Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cardio Is A Waste Of Time

While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic cardio exercise is a great way to lose weight, you should know interval training is the better way to burn body fat.

Still not convinced?

A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year.

Obesity 15:1496-1512 (2007). Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women. Anne McTiernan*, et al.)

Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right?

Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion.

So what's the better way? Stick with interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in less workout time.

The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval training. If you are walking outside, find an incline that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times. If you walk on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

Interval training is better than cardio for fat loss. Cardio just doesn't stand a chance against the faster, shorter, more effective fat loss workouts.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning interal training workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Fat burning interval workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight interval circuits help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Wreckers, Avoid These at All Costs (Part 2)

In the last part of this article we discussed about some activities that will make your weight loss efforts seem quite ineffective. You need to understand that these are not common knowledge, which is why people often find themselves incapable of preventing their execution. So, last time we discussed about the negative aspects that eating outside and eating a lot during dinner may cause to your weight loss efforts, this time around well discuss some other and even darker secrets that you should know in order to prevent your weight loss efforts wreck as a train would do if rammed into a solid wall.

Skipping meals

Yes, you read it correctly, and you probably even chuckled. How many times have you said to yourself Well, the fact is that I did not have time to grab some breakfast; so, Ill make it up during lunch and eat twice the amount I should. If this thought has ever crossed your mind, then you have made a terrible mistake. You should never, by any circumstances, skip a meal, but if you must, then you should never try to compensate this loss by ingesting a higher amount of food the next time you have the chance, this is the worst thing you could do to your weight loss efforts.

First of all you will need all the energy you may summon in order to make your body work harder when burning the excessive fat that you gather, and secondly, if you ingest a larger amount of food than your body is used to, then it wont be capable of eliminating the excessive amount of fat youre sending in, so be careful.

Bad habits during work

Well, most of us had no idea about this one in the past, but the truth is that sitting behind your desk, visiting the vending machine several times a day, filling your body with tons of soda, and practically doing nothing with your muscles, will eventually end up in a weight loss failure. Individually, these concepts seem to appear very obvious, but the truth is that most of them can not really be avoided if you work a lot. If your case happens to fall within this concept, then you should try packing your lunch from your home (healthy food, that is), and you could also try isometrics in order to reach your weight loss goals.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

Easy Ways To Lose Weight After Pregnancy And Look Elegant Again

After giving birth, most women will look for easy ways to lose weight after pregnancy and look elegant again. While it is a slow process for most mothers since it is not easy to start dieting again, it certainly is not a painful one.

New mothers would surely love to get back into shape after pregnancy and fit in into their pre-maternal clothes again and they want it fast. The only concern for new mothers is if they try hard to lose weight as fast as they can. This can be achieved provided they don't experience any problems after giving birth.

Here are some easy ways to lose weight after pregnancy.

You can start by going out on a daily trip with the stroller to carry your baby of course for long leisure walks. Schedule your routine once in the morning and the evening. If you'd rather sling your baby, by all means do so. This will help add extra weight to your body and with the extra energy required to walk with added weight, you help your calories burn faster.

When at rest, drink plenty of water. Try not to take up any fizzy drinks or fruit juices as these contain calories and may slow down your weight loss process. While it is not easy to get back into eating less, you have to set a goal to do that. Shifting your meal patterns back to your pre-maternal days is important otherwise you may just continue gaining weight like most new mothers do.

Take up Yoga lessons if you can at the fitness club nearby and if you are too tired for that, rent Yoga DVD lessons to practice on your own at home. Do not neglect your baby either. Be thankful for your current health. There are many new mothers who are in worst shape than you. Perhaps they suffer from complications after birth or post-natal depression.

If you decide to go slow but still being consistent, it may take you around half a year to finally get back into shape and fit the old lovely dresses again. A piece of advice though, while there are easy ways to lose weight after pregnancy, all you have to do is set a goal and focus on that goal. Your desire will determine your outcome.

Discover The Shocking Secret To Losing 9 Pounds Every 11 Days! - Free Details Here

Visit and discover how you can lose weight fast using this breakthrough formula without having to count calories, carbs, or fat!

Fastest Weight Loss Program

The fastest weight loss program you can follow, through which you will lose the most weight in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of sacrifice or hardship, is the Calorie Shifting Diet. While on this diet, you can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days, or upwards of 20 pounds per month.

The Calorie Shifting Diet differs from other diets in that you lose weight, not by reducing your intake of calories, carbohydrates, or eating only certain types of foods, but by shifting the types of calories that you consume at each meal on a rotational basis, every day.

While on this diet, you are allowed to eat as much food as you desire at each meal until you are fully satisfied, but not until you are too full. You would be required to eat four full meals every day. And you will also be required to eat food from all four major food groups over the course of the diet. The only major difference is that you be grouping your foods together differently at each meal over the course of each day.

Eating in this manner will result in invoking of a metabolic response that is conducive to weight loss, because of a "phantom nutritional deficit" that you will be triggering. In other words, your body's metabolism will react as though you are being malnourished, and will thus compensate by burning fat, when in fact you are really eating plentiful food of all varieties. By shifting calories around in the manner prescribed by this diet, you are able to spoof this condition and sustain it for long periods of time.

Nutritionists recommend against losing weight to rapidly. That is why this diet also requires you to take a mandatory 3-day break every 14 days, in order to give your body a chance to stablize and to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experiencing. After the 3-day break, you may resume your diet for another 11 consecutive days.

So what are you waiting for? The Calorie Shifting Diet is the fastest weight loss program you can follow through which you can achieve the greatest weight loss results in the shortest time possible, and still stay motivated! Generate your personalized meal plan now at and you will be 9 pounds lighter in just 11 days!

Anne Collins Weight Reduction Program

I was doing some research lately on the Internet and stumbled upon a website managed by Anne Collins. Her website is jam-packed with tons of information about her weight loss program, tips, resources, information, testimonials, products and anything you need to find out about losing weight. I was very impressed and decided that I had to bookmark this site and come back from time to time.

I am not endorsing her program because I have not tried it myself. However, I must give her credit for providing lots of information for her clients and visitors to make it a friendly site instead of one that is more commercial than enlightening. She does have a host of knowledgeable stuff, so it can be overwhelming to browse all at one time.

Her weight loss reduction program has peeked my interest. Her claim is that she has been helping people to lose weight for the past twenty-four years so her record speaks for itself. She provides a diet without the hunger and helps you to stay motivated during your dieting experience. She uses a system that offers support, no forbidden foods, no drugs or pills, but a permanent weight loss structure.

Cabbage soup and low carb diets are only temporary according to Ms. Anne Collins. With her system she offers to teach you how to make realistic and sustainable changes to your eating habits forever. You will learn an easy plan on how to improve your lifestyle that you will be able to maintain permanently.

Ms. Collins also provides a number of success stories with before and after photos to show the reality of how others have had weight loss success. She provides a book with her program that lays out what kinds of food you need to include on your shopping list as well as an exclusive private member site for a whole year where you will get on-going support from her and other members.

In her private member site, she provides weight charts, foods to eat, dieting tips, diet issues, exercise, nutrition and information about eating out. She claims that her program is approved by a Dr. Tina Ambury is a Very Experienced and Highly Respected Physician, who gives a testimonial on her website. When I got down to the end of her sales page, I was shocked that all she charges for the entire year is only $19.97, which computes to $0.38 per week. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee.

Ms. Collins must be doing well because her Page Rank is high and I think it may have a lot to do more with the numerous pages that she has of articles, resources and information. The information may be worth more than the program, but the point is that most people that give weight loss advice and offer different weight loss products think of it as a business. Not many people will actually do this for free, but when someone offers free information along with their product, they are to be commended even if it is for other ulterior motives.

Article written by Cheryline Lawson, author and owner of

Women In The Gym

Women's workouts and female exercise programs should not be much different than men, if you want to burn fat. Many times when I visit a gym and watch others workout, the form was just dreadful in so many exercises, with the worst being the deadlift form.

In my last trip to the gym, I watched two women round their backs like a rainbow as they lowered the bar. So sad to see a great exercise ruined because someone didn't properly teach this exercise. (And magazines are to blame sometimes as well, I've written articles where we've had to toss some of the accompanying photos because the fitness model was doing the exercise with brutal form).

Whatever you are doing in the gym, never round your back. So when you squat, deadlift, or do dumbbell rows, maintain a slight arch in your low back.

And don't stop using good form once the exercise is over. If you're picking up dumbbells off the floor (or picking up toys at home), squat down and avoid rounding your back.

I also recommend avoiding sit-ups and an excessive amount of crunches. The benefits aren't worth the risks.

Back to my gym visit...about 20 minutes through my workout, a young woman of about 45 came in and started doing a superset of split squats and dumbbell chest presses.

I was very impressed. AND she had a training journal to record her sets, reps, and weights.

You know what, I bet this woman succeeds and meets her goals. As we've said many times before, recording your workouts is a key to success so that you can refer back to what works and what doesn't. Plus, it keeps you on track.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed when she started doing dumbbell triceps kickbacks. I think these are one of the most useless dumbbell arm exercises in the world. You'd be far better off doing some version of the pushup - that would give you more total body results.

So today's 3 lessons were...

i) Don't round your back when lifting.

ii) Keep a training journal for motivation and direction.

iii) Avoid isolation exercises, and choose total body movements to get more results in less time.

By doing this, you will burn lots of calores after training. Add in intervals in place of slow cardio, and you should be able to get all of your results in only 3 sessions of 45 minutes per week. Much less time than you spend now with slow, boring cardio.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Getting Rid Of Belly Fat With 5 Popular Diets

If you're wondering on which ways are best when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, then this article will you explain 5 different ways it can be done. In many cases the 5 diets recommended below can help get rid of belly fat within 1-2 weeks depending on how well you do it. Most of them are very easy to implement and require that you just add the "special products" into your daily life. All of them are natural and completely safe. So let's begin!

Method 1: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a highly powerful product in helping get rid of belly fat. It contains many nutrients will help speed up digestion, metabolism and fat burning. All that you do is drink it 1-2 times a day with water. It's a very simple product you can find at your local health food store.

Method 2: Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are also a powerful product. They are tiny seeds which you can find in several forms: Seeds, grounded seeds and oil. Generally flaxseed oil gives the best results with grounded flaxseeds at a close second. Flaxseeds, like apple cider vinegar contain many nutritional benefits which also help speed the digestion process and raise metabolism and fat burning. They are very tasty and make great add-ons to meals!

Method 3: Coconut Oil

Don't be fooled. Just because it's an oil DOES not mean it will create belly fat. Coconut oil is actually one of the only HEALTHY oils in this world, containing MANY, MANY nutritional vitamins and minerals which help feed your body, restoring it's functions, increasing metabolism, fat burning and circulation of the blood.

Method 4: Cleansing

Cleansing is a very powerful form of cleaning the body from the inside. It's a very difficult procedure because it requires alot of dedication on your part. HOWEVER it is also the fastest way in getting rid of belly fat, this can be anywhere from 5-10 days. In addition cleansing rejuvinates the body making it healthier, cleaner so you will also greatly improve your health at the same time after finishing a cleanse.

Method 5: Calorie Shifting:

Of all the methods described, calorie shifting is the one which gets the most interest because it is very easy to accomplish. Calorie shifting is basically a special dieting technique that causes a reflex in your body. This reflex makes the body increase metabolism and strike the areas of the body containing fat, burning it away very quickly. Usually people can lose belly fat completely within 10 days. It's also very easy to accomplish if you want fast results and don't want to try cleansing.

If you'd like to learn about calorie shifting, please click here to find out more information...

Fast Weight Loss Diets - 3 to Choose From

Fast weight loss diets are not for the faint of heart. They're not based on balanced eating plans. You shouldn't exert yourself when you're on one because they can put stress on your body. And you should never stay one for more than a week. Most important of all though, BEFORE you launch one of the diets promising fast weight loss, visit your doctor and get medical advice. Here are three of the most popular fast weight loss diets:

The Three Day Diet is the simplest of the three diets. It consists of an exact menu for three days. Each breakfast is one small amount of protein, one starch, and one fruit. On one day you'll have an egg, 1/2 of a banana, a piece of toast, and black coffee.

Lunch is even less. It's a small amount of protein and a starch. For one lunch you're recommended to have 1/2 cup tuna and a piece of toast along with your black coffee. Dinner is a little different. You will have a larger serving of protein, 2 servings of vegetables, a fruit, and a cup of regular vanilla ice cream. I personally think it's also one of the strangest diets.

However, there are more of these diets that also have their quirks. One is the Chicken Soup Diet. This is based on a complex recipe for chicken soup. You get some choices of different breakfasts, and then you eat as much soup as you want the rest of the day. One breakfast for the Chicken Soup Diet might be Total cereal, nonfat milk, and juice. A different one would be yogurt, fruit, and wheat germ. When it comes to diets for fast weight loss, with the exception of breakfast this one has zero variety and is boring.

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the most intricate of the 3 fast weight loss diets. There's a lot to remember, and it's all considered important. For instance, there's a certain amount of grapefruit or other specified juice to eat with each meal. You're warned not to eat more or less than what's suggested. Otherwise, it's said the diet will not work.

Also, you're not allowed to take anything away from the diet. If you don't want to eat two slices of bacon with your breakfast - too bad. They claim you won't burn fat if you don't adhere precisely to the diet, including eating the bacon. Hmmm.

A diet like this is hard to understand.

You're also advised to drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water every day, but only 1 cup of coffee at a meal. Butter can be used as a condiment, or to fry foods. You're only allowed to eat at meal time; no snacking except the beverage at bedtime. You're given two lists: one of foods you can eat and one of foods you cannot eat. Yet, on this "accelerated" weight loss diet you're encouraged to eat until you're full at any meal. Again I say...hmmm.

You're warned not to eat certain foods at the same time they claim the more you eat (of the "allowed" foods), the more you fat you burn. Breakfast on this diet is grapefruit, 2 eggs, and 2 bacon slices. That's the basic guideline however; they also indicate you can eat as much eggs and bacon as you wish. Is this also confusing to you?

Lunch is grapefruit, salad, and meat. Dinner is grapefruit, meat, and a salad or vegetable. You get a bedtime snack of tomato juice or nonfat milk. Yippee! Let's face it - you'll be hungry regardless which of the diets you try. They're extremely restrictive with very, very little food variety. Speaking for myself, that usually means I'll not only be miserable but my chances of sticking to it - even for a short time - are pretty slim. (Pun intended)

And doing fast weight loss diets like this can get complicated. If you do participate in one, please be careful. They may not be safe. And definitely consult with your doctor.

Perhaps you're seriously looking for dramatic weight loss with laparoscipic weight loss surgery. Or perhaps you want some straight talk on choosing which of the best weight loss programs us right for you, visit my website for tons of weight loss tips, exercise information and healthy eating plans.

Fast Weight Loss More Assured

With affluence, people are becoming obese easily. With obesity, you bear the risk of heart problems, diabetes and other unwelcomed ailments.

Some tried quick fixes such as liposuction. Others succumb to weight loss pills and weight loss supplements. These methods are unnatural and may pose later health risks than helping you in the long-term. The author recommends something proven and natural that can assure you that your weight loss is going to happen.

Before touching on this subject of weight loss diet program, the author likes to share three important premises that must be explored to be assured of a success.


This is a basic age-old prevention of any potential diseases. You may choose to do Chinese tai-chi, jogging, swimming, swift walking, golfing, cycling whatever. This will most definitely help in your weight loss as well as having a healthy mind and body.


Do not underestimate your subconscious thoughts. You need to build this positive thoughts that you are going to succeed with any weight loss program that you have chosen. Half the battle is already won if you decide that you are going to shed away those pounds. It is pointless to start on any best weight loss program and say "I try ....., If I don't succeed, I try another one". On the contrary, for a successful achiever it is "I found and decided that this is best fast weight loss program and I must lose x number of pounds by y number of days".


Some people are motivated to work because of the money. Others work to occupy time. The same goes for any weight loss regime you have chosen. You need the inner motivation factor on the why you want to lose weight. Is it for your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your husband, your wife? This will help you to remain focus on your goal, your desire to achieve what you want to get eventually.

Next is to choose the assured weight loss solution.

Is it easier to starve yourself and not eat those foods you love to eat OR eat the foods you love but in a pre-determined timing? Of course the latter prescription is more workable for anyone. Explore this in for more information.

Dr Jo Johnson recommends a structured proven weight loss method for effective results. She likes to give you a FREE REPORT on 51 Tips To Lose 9 LBS.... Click here at to get this free report and take the first step to a weight loss program that really works at Please leave your name and email to keep in touch. My Best Wishes To You.

How To Lose Weight Fast And Effortlessly

There a significant number of strategies and approaches being taught about how to lose weight and many of them do work to some extent. The problem with most weight loss strategies is that the people that use them and see results tend to end up gaining the weight back after a few months or so of losing it and sometimes they gain back more than they lose.

Losing weight really comes down to 2 things and that is diet and exercise. However there is a third element that is critical. This third element is your commitment level. The fact is that most people know how to lose weight but they simply do not follow through. It is their lack of commitment that causes them to fail rather than their lack of knowledge. Thus you must first build an unwavering commitment level to losing weight before you start any diet or exercise program.

There are many approaches you can use to build your commitment level. Many people that lose weight and stay at a healthy weight have trained themselves to simply hate being overweight and love being at a healthy weight. Think about the negative consequences that being overweight is bringing into your life right now. Think about all the pain and suffering you are going through just because you have some extra weight.

Think about all the humiliation and the lack of self esteem and confidence that not being fit and healthy has brought into your life. You need to get sick and tired of your current health and fitness level otherwise you will never change. Also focus on the pleasure that having a powerful healthy body will bring into your life. Maybe you will now have more confidence to approach that special someone that you have always wanted to build a relationship with.

Focus on the pleasure of being fit and healthy and focus on the pain that being overweight and unhealthy is having on your life. Use the pain and pleasure to drive you to follow through and stick with a healthy weight loss program. Build your commitment level and grow it each day and you will find that you will have the power to follow through on any effective weight loss program you choose.

There are many effective approaches diet and exercise that can help you to lose weight. The key to diet is to break down your meals into smaller portions and simply eat less but more often. Also try to get as much natural food into your diets such as fruits and vegetables and minimize your consumption of meats and processed foods. This is a great challenge but if you have the commitment it will be easy.

Exercise is composed of two parts and that is weight training and aerobics. Both are important. Weight training will build that all important muscle mass that turns your body into a fat burning machine since muscle burns calories all the time. Simply join a gym or buy a good piece of weight training equipment and do a variety of exercises roughly once a week or even once every two weeks.

It is important to not weight train too much so the more weight you lift the more rest you will need to recover. Do aerobics 3 to 5 times a week however with aerobics the key is simply to move consistently for 30 to 60 minutes. If you work a job where you are always on your feet then you may not even need to do any aerobics at all since your job gives you the aerobic benefits you need. Base the amount of aerobic exercise you do based on your current lifestyle. Follow some of these weight loss tips to help you become thin and healthy.

Shakil is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a site that shows people how to attain better health and wellness. Be sure to stop by and learn how to lose weight too.

Weight Loss - The Importance of Realistic Expectations

If you are attempting to lose weight and body fat it is critical that you have realistic expectations for the how quickly you want to lose the weight and subsequently reach your goal. Today we live in a "microwave society" in which people want instant results and instant gratification. These ideas are further exacerbated by companies in the wellness industry who market products promising great results in "no time at all." Weather it be the magic pill or the latest fad diet these products are everywhere and it's important not to buy into the hype and allow it to impact your expectations.

Realistic expectations are very important because if you set your goals and they are unrealistic, you may begin to work towards them, fall significantly short of them, get frustrated and upset, and quit. I have seen this happen time and time again and these people are victims of unrealistic expectations. It can be very deflating if you set your expectations very high (lose 15 pounds this month like the man or woman on TV) and then only lose 4 or 5. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people get so dejected and quit when they were in fact making nice progress towards their goals.

The truth is a lot of people develop unrealistic expectations about the amount of weight they want to lose and the time they want to lose it in due to the marketing of companies out to make a buck. You can't let these companies whose products seemingly deliver the world impact the types of expectations you set for yourself (by the way, ever notice that at the bottom of all those infomercials and commercials it has a line saying, "Results not typical.") If you do you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

When setting your expectations for any weight loss or fat loss program, it is critical that you factor in the amount of time you can commit to exercise, how committed you are going to be, how much weight you have to lose, etc. Do you think it's logical for someone who has 6 days a week to commit to exercise and someone who can commit 3 days a week to have the same expectations about the results they will get? Of course not! This is why it's very important to look at your own situation and set your expectations accordingly.

By setting realistic expectations, you are far more likely to keep the course and continue to work towards your goals. You will be encouraged with your progress and want to continue putting in the work because you are seeing results. Be sure to take into account your individual situation and set of circumstances when setting your expectations as well.

Brody Beach has a passion for helping others achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. Brody's mission is to help as many people as possible to develop the bodies they truly desire. For a free copy of one of Brody's ebooks and to receive a free personalized weight loss/fitness program designed by Brody to fit your individual needs, visit

Drinking Water To Lose Weight - Is It All It's Cracked Up To Be?

One of the most simple ways to lose pounds is by drinking water to lose weight. Water is a completely natural and vital part of our bodies (in fact, 66% of our body weight is composed in water). It would only make sense that water plays a vital role in weight loss as well.

To really benefit from this completely natural remedy, you should first begin your day with a cool glass of water. If you drink tea or coffee, drink the tea or coffee right after drinking some water. Drink another glass before breakfast.

See, most people drink beverages that are calorie-heavy and unnecessary. They'll make you gain weight to boot. If you drink water before breakfast, some of the hunger that you have will be filled from the water, and you might not feel the need to drink the high calorie beverages.

If you drink water before every meal, this will give the same effect. Since water takes up stomach-space, you're likely to feel fuller faster... just by drinking 8 ounces of water. Your food will settle faster as well.

Overall, drink water as often as you can. It really has strong advantages in helping control weight loss by discouraging you to binge from foods. It also frees your body from harmful toxins that are otherwise fatal. It makes us feel healthier and more energetic. There's no side effects to it, costs nothing, and has no calories.

Drinking water in addition to a calorie cycling diet is the equivalent of typing in your ideal weight on a scale and making it come true.

Rachel has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. She has been featured in Woman's World, among others.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on her website at

Healthy Weight Loss Program Inspiration

Looking for an healthy weight loss program inspiration? You may be finding it hard to will yourself to lose weight. You have been accustomed to your daily eating habits, You may not even have an exercise pattern every week. Do not worry. This shall serve as your healthy weight loss program inspiration.

Healthy combination

A successful healthy weight loss program is based on two strong foundations: healthy diet and physical exercise. For you to be able to lose weight and maintain it, you need to make necessary dietary and lifestyle changes. If you are used to eating sweets every day, it is advisable to stop that unhealthy habit. Sweets, as well as foods rich in fat and cholesterol, are unhealthy. Just imagine the accumulated fats on your body.

Gradual process

Weight loss and management is a gradual process. Fad diets, quick-fix products, or dietary supplements do not guarantee instant weight loss. For you to be able to fight off your weight problems, you need to have focus and commitment. Weight loss is certainly a personal struggle, but support and encouragement from family and friends do help.

Goal setting

In every weight loss and management program, the first thing to do is to set a goal. This goal should be realistic. For example, aim losing two pounds a week. This entrails burning at least 500 calories. Work on your goal by doing what you ought to do: eat less and move more. Get healthy weight loss program inspiration from people you know who was able to go through the process and achieved good results.

Create a healthy weight loss program and stick to it every single day Over the internet, you may read stories of overweight people who have lost weight by simply following their healthy weight loss program. Derive healthy weight loss program inspiration from people who have successfully reduced their weight. This will certainly motivate you to reach your weight loss goal.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Alive Worldwide - Secret!

When that guy named Scotty Paulson opened this company named Alive Worldwide, Inc. his goal was clearly made and formed on two ideas. First, be excellent in all nutrition business, to be succeed - products are made from tree to glass.

Second, be honest with people who works at same company and they provide them the financial opportunity for the life time. He picked these corner stones that are on his passion, years and years of experience and the leadership success - a track record that included the sales of the health products exceeding up to $320 Million of dollars!

How to get yourself slimmer in 10 days?!

The 10 DAY Slim Down Challenge is a simple to follow up the steps that mixes easy to get goal daily steps that will make you to a SLIMMER YOU. With the Programs you will get a booklet that will explain to you the steps to help you determine your current BMI (Body Mass Index), track the results and building yourself more healthy and pick healthier choices in your diet, even at fast food restaurants or other kind of food that includes high calories.

On the early morning you are going about to start your 10 Day Program, first measure your waist line with the flexible tape measures and find out what is your weight. We all want to suggest you ask someone else to take your "before" picture. We have heard that many people have lost their fat in the faces and necks as slimming your body.

Before starting to eat your meal, start with a lack of exercise. This can be a brisk 10 minute walk. You are looking to boost up your metabolism, that will start boosting it quickly. Depending on your presently level of exercise, this can be lot or less exercise. It all depends on the people.

(Cheia Vida)

1. Take about 1-3 ounces of Cheia Vida with your breakfast.

2. Take 2 Cheia Vida Slim capsules with a cup of water only in 15-60 minutes after you ate your meal.

In between the breakfast & lunch, drink plenty of h20, or herbal tea. If you keeps hungry, always keep fresh fruit handy. You can also take a second serving (1-3 ounces) of Cheia Vida to kill this hunger.

Before you plan to go to bed for the evening, drink a cup of cold water, this helps fill you up and curbs late night hunger pains. Take some Al eves, that will help you to avoid some pains.

If you follow the recommendation of the steps for 10 Days, you will find a Slimmer You.

Look at before picture of yourself, see if you have made any changes!

On day 11 re measurements and weight yourself to see the final answers to see if this product actually works.

About The Author:

Master internet marketer Smitty earns his living marketing online and helping others to do the same. For a limited time only Smitty is offering a 1 on 1 mentoring to those who are serious about making money online. So, if you are genuinely determined to strengthen your marketing strategies to create more wealth than ever before, you should contact Smitty ASAP.

For information on how you can take control of your financial situation and achieve great wealth online, visit Liquid Wealth Online or you may reach him at:


Spot Reducing In Weight Loss Is A Myth

How many fad diets do you have to waste your hard earned cash on before you realize that spot reduction in weight loss is nothing more than a myth. This myth was developed by the diet industry to take money out of your pocket and waste it on a product that will not deliver any results in your weight loss quest? Yes!! You have been lied to!!

If you are only interested in losing a quick twenty pounds off your butt then I suggest you stop reading here because there really is no way to spot reduce. If you want to lose weight in a specific area you need to melt away the body fat in the way an unlit candle melts in the hot sun. If you want to really be serious about your weight loss then read on because the following information is extremely relevant.

To understand why you can not spot reduce let us look at some basic human anatomy. Let us look at how your muscle and your fat develops around your stomach area. If you have spent the last few years wondering where you placed that six pack your abdomen used to have fear not because it is still there. It is under the fat, it is just hiding from sight. In order to see those muscles you need to eliminate the fat deposits that are masking them. The only way to show off those muscles again would be to not only exercise them but eliminate the fat that is hiding them. You could do crunches from dawn till dark and you still will not be able to "spot reduce" your abdomen. It just simply does not work that way. If you want to spot reduce you are wasting your time and more than likely your money.

If your desire is to lose weight because you are unhappy with your butt or your belly or your whatever... that is great! You just need to realize that you have to tune up the entire body package and not focus on one area. The best way to do this is by eating a better diet and performing some form of exercise that will allow you to burn more calories than you consume in the course of the day. Only after you get your diet under control and your attention is focused on exercise will you be able to start targeting a specific area. The muscles you desire to spotlight can only then can be developed for public display after you have lost the weight that hides them from sight.

If you want to lose weight that is great, I wish you the best. I hope you can do it and do it well. My sincere desire is that you save your money and skip the fad diet and the miracle pills. There is no modern miracle pill that will melt away the pounds. If your desire is to lose weight then plan on doing it the only way possible. That way is to eat right and burn more calories. If you want to spend some money on weight loss solutions then get a treadmill or a weight set or just a good pair of walking shoes and then use them.

Weight loss miracle? No, it will be more like a weight loss journey. That journey can begin right here and right now! It is all up to the choices you make and those choices soon become your past and your past is what you must live with, when it comes to weight loss that is!

Keith Quackenbush is a graduate of St. John's University and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer. He and his wife (Sue) have been seeking knowledge on weightloss and have realized there is no magic pill to lose weight. is the destination achieved from the inadequate weight loss websites that really did not help others lose weight. Let the weightloss journey begin.

What Are The Best Ways to Burn Fat Fast?

If you're wondering what are the best ways to burn fat fast, then there are several solutions. Most people consider exercise and healthy eating to be the answer and it is but it works very slowly and there are much faster more effective ways of getting the job done. This is also a healthier way to do it because many of the products and methods recommended here are extremely healthy.

So what are the best ways to burn fat? Let's start with specific products. 3 products in particular are great at getting the job done. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and flaxseeds are the 3 most powerful products in getting the job done. They are all highly nutritious, help digest food better, regulate your digestive system, increase metabolism and burn fat at an even greater level.

Adding these products into your daily life will significantly decrease the amount of time it will take to get rid of belly fat and burning fat in general. Results can be seen in less than a month but the most important thing is it will not come back once you've gotten rid of it. In addition your health will also improve because of this.

Now let's move onto a diet which also a great way to burn fat. It is called calorie shifting or as some people call it the extreme fat loss diet. It is a dieting technique that increases metabolism and fat burning and keeps it that way. Unlike most diets that deprive you of food and require strict obedience, this one breaks all of those rules and goes against them, and yet still manages to accomplish much more.

Calorie shifting is done by eating 4 or more meals a day, drinking 10 glasses of water a day and mixing the order in which you eat the 4 meals. This is not as difficult as it sounds and is quite easy once you get the hand of it. You don't starve yourself and you don't deprive yourself of anything and this method of dieting causes extreme fat burning and weight loss. Most people lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks! So if you're looking for the best ways to burn fat fast then these products and diet are the best way to go.

If you found the information helpful and are considering trying any of the above methods or diet, then it's important to know how which ways get the best results. In addition to the above methods and diet listed, there is another diet which burns fat even faster than calorie shifting. You can check out more info on the above methods and more here!

Which Are The Best Ways To Burn Fat Fast

It is a question many want answering and the good news is that there are several answers to the question that could help you. Healthy eating and exercise are of course the methods you will here mentioned the most but is there anything that can make it happen faster?

Something you may not have tried before is adding specific products to your diet which can help your body to digest food faster and increase your metabolism. Coconut oil, flax seeds and apple cider vinegar can all do this and are also highly nutritious.

Using these 3 products regularly will therefore lower the amount of time it takes for your body to get rid of belly fat. If used properly you can start seeing results from adding these simple products within a month and the results will also be lasting ones. They all also have health benefits.

To really advance the level at which you get rid of belly fat there is also a diet which gets great results and fast. The diet is called calorie shifting and it works by increasing the level at which your metabolism works. The best thing about the method is that it is extremely simple to stick with and at no point involves almost starving yourself.

Instead it works by manipulating your metabolism by eating different calorie values for each meal and each day plus eating 4 meals a day to keep it working at all times. Usually your body gets used to a routine and slows or speeds up your metabolism accordingly which is why many diets suddenly grind to a halt. Thanks to the constant change in your eating patterns though, calorie shifting continues to work for as long as you like.

There is also a plan which includes a menu generator which helps if you are one of those who think they would struggle to come up with 4 meals a day. You simply put in the types of food you like and a menu will be designed especially for you.

Most users of the calorie shifting diet record results of at least 8 pounds of weight loss every 2 weeks and many claim even greater results. If you really want the best ways to burn fat fast then you won't find better ways than the ones in this article.

Check out a review of the number 1 rated calorie shifting diet by clicking on the link Here!

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Weight Loss Program Reviews

As you know, the key to successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat. Many diet centers burn much fewer or greater calories than predicted by charts of calculations. Though you may see the ads throughout the year, the most common time to find advertisements for diet centers is in the month of January. This is because many people make it their new year's resolution to lose weight. Weight seems to be something that everyone obsesses over, and you may find that even those who don't have any weight to lose are constantly watching what they eat and monitoring their level of exercise. Many people need help, and this is why diet centers are so popular.

There are various different diet centers from which to choose. Most of them today advertise at a national level, and many of them have celebrity spokespersons. I guess because celebrities are so high profile, the world is always watching their weight. While I don't think this is fair, I guess it can be expected. Some of the celebrities will go through a diet centers program, and then do commercials for that company. While you may say that this is brave, you should also know that they do get paid very well for what they do.

There is something amusing about the modern diet. Now don't take this the wrong way. I'm not laughing or poking fun at individuals struggling to drop pounds. I'm merely commenting on the new-age diet centers and calorie-counting routines. How do I have the scoop on this you might be wondering? Well, it's a synch I didn't try them myself. Nope; I just routinely watch my wife grapple with hers. She has been on the Weight Watchers plan for a few months now. When I see what she does day-in and day-out, I can't help but frown at all the effort involved. And I'm not just talking about healthy eating and regular exercise.

And one of the greatest benefits diet centers is that everything is laid out for you. Several times people struggle with diets because they don't know what they're doing, and they have no idea where to begin. If you go to diet centers, you will find a meal plan already set up for you, as well as support, and advice about exercise routines. Some of these diet centers even go as far as to offer prepackaged meals. If you have a hard time choosing the right meals, or you are often too busy to cook like you would like to, this might be the best option for you.

If you have been having a hard time with a diet, and it seems that no matter what you try you simply cannot get the extra pounds off, you may want to consider looking into diet centers. I wouldn't say that I endorse them, but I think there are some benefits. If anything, diet centers hold you accountable for what you do each week. If you must go weight in every week or every month, and talk to someone about what you're doing, you're more likely to stay with your plan. Just remember to read the fine print before you sign up, as sometimes there are hidden costs of which you may not be aware.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, and Weight Watchers must be three of the top Weight Loss Programs around. I always spot ads for them and they commonly use celebrities to do their pitching. Now, my wife goy into Weight Watchers because it was offered to employees at her company. Is this not bizarre? I mean, have you ever heard of a company doing this with their staff. Maybe it's due to the fact that the company is Japanese owned. It could be that they think we Americans are a bit too plump. Hmm, kind of makes me wonder. Nevertheless, it's a sweet thought to stick it out there. My wife received a booklet that tells her how many "points" she can have each day. Also, how to add up your points online and figure out your total success thus far. Contemporary diet centers have quite the process going. It takes as much time to factor up the points and punch them into the chart as it does to exercise. No offense, but you can have all that! I'll stick to the plain old "eat healthy and work-out" regimen and it's worked for me so far.

You know, I shouldn't diss modern diet centers. My wife has lost weight while sticking with Weight Watchers. I think she's lost about 8 or 9 pounds so far. 10 more and she'll be in that size 3 she wants so badly. Maybe you should sort through the popular diet centers and find the one that best suits your likes and needs. It's much healthier than procrastinating for another year. Yet, our world is far from ideal. There are responsibilities, deadlines and food or lifestyle preferences that get in the way of healthy eating. Real lives happen and in the rush to satisfy daily hunger and desires we may succumb to less than healthy choices. It doesn't always have to be that way. No matter what are lives, are like that there's always room for improvements. Get off your BUM!

Crizza Weight Loss Programs

Are Fat Loss Secrets a Myth?

People look for fat loss secrets as an easy fix for weight loss, just like everything else in life. Of course people's motivation for losing weight can be different; for some it's a health issue, others it's simply looking good. But no matter your reason, people are looking for wonder fat loss secrets, more and more these days.

So yeah, there are a few fat loss secrets you can put to work and start seeing results. But it's pretty obvious they won't be found in the usual places: magazines, mainstream books, and commercial diet programs, and the like. Most of the info they feed you is best used to kill time, and doesn't let most people put a substantial weight loss program together. Lesser-known, more independently published guides by fitness coaches and consultants who have a great reputation, are a more sensible choice for finding fat loss secrets.

So, fat loss secret number one is, set a plan and keep at it. Don't stray from it, like so many people do. It's amazing how so many people will throw in the towel if they don't see amazing results overnight. That's no way to get in shape.

The second fat loss secret is, take into account the type of life you lead now. Are you sitting around most of the time or are you getting plenty of physical activity in every day. Knowing this will give you some idea of how many calories to build into your diet. Document it all out. Everything you eat, you count it. Like my favorite bodybuilding coach told me one time when he was talking about tracking a workout plan, "if you don't record it, you don't do it." And of course jot it down right away; otherwise, you'll likely forget and those will be wasted efforts.

When friends and colleagues tell me of supposed fat loss secrets they heard from their friends, it's pretty clear that most of these are imaginative ideas that don't really hold water. You would need to pretty much live your life following a lot of these "miracle" methods to keep the weight off. There's just so much information out there that's disseminated that it becomes difficult to know which are true fat loss secrets and which ones don't add up. Some do make sense of course, like cutting junk food and fast food, and instead sticking to fruits and vegetables instead.

Fat loss secret three is really to make sure you're taking in plenty of water. Four full glasses over the course of each one day is a pretty good rule of thumb. It varies from person to person, especially with issues of weight and metabolism, etc. This will make your exercising more efficient and helps stave off appetite. So if you integrate a trusted diet and fitness plan with good record keeping and maintaining healthy water intake, those all together make up the only fat loss secrets you need.

But no matter what, keep a positive attitude about what you're doing. Anything worth doing at all is worth giving it your best effort and keeping at it, otherwise all the fat loss secrets under the sun won't help you.

Rob Jacobs is cutting edge fitness coach and has helped his clients turn around their bodies for the past 20 years. He advises bodybuilders and casual dieters alike about only the best fitness and nutritional info. Learn more about Rob's guide to getting your body and life on track. Check out Fat Loss Secrets

How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

Are you trying to lose that annoying Belly Fat? I'm sure you have heard that sit-ups and crunches are the way to do it, because those exercises make use of the abdominal muscles. However while it is absolutely true that sit-ups will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you stronger in that area, and you may look thinner because your improved muscles hold in the fat better, this does not actually reduce belly fat in itself.

For a complete and long lasting solution to how to lose belly fat, we need to look at how the body works and how it is able to actually lose weight. The simple fact is that if you are going to lose weight - from any part of your body - you need regular exercise. The fact that the most obvious and visible area of excess fat in your body is your belly does not alter this fact. When you do not exercise enough, or over-eat for a protracted period, one of the areas which naturally shows this excess more than others is the belly. Similarly if you start to exercise and lose weight, it will disappear quickest from the same belly area. So no special "belly exercises" are actually necessary - just healthy exercise!

In addition to exercise, diet plays a critical role in losing or gaining weight. You can exercise but still find you are gaining weight if you are eating very badly or in large quantities. So both exercise and diet are required to get the full effect. You need to adjust your diet so that you are burning more calories than you consume, at this point you start to "burn" the calories stored as fat in your body. Obviously changing your diet to reduce the amount of calories being consumed helps, as does reducing the actual quantities of food you eat if you have been eating excessive amounts.

The key to losing belly fat is actually quite simple, and there really is no secret or special program - exercise, and eat less (and eat well). So the two key action points are firstly to reduce the calories you eat, with smaller amounts of food or lower calorie foods. Secondly every day perform some physical exercise. Do this and you WILL lose that belly fat!

Learn how to Lose Body Fat Permanently without using drugs, supplements or crazy diets at

Weight Loss - Lose 7 Pounds in Three Days

If you want to slim down fast, then here is a a plan for you. It's a three day metabolic jumpstart, one built on foods that decrease hunger as they increase calorie burn.

People who have tried many other diets have had great success with this plan. It uses thermogenic foods, which boost metabolism up to 20%. Dieters say they can literally feel their metabolism heat up. They also claim to be more satisfied with less food. They say they didn't fail on the other diets, the other diets failed them. This one works.

Here are some the metabolism boosting foods.

Eggs: proteins stimulate the metabolism more than any other nutrient, and eggs are perhaps the most nutrient dense of all proteins.

Salsa - Capsaicin, (what that gives peppers in their heat), stimulates the release of adrenaline, revving metabolism by up to 20%.

Coffee -The amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee cuts hunger by 35% and revs metabolism by about 50 cal.

Steel cut oatmeal - Extra fiber means this hot cereal help flush calories through the intestines unabsorbed. The fiber is so filling, people who have it at breakfast consume 33% less at midday.

Coconut oil - The complex makeup of this organic fat stimulates metabolism as it is broken down, revving up calorie burn by up to 50%.

Cinnamon - Only one half teaspoon of cinnamon makes your body metabolize sugar 20 times quicker, resulting in less hunger and fewer fat storage hormones.

Apple cider vinegar - The acetic acid in vinegar cuts the production of fat storage hormones and so the food you eat makes your appetite feel more satiated.

Seafood - Salmon and tuna.have anti-hunger and anti-craving properties that also boost your metabolic rate, so that you can lose up to 20% more weight.

Nuts. Studies show that eating nuts can make you feel full for up to 60 minutes longer than if you ate the a non fat food with the same amount of calories.

For an additional 32 specific reviews of weight loss diets try visiting a website that gives you an in depth look at many of the fad diets going around.

Calorie Shifting - The New Weight Loss Sensation Sweeping the Nation

Calorie Shifting is becoming one of the fastest growing weight loss sensations because is works on a theory that actually makes sense. Most low calorie, low carb, low fat, diets basically fail because your body realizes one thing when you are on one of these diets: It realizes that you're starving yourself (in a matter of speaking) by taking in low amounts of calories. Your body's natural reaction to this is to slow down your metabolism, stop burning calories, and actually to start storing fat! It's a protection we have to make us survive if we were in fact, starving

Calorie shifting is a way to keep your body confused and to keep your metabolism from slowing down. They way it works is you are constantly rotating the food types you eat each day fooling your metabolism so that it continues to burn calories and fat. Your body only knows what has happened in the past, so basically your metabolism is based on the foods you ate and calorie intake from the past few days. Eating foods using the calorie shifting theory is best so that your metabolism doesn't get used to any specific routine. Basically, you're keeping your body's metabolism on it's feet and by doing so, you will not only burn all of the calories you are taking in each day, but you will also start to burn fat which is exactly what you want to do.

The best part about this diet program is that you are not left feeling like you're starving because you are supposed to eat four different times per day. This keeps you feeling full all day and you are essentially taking in less calories per meal. The software system that is available for doing this program comes with an online diet generator. This diet generator asks you to choose from over 40 different foods that you most likely eat every day and in just seconds, it creates a calorie shifting meal plan for you. This meal program is for 11 days and is by Fat Loss for Idiots. You can lose up to 9 pounds every time you do this diet program. The way it is supposed to be done is start the program, follow it to a tee for the 11 days, take 3 days off where you can eat whatever you like (let's be honest here, what this means is whatever you want that's still a bit healthy...don't run to the fast food joint and order 4 big macs). After the 3 day break, you then start the diet all over again.

The 3 day break is actually part of the calorie shifting diet. You continue to confuse your body's metabolism during this period. I recommend doing this diet at least 3 times or until your desired weight loss goal.

Learn more about how you too can use the calorie shifting theory to your advantage to lose weight and look great this year at Enhance this amazing program by doing a little Turbulence Training.

The Weight Loss Transformation Mindset

Sometimes we get caught up. We forget how powerful we really are. Well, I want to remind you of exactly that. YOU are POWERFUL. Yes, I know sometimes we stumble through our articles and we scroll through looking for something that might interest us as we then proceed to keep looking. But I want you to know that I'm speaking to YOU.

Right NOW in this moment. And I don't care how much you've stumbled in the past. The truth is that we ALL have fears. We all have times of self-doubt and uncertainty. We all have times where we wake up early in the morning and we just don't feel like facing the day. What do most of us do in these situations? We turn to outside sources of pleasure. We put off being our inner ideal until 'tomorrow.'

We justify. And when you fast forward a life of procrastination, you'll be watching a film of regret. But you know what? Sometimes this isn't the end of the world. Maybe there's someone out there that is 100% perfect. I can tell you that I'm certainly not. And yes sometimes you DO need to be hard on yourself if you behave like this. Raising your standards...

But ultimately there comes a time when you move beyond that. To something even bigger and more encompassing. You're stress and anxiety is replaced by an inner sense of calm and ROCK SOLID CONFIDENCE that nothing or no one can shake.

In an instant, you have had enough of petty games and nonsense. You realize EXACTLY what you want and you are filled with the *awareness* that you will do whatever it takes to get there. You will NOT fail yourself. If you stumble so be it - but you know exactly where you're going. And that's when it becomes only a matter of time...

I honor you. Take this moment to sit up straight, take a full and deep breath... and recognize your GREATNESS. Smile. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to speak to you b/c anyone who is focused on progress and growth is a winner in my book. And the fact that you're reading these words indicates exactly that. In closing let me ask you:

What would it take to create that inner sense of confidence and power that *inevitably* leads to you manifesting the body and health that you desire?

To learn more visit to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.

Will Turbulence Training Work For You?

Are you a human being looking for a physical exercise program? Do you have any time and money to attend to gym? The answer will be NO. Then you are looking for an exercising program that can save your time and that might have a less expense. Turbulence training is what you are looking for.

What exactly is turbulence training?

Turbulence training is a physical exercising method that uses the combination of mental training and physical training. This program has been the best program for the year 2006 and 2007. It is also the best choice of the best known training masters. The main reason to become the best is that the method used in this program. Like I said the dual training method helps to lose fat while gaining muscle.

The other fact to become the best exercising training program is that you take less time to do your exercises. That means if you take three hours and seven days of a week to do your exercises, in turbulence training you take only one and half hours and three days of the week. Due to this you save more six hours of a week and you can use this time to do your extra curriculum works.

Also there is no difference in male or female. Both the sex can enjoy using this product. If you are fat, thin or any kind thin product will work and you will get the desired shape of your body through losing fat and gaining muscle.

Another great thing is that the writes provides some bonus training programs. In these bonus programs he shows how keep you weight at a constant rate without reading the whole process again. After benefiting from this training you can use this bonus training to maintain your weight. Any one can use and can get benefits from this training program and I recommend it for every one.

If you need to get more information on turbulence training click the link given below

Turbulence training