Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shed Off Your Weight Every Weeks!

Plan to solve your weight-loss problems in 3 weeks? This is possible if you understand what is happening to the neuro-chemical and hormonal systems in your body.

The cumulative results of decades' worth of research have led experts to conclude that the key to speedy, lasting weight loss lies in nurturing and repairing three interrelated body systems. In order to make the biochemical changes necessary for fast weight loss, the glandular, neuro-chemical and hormonal systems each need to be given specialized treatment inoder for weight loss to take effect.

You may want to start off with a three-week plan. It starts with a well-rounded basic meal plan, then adds key nutrients in week 1 that restore the master weight-loss glandsthe thyroid and adrenals. Then week 2 adds nutrients that boost neuro-transmitter production, making it possible to dodge the powerful food cravings that sabotage weight loss during the second week of most diets. Finally, week 3 incorporates foods that naturally boost hormone levels, shutting off fat cells' genetically programmed drive to plump up in order to produce more estrogen. The result is a strong restorative base that optimizes all three areas of the female weight-loss puzzle through week 4 and beyond so the weight continues to reduce and never returns.

Each week fine tune your slimming system

In addition to following a pound-paring meal plan designed to nourish the entire body, each week you'll incorporate two dietary approaches scientifically proven to optimize the health and functioning of the glandular, neurochemical and hormonal systems, in that order. Rather than shocking your body with a hard-to-maintain diet overhaul, you'll move your slimming program together over three weeks, ensuring effortless weight loss that lasts for life.

Activate the thyroid to fire up fat burn

Take a muttivitamin rich in selenium. The study-proven dose: 200 meg daily. With ample selenium intake, the thyroid and adrenals can be healed in just three weeks. This will helps to reduce fatigue and keeping energy levels high. You may also choose to sip ginseng tea during high-stress times. Hundreds of studies show that ginsenosides, ginseng's active ingredients, shield the thyroid and adrenals from stress, lowering production of diet-sabotaging cortisol and boosting energy by as much as 50 percent within three days.

Stabilize neurochemicals to conquer cravings

Consume aminos at regular intervals. Tyrosine and phenyl-alamne are the building blocks of dopamine. And according to UCLA researchers, including them in every meal could dramatically increase mental and physical energy levels, plus dampen cravings for sweets and fats in as little as one week. You may wish to savor cocoa each evening. The theo-bromine and phenylethylamine in cocoa raise the brain's production of serotonin,dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), neurochemicals that boost mood and control cravings. Research suggests that enjoying a little each evening by savoring an ounce or two of quality chocolate or a mug of hot cocoa can cut night time cravings by 50 percent.

Balance female hormones to eliminate belly fat

You may choose to snack on soy. As the ovaries' ability to produce hormones slows with age, phytoestrogens can help, ending the body's genetic drive to pack on more estrogen-producing fat. Consume 12 ounces of soy milk or a half cup of phytoestrogen-rich legumes, tofu, flaxseeds or cruciferous veggies daily. Swap refined carbs for whole grains. White flour, sugar and other refined carbs flood the bloodstream in as little as 20 minutes after consumption, causing insulin levels to spike. The problem: Insulin not only shuttles sugar into fat cells; it also stimulates production of androgens. These male hormones bind to the hormone receptor sites in cells, making the body think estrogen is in short supply. To nix the hormonal confusion, opt for fiber-rich whole grains, which are slowly absorbed. This cuts insulin spikes, reducing androgen overload by 20 percent to help restore estrogen balance.

You may want to try out this healthy staples, that serves as the base for this plan. For each week during the first 21 days, you can fine tune it to include that weeks system nourishing strategies.

6 servings of breads, cereals, rice
3 servings of vegetables
2 servings of fruit
3 servings of milk, yogurt, cheese (preferably fat-free)
3 servings of eggs, beans, nuts, soy.

Ito Nakamura is a Internet Health Enterprenuer specialising in marketing health supplements; health exercise equipments & beauty products.

Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Losing weight is a lot like rock climbing, For some it might be like conquering Everest, for others it's more like climbing the foothills. But it's never a walk in the woods. Let's take a look now at the size of the rock you'll be climbing and then set some goals, How far is the summit, and do you want to reach it? How fast will you climb? Will you do it in stages? What aids will you use? Will you do it alone or with a team?

Observe yourself

Before you can begin to set goals, you need to take a long hard look at where you are now. Keeping a food and activity diary is the best way to do this. If you look at the times of day or moods you're in when you exercise and eat, you may even get ideas about substituting one for the other. (Guess which one?)

It may seem like a bother, but keeping a diary will force you to see where your problem lie. Do yourself a favor and do it for a week. This diary is for you and you alone. No one else will read it.

When keeping your food diary you must promise to be honest with yourself.

Your diary should be kept in your weight-loss notebook, but if the notebook is too big to carry around, slip some index cards in your pocket or purse to note what you eat and how long you do what kind of exercise when you're away from home. You can enter this data in your notebook at the end of the day.

Your food diary

This will be an important tool for the eating side of your weight-loss plan. The food diary will show you, in black and white, why you are overweight and what eating and behavior habits you need to change. You may be surprised how much food you consume in a typical day.

You may notice that certain moods, people, or circumstances accompany pig-outs.

You may spot dangerous times of day or a pattern of increased eating as the day progresses. Weekends may be perilous, or maybe business lunches are your undoing.

You will need to fill in the number of calories of everything you eat. If what you eat comes in a package, you can get this information from the label. (Remember: 10 cookies is not a serving!) Otherwise, use a calorie-counting book or one of the online calorie counters.

Don't get hung up on details. If aren't sure about quantities, estimate. But estimate on the high side.

A sample food diary can be found on the next page. Set up something similar in your weight-loss notebook, so that you have a food diary for each day of the week. On the page for the last day of the week, make a space for your weekly calorie total.

Set aside a column or space each day for comments. Use this space to write anything that will help you understand what was going on when you ate, including triggers or moods, anything about the occasion or people you were with, feelings of guilt or triumph you experienced before, during, or afterward.

As part of your food diary, record how many glasses of water you drink. Aim for a minimum of eight glasses or 64 ounces of water each day.

It's important to keep track of how much water you drink to remind you to drink a lot of it. Monitor your water consumption by making a check mark for each 8-ounce glass you drink. It's easiest if you measure out your water in advance, but if you drink from a water fountain, for example, you can figure two swallows per ounce.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

Tips to Successful Weight Loss

People hate dieting because it deprives them of their favorite foods (read fatty and junk foods). When you start dieting, you will inevitably have tough times during the first few days when you reel under the pressure of hunger. Just think about it - you used to eat every now and then and now that you are dieting, you got to restrict your food intake. Obviously your body is quite surprised at the change of food habits but hey, there are ways you can make sure you can diet for a long time without troubling your body! In this article I will give you five tips to lose weight effectively!

1. Remove Sugary Foods from your kitchen. Do a search in your kitchen as well as the refrigerator and make sure there is no food left there that has high sugar content. Sugar or sucrose easily converts into carbohydrates once it enters into body. And as a matter of fact, unused carbohydrates are easily turned into fat by the body. You therefore, as a rule, should avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods.

2.Stop eating processed foods. Not only some of them are high on calorie count, processed foods also contain a lot of natural and unnatural preservatives. While natural preservatives won't harm your body much, unnatural preservatives can cause acidity, stomach disorder and loss of energy!

3. Start walking. Get off that couch and take a walk. Exercise is a vital component of weight loss, but if you cannot or won't want to exercise, simply walking will help you burn calories. Brisk walking is good, but jogging or running will rid you of even more fat! Make sure you increase your daily activity level regularly. If you continuously remain seated on your couch, you won't be able to burn fat!

4. Most people forget the simple advice that water is good for everyone, more so for those who are overweight. Make sure you drink lots of water everyday; it will keep your stomach full and keep you away from food cravings. Make sure you also drink a glass of water before meal so that you don't end up overeating!

5. Dairy products contain a lot of fat, so you should cut down on their intake. Dairy products such as yogurt (unless it is of the low-fat variety), cheese, cottage etc, can cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Dairy products are also rumored to be the leading cause behind heart diseases.

As you can see, losing weight is not all that hard. Take your time to plan your diet, and then stick to it. That is the best way to lose weight fast!

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my muscle building book review or my great diet plan review.

Calcium - A Catalyst For Fast-Paced Weight Loss

Calcium is an important nutrient for proper growth and development of various systems of our body. It is essential for strong bones and teeth in growing children. However, calcium is also associated with weight loss.

A proper diet contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A person eating three meals a day is healthier because minerals and vitamins in food help in absorption and breakdown of large proteins and fat molecules.

However, calcium, which is a catalyst for fast paced weight loss, helps in proper digestion. It has been found that individuals, who drink milk regularly and have calcium rich diet, are bound to have less body fat than those undergoing a healthy diet. Calcium also has the ability to lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in an individual.

Studies on rats and mice suggest that intake of calcium alters the metabolism of fat cells. Henceforth, it causes less fat to be stored and more to be released. Calcium certainly helps in controlling the body weight by increasing the amount of fat that is used as a fuel in our body. You will often observe that numerous doctors advised their patients, who wish to loss weight for incorporating calcium supplements in their diet. Again, calcium from dairy products provides you with excellent results.

Calcium burns fat naturally with the help of certain nutrients and elements that are active inside the body. It is also known to be an active element in the breakdown of fats. Henceforth, it is preferred by most over weight individuals.

Tom Chuong works as an Health Consultant for Clay Media Group, LLC. Currently, he's writing health articles on topics related to Hoodia Diet Pills, Hoodia, and Herbal Remedies. If you need an experienced SEO expert to work on your commercial website, please contact him.

What's The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast?

Many of us who are somewhat overweight feel we'd be happy if we could just lose about 25 lbs (give or take!). But - we want to lose weight fast, and in the right places...Is this a realistic goal, or does it only happen in TV ads?

Well it is possible but not overnight, - if you want to keep healthy. Too rapid a weight loss can be very harmful to your body, so you have to pick a safe goal. This is normally a maximum of 3lbs per week. So losing 21 lbs is going to take you almost two months.

Not fast enough? Well check with your doctor before you embark on a more ambitious program to lose weight fast. Remember, you really have two goals:

- Lose the weight

- Avoid regaining it

Some diet plans are quite aggressive. The Atkins diet (in phase 1) can cause you to lose weight quite quickly. Meal replacement products like Ensure also help. Of course reducing portion sizes, and eating smaller amounts more often can help a lot in achieving your weight loss goal.One problem is, once you are on a restricted food type of diet you may well be missing out on important nutrients that you body needs. You should be taking vitamin supplements and choosing the foods you eat very carefully to get the maximum nutritional value.

Another key factor is water. Any weight loss program has a risk of dehydration. You need to drink the well-known '8 glasses of water per day' - at least.

Strength training exercises are a must if you are trying to burn off excess fat. This type of exercise will cause your body to get the energy it needs from stored fat reserves. Other exercise like aerobics, walking or cycling are good for burning calories, so you will not end up each day with an excess that can get converted to fat. Finally, stretching exercises like Yoga are excellent for toning your body and increasing the flexibility in your muscles and joints.

Now if this all sounds like a lot of work - it is! But if you want to lose quickly (and safely) then you don't have much choice. Ask yourself - "how motivated am I"? If you are really serious about getting in shape then this is a good way to start. However, losing weight is kind of like quitting smoking. You can't go back to your old habits. Like the famous coach Yogi Berra said 'baseball is 90% mental -- the other half is physical!'. In other words a lot of this stuff is in your head. If you can't get around this, then you are in trouble from day one.

The best way is to start off with a diet program that will cause you to lose weight fast. After you've lost some initial pounds you should be motivated to continue. Then it's time to ease off into a more gradual type of diet and exercise routine that will lead to long-term weight loss and a significant change in your lifestyle.

Remember, it is possible and lots of people do it - and you'll feel better not only physically, but mentally as well.

Author Bio:
Mike is a fitness enthusiast, runner and walker. He is a contributing editor for the Get In Shape web site. Learn more weight loss tips on their page Can You Really Lose Weight Fast?

Calorie Shifting - What Is It Exactly?

Calorie Shifting has become one of the hottest topics of debate in the weight loss industry. But what is Calorie Shifting and how does it work?

Calorie Shifting was developed as a solution to the barrage of what I call "Low Something Diets". You know what I mean: every where you turn is another low this and low that diet. Once it's a low fat diet, another time it's low carb or even NO carb. There are diets which proclaim that they hold the solution to your weight problems because they are low calorie diets. You get the picture.

For a while, some of these diets seemed to work. People reported an early fat loss at a good rate. It was what happened a few weeks or months down the line that was troubling: those same people who lost weight in the beginning, ended up gaining it all back and then some. It didn't happen to all of them, but the statistics state that 95% of diets fail and people end up fatter than they started.

Wondering why this happened? The reason is simple: when you deprive your body of a certain food group like carbs or drastically cut down on the amount of calories you eat, your metabolism slows down. You see, your metabolism thinks you're starving, as if you were in the wild nature, and in order to make sure that your energy deposits last as long as possible, it slows down. It's a protective mechanism which is biologically active in all of us.

The challenge was to create a system in which your metabolism will remain running high but in which you'll still lose fat fast. That's how Calorie Shifting came to be. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat.

Calorie Shifting works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by roatating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine. The good thing is that because your metabolism keeps on running high, you don't have to dperive your body of any food groups or eat an absurdly low amount of calories. Becuase your metabolism is high all the time, you don't gain all the weight back the moment you stop being on a diet.

It is hard to get yourself to carry out the Calorie Shifting method by yourself because you need to create an expert menu which is based on this system. It is usually done by a special software. As far as I know, the only diet that uses Calorie Shifting is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

The My Alli Weight Loss Plan

Gary Foster, Ph.D. is a renowned leader in the field of weight management and behavior change. Dr. Foster is a Professor of Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at Temple University in Philadelphia. He has previously served as Clinical Director of the Weight and Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Dr. Foster is also a frequent presenter at national and international meetings and has treated overweight patients in individual and group settings for over 20 years.

To achieve your weight loss goals, one should begin with meal planning which is one of the great benefits The My Alli Weight Loss Plan offers. Life is tempting. Fast-food advertising encourages you to grab and go - often at a good price that could cost you in the long run. If you know what to expect from the outside influences, you can avoid the setbacks that lead to weight gain. In the meal planning section of The My Alli Weight Loss Plan, you'll find resources including meal planning, articles, and information that can help you: fight cravings survive slip-ups control portion size. You can also discover which popular low-fat diets work with the alli program. Just view alli-friendly diets. Some diets are not a good fit with alli, because they allow high-fat foods that can cause treatment effects while using alli capsules. With alli, you need to stick with a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet. How many daily fat grams and calories are right for you? Check out the target fat & calories charts in The My Alli Weigh Loss Plan

Four ways to fight cravings:

Has this happened to you? You see a chocolate bar in a magazine, so you take a walk to the nearest vending machine. Or you're in a movie theater, and the smell of popcorn drives you to the concession stand. These triggers are hard to handle. What can you do?

1 Get moving. Physical activity can boost your mood just like food can - and it uses up calories, rather than adds them

2 Swap foods. If you crave a salty snack, have some salted celery or a lettuce salad with lemon juice and a sprinkling of salt. If you want something sweet, try sugar-free hard candy or a fruit-and-ice smoothie with no-calorie sweetener

3 Distract yourself. If you can do something else for just a few minutes, the craving may pass. Drink water. Sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger. But make sure you're not substituting water for food; you still need nutrients as part of a healthy diet.

4 Survive the occasional slip-ups! Weight control is not like walking a tightrope - one misstep and you're done. If you slip, don't fall overboard with bad choices.

Here are a few tips for recovering according to the My Alli Diet Plan:

> Accept that mistakes happen.

> Forgive yourself and focus on what to do differently next time

> Persevere with your goals.

> Avoid "all-or-nothing" thoughts of giving up Identify triggers.

> Try to understand what events or circumstances led to overeating. Anger, stress, loneliness, or the blues are common. Be ready for them Turn your back. When you sense a trigger, change direction. If you're in the kitchen, or near food, go somewhere else. Just walk away

> Do the math. If you want to be sure you have a low-fat diet, count the grams of fat in your daily food choices and compare them to the number of grams of fat suggested for your calorie level. For more on daily fat and calorie targets, there is target fat and calories charts inside the Alli plan.

> Watch portion size.

One of the easiest weight loss strategies is to control portion size. Get to know the amount of food you eat. Often, we get in the habit of eating a certain amount of food to feel satisfied. And if we're served more food, we'll eat more. Studies have shown that the more food people were given to eat, the more they ate, regardless of their feeling of satiety. If the full plate is important to you, try using a smaller plate. Or keep portion sizes the same, but cut calories by lowering the fat in your dishes and adding more low-calorie ingredients like crunchy vegetables and leafy salads.

>Pay attention to the "energy density" in foods.

All foods have a specific number of calories within a given amount (volume). Foods such as desserts, candies, and processed foods are high in energy density. A small volume of these foods has a large number of calories. But some foods such as fruits and vegetables have low energy density. So you can have a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories - and that can fill you up without the downside of calorie overload.

The My Alli Diet Plan is truly a very realistic and easy way to lose weight fast and I wouldn't hestitate recommending it to anybody wanting to feel and look better. We are in charge of how we look and if you have the will, maybe the Alli Plan might just be the way.

For 10 quick tips on portion control, Click here

If you wish to find out more about the My Alli Weight Loss Plan and what it offers, Click here

Calorie Shifting Meal Plan

There is a new diet regimen that is gaining popularity across the world known as the calorie shifting meal plan. As the name implies, it is a diet based on the theory that shifting your calories from meal to meal, from day to day, will trigger the appropriate metabolic response that will induce fat burning and thus rapid weight loss.

Calorie shifting differs from other diet regimens in that you are not restricting the quantity or the types of food that you eat. You can eat as much as you want from all four food groups while you are on this diet. The only caveat is that you must group your calories together in accordance with the pattern that is most conducive to fat loss.

You can lose as many as 9 pounds in 11 days without ever feeling hungry or deprived. In fact, you must eat 4 meals every day, and you can eat as much as you want until you are satisfied, but not until you are too full. (Stuffing yourself is counterproductive to the weight loss process.)

The rules of this diet are very simple and straight-forward, as outline below:

  1. Eat only until you are satisfied but not until you are too full.

  2. Leave a minimum gap of 2.5 to 3 hours between meals.

  3. Eat only the foods prescribed to you according to the calorie shifting meal plan at each meal.

  4. You must eat exactly 4 meals per day, no more and no less.

  5. You have a choice to eat any of the 4 meals in any order throughout the day.

  6. You must take a 3-day break from the diet on days 12 through 14 of your diet, before you may resume the diet again. This is to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss that you will be experiencing.

Here are some sample meal plans that you would be following. The diet plan lasts for 11 days but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1:

Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #2: Sandwich (any type)

Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #4: Tuna Salad

Day 2:

Meal #1: Cottage Cheese

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs [and] Mixed Vegetables

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Banana Milk Shake

Day 3:

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fish Filet

Meal #3: Cottage Cheese

Meal #4: Fruit Salad

How would you like to be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you there! Learn how at:

Anne Collins Weight Reduction Program

I was doing some research lately on the Internet and stumbled upon a website managed by Anne Collins. Her website is jam-packed with tons of information about her weight loss program, tips, resources, information, testimonials, products and anything you need to find out about losing weight. I was very impressed and decided that I had to bookmark this site and come back from time to time.

I am not endorsing her program because I have not tried it myself. However, I must give her credit for providing lots of information for her clients and visitors to make it a friendly site instead of one that is more commercial than enlightening. She does have a host of knowledgeable stuff, so it can be overwhelming to browse all at one time.

Her weight loss reduction program has peeked my interest. Her claim is that she has been helping people to lose weight for the past twenty-four years so her record speaks for itself. She provides a diet without the hunger and helps you to stay motivated during your dieting experience. She uses a system that offers support, no forbidden foods, no drugs or pills, but a permanent weight loss structure.

Cabbage soup and low carb diets are only temporary according to Ms. Anne Collins. With her system she offers to teach you how to make realistic and sustainable changes to your eating habits forever. You will learn an easy plan on how to improve your lifestyle that you will be able to maintain permanently.

Ms. Collins also provides a number of success stories with before and after photos to show the reality of how others have had weight loss success. She provides a book with her program that lays out what kinds of food you need to include on your shopping list as well as an exclusive private member site for a whole year where you will get on-going support from her and other members.

In her private member site, she provides weight charts, foods to eat, dieting tips, diet issues, exercise, nutrition and information about eating out. She claims that her program is approved by a Dr. Tina Ambury is a Very Experienced and Highly Respected Physician, who gives a testimonial on her website. When I got down to the end of her sales page, I was shocked that all she charges for the entire year is only $19.97, which computes to $0.38 per week. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee.

Ms. Collins must be doing well because her Page Rank is high and I think it may have a lot to do more with the numerous pages that she has of articles, resources and information. The information may be worth more than the program, but the point is that most people that give weight loss advice and offer different weight loss products think of it as a business. Not many people will actually do this for free, but when someone offers free information along with their product, they are to be commended even if it is for other ulterior motives.

Article written by Cheryline Lawson, author and owner of

Taking a Weight Loss Dietary Supplement

A weight loss dietary supplement has different functions in helping aid weight loss. Some act as appetite suppressants to help users eat less, therefore have lesser calories to burn. Some act as thermogenics, increasing the body's metabolism, which means increasing its calorie-burning abilities, while some, on most occasions, support a combination of functions for speedier weight loss.

More doesn't mean more

Some people make the mistake of taking a weight loss dietary supplement above its recommended dosages. This not only futile because studies have shown that increasing dosages have very little effect on its efficacy, but more importantly can be very dangerous. While most weight loss dietary supplements have natural ingredients, that doesn't mean that more of it in your body is good. Dosages are given for that reason. Because the ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplement have undergone testing and have yielded to be most effective in particular potencies, anything less or in excess will negate the benefits that a particular weight loss dietary supplement has in general. You know that anything in excess is bad for you and that also applies even if you're taking more of the good stuff.

Buy safely

Apart from taking proper dosages, safeguard your health by buying only from licensed manufacturers and distributors. The weight loss industry is home to a lot of amazing products, and consequently, to those who want to cash in on the many who are eager to use these products. As such, counterfeit products might be circulating in your locality. To be sure, buy only from respectable drug stores and health food stores. Be wary also of weight loss dietary supplements that are extremely inexpensive. You may be tempted to buy them because of the savings you'll get but there's always a catch. And your health isn't something so easy to get back once you get caught.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Natural Weight Loss is the Only Path to Permanent Ftiness

We as educated people need to start getting angry at all the junk aimed at us everyday. The average American sees thousands of ads each and every day for everything from diet pills to prescription drugs.

Most promise a quick cure for whatever ails us. The weight loss industry alone is estimated to be over $35 Billion dollars annually, so marketing and ads play a vital role in keeping us interested and buying.

Now we have come up with RLS, (restless leg syndrome). This will probably be a new "chronic condition" treated by an existing prescription drug, allowing it to continue generating profits longer

We need to start using our heads and understand what weight loss is and what it means. Losing weight alone is not the most important thing. We citizens of western countries are too fat. Losing fat and losing weight are two distinctly different things.

Also distinctly different is how we lose the weight / fat.

A pound of fat equals about 3500 calories. To burn 3500 calories you would need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day for one week, while remaining constant at your current activity level, or you could consume the same number of calories daily and exercise more to burn 500 calories per day. To burn 500 calories through exercise you would need to ride a stationary bike, as an example, for about 1 & hours per day at a rate of about 25 MPH average. Or you could do a combination of decreasing by 250 and burning 250.

The claims that you can "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" are weight not fat. To lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days you would need to burn 105,000 calories in excess of what you eat, which I'm sure we all agree isn't likely.

Claims aimed at fast weight loss are telling you, you'll lose weight not fat. Fat is harmful to the body not weight per se.

Rapid weight loss through severely restricted caloric intake causes the body to react as if it were sick. It is conditioned to say "Oh Oh"; I'm in trouble I'd better conserve energy. I may not get more food for awhile.

Fat is stored energy. What the body then conserves is fat. It does exactly what you don't need or want it to do, it slows your metabolism, burns lean muscle mass for energy and conserves the fat.

The rapid weight loss that happens the first 30 days is water. Muscle contains about 3 times as much water as fat. So if you lose a pound of muscle you're losing 3 pounds of water with it.

That's why diets alone slow down, there's only so much water to get rid of.

You can't blame the ad agencies, or the diet program companies, people are being sold what they want to buy. They want a quick fix to a problem without sacrifice or change.

The truth is once you learn what the body needs and how it works there is no great need for sacrifice. You can eat nearly anything you want, just less of it, and exercise more.

We are just so conditioned to instant gratification, that we're always awaiting the next miracle drug to make us all look like Hollywood celebrities. The $35 billion is just giving us what we demand.

Obesity has grown by over 20% in the last decade, in spite of the fact we are spending $35 Billion a year on weight management products. Does that suggest to anyone maybe they aren't working?

Well it did to me so I did two years of research on the subject and was shocked at what I learned. It might do all of us some good to do the same research.

Natural weight lossand fitness information for real people. Learn how our everyday living environment impacts our health and wellness. Learn what to do about it.

Fast Weight Loss More Assured

With affluence, people are becoming obese easily. With obesity, you bear the risk of heart problems, diabetes and other unwelcomed ailments.

Some tried quick fixes such as liposuction. Others succumb to weight loss pills and weight loss supplements. These methods are unnatural and may pose later health risks than helping you in the long-term. The author recommends something proven and natural that can assure you that your weight loss is going to happen.

Before touching on this subject of weight loss diet program, the author likes to share three important premises that must be explored to be assured of a success.


This is a basic age-old prevention of any potential diseases. You may choose to do Chinese tai-chi, jogging, swimming, swift walking, golfing, cycling whatever. This will most definitely help in your weight loss as well as having a healthy mind and body.


Do not underestimate your subconscious thoughts. You need to build this positive thoughts that you are going to succeed with any weight loss program that you have chosen. Half the battle is already won if you decide that you are going to shed away those pounds. It is pointless to start on any best weight loss program and say "I try ....., If I don't succeed, I try another one". On the contrary, for a successful achiever it is "I found and decided that this is best fast weight loss program and I must lose x number of pounds by y number of days".


Some people are motivated to work because of the money. Others work to occupy time. The same goes for any weight loss regime you have chosen. You need the inner motivation factor on the why you want to lose weight. Is it for your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your husband, your wife? This will help you to remain focus on your goal, your desire to achieve what you want to get eventually.

Next is to choose the assured weight loss solution.

Is it easier to starve yourself and not eat those foods you love to eat OR eat the foods you love but in a pre-determined timing? Of course the latter prescription is more workable for anyone. Explore this in for more information.

Dr Jo Johnson recommends a structured proven weight loss method for effective results. She likes to give you a FREE REPORT on 51 Tips To Lose 9 LBS.... Click here at to get this free report and take the first step to a weight loss program that really works at Please leave your name and email to keep in touch. My Best Wishes To You.

The Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program - A Review

The Jenny Craig weight loss program has been in existence for over 20 years now but only gained much needed buzz when celebrity Kirstie Alleyhaving lost about 100 pounds with the programstarted endorsing it. Since then, more and more celebrities and civilians alike have started using the Jenny Craig weight loss program to get into shape. Popular throughout the United States and Canada, the Jenny Craig weight loss program has also started to gain a following around New Zealand and Australia.

The Program

The Jenny Craig weight loss program essentially works by following good nutrition with rationed portions, as well as giving motivation for an overall lifestyle change. It provides participants with a comprehensively planned food guide to help weight loss and is specific to the fitness goals of each participant. The variety of weight loss plans available in the program is designed in such a way that a participant loses the extra pounds slowly but increasingly.

Your Meals

At the beginning, each participant is assigned a personal consultant. Each participant is then made to follow a specifically designed plan with meals coming from the company. Before reaching the halfway point of his fitness goal, every participant must purchase all his meals, prepackaged and specifically designed, from the company. Only by reaching the halfway point of his fitness goal will a participant be then allowed to cook his own meals at about 3 or 4 times per week. All meals cooked at home however will still need to follow the meals required and recipes included in the weight loss plan. In addition to the prepackaged meals, that include full meals as well as snacks and desserts, participants can also eat fruits and vegetables as well as low-fat dairy products that can be bought in stores. In addition to the pre-packaged meals and snacks or desserts, you will also be eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products that you purchase at your usual market.

Transition Diet

Aside from being allowed to cook their own foods, reaching the halfway point of their fitness goals allows participants to start eating regular food items again. After a 4-week period of transition, participants can stop eating meals as provided by the Jenny Craig weight loss program altogether and start eating entirely on their own again. Participants will have by then assimilated the program into their eating habits so weight gain shouldn't be a problem as long as they keep their eyes on their food portions.

Other Services

Apart from being provided with healthy-eating guidance, participants also undergo weigh-ins and counseling sessions each week. The counseling sessions are venues for motivating the participants as they strive hard to meet their fitness goals. The purpose of these consultations is to review each week's successes and challenges. She or he will assess your previous week's eating, exercise and mental/emotional progress and help you set goals and a menu plan for the following week.

Besides just sticking it out for the remainder of their weight loss plans, participants are also encouraged to apply what they have learned to their daily lives. Come the time that they get off the program, after achieving their fitness goals, they'll be able to keep the extra pounds off. Any other questions or concerns that need consultation can also be handled through the phone or email. Or should participants wish it, the direct at-home programs of the Jenny Craig weight loss program allows consultations to be done in the comforts of their own homes. Apart from addressing general questions or concerns, consultations can also be used to review the participant's weekly challenges and successes. The participant's assigned personal consultant can assess his eating, exercise, as well as emotional progress from the previous week and use this assessment to help him set up new goals and create a menu plan that he can follow for the coming week.


The Jenny Craig weight loss program also strives to promote exercise, aside from providing a guide to healthy eating and massive amounts of motivation. The program includes having participants do physical activities that last for about a minimum of 30 minutes, and should be done, at the least, 5 days per week. The Jenny Craig weight loss program believes that not only does exercise enhance achieving weight loss but it also helps a participant stay active in general.

As with any weight loss program, diet, or exercise regimen, it is best that you consult your doctore before you start. That way, your doctor can assess if your intended weight loss program, diet, or exercise regimen will work for you.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

More Tips To Improve Your Weight Loss

If you are like me you are probably totally sick of dieting because every time you stop the weight comes flooding back on and you just cant stop it!

I have put together 10 more weight loss tips to try and sway you away from the dieting run around and to try and put you on a more steady and healthy course of weight loss.

Lets have a look at them:

Move More - Take every opportunity to expend more energy. Don't drive if you can walk, don't walk if you can run. See activity as an opportunity rather than an inconvenience. General moving burns a big 70% of your daily calories so try to Eat Less and Move More.

We keep looking for a fast, magical, fat loss, weight loss, health and fitness miracle but what would happen if we applied the simple concept of eating less and moving more.

Eat less junk food, eat more fruit and veggie foods, Get some regular cardio based exercise, Get stronger to protect your body, improve your quality of life and turn your body into a fat burning machine and stick with it rather than giving up after one week.

Don't Diet - If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason that diets promote only short-term solutions.

On a diet you'll certainly look lighter on the scales, but in most cases this is because you've dumped a few pounds of body fluid, and not because you've lost any significant amount of body fat.

Diets Don't Work - One of the main reasons diets don't work is because they send the body into starvation mode - a survival mechanism for times when humans faced periods of famine.

Cutting back on our energy intake causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat. At the same time, hunger signals increase and we quickly start to crave high energy foods loaded with fats and sugars - the exact foods we are trying to do without!!!

Diets Put On Weight - Alarmingly, research has shown that repeated dieting actually makes it harder to lose weight and easier to put it on!!

This is because when you dump the diet and return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the diet means that your old eating habits actually represent excess in calories. Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but also you may even gain a bit extra.

Diets Are Unhealthy - A cycle of rapid weight loss followed by weight gain can lead to loss of lean tissue from your muscles and calcium from your bones.

It also strips the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Too little food means not enough energy for physical activity. Dieting causes your body to conserve energy, making results harder to achieve.

Diets Make Food The Enemy - Food provides nourishment and comfort. Diets can make you afraid to eat, depriving you of one of life's pleasures.

Going from one failed diet to the next can leave you feeling depressed and create a cycle in guilt battles against food.

A Lifelong Plan - Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet aren't as glamorous as the quick fixes, but they do get better results.

Start with one extra exercise session and one less fatty takeaway meal per week, and gradually work towards a lifelong plan for achieving your best weight.

Sticking With It - If you change the way you eat or exercise to lose weight, ask yourself this question. Can I see myself sticking to this routine for life!! If the answer is "No" then it's time to change what you're doing.

Be Realistic - A realistic weight loss plan is around one to two pounds per week. Fast weight losses are not fat loss but glycogen and water. If you lose weight quickly then you will probable return back to the weight at which you started as quickly as it was lost.

Healthy Eating - Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products, whole grains and beans that you eat. Eliminate calorie-dense foods such as cookies, sugary desserts, chips, fries, pizza, candies, crackers etc.

Research on people who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity.

Your goal is to start utilizing these tips into your everyday weight loss regime to start losing weight consistently and for good.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.