Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #3 - Eat Breakfast Every Day

Back in the caveman days, our metabolism adjusted based on whether or not we were getting enough food over a short period of time. If there was plenty to eat, our metabolism took advantage of that surplus and started to speed up, allowing us to do more work and expend more energy. If there wasn't a lot of food available and our daily intake was dwindling, our bodies adapted to that and slowed our metabolism.

It works the same way today--studies show repeatedly that not eating all morning long, and then having a big meal later, makes you gain weight; whereas dividing the exact same number of calories over five or six smaller meals during the day will result in weight loss. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism going because your body recognizes there is energy available to use.

Some people even get discouraged when they start eating breakfast because then they are hungry three hours later. "Before, I could go all day without eating" they complain, "and now I keep feeling like I have to eat something every three or four hours". Guess what? That's because your body is using what you fed it and ready for more energy to keep going. Let me ask you my favorite Dr. Phil question if you are not successful at weight loss and you do not eat breakfast ... "How's that working for you?"

Now, let's figure out why you don't eat breakfast and what you might try to get around your own personal challenge:

Excuse #1-- "I don't have time". Well, this just isn't a good excuse anymore with all the breakfast bars there are out there. You can keep a box of nutrigrain bars, special K bars, 'go-tarts' (a slightly smaller, lower calorie version of pop-tarts), or any of the other dozen varieties of compact ready-to-eat bars that contain less than 170 calories in your car and not even have to take the time to remember to grab something in the morning. Here are your new directions: (1) unwrap, (2) eat on the way to work.

For those of you with a little bit of time in the morning, but not enough to cook or to sit and eat something that requires using a spoon or fork, here are two more options: For a hot breakfast, toast an english muffin or small bagel (the kind with 100-150 calories-- not 400 calories) while you're getting your briefcase and coat ready to go. On your way out the door, grab a slice of cheese (low fat mozzarella is my favorite) and place it on one piece of the toast. Put the other piece of toast on top of this and wrap in a paper towel. When you get in the car and pull away from your house, you are ready to open the paper towel and enjoy a warm, melted cheese breakfast sandwich!

For a cold breakfast, slice and freeze fruit ahead of time. Bananas, berries, and peaches all work great. Throw a cup full in a blender or a magic bullet, pour lowfat or skim milk in to cover the fruit, put on lid, and blend for about 20 seconds until you have a smoothie. Pour in a cup and take with you... how easy is that? And very low fat with calcium and vitamins to boot.

Excuse #2--"I don't like breakfast foods". Guess what? You do not have to eat breakfast foods at breakfast. You can have a turkey sandwich or a cold chicken leg or a leftover bowl of chili. It's really only our country and our culture that chooses what our typical breakfast is. If you visit other places you may see them eating fish and yogurt for breakfast! So grab whatever you like and enjoy having a meal in the morning. If you're trying to lose weight you should definitely keep the meal under 500 calories with less than 30% of the calories coming from fat. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on what you like to eat first thing in the morning, as long as you enjoy it!

Excuse #3--I'm not hungry in the morning". This is totally understandable. Your body isn't used to eating something at this hour and you feel like you have no appetite at all. Some people even get nauseated at the thought of eating first thing in the morning. You might try eating something an hour or so after you get up, like just when you get to work (if you can change your schedule to get there 15 minutes ahead of time it won't interfere with your job). Or you might do well to start with liquids and light foods. Try a small glass of juice and five or six saltines. Maybe some dry cereal. Or a Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink. Anything you can sip or munch on slowly, whether it's at home, on the way to work, or in the office. Let your body ease into the idea of a new meal at a new time.

Excuse #4--"Then I get hungry at 10:30". See paragraph two. Have a snack. Don't worry that you are eating more. Have a 200 calorie breakfast and a 100 calorie snack (a few graham cracker squares and a piece of fruit, or a 100 calorie snack bag). See if you don't notice that you are much less hungry at lunch and at dinner and that you end up eating less food later in the day.

Try these tips, and then let me know, "how's that working for you?"

E-mail me problems you're having around breakfast and we'll work them out! Laurie Beebe, a registered dietitian certified in adult weight management, has transitioned into life coaching. Coaching helps dramatically by allowing people to set their own goals and design their own action plans to start their path to success. Please visit Laurie's website, "Shaping Your Future" at http://www.mycoachlaurie.com for diet tips, links to great books and websites, or to sign up for a free monthly newsletter!

Choosing a Canada Weight Loss Spa

A Canada weight loss spa can either inspire or discourage you to lose weight so you have to choose one wisely. In choosing a Canada weight loss spa, you need to consider a few things.

Determine where a Canada weight loss spa is located. Is it conveniently near your home, office or both? Make sure it is near you so you won't experience any hassle getting there. A 15 to 20-minute travel time or less is ideal but consider looking for another one if you need to spare around 45 minutes to an hour just getting there.

The price
Another important factor to consider in choosing a Canada weight loss spa is the price that you have to pay to avail of their services. A weight loss spa that charges high fees does not necessarily mean that it is better. Apparently, there are a lot of Canadian weight loss spas that have very affordable fees but their facilities and services are more useful for you compared to more expensive ones.

Signing contracts
Read everything prior to signing up for a weight loss spa. Make sure that you are paying for the right services that can truly benefit you. If the contract is stating that you can only use a limited number of equipment even though you are paying for a full membership, chances are, you are being fooled. Remember that if it is not worth spending your hard earned cash to something you can never use, then do not do it.

Never settle
Keep in mind that you must never settle for services that you believe you can never benefit from. Also, never settle for a spa that has limited services to offer for you. There are a lot of weight loss spas that can give you better and more services that can prove to be of more value for your money.

Ask questions
If you know someone who is already a member of a weight loss spa, ask that person for quotes on services and the prices. Otherwise, you can call up a weight loss spa or visit the one nearest to you. That way, you can have an idea on what you can expect from each weight loss spas you are thinking of joining in.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets

The market for weight loss programs is vast and there are many differing ideas out there. The sheer scale of choice can be a discouragement to many that are seeking a way to healthy weight loss. The plan which works for some may be doomed for failure when it is tried by others and this make the choice even more disheartening.

Some people think looking thin and attractive means giving up the food we love forever. Rather, you can lose weight now, just like you had in mind by following a few simple guidelines, not rigorous, ball-and-chain rules. The best first step you can take here to lose weight now, is no more strict diets. A nutritionist friend of mine put it best when he said he didn't believe in extremes in any area of life, including low-carb diets. These types of diets are often so rigid and uncomfortable that sustaining long-term results is nearly impossible. That's no way to lose weight now. If you make any kind of all-encompassing decisions about your diet and health, the best one to let you lose weight now, is to go all-natural. And there are a few ways to do this, and it's easier to stick to.

So remember if you are sick and tired of starving yourself or depriving yourself to lose a few pounds only to have them creep back when you can't resist the cheeseburgers and fries, pizza or meat, potatoes and gravy? Do yourself and your body a favor. Get the information you can use to get rid of those ugly, fatty bulges that are literally ruining your health. I did and could not be happier with myself today.

Tired of the extra weight? Visit zach1201.wordpress.com to find out how to get rid of those pounds right now.

End Your Love Affair with Food

If you are going to get serious about a weight control diet, i.e. losing weight and maintaining your goal weight, you are going to have to end your love affair with food. Now don't try to deny it. You've been seen. And if you don't call it off right now, it's all going to end in tears.

You cannot embrace fatty, sugary and salty treats to prop you up when the going gets tough. It's not what you need and deep down in your fat encrusted heart, you know it's not what you really really want.

The way I see it, there are 3 major reasons we comfort eat. Stress, boredom and the influence of negative emotions such as sadness, anger and loneliness.

Comfort food is not going to fix any of these problems. You are. By recognising the triggers for what they are and disassociating food from your solution.

Everyone suffers from stress. More so in our fast paced and demanding modern society than ever. You are attempting to escape from your stress by indulging in food treats. It's not the right thing to do. You can deal more effectively with your stress through relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, massage or taking a walk. You can face your stress head on and develop strategies for working through it. Both methods are much more positive for you than feeding your

insecurities and worrying some more.

If you eat through boredom, you need to get another hobby. Eating should not be a time filler. Having coffee can be a time filler, but not if it incorporates a big fat chocolate brownie as an essential side dish. Taking up a sport or a class can be a new hobby. Eating should not be the focus of your day. If the things you look forward to most every day revolve around the contents of the refrigerator, then it's time to get a life. Do something you've always wanted to do, so long as it does not involve food.

You don't want to hear this but you choose your own emotions. If you are typically sad or angry or lonely, that is what you have chosen to be. It's become a nasty habit to be negative or down. No one actually "makes" you feel a certain way. You choose an emotion as a response to whatever situation you are in. With a lot of initial effort (that gets easier with practice) you can choose to be happy or satisfied or calm instead. Your choice.

There's one other major reason we comfort eat. And it's both insidious and alluring like the seductive song of a sugar coated siren. We are told to comfort eat. We are encouraged to give in to our stresses, boredoms and negative emotions by our old nemesis the mass media.

Have a good long objective look at how advertisers market their food products. How many of these foods claim they'll make you happy, interesting, popular and/or sexy??? (I'm guessing probably all of them). Learn to recognise the tricks of the advertising trade and you will be more readily able to repulse them.

If you are overweight, chances are that you indulge in some form of comfort eating. Figure out why you comfort eat and you will be well on the way to a D-i-v-o-r-c-e from your thoroughly unsuitable love.

You'll be much happier once it's all over.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at weight-control-diet-advice.com Rosie's ebook, Weight Loss is Simple may be the inspiration you need.

Reactions to My Weight Loss

I just returned from a week-long conference in Florida. My husband and I have been going to this conference for about 38 years and I've made many friends. But some of the comments I received about my recent weight loss weren't friendly at all.

"Are you anorexic?" one friend asked. The question shocked me. She didn't even say "hello" or that it was good to see me again. I'm not anorexic; I've worked hard to lose 25 pounds and get back to my college weight.

"You don't eat much, do you?" another friend queried. This question also shocked me. What I eat is my decision. Believe me, I eat lots of food, and I've learned to make good food choices. I've also learned to judge restaurant serving sizes and leave food on my plate or take leftovers home.

"Do you diet all the time?" someone asked. No, I'm not on a diet, I'm on a personal fitness program that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, normal protein servings, and daily walks. Right now I'm trying to incorporate more stretches into my fitness routine.

Fortunately, the questions I was asked were balanced with positive comments. Several friends told me how good I looked. Others asked for eating tips and recipes. Of course I was asked what size I wore. (I usually wear size eight.) The positive comments led to discussions about obesity in America.

During the conference my husband and I went to a theme park with friends. The theme park shows were spectacular. The number of obese people we saw was also spectacular. There were hundreds of people on motorized carts and, to facilitate traffic flow, the park staff had them park in rows. "I've never seen so many obese people!" a friend from Australia exclaimed. Neither had I.

Americans are so used to seeing overweight and obese people we seem to have lost the concept of normal weight. Clothing manufacturers are making "relaxed fit" clothing for kids. Many health experts say we're in the midst of an obesity epidemic, but we're actually in the midst of an endemic - a physical condition confined to a population or region.

Corrective health measures have not halted the American obesity endemic.

I think we should cheer for the folks who achieve a healthy weight. My doctor is cheering for me, I know that. When I had my last checkup she praised me for the steps I had taken. "You did everything I recommended," she said, "and it shows." Though I'm a grandma, I'm in better condition than many teens.

What can you say to someone who has lost weight? You may ask them why they did it. In my case, my blood sugar was slightly elevated and my doctor told me to lose a few pounds to prevent diabetes. Depending on how well you know the person, you may ask them how many pounds they lost and how they did it. Their tips may help you.

You may also praise the person for taking responsibility for his or her health. When all is said and done, reaching a healthy weight and maintaining that weight is up to you. Nobody can do it for you. Many health resources have been developed to help you achieve your health goals. Small steps, such as drinking water instead of soda pop, can have significant results.

The next time you talk with someone who has lost weight I hope you will be supportive. I also hope you maintain a healthy weight. Here's to you and your good health!

Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson


Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD is available from http://www.amazon.com. A five-star review of the book is posted on Amazon. You'll find another review on the American Hospice Foundation website under the "School Corner" heading.

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

If you have ever followed a diet regiment to lose weight you know the hardest part is to keep the weight off. You can lose weight fast by following a diet and doing exercise but you must understand that to keep it off you will need to make a few small changes in your lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help you:

At the start of of a diet the change in your diet may come as a drastic one. You will most likely not be looking forward to another meal of 'healthy' food. The biggest pitfall is to revert back to your old ways once you've achieved your weight loss goals. Instead of doing so, try spicing up your old diet meals. Garnish your meat with a low fat sauce, add a side dish of steamed vegetables, and from time to time treat yourself to a dessert. The key is to not overdo it. With time you will come to enjoy these types of meals and will lose the craving for greasy, fried and other high calorie foods. You should never keep any sweets or salty foods in the house. Eliminate all chips, ice cream, chocolate. You are still in a detoxification mode so there's no need for any more temptation.

Nobody likes to exercise and it is very easy to blow it off in favor of an extra 20 minutes sleep in the morning before work. Exercise doesn't have to mean going for a 6AM run, or doing a series of 50 crunches and lunges. Walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator, taking a 20 minute walk after a meal, or doing aerobics for 20 minutes once or twice a week will help you to keep the weight off and doesn't have to interfered with your normal lifestyle.

To lose weight and keep it off requires a certain amount of effort and sacrifices and while there's nothing wrong with indulging from time to time, it helps to keep us sane, you need to control what you eat.

If you would like to lose weight and keep the weight off click here to learn about the amazing calorie shifting diet.

Water For Weight Loss

Eating the right foods is integral to losing fat, but many overlook the reality that what you drink plays an important role as well. We all have preferences when it comes to drinks. Some prefer alcohol, some detest water, and some believe that the only thing that keeps them going is cup after cup of coffee. However, there are consequences, both good and bad, depending on what you typically drink. Lets start with the most important drink, water. As early as 2003, reports were beginning to surface about how water actually elevates the metabolic rate, therefore aiding in weight loss. This study conducted at Berlins Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center studied the caloric intake and energy expenditures of seven men and seven women who were not overweight. After the test subjects each drank a little over 2 glasses of water, their metabolic rates increased by as much as 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of ingestion and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes. Researchers found that if a person increases their water intake by 1.5 liters a day without altering anything else, they would still burn an extra 17,400 calories by the end of the year. That is unbelievable. Furthermore, its also well known that water is satiating in that it helps curb hunger pangs, therefore preventing you from overeating. Obviously, water is vital for survival, but now we know that it helps to burn more calories giving us another reason as to why its necessary for fat loss.

Dairy and Weight Loss

Another study came out in 2003 that may be difficult to imagine being true, but research has arrived at the conclusion that low-fat dairy products are a wonderful means in aiding with fat loss. According to the American Society for Nutritional Sciences Journal of Nutrition, women who consumed milk, yogurt, and cheese three to four times a day lost 70% more body fat than women who didnt eat dairy. Supposedly, the reason is that calcium actually helps to boost the metabolic rate. Oddly enough, other foods fortified with calcium wont have the same weight loss effect as the dairy products. Women reap the largest benefit when they consume three servings of dairy a day and 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. So, make sure you pick up some milk, but keep it low in fat for the best results.

Drinking Alcohol

Lastly, I believe it goes without saying that alcohol needs to be used in moderation and, in my opinion, not at all if fat loss is truly your goal. First off, alcohol actually hinders the mobilization of fat and since the fat cant be utilized to produce energy, glucose (carbohydrates) is then used to provide energy for the body. In turn, the elevated glucose levels lead to a rush of insulin to the blood in order to cart away the glucose to the brain, muscles, and elsewhere. However, insulin doesnt know when to stop with the carting away of the glucose and ends up lowering your blood sugar in the process so that you feel sluggish and weak. Imagine yourself crashing after a sugar high. Consequently, the appetite is triggered and more, unnecessary calories are consumed. To make a long story short, alcohol completely disrupts your metabolism and can even noticeably slow it down up to nearly two days following the alcohol ingestion. Be smart about what you drink. If you choose right, you might just find a body under there thats worth keeping forever.

Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.

Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit the weight loss support group and phentermine discussion forum at PhenForum.com. Heck, if nothing else, subscribe to their free newsletter for some weight loss tips to help you lose weight without hurting your body like most people do!

How To Eliminate Belly Fat Starting Today

As we all know belly fat is really bad for you. It has been linked to conditions such as diabetes. It can also increase your odds of heart disease. So it is really important to get rid of this horrid fat as it will only reduce your quality of life over time. There is no time like the present so you need to get moving.

Exercise alone I am afraid to say will not get rid of visceral fat. With that said exercise is a key component in the war on fat. Another key component is diet and you want to avoid foods that will add to the problem such as foods that are high in saturated fat.

The key to success is to burn more energy than you ingest. As a result the combination of exercise and diet combined will prove to be the most effective. Like anything else in life variety is the spice that will improve your well being.

Eating the same stuff and doing the same exercises day and day out will not get the results you desire. As a consequence you need to mix things up and at the same time you need to somewhat enjoy what you are doing as this will help you maintain motivation.

As for supplements they definitely can help to get things underway but remember they should never substitute diet and exercise. If you want to keep eating pizza while watching TV popping pills then I think your smart enough to know that all you are doing is avoiding the issue and your health overall will not improve.

So use some common sense and apply the basics and soon enough you will have that flat tummy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs