Thursday, June 26, 2008

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March 2006
A 1/3 of all adult males and of all adult females are over weight in South Africa today. That's 40% of the population! This film explores the rise of new million pound companies who charge customers to teach them how to lose weight. The statistics are not good and with obesity rising 20% each year, South Africans are looking towards these new clinics, groups and health advises for help. But is it a waste of money? Simple healthy eating and living programmes and advice are now available free from the South African government.

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According to the New York Times, "the more we learn about nutrition, the less we seem to know." Contradicting nutritional studies simply confuse American shoppers and set back all dietary efforts. It's time to ignore the high-calorie, low-carb crazes and discover easier ways to eat well and stay healthy.

"I think we need to be looking for the good things that are in our food, rather than the bad," says Jill Melton, M.S., R.D., and Editor of Relish Magazine. "We need to be looking at the vitamins and the minerals, the anti-oxidants and the fiber that our food delivers. There's no magic pill."

As part of National Nutrition Month, Melton offers some great tips on choosing the right carbs and fats, as well as creative ways to stave off the afternoon munchies.

For more information on Eating Healthy, go to, click on our Eating Healthy segment and then download our podcast to see the segment online.

If you are a news station and have access to Pathfire, this story is also available on Pathfire DMG. Click on binoculars, select advanced search tab, highlight DWJ archive, and use keywords: Eating Healthy.

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Extreme Cardio For Weight Loss

You don't have to do cardio for weight loss at all. None. Shocking, isn't it? We've been told so many times you have to cardio, aerobics, and cardio in the fat burn zone in order to burn fat. But the truth? You have to control your diet. How you burn calories for weight loss is less important.

The latest research from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, has shown that an 8-week cardio program (3 sessions per week of 40 minutes per session) did not result in any fat loss! On the other hand, the interval training group in the same study lost several pounds.

Traditional cardio is a waste of time. Inefficient, and possibly ineffective. You are much better focusing on your proper fat loss nutrition and strength and interval workouts.

And you certainly don't have to do extreme amounts of cardio. But some people end up taking their fat loss activities to extremes. Making unhealthy, ineffective, and excessive choices.

For example, one reader emailed me about the 7 hours of cardio she did per week. She wondered why she wasn't losing ANY fat. That is an extreme amount of slow and steady cardio. Something I would never advise for a fat loss program. And she still wanted to do more!

I told her absolutely not. If 7 hours per week does't work for you, why would more? With that mentality, you'll end up spending every single non-working waking minute doing cardio. What kind of life is that?

Another reader wrote in about the pitfalls of her excessively low calorie diet...

"I'm on the weight loss track again. I found I wasn't eating enough calories (1000 kcal/day). Filling up on veggies is good (and I love them), but they don't have the calories. Eating walnuts/almonds helped get me there. Eating 1500+ is where I need to stay to lose weight and keep my energy up. I've dropped about 3 pounds this week."

Inside most people, there is going to be the urge to do more, eat less, or obsess even further about food and exercise when you are trying to reach a fitness or fat loss goal.

But taking eating and working out to the extremes is more often counterproductive, and in the long-run, downright unhealthy.

And the unfortunate thing is that the reader that emailed me about her 7 hours of ineffective aerobic training, was skeptical of the strength and interval workouts, because she didn't think it contained enough cardio.

But really, how much could be enough for this woman? 7 hours wasn't getting her any results. What did she want? 10 hours?

We need to understand that cardio is not the be-all and end-all of fat loss programs. There are many ways to burn fat and calories, not just by spending 60 minutes on an elliptical machine.

All you need are 3 workouts per week of 45 minutes per session. Do 20 minutes of total body strength training followed by 20 minutes of interval training. Then spend the rest of your week staying active through fun activities and focusing on whole, natural foods for your fat loss nutrition. No more extreme cardio!

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Motivation - What to Do When 'Life Happens'

Last week was one of those testing ones - you know, the ones with lots of lessons in them! The fact of the matter is that 'life happens'. Because we are only human, and not perfect, we err from our focus of comfort loving and return to comfort eating. Keeping a focus on happiness at these times is a lesson in itself.

So we turn to food when the going gets tough. Worse still, we then give ourselves a good mental beating for having eaten inappropriately. As all our negative messages flood back with vengeance, our focus on happiness and self-love disappears. How helpful is that? The stress that this causes only leads us into more inappropriate eating. It is all a vicious circle!

What we actually need is love, understanding and compassion from ourselves. We also need to refocus on the thoughts and actions that make us happy. The steps to take at these trying times are easy but unfamiliar so they require practice.

Remember, this is a new mindset, abundant with love and so if you have reached out inappropriately for food try the following steps...

1. Switch off the 'Negative Natterer' that fills you with guilt and shame.

2. Reflect on the situation with empathy and understanding.

3. Reflect on what learning you can gain from your present situation.

4. Make a list of all the positive signs of love that surround you.

5. Consider the actions you can take that are self-loving.


7. Praise yourself for your change of thoughts and actions.

No more berating yourself for being human. That is a certain way back into the trap of long-term comfort eating. Life is too short to be trapped in such a vicious cycle. Life is for living and for loving. And that means loving yourself enough to fill your life with happiness, not pain and torture, where food, weight and size are concerned.

The remarkable thing is that the more self-loving you are and the happier you make your life and thoughts, the more your lose weight. Watch how quickly you get back on track with your healthy eating when you practice this 7 step action plan. Watch the happiness flow back to you - you deserve it.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

18 Habits That Transform "Weight Loss Losers" Into "Weight Loss Goal Achievers"

1. We love ourselves. Our self-esteem is healthy and high.

2. We practice positivity and recognize that our positive attitude is key.

3. We squash our gremlin that continually whispers destructive self-criticism in our ears.

4. We work on busting through our self-limiting beliefs and thoughts so as to increase our self-awareness.

5. We monitor the content and quality of our thoughts. What we dwell upon in our mind becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

6. Realizing that Knowledge is Power we will overcome any concern of the unknown.

7. We focus with confidence on where we want to go and anticipate what we want.

8. We have a passion for our purpose. We know our goals clearly and specifically. We plan each element out and write it down in the first person as though we have achieved it.

9. Not only do we know where we want to go, but how we want to get there. As well as how to set up our environment to ensure achievement.

10. We accept total responsibility for our lives, what occurs to us, and the results of our actions.

11. We consciously relax regularly and let go.

12. We associate with other high achievers.

13. We understand the truth behind conditioning of beliefs and behaviors. We become what we think about.

14. Although there might be times of discomfort, we move forward with patience and faith, always knowing that success is certain.

15. We strive to feel good at what we do, knowing the impression it will have on our stress, health, happiness, etc. Through this mindset, we establish balanced goals towards a balanced life.

16. We plan continuously. We also review and as our lives evolve, we rewrite our plans.

17. We are strong-minded and unrelenting. We expect to suffer setbacks, disappointments and failures. But, pick ourselves up, carry on and look for the learning in our bumps in the road.

18. We prioritize and focus on whats most important, rather than on the trivial to do lists. There is never enough time to do the small things but always enough time to do the most essential things.

Copyright 2006 Jeff Cadwell
Positive Coaching


Jeff Cadwell
Maximum Life Coach
"Welcome to the beginning of the New YOU!"

I am a Life Coach who is passionate about empowering people to live more robust lives - physically, emotionally and spiritually. My specialty is people who are considering or have had Weight Loss Surgery.

How To Lose Weight Fast With These 6 Tips

One of the most common New Year resolutions is to know how to lose weight fast, so as to have a slimmer and sexier body. To lose weight fast and obtain a nice figure, it is no lofty ambition. Many people have already successfully lost weight and made their physiques look healthy and desirable.

Some people do not have the patience to wait for 6 months to successfully lose those extra pounds. But to lose weight fast and effectively, an over-weight should draft out a weight loss regime and stick religiously to it. Moreover, he or she needs to change four aspects of life: what to eat, how to eat, the behavior and activity level.

Let us get into discussion 6 tips that you can use to get rid of your extra pounds:

1. Design a weight loss plan which consists of the right mindset and exercise.

Begin by learning what a good diet plan consists of. Then, incorporate an exercise plan that allows at least 20 minutes a day. The best exercise to lose weight extremely fast is to slow jog for at least 45 minutes every day.

2. Set realistic goals.

To lose weight fast and effectively, you need have a positive mindset and focus your mind solely on getting rid of those extra pounds. Set realistic targets and work your way to it. With discipline and hard work, you will be able to see result very soon.

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

One reason why you develop a tummy is that the food remained in your stomach undigested for a long time. Before the food is digested, you eat again. This causes your tummy to grow bigger everyday. Therefore, eat more fibers and fruits to digest the food that you eat fast. This will make your stomach stay in shape as well as make you healthier.

4. Take small servings of meal.

Skipping meals is a bad way to lose fat. When you skip meal, you go hungry and your body will convert the food left into fats and store it for energy. Instead of skipping meal, take small servings of meal every day. By not skipping the essential 3 meals everyday, it also makes you healthier and more energetic for the day.

5. Keep away from fried foods.

Fried foods contain great amount of fats. Therefore, it is recommended for you NOT to take fried food if you want to lose weight fast. Go for lighter food with vegetables and end each meal with a fruit serving.

6. Drink enough water everyday.

Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday keeps your body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, your body must stay hydrated. Do not take soft drink often as soft drink consists of a lot of sugar and fats.

All in all, to lose weight effectively and fast, consistency and discipline is still the key to success. Good dieting and consistent exercise will result in faster weight loss than you can ever imagine.

Do you want more effective tips to lose weight faster? Get more effective tips to lose weight from my website below now...

Click Here --> More Effective Tips To Lose Weight Faster here

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the above resource box intact.

Dieting, Weight Loss & PSYCHOLOGY - Melissa's BREAKTHROUGH

One March afternoon in the spring of 2004, a client by the name of Melissa moped into my office for her weekly appointment. Melissa initially sought weight loss counseling because she weighed just over three hundred pounds.

"How'd it go this week?" I queried as we sat down for her consultation.
"Terrible." Disappointment, self-disapproval and her profound sense of failure oozed from her being. She gazed at the floor and avoided eye contact.
"Terrible, huh." I repeated. I was thinking that I have heard this hundreds, maybe thousands of times in my almost twenty years in practice helping people lose weight.
"What was so terrible? If I may ask..."
"It was my son's birthday week, and I had a piece of birthday cake. Then we went out for Mexican food, and I had some chips. I completely blew the diet."
"Ok," I responded in a soft tone that lets my clients know I am confident in my ability to help them. "May I ask you a couple of questions?"
"Sure," she muttered looking up only to reach for a tissue.
"In our work together, we've talked less about dieting and more about eating a minimum of five to six times per day. How many times did you eat in an average day this week?"
"Four to five." She dabbed the makeup at the corners of her eyes with the tissue.
"Ok... first... that's up from one to two times per day before you and I started working together.
That alone is definitely movement in the direction you want to go, right?"
"I guess." My acknowledgment clearly did NOT make her feel better.
"So that's about thirty eating events for the week, two were off target. How did the other twenty-eight stack up? Were they on target? Not on target?"
"No, they were pretty much on target."
I paused being sure that we made eye contact to drive the communication home, "Melissa, do you realize what you are telling me? Twenty-eight of your thirty eating events for the week were on target... but you had a terrible week?"
Understanding that the evidence simply weighed too heavily in my favor, she relented. "Yeah, I guess that doesn't make sense, does it?"
"No, it really doesn't. But in your defense, this is the way you have been trained to think by our compadres in the weight loss and diet industry - one 'mistake', and you have failed. You have 'broken' your diet. One 'mistake' completely and totally negates whatever you did that was on target."
I paused for emphasis. "Does it feel better when you realize that you were over ninety percent on target?"
"A LOT better. I didn't realize... I had no idea." she had stopped crying. "I have never thought of it like that." "I know. This is VERY common. This is one of the most important things that I help people with through this weight loss counseling. But that's not all, Melissa," I continued. "Last year and the year before, your son had a birthday week, right?"
"Yeah?" she wondered where I was going.
"Were you on a 'diet'?"
"What percentage of your diet would you say was on target during those weeks?"
"Oh... maybe ten percent if it was a good week," she countered with a little more spark. She put the tissue down.
"So... not only were you twenty-eight of thirty on target through a relatively difficult week this week. You were over ninety percent on target in contrast with maybe ten percent last year and the year before during the same week!"
She sat up. "Wow," she muttered in an understated tone. It seemed that she was a bit perplexed. "Wow!" Melissa was more animated now. "I guess that's pretty significant, huh?" she said with a calculated certainty. "Then I did good, didn't I," she had seen her accomplishment with clarity for the first time.
"From ten percent on target to ninety percent on target? I'd say so," I confirmed.
Melissa was alert, engaged and excited about her newly revealed accomplishment!

Is the psychological context in which the weight control endeavor is "held" important? It is BEYOND "important" - it is CRITICAL! Which Melissa is more likely to succeed at lifelong weight control? The Melissa disempowered and defeated Melissa who moped into my office or the Melissa who was empowered and accomplished a few minutes later?

That's the way it looks from here at The Castle.

Gary Avignon, a psychotherapist of almost 20 years (known affectionately as The Weight Wizard), specializes with food, nutrition and weight issues. He is the author of a revolutionary new book, Weight Wizardry 101: Introduction to The Psychology of Successful Weight Control. YOU can nab Chapter One, "The Single Biggest Secret That Causes Diet Failure", for *FREE* for a limited time at

Weight Loss Tricks - Use These Tricks To Stay Motivated

Weight loss tricks can mean the difference between losing 5lbs in a month and losing 15. Losing weight can be a long and difficult struggle, but if you know some little tricks and special techniques you can use, you can maximise your progress and reduce the amount of time you have to struggle for. Check out the rest of this article for some of the best weight loss tricks.


Start a weight graph. The worst weight loss tricks are the ones we play on ourselves when we kid ourselves about how much we are eating and how many workouts we miss etc, and you can easily combat this by starting a weight graph. Simply get some graph paper or simple squared paper and begin weighing yourself every day. Do it at the same time each day and make sure you are just in underwear, and then plot the results on the graph. Each week join the dots together, and you will have a real chart of your progress, good or bad.


Start a food diary. Another of the weight loss tricks perennial dieters like to play on themselves when we are trying to lose weight is where we "forget" about all the naughty stuff we've been eating and then act all surprised when we haven't lost anything in a while. Keep a food diary, and make a note of every single thing that you eat. Be honest, and be detailed. Note the sizes of the portions, and also the times of the day. Even better, if you know how many calories are in there, note that down too. Once you have your graph and your diary a couple of weeks you'll be able to see what it is that's making you have good days and bad days.


Drop the fast food. Even a little fast food, say once a week, as a treat, will set you back in your quest. Eating fast food is a weight loss trick that not even world champion dieters could pull off. The sheer amount of calories will make it tough for anyone to drop weight. It's not just the burgers, it's the fries too, and don't forget about the drinks. Huge amounts of sugar in those drinks. Some fast food meals contain almost a whole day's worth of calories. Fact! Now how can you expect to lose weight when you are eating 8 days worth of calories in a seven day week?


Have a target. If you only want to lose a few pounds, that's fine, but picture the exact number you want to lose. One of the weight loss tricks employed by super successful slimmers is to always have goals. Obesity is a growing problem which statistically affects most Americans, so if you'd like to lose more than a few, get some books on weight loss and body mass indexation. They will be able to teach you your healthy weight for your height. Once you know that, it gives you something to shoot for. Life's easier when there is a goal in sight.

Do you see how some simple weight loss tricks can make a huge difference? If you are trying to lose weight, these weight loss tricks will help you achieve far more than if you didn't know them. Check out the links below for some expert weight loss advice.

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