Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How To Lose Weight Fast With These 6 Tips

One of the most common New Year resolutions is to know how to lose weight fast, so as to have a slimmer and sexier body. To lose weight fast and obtain a nice figure, it is no lofty ambition. Many people have already successfully lost weight and made their physiques look healthy and desirable.

Some people do not have the patience to wait for 6 months to successfully lose those extra pounds. But to lose weight fast and effectively, an over-weight should draft out a weight loss regime and stick religiously to it. Moreover, he or she needs to change four aspects of life: what to eat, how to eat, the behavior and activity level.

Let us get into discussion 6 tips that you can use to get rid of your extra pounds:

1. Design a weight loss plan which consists of the right mindset and exercise.

Begin by learning what a good diet plan consists of. Then, incorporate an exercise plan that allows at least 20 minutes a day. The best exercise to lose weight extremely fast is to slow jog for at least 45 minutes every day.

2. Set realistic goals.

To lose weight fast and effectively, you need have a positive mindset and focus your mind solely on getting rid of those extra pounds. Set realistic targets and work your way to it. With discipline and hard work, you will be able to see result very soon.

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

One reason why you develop a tummy is that the food remained in your stomach undigested for a long time. Before the food is digested, you eat again. This causes your tummy to grow bigger everyday. Therefore, eat more fibers and fruits to digest the food that you eat fast. This will make your stomach stay in shape as well as make you healthier.

4. Take small servings of meal.

Skipping meals is a bad way to lose fat. When you skip meal, you go hungry and your body will convert the food left into fats and store it for energy. Instead of skipping meal, take small servings of meal every day. By not skipping the essential 3 meals everyday, it also makes you healthier and more energetic for the day.

5. Keep away from fried foods.

Fried foods contain great amount of fats. Therefore, it is recommended for you NOT to take fried food if you want to lose weight fast. Go for lighter food with vegetables and end each meal with a fruit serving.

6. Drink enough water everyday.

Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday keeps your body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, your body must stay hydrated. Do not take soft drink often as soft drink consists of a lot of sugar and fats.

All in all, to lose weight effectively and fast, consistency and discipline is still the key to success. Good dieting and consistent exercise will result in faster weight loss than you can ever imagine.

Do you want more effective tips to lose weight faster? Get more effective tips to lose weight from my website below now...

Click Here --> More Effective Tips To Lose Weight Faster here

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the above resource box intact.

How To Lose 100 Pounds - In The Quickest, But Healthiest Way!

If youve ever wanted to know how to lose 100 pounds, you probably came across many different types of diets.

Its true, there are tons of ways to lose weight. You could take diet pills, go on medicine, eat low calorie, low carb, starve yourself, go on a liquid fast the options are endless. Most of them work, too.

The problem is, its very hard to stay on those types of diets. Not only are they physically hard (you often go hungry), but psychologically, theyre not good for you either. If you gain weight for one day, then you feel as if youve messed up, and theres no point in staying on the diet. Also, these diets are short term things people have no desire to stay on them for the rest of their lives, so once they lose the weight, they revert back to their old eating habits and gain the weight again.

If you want to know how to lose 100 pounds the good news is that its not as hard as everybody makes it out to be. You dont have to go hungry, and in fact, that actually hinders your weight loss efforts. Low calorie, low carbohydrate, and starvation diets actually DONT work (well).

When researching how to lose weight, I researched a lot about bodybuilders and people with anorexia. I wanted to know how to lose 100 pounds, and figured that since those types of people are obsessed with their bodies, they would know the best methods available. What shocked me is that the hardcore anorexics actually dont starve themselves they know it doesnt work that well long term but they follow a specific eating plan.

Of course, the plan that I suggest and use frequently isnt as strict as the one that anorexic people use, but the point is that it works, and it works well.

The great thing is, this plan is completely healthy, and it was actually based on the way that our ancestors ate.

In this way of eating, people vary their calories. They still get to eat normal portions, and they can eat what they want but the magic is when they trick their body and vary what they eat per day. The body never gets used to what its being fed, so it cant plateau.

Actually, youre shocking your body, and doing the opposite of what it expects you to do. This is why the effects are so powerful! You're going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you're going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.

Because of this, people keep losing weight, over and over and over. People actually lose up to 13 pounds every 11 days with this method, and it never expires.

Rachel Jenkins has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. You can check her website out at http://www.yayFOOD.com

Hey Fatty! Put Down That Donut!

I am sorry for my insult, but let me just get one thing straight. You are here reading this article, and you are concerned about your health and nutrition. I take off my hat to you already.

Most people don't even have the courage to look up, and research how to lose weight, or how to get rid of extra fat.

In fact you will probably read through half of this and say, wow this guy is an "asshole" Who makes fun of fat people to their face?

There is no reason for you to be fat. By being fat you are simply disrespecting yourself, and not being all you can be as a human. No I am not an army veteran, or anything like that. But come' ON! Its common sense.

The thing is, is that most people who are fat and overweight have other health issues, and most of them are mental.

- Low Self Esteem

- Low Self Confidence (everyday this gets lower and lower, the fatter you get)

- Depression

Look. I am not going to name the entire list, but being fat and overweight is just plain ignorance. You know that if you discipline yourself to eating healthier, and throwing in some exercise, you will probably feel a lot better.

You are probably saying well I have a life. "I work, I have kids, and I work...." Well we all work, and many of us have kids. Near the end of this article I have a few links to a site that is just for the busy working men and women of this world who just don't have the time to workout, or even eat healthy.

Please take this into consideration do you really like who you are? Do you really like who you have become? If you're happy that's really all that matters. However since you are reading this I am assuming something is missing from your life.

No one is perfect, however we can do our best to try and be perfect, as we want to be. This is what all of us should be doing as humans, but we don't. Deep down inside you know you can lose the weight if you actually put in some effort, and listened to advanced tips on how to do so.

Losing weight really isn't that hard. I am going to give you a few tips on how to do come about doing this.

- Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat 6-8 smaller meals. When you do this, your bodies' metabolism works at its peak throughout the entire day, causing yourself to burn more calories.

- Cut your calorie intake to 25% and just look at the difference of your body in the next month. Take what you are eating now, add up all the calories, and limit them to 75%. Remember in the end, it's all about the calories!

- Do more active things, walking, and running, playing tennis. Instead of watching TV,

Why not go outside... It's nice out? Take on a sport or something.

- Create hope. Hope is the one an only thing that we control. We can control ourselves if we really, really want to.

Good Luck! And Happy Summer!

The author is an expert EzineArticles writer. He has been writing for us for nearly 6 months, and has had thousands benefit from his tips on health, diet, and nutrition. A program that has worked very well with fat loss and diet is the Turbulence Training For Fat Loss Program. It has helped thousands with losing weight in less than 45 minutes/week. Turbulence Training is designed for the busy working men and women of this world who have a hard time fitting exercise, and good nutrition into their diet.

The Maple Syrup Diet - Is This A Serious Weight Loss Solution?

The maple syrup diet has gained some attention lately, due in part to the singer Beyonce having used this diet to lose weight for a new movie she is starring in. And while this fad diet is unique, is it a diet plan that you should seriously consider trying? Here's a closer look that should provide you with the answers.

What Is The Maple Syrup Diet?

The diet involves using the following ingredients:

3 quarts of water

1 cup of genuine maple syrup (real maple syrup)

1 cup of lemon juice

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

You then mix the ingredients together and drink 8-10 glasses of the mixture throughout the day for up to 10 days, which is when you must quit.

What Can You Expect?

Without getting too graphic here, this diet is a cleanser. That means you can expect to have a lot of diarrhea in the first few days.

But that may be the least of your problems. You will also experience hunger, irritability, low energy levels, aches, pains and a roller coaster ride with your blood sugar levels. Needless to say, this diet plan can be dangerous for many people with other health related issues. It should only be attempted after getting your doctors approval.

Does The Diet Work?

The short answer is yes. There is no doubt that the maple syrup diet will create weight loss. Even with 10 glass of this mixture, your body is only consuming roughly 500 calories. Following this diet, it would be impossible NOT to lose weight. But, that weight loss come with a pretty steep price though.

What's The Bottom Line?

Although you will have to ultimately decide if this diet is one that you want to tackle, it goes without saying that there are much better, as well as much safer, diets than the maple syrup diet. Even if you use this plan to lose weight with, once you stop you will gain it all back quickly. Because of the damage this diet can do to your system it is not one that I could recommend for anyone.

You can find out more on the Maple Syrup Diet as well as much more about all types of different diets and weight loss issues by visiting: http://TheDietForum.net

When is the Best Time to Workout

In general, there is no best time to workout. Training in the afternoon should get you the same results as training in the morning, all other things being equal (i.e. nutrition, workout intensity, etc.).

Here are some important considerations for determining your workout time:

a) Are you able to train with at a proper intensity or are you tired?

b) Will you be able to eat properly before and after your workout time?

c) Will you stick to your workout program?

d) Will exercising in the morning be hard on your back?

Why do I bring up point d?

Dr. Stuart McGill, an expert in low-back disorders, recommends waiting at least an hour after waking up before engaging in any exercise that includes trunk flexion (i.e. traditional ab exercises such as crunches). Overnight, the discs between your vertebrae fill with fluid and are more susceptible to injury in the morning. Thats the reason behind this recommendation.

So don't roll out of bed and start doing sit-ups (not that most people should be doing those anyway and as youll notice in my reports, I dont include sit-ups in the programs). If you choose to exercise in the morning, youll be fine if you pay attention to your form and exercise selection (just as you should no matter when you exercise).

If you have soreness in the lower back, it is also a good idea to avoid bending over early in the morning (use another posture that is more back friendly when putting on your shoes, socks, picking up dumbbells off the floor, etc.). Always use proper lifting posture when training - no matter what time of day.

Basically, the bottom line is that you can still workout in the morning as long as you are extra careful of your back and lifting technique.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Making Sense of the Weight Loss Game

Do you have a goal to lose weight this year? One of the greatest challenges in life is weight loss and the struggles to finally win the battle of the budge. The fuss over weight loss has turned up many diets and fads. This article will look at one certain weight loss diet that has gained in popularity in the weight loss scene.

Why Do We Gain Weight

When a person eats bad carbohydrates and fats they feel hungrier, compelling them to eat more than they should, which produces obvious weight gain. When you eat right, you become healthier and can usually enjoy weight loss faster!

So, Whats New

If you are like many you are probably sick of trying new diets that do not work! What allegedly makes weight loss with the South Beach Diet different is that you discover a new way of life. Weight loss is really about learning to rely on the right carbohydrates and fats. Learning a new way of eating enables you to live contently without eating the bad carbohydrates and fats.

Dr. Agatston, a cardiologist, initially developed the weight loss diet for his chronically overweight heart patients. Soon, thanks to his patients' results, Dr. Agatston's diet became quiet the thing in the Miami weight loss scene.

When the book was released in 2003 it started flying off the shelves. Dr. Agatston has further released two more cookbooks and a healthy food guide. The initial book was released in soft cover in 2005. The success of these books has been phenomenal.

Here is a daily sample of a South Beach Diet.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, 1/2 cup sliced tomato, and Coffee.

Lunch: Turkey slices and low fat cheese on 2 cups mixed greens with 1 1/2 tbsp low sugar salad dressing made with olive or canola oil. Caffeine-free diet soda, water or tea.

Dinner: Baked salmon with lemon slices and steamed broccoli, or large vegetable salad with 1 1/2 tbsp low sugar salad dressing made with olive or canola oil, Caffeine-free diet soda, water or tea.

If you are looking to tackle weight loss this diet may be one to check out. Unfortunately, one of the toughest aspects of weight loss is the ability to stay disciplined. No matter what weight loss program you choose, stick with it!

Get the facts about Weight Loss visit http://Weight-Loss-Exposed.com where you will find valuable weight loss tips, resources, and helpful Weight Loss information.

Fast Weight Loss Tips

Here in this article are a few fast weight loss tips which should help you get on the right path to losing weight successfully.

First up don't starve yourself. It may seem logical that if you eat as little as possible you will achieve fast weight loss but this isn't really the case, and nor is it safe.

It may result in initial quick weight loss but this will soon stop. The reason for this is that your body will sense it is being starved and so will slow your metabolism down to reserve more energy.

It will also inform your metabolism to burn muscle rather than fat which will increase your appetite to almost unbearable levels and thus causing an end to your diet. Once you go back to a regular eating routine you will find you gain weight quicker as your metabolism will still be working at a lower rate.

One piece of advice that is often ignored is to drink plenty of water. Water makes us feel more energetic and less sleepy but it also makes us feel fuller which is also a great benefit as it goes towards preventing you from snacking between meals.

Speeding up your metabolism is a great way of increasing the rate at which you lose weight. There is no need for pills though as there are several natural steps you can take to increase this.

They include eating more meals a day, keeping active, and making sure you eat breakfast ( this wakes your metabolism up for the day). You can find a few more tips on increasing your metabolism by reading Metabolism Boosters- Natural Ways To Boost Metabolism.

Many diets advise you to cut out certain food types such as protein or carbohydrates but this is something I would try to avoid. Every food group contains something which our body needs so by leaving out a certain food group our body will miss out on the benefits they provide.

A diet based around shifting calories not only has fast results but also doesn't require you to miss out on any food groups.

Thank you for reading these fast weight loss tips, now all you have to do is put them into practice.

To read more fast weight loss tips visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Lose 12 Pounds In 2, 3 Days - Is It Really Possible

I've recently been asked how is it possible to lose 12 pounds in 2, 3 days. I have to say that I was shocked with the question since that seemed to be asking for too much. I'll not say that it isn't possible, but I think it verges on that since the calorie deficit needed to lose 12 pounds in the usual way (using more calories than those you eat) is massive and very difficult to produce in just 2, 3 days.

One way you can come close is to use a detox diet. What these can do is flush out of your body a significant amount of accumulated weight which your body had trouble digesting in the past and was unable to discharge. We all have that weight to some degree, usually because we eat the wrong kind of food. A good detox diet will flush out most of that weight so that you'll instantly feel lighter. However, I doubt whether it can cause you to lose 12 lbs in 2, 3 days. Another disadvantage is that this is a one time weight loss, not a continuous process, since there's only so much you can flush out.

But don't lose heart. You just need to give yourself a bit more time to lose 12 pounds and you will. There are a number of ways to do that. The best revolve around proper nutrition and/or increased levels of physical activity. What I urge you to do is to get some sort of weight loss program that you can count on and use comfortably in your regular lifestyle. This will give you structure and help you to achieve your goal.

How fast can you lose 12 pounds with these programs? With some you may lose 12 pounds in as little as 2, 3 weeks. However, to prevent any disappointment, prepare yourself for a bit more time. What's important is to start the process.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 12 Pounds in 2 Weeks or Less.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss programs, click here: Diets To Lose 10 Pounds Fast And Never Gain It Back

Do I Really Need Surgery For Weight Loss?

Each person who considers bariatric weight-loss surgery will have unique circumstances and concerns. We are, after all, a world of individuals. But with that being said, there are certain frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery that many patients ask, and it will help you to understand the answers to these common questions.

Is surgery the only option for you, in terms of increasing your health and losing weight? Of course not. There are other options to consider as well, such as the all-important lifestyle changes of eating better and being more active. But for some patients who are morbidly obese, surgery may be the only option to get them on the right track.

But there's the rub. While bariatric surgery used to be reserved for these types of patients -- patients who would otherwise die from their weight conditions -- it now seems to be "in style." You hear about weight loss surgery on the news a lot more these days, and the number of surgical procedures has skyrocketed in recent years.

Here's what you need to remember. Despite all the glossy bariatric brochures with happy, skinny models smiling back at you, this is still surgery we are talking about here. And it has very real risks associated with it. So you should consider other non-surgical options as a matter of course.

Lifestyle Changes Still Required

Here's another thing that many people don't realize about weight loss surgery. Even with the surgery, you still have to change the behavior that led to the overweight condition in the first place. In other words, you have to make lifestyle changes.

So if you have to make those changes anyway, even with surgical intervention, why not start by making those changes first. See what you can accomplish without surgery. Need some serious motivation? How about this. The cost of bariatric surgery runs anywhere from $10,000 to $40,000, and insurance doesn't always cover it. The risks associated with these procedures range from vitamin deficiency to death.

If those two facts don't motivate you to change your lifestyle for the better, then how can you expect surgery to be a magical cure?

Brandon Cornett is the publisher of Bariatric Learning Center, an educational website that covers all aspects of this topic, from bariatric vitamins to surgery criteria and beyond. Learn more by visiting http://www.bariatriclearningcenter.com

Weight Loss Advice For Shedding Unwanted Pounds

Physical appearance is more of an important thing. It is true that everyone likes the physical appearance of a person. Fitness by both the physical and moral aspects attracts more attention. This is why many people are interested to find "weight loss advice for shedding unwanted pounds".

As you are reading this post I assume you are looking for the "weight loss advices for shedding unwanted pounds". Well you are not alone. There probably are just another million of people out there suffering from the same problem you are suffering from. Let me drop you a few tips as I continue writing this post.

So how do you get rid of the extra fat?
Are you heavily into eating chips, soda and fast food? Do you eat enough vegetables and fruits? Hamburgers, pizzas and fries can indeed be very tasty but at the same time they can be deadly. You must quit eating foods like these that provide too much energy and fat.

Why are these foods bad for your health?
Human body don't like to waste energy. Energy is one of the most important things that can be stored on your body. Body converts the energy to fat and store them. Fast foods create more energy than your body needs which is why having too much fast food makes you fat.

How do I control my fat?
If you don't control your fat it can be deadly for your health. Therefore you must cut down on this type of food and replace them with vegetable and fruits. Start doing some exercises on a regular basis. While a sound diet makes sure your body doesn't get fatter, exercising will help you to burn your fats. Exercise half an hour per day. Perhaps going for a walk on the nearest park will do. Hope these weight loss advices for shedding unwanted pounds work for you.

Learn More About How You Too Can lose Those Extra Pounds

Weight Loss With No More Guilt

I have just had a lovely weekend with old friends at one of the Proms in the Park. The food that we all took to share, yet again was supplied in an over abundance, as was the wine!

The evening was wonderful and at this year's event I enjoyed myself even more because...

There was no more guilt!

Have you ever wondered what it is that keeps you trapped, unable to re-motivate yourself when you had eaten something 'bad'?

It is the pattern of guilt . . .

- The thoughts that you 'shouldn't have eaten...'

- The shame of eating too much;

- The thought of how much weight you have put on;

- The thought of how 'bad', weak willed and useless you are.

With these thoughts you keep yourself trapped in a pattern of behaviour that brings only stress and the inevitable comfort eating. Its no wonder life is a struggle and permanent weight loss so elusive when your life is dominated by shame and guilt!

So here's how you stop the guilt...

Reflect on how much you enjoyed the food;

Tell yourself you are allowed to enjoy it;

Remember, one meal of excess won't be noticed on your hips;

Remember your motivation comes from positive thoughts;

Reflect on how much you enjoy the foods that gives you energy and happiness (your special fuel mix);

Reflect that without guilt there is no need to comfort eat;

Feel the motivation to eat the foods that lift your spirits.

Once in a while it is not 'bad' to eat foods that you have, in the past, labelled negatively. They may not be the best of fuel for your body but on a rare occasion it is not 'bad' to enjoy them. So enjoy them and see how easy it is to get back on track with you healthier eating habits.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company http://www.lifeshapers.co.uk into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog http://www.chrissiewebber.co.uk and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

How to Lose Weight Very Fast

We live in a instant society. We want it NOW. But how realistic is it to lose a lot of weight fast?

Well... if you know what you're doing...


The problem is that most people keep running in circles. In many cases we continue to exert a lot of effort but year after year many of us make little progress.

You're about to learn some keys to losing weight at warp speed. (while still being safe and healthy) Ok, "warp speed" is probably a term that shouldn't be used with weight loss but if you want the absolute fastest way to lose fat that is still 100% legit (permanent) then this is IT.

Let me preface this by saying that if you have been struggling then I encourage you to have an open mind. If you want different results then you have to do something different. I'm sure you know that, but sometimes we get caught up and we keep going nowhere fast. Believe me, I've been there...

So that's the first step - awareness. Of everything:


-your environment

-your habits

-your actions both conscious and subconscious

Observe yourself from a very OBJECTIVE point of view.

What advice would you give yourself?

OK, now let's dig in and cover some points that WILL lead to incredibly rapid fat loss.

1) Shift your diet to one that is more "Alkaline" Here are some foods to add to your diet:












Green Beans






Brussels Sprouts








An alkaline diet is one that is in large part made of vegetables and fruit. These are water rich and high in fiber. This will help cleanse out your system and as you probably already know they are very low in calories. Go ahead and eat large amounts but try to keep everything as "dry" as possible. If you want to maximize your results then you should really focus on substituting these foods instead of adding them in. This might be a little extreme for you. That;s understandable. You certainly don't want to set yourself up for a plan that you will not adhere to. Use your judgment and be creative and finding ways to enjoy this type of diet. i.e "lean diet".

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

Finding Easy Weight Loss Diets

Although the title of this article is 'easy weight loss diets', I am not sure about it. Is any weight loss diet really easy? I don't think so. Enter the market for weight loss diets and you will be bombarded with information about different kinds of diets like the atkins diet and the south beach diet.

But which one is really best for you? Will a low carbohydrate diet work for you? Or will a normal high protein diet be the best one?

The worse part about diets is that what may work wonders for others may not work for you. Every individual is unique and hence has unique needs and requirements. This needs to be analyzed first before plunging to any weight loss program.

Why it doesn't work?

To understand why weight loss diets do not work for you, it is important to have some information on body genetics and metabolism.

Every human being has a metabolism rate or the ability to burn off calories. Similarly, every human being has a particular body structure. Some have broad shoulders and hips with minimum fat content. Others have droopy shoulders with a lot of fat deposits around the waist. This depends a lot on the genetics of the person.

So if you are genetically pear shaped, do not expect that easy weight loss diets will change you into a muscle machine. Or if you are an obese girl genetically, do not even attempt to turn into tyra banks. That's not going to happen.

Have realistic goals

Set yourself realistic goals and start slow. For example, if you are starting your diet plan on New Year, target a weight loss of 4 to 10 pounds by March.

This should be achievable provide you stick to your diet and exercise routine. And make sure that you stay motivated on the diet. A lot of people quit midway due to lack of results. Perseverance is a virtue that you definitely need to succeed.

For more info visit : Weight Loss Diet

Fast Weight Loss Tips

Here in this article are a few fast weight loss tips which should help you get on the right path to losing weight successfully.

First up don't starve yourself. It may seem logical that if you eat as little as possible you will achieve fast weight loss but this isn't really the case, and nor is it safe.

It may result in initial quick weight loss but this will soon stop. The reason for this is that your body will sense it is being starved and so will slow your metabolism down to reserve more energy.

It will also inform your metabolism to burn muscle rather than fat which will increase your appetite to almost unbearable levels and thus causing an end to your diet. Once you go back to a regular eating routine you will find you gain weight quicker as your metabolism will still be working at a lower rate.

One piece of advice that is often ignored is to drink plenty of water. Water makes us feel more energetic and less sleepy but it also makes us feel fuller which is also a great benefit as it goes towards preventing you from snacking between meals.

Speeding up your metabolism is a great way of increasing the rate at which you lose weight. There is no need for pills though as there are several natural steps you can take to increase this.

They include eating more meals a day, keeping active, and making sure you eat breakfast ( this wakes your metabolism up for the day). You can find a few more tips on increasing your metabolism by reading Metabolism Boosters- Natural Ways To Boost Metabolism.

Many diets advise you to cut out certain food types such as protein or carbohydrates but this is something I would try to avoid. Every food group contains something which our body needs so by leaving out a certain food group our body will miss out on the benefits they provide.

A diet based around shifting calories not only has fast results but also doesn't require you to miss out on any food groups.

Thank you for reading these fast weight loss tips, now all you have to do is put them into practice.

To read more fast weight loss tips visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Online Healthy Weight Loss Program - 4 Important Points You Must Know

Heard before on an online healthy weight loss program? These programs are specially designed to help individuals like you who want to lose weight fast, and yet healthily. These weight loss programs are ran online, which is a major advantage for people who have busy and hectic schedules which prevent them from going to the gym.

If this is your first time joining an online healthy weight loss program, you will most probably be thinking whether it is worth it for you. Usually, most of the weight loss programs are worth it, but it really depends. Keep in mind that you must choose a weight loss program that suits your objectives, needs and costs.

You will need to find out what services, features and benefits that these weight loss programs offer to you. I've highlighted some of them below for you.

Healthy Eating Dieting Plan
You have already realized that eating healthily is an integral part of any weight loss program. Usually an online healthy weight loss program will have a variety of healthy food recipes that you can make yourself at home. Most of them includes drinks and also tips on how to shop for healthy products at the grocery.

Weight Loss Exercise Plan
Exercise is also a very important aspect for losing weight. Therefore, the online healthy weight loss program should provide you with a detailed exercise plan that suits your lifestyle and schedule. Usually, they would have a long list of exercise plans for their members to choose from. If you can't find one, you should be able to consult one of their fitness trainer and come up with one of your own.

Online Message Board and Community
This will be the main channel that you will keep in touch with other members about your progress and difficulties. You can find a lot of very useful information being posted and shared here.

Free Trial Periods
Nowadays, because of the fierce competition among online healthy weight loss centers, most of them now offer a 7 day or 1 month trial period. Don't miss out on this! You don't have to commit yourself to any weight loss centers yet. Try them out for a short period of time, get to know what they offer you and then only decide.

The above are just a few of the main things to keep in mind when you are looking for online healthy weight loss programs.

Want to get even more tips on how to search for online weight loss program? Get a certified, professional coach to guide you today, for FREE. http://www.FatBurn4Idiots.com

What You Need To Know To Succeed In Weight Loss

This is part one in a series of articles that might help you understand why you have not been successful in your dieting efforts until now. You need to understand what the body requires and how it utilizes food sources we take in. Let's take a look at calories, carbohydrates, fats and protein, primary players in the weight control program.

You may well be aware of this fact but never gave it much thought. Some foods make you feel full faster, and keep you feeling full longer. These are foods that you must consider part of your diet. Additionally, you will need to consider the calorie value that food source represents.

Calories are always mentioned in dieting plans. The three classes of calories include protein, carbohydrates, and fat. While there are three basic types of calories, surprisingly you need to direct your efforts at controlling the first two.

The fuel source for your body activity is the calorie. Each food type will be a source of energy that is relative to the amount of calories the body absorbs from that food source. Each person requires a distinct quantity of calories that is relative to a number of factors.These factors include age, height, weight, gender, and the energy that particular person will expend in a normal day of activity. The bottom line here obviously is that if you consume more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight.

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy and should account for 50% to 60% of calories consumed each day. These include carbohydrates of sugars found in fruits (sucrose, glucose, fructose), milk (lactose), and soft drinks and sweets and complex carbohydrates found in whole grain cereals, flour, bread, rice, corn, oats, potatoes, and legumes.

Calories from protein and carbohydrates when not required to meet your energy requirements, are convert to fat and get stored by your body. Even if you are eating mostly "fat free" foods, excess consumption will result in additional body fat. It takes energy to transform protein and carbohydrates to body fat.

Fat should account for 30% or less of the calories consumed daily, with saturated fats accounting for no more than 10% of the total fat intake. We do need some fats in our body to maintain body temperature, and physically protect body tissues and organs. Fat also benefits our body by transporting the four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K.

We will find several classes of fats in our daily diet. Saturated fat found mostly in meat and dairy products can be a cause of increased blood cholesterol levels. Conversely polyunsaturated fat helps to promote lower blood cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fat found in both plant and animal products aids in lowering LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)

Protein should provide ten to twenty percent of the calories consumed each day. Protein is required to maintain a strong count of red blood cells and adequate functioning of antibodies to provide a strong front against infection. It is also a primary element in normal growth and tissue repair.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are found in a variety of foods. Meat, milk, cheese, and egg are complete proteins that have all the essential amino acids. Other sources of protein include whole grains, rice, corn, beans, legumes, oatmeal, peas, and peanut butter. For those who do not eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products, it is important to eat a variety of these meat free foods in order to get enough protein.

These will be the primary elements involved in the weight management and food sources discussions.

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The Naked Truth About Weight Loss Systems

How many weight loss systems have you heard about? How many of them have you read about in magazines, the Internet, newspapers, etc...How many of them have you tried?

After the big holidays of the year, especially after the huge amount of calories, fat, and "not very healthy" substances we have been enjoying and eating almost non stop during those special celebrations of the year, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, but also after birthday parties, wedding celebrations, etc.

There is a moment when all of us take a look at our body and decide to do something "drastic" in order to get rid of the excess weight we have accumulated in those moments we share with family, friends and people we care about and socialize with. These are also the moments when our calorie intake is totally out of control, and we don't realize, or we just don't care about how much we are eating and how long it will take to eliminate that extra weight we accumulate with or without taking account of.

There are a few key factors we should focus whenever we decide to start a diet. If you follow these simple but absolutely essential points I will discuss below, you can be sure the next time you decide to get rid of your extra "baggage", you efforts will be satisfied with a total success:

  1. Research: There must be dozens of thousands of systems out there promising instant miracles. In my opinion the best thing you can do for yourself is to read, research, investigate before you decide what is the program that best fits your needs.
  2. Do not believe in miracles: Miracle diets simply do not work. Anything that promises instant results should not be considered.
  3. Be patient: Take your time, and when you decide to start your program do it without any hurry. You should face the weight loss program without any commitment ahead, such as a wedding to attend, summertime is almost here, I am getting married in 2 months, etc... you know what I am talking about.
  4. Be constant. If you start a system and you fail, do not worry at all. Relax, read your system carefully one more time, and start it again from scratch, with enough self-confidence, knowing that you have all the time you need in front of you.
  5. Be positive: You have to be positive, optimistic, and happy about your decision. You have already taken a very important step just by following the 4 previous steps, so the most difficult part has already been accomplished. Tell to yourself that you can do it, and face each day as your goal. Every night, before you go to bed, just review mentally your daily routines, and tell yourself you are in the right path to achieve your goals.

J.R. Villa is a health advisor, Internet marketer and researcher. If you want to take a look at his latest reviews on weight loss systems, click this link:
