Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Effective Weight Loss Guide That You Always Forget

Keeping off unwanted pounds is never a walk in the park. There is always something or someone out there that will ruin your weight loss plans for you. Therefore, it is crucial that you find other ways to step-up your existing program for shedding excess weight. Here are a few tips that can give you more thrust on your weight loss plans.

Small Frequent Feeding Is The Key

By limiting your food intake to only three times in a day, you allow your body to starve needlessly between mealtimes. In turn, your body will react as if there is a mini-famine going on, so it will shift into mini-survival mode, meaning it will reduce your metabolic rate to conserve energy.

In contrast, by eating 5-6 small meals in a day, your metabolic rate will be revved up; burning more calories and helping you lose weight. Remember, the trick is to eat small amounts of food without allowing your body to feel starved; so do not overfeed yourself during mealtime.

List Down The Food You Eat

You are what you eat. So by writing down everything that passes through your mouth, you will have a better chance of getting to know yourself. At the end of the day, you will be surprised at what type of foods you eat. As an added enlightenment, your list will allow you to realize how much money and effort ultimately goes down the sewer; this will compel you to spend less on junk or unnecessary food items.

Never Skip Breakfast

Whatever you do, never forget breakfast. Why? Because it will allow you to fire up your metabolism early on in the day. That means you will have longer hours to burn off calories. If you skip breakfast, on the other hand, your body will try to conserve more energy by slowing down metabolism.

You will also find that having breakfast will spare you from hunger pangs later in the day; this will allow you to be more careful or discriminating on your food choices which means you will have a lesser tendency to binge on food.

Walk By The Minutes, Not Distance

Usually, fitness experts suggest that thirty minutes of walking is enough exercise for most people. In reality, spending this amount of time walking is only good if you want to maintain your present weight. If you really want to lose weight, you need to do more than the usual thirty minutes. Adding fifteen minutes more to this exercise regimen, making it forty-five minutes, will allow you to burn more calories; that is an additional 300 calories, which can translate to about thirty pounds in one year.

Use Smaller Plates

This is one of the best ways to trick your appetite. You see, scientists have found out that a person tends to eat more when a bigger quantity of food is served, while lesser food on the table would mean lesser food intake. Using this data, you can cheat your appetite by serving food on smaller plates. This way, your plate will always look as if it is filled to the brim, but the actual amount of food in front of you is less than you imagine.

Take Your Time When You're Eating

It takes time for a train to travel from Station A to Station B. In the same manner, the distance between your brain and your stomach will require several minutes before your whole system will realize that you are already full and that you do not need food anymore. Studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes before the brain will realize that you are indeed stuffed. By eating slowly, you allow your brain to catch up with your body signals which makes you feel satiated.

Indeed, doing the usual weight loss plans may not work for you. Nonetheless, instead of making excuses, you should let your creative juices flow. Losing weight demands a high level of creativity, so you should never leave your weight loss plans at the mercy of fortuitous events. You can boost your efforts by using products like Zylorin. Click on for more details about this supplement.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

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Losing Weight The Safe And Natural Way

Losing weight is probably one of the hardest tasks a person can face, but it doesn't have to be. It is a simple formula of eating healthy, getting some exercise, and drinking plenty of water. That's it!

I know, I can hear all the moaning from here, but that really is the formula for losing weight. By the way, I am not some skinny person who found this information in some book, and decided to pass it on.

I struggled with a weight problem my whole life, and one day while looking in the mirror after a shower, I joined a weight loss clinic. All they did was give me some photo copied menu's to follow, told me to exercise, drink water, gave me a dietary supplement, and had me come in every week to get weighed. No it wasn't weight watchers.

I was upset to say the least when I left their office because I paid a fairly large sum of money (up front), and this was it. Where are the specialist, the doctors?

When I got home I read their menus. They wanted me to eat chicken, CHICKEN, I don't eat chicken, I eat pizza. They wanted me to drink water. WATER, I don't drink water, I drink soda. This is not good!

But then reality set in, and I realized that eating pizza and drinking soda is what got me where I was, and it wasn't a good place, so I knew I had to do it. The foods were basically what we should all be eating anyway. Lean meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

The enemies are flour, sugar, and salt. If you can keep most of your meals to the foods above, and stay away from the enemies, you have a very good beginning for losing weight. A good idea is to buy a cookbook that has recipes for losing weight and eating healthy. Try to stay away from store bought foods that are already prepared. They are usually not a good choice.

If you need to buy store bought, learn to check ingredient labels, because they can be very deceiving. See how many serving they say are in the package. That's a favorite trick of food packagers, to say there are 4 or 5 servings in a package, that anyone can see is for one or two people.

Now when you read the label, and it says 25 grams of carbs, you say, gee, that's not too bad. But that's 25 grams per serving, and your package has 5 servings. Ut O. That's how they get you.

The bottom line is if you make a commitment to follow this weight loss plan, it will work! Just slowly work your way into it. Don't decide to start losing weight Monday, or next Tuesday, or the first of the year, or whatever, start today. But start slowly, this is not a diet, this is a life style change. Get the word diet out of your head. You are going to lose weight by changing your eating habits forever.

To finish my story, I followed the plan that the weight loss center put me on to the letter, and started losing weight quickly. I was losing two to three pounds a week, eating three meals a day. After six months the weight loss place I was going to wanted me to renew my membership, but because of the price they charged I dropped out.

I knew the plan, and could do it on my own. The only problem was they would not give me the weight loss supplement any more, and that really slowed down my results, to about a pound or less a week.

It's hard to find a good safe supplement, and that took me some time, but I finally did and got back on track. When I started this program I was 305 pounds, and I got down to 188 pounds and still holding. Looking back, it was all worth it because I feel so much better, and I know I am much healthier.

My mother always had two sayings that I would run through my head whenever I was having a weak moment, "A minute on the lips, forever on the hips" and " Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".

After losing over one hundred pounds, Glenn Downer started writing articles on how to lose weight, the safe and natural way, and keep it off. He has written several articles for various newsletters and websites. You can visit his web site at:

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Flat Abs Fast - 3 Weeks

Here's how to get flat abs fast. You have to combine three things and in about three weeks you'll be significantly leaner with flat abs.

1. Diet.

Cut out your heavy carbohydrates like pasta, breads, sugars, etc. Replace all carbohydrates with a small amount of fruit and the rest vegetables.

For instance at breakfast you can have a piece of fruit, and again mid morning another piece of fruit, an apple for instance is fine. The rest of your carbs should come from any form of vegetables, and don't worry about the amount, you can get away with eating plenty of veges while still getting lean.

2. Exercise.

For your cardio exercise, which will burn the fat off quickly, do 25-30 minutes of brisk walking the first thing in the morning before eating. This is the best time to burn fat and get lean, and it does work very, very well. Just get out of bed and take a walk around the block or down the street and back. You'll be energized for the morning, and you will have burned a lot of fat quickly.

3. Ab exercises.

To get flat abs fast you have to cut to the chase and do the most effective ab exercises. The best way to find out what works is simply getting hold of an ab program and following the exercises outlined. Usually they have been researched with what works best and what works fast. This is what you want, just the best basics performed in the right fashion and right tempo for maximum results.

Combine these three elements and you'll see major results in 3 weeks.

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