can easily get accustomed with. Also, you'll have to incorporate an exercise plan that can consist of activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, or even dancing. By exercising, you are also building up your body muscles and this helps to make you look good as well. Also, remember that muscles help to burn more calories - whether it is working or resting - so the more muscles you develop, the more calories you'll be able to burn, and the more weight you'll be able to lose.

2. You have to set realistic approaches - By developing a positive mindset, having a positive attitude toward the whole weight loss process, and setting realistic weight loss goals, it will help you quickly lose more pounds compared to when you do not have developed them.

3. Listen to your own body - Each and everyone's body metabolism rate reacts different to different weight loss programs, techniques and plans. When you adopt a weight loss strategy - such as exercising, you have to plan it at a level that your body can accept. For example, some people's body can accept rigorous exercising but some can not.

4. Eat more food containing fibers - By eating fiber-rich foods, it will make your stomach full faster and also stays in your tummy longer - slowing down your body's rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes your body's insulin level, making your body more energized.

5. Stay away from fried foods, especially deed-fried ones, as deep fried foods contain a great amount of fat. Opt for grilled foods instead as grilled foods contain much lesser amount of fats.

6. Drinks lots of water - drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily keeps your body refreshed. Since how fast/slow your body loses weight depends on how your body eliminates waste, it is important that your body must stay hydrated.

To wrap up, discipline and consistency are still the best practices and keys to losing weight fast. Always keep the 6 pointers in mind and you'll be on your way to a successful weight loss.

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Weight Loss for Women Over 40 - Love Yourself First

If you are 40-something, you know that it is getting harder to manage your weight. This is true for most, but it doesnt mean you cannot still maintain a healthy weight.

First you may need to re-frame your outlook. If you are dreaming about your high school weight, you may need a reality check. For some, this may be possible, for others it may simply be unrealistic and unnecessary. When determining what your goal weight is, consider this: fi Calculate your BMI (see below). This is the best way to assess whether you really need to lose weight, or you just want to look better in your jeans. If your BMI is in the healthy range of 19-24, then you can be assured that your weight is not adversely affecting your health. If it is over 24, then you could reduce your risk for disease by losing a few pounds.

fi Love yourself first. If you think that losing fifteen pounds will solve all of your body image problems, you are probably wrong. Work with a therapist or life coach so that you can come to peace with who you are and the body shape you were born with. Try not to let your appearance be your biggest motivator to eat well and exercise. fi Consider inches, not just the scale. Take your waist, arm and thigh measurements now. Then compare every two weeks for three to four months after you have been exercising and eating better. You may not always see huge losses on the scale, but lost inches means lost fat and better health.

Secondly you need to make some changes in your eating habits. Most women at this age are pretty busy. They may be juggling a family, career and aging parents. This often adds up to skipping meals, eating junk food, and being dehydrated! Keep these tips in mind each day to get you out of a bad habit: fi Sit down and take a lunch break. While breakfast may be quick, lunch should not have to be on the run. Often we think that we are saving time by eating at our desks or in our car! But your body and mind need some downtime and a twenty to thirty minute break will likely leave you more focused and energized. Plus, sitting down will help you eat more slowly, which will help you eat less and stop when youre full.

fi Plan two to three snacks a day. If you work out of the home, bring two snacks with you each day. If you work at home, choose your snacks in the morning or the night before. You may even want to post a Healthy Snack List on your refrigerator to help you make good choices. Portions are important. Snack ideas: Low fat yogurt; 1-2 ounces pretzels; low fat string cheese with 6 wheat crackers; low fat granola or high fiber bar; 10 animal crackers and a glass of skim milk; a piece of fresh fruit or a cup of melon or berries; raw carrots; hummus with 6-8 wheat crackers; a glass of low fat chocolate milk. fi Consider keeping a food log. Writing down what we eat helps keep us accountable for all the little tidbits and go into our mouth. fi Be patient. Weight loss after forty is slower than it was before. You have to simply accept this. Make small changes, stick with them, and you will eventually see results.

Finally, exercise is more important than ever. Again, with the busy and often content lives that 40-something women may lead, they may get relaxed on exercise. Its never too late to start an exercise program. Check with your doctor first to find out if there should be any restrictions, then shoot for exercising 3-5 times a week. While this may seem like a lot, keep in mind, household activities count too. So consider more formal exercise (like jogging, walking, weight lifting) to be done 3-4 times a week.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and American Heart Association (AHA) have released updated physical activity recommendations for adults and older adults. The recommendations are an update and clarification of the 1995 recommendation on the types and amounts of physical activity needed by healthy adults and older adults to improve and maintain health. Specifically, the guidelines recommend all healthy adults aged 18 to 65 years need moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes on five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 20 minutes on three days each week. So the good news is that once you increase your intensity, you can get by with 3 days a week of activity. Keep these ideas in mind when planning out your activities: fi If you are not active at all, start walking. A nice walk outside each morning will be a great way to start your day. Even if you only have time for a 30-minute walk, start there. Some activity is always better than no activity.

fi If you are already a walker, try jogging. Increasing the intensity of any activity will help boost your metabolism. Start by jogging for 30 seconds, then one minute, and continue alternating minutes of jogging with walking. Before you know it you will be jogging two miles. fi Dont hire it all out. Often individuals may have a comfortable lifestyle at this point and be able to hire folks to do the weeding, mulching, dig a new garden, mowing, or housework. Consider doing some of these old chores yourself. Shoveling mulch builds muscle and burns lots of calories! fi Try weight lifting. Weight training doesnt mean you have to turn into a body builder nor does it mean you have to go to a gym. If you want to join a gym, thats fine. It is a good idea to get some initial training from a personal trainer to be sure you are doing the activities with good form, but once you have the form down, you can easily work out at home. Invest in a set of light hand weights (usually 2, 3 and 5 pounds each) and start doing repetitions. We lose muscle as we age and weight lifting is one way to build some back and burn more calories.

Take your weight loss goals one at a time and you will see results eventually. In the meantime, think about your short-term goals and how eating healthy foods and using your muscles keeps your body well. Before you know it you will be inches smaller and a few pounds lighter

Rosanne Rust, MS, RD, LDN
Registered Dietitian
Nutrition Consulting, Writing, Lectures
Licensed Provider for Real Living Nutrition Services

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Need to Lose Weight Fast?

Besides just looking at yourself in the mirror and being unhappy with how you look, make some changes. It isn't nearly as difficult as you might imagine. If I told you that I know of an easier way for you to not only shed some weight but to also get an improved complexion, help the process of digesting the food you eat and help decrease symptoms you might have with arthritis or diabetes, would you be interested?

A detox diet is your answer. Detoxification diets work by assisting your body naturally do what it does, only better. That's getting rid of all the toxins that we consume everyday out of our bodies. If you ponder all the junk that comes into your body every day, you would probably want to wrap yourself in bubble. We take in toxins in the air we're exposed to, our food consumption, the drinks we consume. Toxins are everywhere, and there's nothing you can do to rid the environment of them completely, you CAN clean your body of them.

Not like a typical fad diet that is all over the media that puts your body through over-stress just to end up a couple of pounds lighter, the detox diet actually promotes a healthy body. The detox diet will help you to use the nutrients that you take in effectively and with more efficiency Is it possible you've had IBS, constipation, or even indigestion? A good at home detoxification/detox diet can help lower problems you might have regarding those not-so-rare ailments

There are many detox diets available to everyone, that all seem to contain basically the exact same contents. The primary focus is to stay away from bad toxins for just the right amount of time. The predetermined time can go anywhere from many days to many weeks. Raising the amount of raw and organic foods will help clean your body and assist you absorb the good amino acids that you need. Most fad diets seem to last forever 'cause they're supposed to be harder working. Just because a safe detox diet isn't drawn out, doesn't necessarily mean it won't do a better job. With just about any safe detox diet you'll feel different within 48 hours. What if however, that 48 hrs. was the entire time frame to get a fast, effective whole body detox?

There's a brilliant 2 day safe detox diet available that will assist in not to only shed weight and boost your energy and stamina levels, lower your needs for unhealthy food, and brighten up your skin and eyes. The answer is the 2 Day Slim Down. As you look at yourself in the mirror, what if, in only 2 days, you could shed 12 pounds and be rejuvinated from within your body to out? Stand up and realize it's time to do something and make some changes. The 2 Day Slim Down safe detox diet is obtainable to you in assisting you to accomplish your body goals.

Jack Shaark is a health fanatic and a strong believer for alternative medicines. He truly believes in a healthful and sanitary body, and the importance of having a healthy digestive system. He only stands behind warranted, natural remedies as he truly feels that these types are the most beneficial therapies for the body If you would like to learn something more about this brand new technology, purely natural safe detox diet, check us out at

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Personal Trainers Insight into Weight Loss

Unfortunately, in todays world, the easiest way is the best way. Today, if you are overweight, there are a million and one diets, training programs and supplements which guarantee you success. Indeed, many of them deliver and customers have excellent success. But more often than not, those who begin a diet or program fail. They either drop out, or the results don't come.

But why? Why is it that the obesity epidemic is sweeping the world with a force, if there are so many easy weight loss methods available? Because current trends are to let others do the thinking for us.

We follow a particular diet. Foods we can eat, cant eat. Train at this time, run for this long. All you are doing is following someone else's rules without actually learning anything yourself. And this is the key to a new lifestyle and weight loss- knowledge. Understanding which you can act on in any situation at any time in your life.

If you understand how the body works, in relation to nutrition and training, if you become familiar enough to recognise and react to your bodies messages and changes, if you understand enough about yourself- its then, and only then, you can live a LIFESTYLE of healthiness which will keep the weight off with no drudge diet, no starving, no 0 carb or 0 fat menu's.

This is the difference between those who lose weight and keep it off and those who are forever struggling. Those who learn not only rules, but the reasoning and the knowledge behind these techniques, who understand bodily processes, how their body works, why it works that way, and how to ensure your lifestyle is optimum for your body, these are the ones who not only will lose the weight, but can simply live a healthy lifestyle armed with this knowledge. Day by day they can live happy and sure, knowing how to treat their body correctly without any crazy diets.

Im not saying that weight loss programs out their are incorrect- they will work in many cases. But your body is a clever thing. It adapts, it resists. Unless you can manipulate your lifestyle for your particular needs, and react to different situations not outlined in a general diet, you wont succeed, or your success will come at a dear price. Who wants to follow a certain menu day in day out? Its bound to fail. Who wants to cut all the carbs out of their diet? The only thing which will happens is your metabolism will slow so much, when you do eat carbs again it will result in weight gain. The cycle begins. It's the knowledge of the science of your body which will allow you to understand EXACTLY why your putting weight on, or why your losing weight, and how to reverse or encourage trends in your everyday life.

In the morning when i wake up, i know if i don't eat within 30 minutes my body will start to tap into my muscle stores and fat stores for glucose. As im trying to gain muscle, this is unacceptable. When my body is overly tired, ill postpone a workout, consume some extra protien and carbs and allow plenty of rest. Its all about understanding your body and meeting its needs. One diet can work for everyone. You need to know your body and know how to treat it in any situation. This is the key to long term weight loss, and a fun, invigorating new lifestyle.

So before your begin your diet or training program, take the time to learn about the science of your body. Research the processes of fat storage, fat breakdown. Research muscle growth, research nutrition. Knowledge. Its worth more than its weight in gold. Aquire it. Understand the world you life in and the body you walk around in. This is your key to success.

Nathan Quigley is a Personal trainer, with a master trainer qualification at the Australian Institute of fitness. He is currently running a weight loss series at which seeks to equip overweight people with the knowledge and motivation they need to live a new and amazing lifestyle, all the while seeing the pounds fall away. He also specialises in weight gain for skinny guys, and runs a further weightgain serious at